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  1. Jan 22, 2020
    Em keep improving himself as the time passes. This album sounds fresh and innovative even if Eminem is not young anymore. Eminem showed to the world that he can stay current and at the same time be Eminem without copying anyone. Absolutely fantastic 10
  2. Jan 22, 2020
    Great album, excellent delivery. From Premonition to I will, this album is the best I've heard in a long time.
  3. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. man this is fuc*ing incredible, lyrically insane, all the songs are crazy as fuc*. please guys we have to give to em the best rating album of his life, so please give to em 10/10 score. Expand
  4. Jan 22, 2020
    Whats not to like? Beats good, production good, lyrics good, eminem good, shady good and fantano is a ****
  5. Jan 22, 2020
    Thematically veered always from what it was doing. Removing a few songs makes the album seem more cohesive. Raps are good, beats are good, features are good, subject matter is good. The only other complaint is that sometimes punchlines undercut the story or message.
  6. Jan 22, 2020
    This is his best album after the Eminem Show. I love this album and can’t stop listening to it
  7. Jan 22, 2020
    This album is GENIUS!!! Eminem is the GOAT - ain't even a discussion. Period.
  8. Jan 22, 2020
    The **** goes hard asf. The ones giving it **** ratings don’t know what music is
  9. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's too AMAZING!!!! **** y'all haters. He Da GOAT ya hoooooooes Pull up mofos I'm on a tricycle. Expand
  10. Jan 22, 2020
    His best album since Recovery. Ye fans admitting to not listening but reviewing it 0... LMAOOO. Peak stupidity. Anyways stream mtbmd
  11. Jan 22, 2020
    Nobody can make a better album than this. One of the fav album of all time..
  12. Jan 22, 2020
    A very solid 8.5 to 9 from me it’s his best album in years. Everything from production to features is a vast improvement.
  13. Jan 22, 2020
    Fireeeeeeee, best album since Relapse no doubt. Ppl who gave a 0, TPAB is ma nacho cheese
  14. Jan 22, 2020
    One of the best album of all time,, absolutely love it,, this is classic album
  15. Jan 22, 2020
    So many bangers. So long in the game and still puttin out great stuff. Really sick
  16. Jan 22, 2020
    Amazing mix of old school Eminem and modern style rap. Amazing come back after the whole revival L
  17. Jan 22, 2020
    A top 5 album of his. His best since The Marshall Mathers LP2. Although I did enjoy Revival and I believe it was highly over hated, I still enjoy this new album more.
  18. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O album apresenta uma bela produção e um bela lírica vindo do rapper Eminem, os feats foram todos excelentes e quase todas as músicas do album são agradáveis. Expand
  19. Jan 22, 2020
    The best since The Eminem Show, Marshall Mathers LP. Takes me back to the Relapse Era Eminem
  20. Omf
    Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing album loved every song from it. Its one of the most exhilarating albums thus far Expand
  21. Jan 22, 2020
    One of his best albums ever, all the features are great. It sounds mixed well, the beats are great and such a unique delivery
  22. Jan 22, 2020
    Great album, production is great stop hating why are you getting the score lower?, c'mon man le us enjoy our favorite artist
  23. Jan 22, 2020
    Simply A Masterpiece Album! Eminem Never Fails To Raise The Bar. The Rhymes, Storytelling, Message, Everything About This Album Is Amazing. My Personal Opinion This Is Top Three Eminem Album.
  24. Jan 22, 2020
    One of the best rap album of the last 10 years. Eminem still have a fantastic skill, he's a lyrical genius. I'm listening to it since it was out and cannot stop. I never skip a song, all tracks are amazing and he deserves to be called GOAT.
  25. Jan 22, 2020
    Absolute top notch album! Couldn’t of asked for anything better from Shady. The masterpiece Darkness that hits home for everyone, the Alfred Hitchcock skits, perfect features including technical ability of Slaughterhouse. Can’t remember the last time i have loved so many tracks on one album!
  26. Jan 22, 2020
    Album isn't what TES, MMLP, or SSLP were but this album is HEAT. Easily in his top 5. I'd put this album #4 ahead of Kamikaze #5. Delivery, schemes, bars, beats, and change of tempos, GOAT solidified
  27. Jan 22, 2020
    Do Brasil: álbum fantástico com letras geniais e batidas fantásticas. Música preferia You gon learn
  28. Jan 22, 2020
    Has some of his best songs and album consistency since the Eminem show. I love the intro, Eminem starts it by having the sounds of a woman dying and him burying her. This indicating shady was back in control. Then in the rest of the intro he talked about the struggle of trying to make the music he wants and how he can’t please everyone, including his haters all at once, so he is declaringHas some of his best songs and album consistency since the Eminem show. I love the intro, Eminem starts it by having the sounds of a woman dying and him burying her. This indicating shady was back in control. Then in the rest of the intro he talked about the struggle of trying to make the music he wants and how he can’t please everyone, including his haters all at once, so he is declaring that he’s just going to let loose on everyone who wants it. Throughout songs like you gon learn, Godzilla, yah yah, marsh, and I will; Em show cases his lyrically skill at its best. While on those kinda nights he reminisces back to his party days. He makes a banger with anderson.paak called Lock it up, which I took as Eminem saying that the haters almost got him but then he just locked it up before he could lose it. Expand
  29. Jan 22, 2020
    I don't know why people are hating this album so much its full of witty bars and meaning
  30. N2T
    Jan 22, 2020
    Cant turn it off. Brilliant album and Eminems flow is on point as always. Says offensive lines which is nothing new.. people just snowflakes now days.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Feb 11, 2020
    He clearly cares about his output, but “Music To Be Murdered By” is, unfortunately, another mixed bag of tricks, propped up by lyrical acrobatics and underwhelming production.
  2. 70
    If they look hard enough, any artist could find criticism of their work online. That’s sort of the curse of the Information Age. But not everyone overreacts quite as much as Eminem does. But if his fears grow tiring, his lyrical ability can still give you something to admire, even if the album is somewhat uneven.
  3. Jan 27, 2020
    It is not, strictly speaking, a good record—Eminem hasn’t made one of those in a decade—but it boasts enough technical command and generates just enough arresting ideas to hold your attention.