• Record Label: Spin Art
  • Release Date: Aug 2, 2005

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Penn’s most unified sounding record.
  2. When it works, like on the rousing, sentimental opener "Walter Reed," "On Automatic" and "Mary Lynn," Penn knocks the ball into the bleachers, but there's an over-flow of mid-tempo pieces about halfway through that bring the record to a standstill.
  3. Blender
    Happily, this structure is as mercifully loose as Penn's melodies are tight. [Aug 2005, p.113]
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    Many of the record's vivid, detail-heavy vignettes come off like PBS docs: intriguing but a bit dull. [5 Aug 2005, p.67]
  5. There's nothing as immediately or enduringly memorable as "No Myth," but it's a solid piece of work throughout.
  6. The best songs here suggest an alternate universe where Bob Dylan and George Harrison agreed to collaborate full-time.
  7. Mr. Hollywood Jr., 1947 won't win any awards for innovation and probably won't yield any radio hits, but that's perfect. This album isn't about creating the perfect pop song, but about creating a story that bridges generations.
  8. Paste Magazine
    Hollywood's fractured tale is underwritten by melancholy music that splits the difference between Mann's Bachelor #2 and Penn's MP4. [Oct/Nov 2005, p.138]
  9. Magnet
    Penn's precision in balancing melody, mood and texture throughout nicely counters the often-depressing subject matter. [#69, p.106]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 19
  2. Negative: 2 out of 19
  1. Nov 24, 2020
    Walter Reed alone would earn this album ten. The rest is almost as good, and up till now (2020) this is the best longplayer from Michael Penn.
  2. WX
    Oct 28, 2005
    I'm sorry... was I snoring? MP has a way of slicking me to sleep with that wash of gloss he puts over his moldering style and rusted-out I'm sorry... was I snoring? MP has a way of slicking me to sleep with that wash of gloss he puts over his moldering style and rusted-out concepts. Thanks for the nap. Full Review »
  3. RandyC
    Oct 3, 2005
    May take a few listens to get one's head around some of the sophistocated rhyme schemes and the period theme, but Penn's typically May take a few listens to get one's head around some of the sophistocated rhyme schemes and the period theme, but Penn's typically brilliant melodic structure and hooky chord patterns captivate relatively quickly. Fascinating imagery and meticulous production makes it more than just another example of great Beatlesque pop, but it's that, too! Another masterpiece of "literate, thinking person's pop" from one of the leaders of that sub-genre; easily one of the top 5 albums of 2005. Full Review »