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  1. Jan 17, 2020
    Eminei e o rapper da decada sem duvida junto colaboração para combater o desarmamento nos estados unidos
  2. Jan 17, 2020
    this is his best album ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Jan 17, 2020
    Huge amount of respect to Marshall for turning his life around because we could have lost him years ago. While not everyone can relate to his music, I think this album is a culmination of the past few years where he's been regaining his footing. Technically he is impressive as ever. Sometimes the fast rapping can throw me off but take time to listen closely and it is incredible how hisHuge amount of respect to Marshall for turning his life around because we could have lost him years ago. While not everyone can relate to his music, I think this album is a culmination of the past few years where he's been regaining his footing. Technically he is impressive as ever. Sometimes the fast rapping can throw me off but take time to listen closely and it is incredible how his cadence and flow switches. Our brains literally cannot keep up with him and that is probably the reason why some people don't mess with Em. Favorite tracks: Premonition, Lock It Up, Darkness, You Gon' Learn, No Regrets. I give this a 9 out of 10. Expand
  4. Jan 17, 2020
    Probably the best Eminem album since The Eminem Show. Some slippings in the hooks, but a focused projesct, with amazing flows, great collaborations and wordplay level as sharp as ever.
  5. Jan 18, 2020
    Better than many of the reviews want it to be.
  6. Jan 18, 2020
    Just because he rapped about controversial issues should not deny the fact that this album is a lyrical masterpiece. I didn't understand completely, whom his anger was directed to.... but man, I won't want to be on the receiving end. There's hip hop, then there's Eminem. I mean i am still getting over the sick bars in this album..... Damn son!!!
  7. Jan 18, 2020
    Great album with great production , Eminem bring back his old slim shady and relapse era em , really great stuff
  8. Jan 18, 2020
    He best album since The Marshall Mathers LP in MY OPINION. Definitely worth the purchase.
  9. Jan 18, 2020
    It's one of his best albums since Relapse. Production, hooks and verses on point.
  10. Jan 19, 2020
    amazing surprise and also amazing music! strongly recommended! had a great time every time while listening to this piece of art :)
  11. Jan 20, 2020
    You need to listen and listen for real, even go and read out all the bars he's dropping, else almost everything will go over your head. Em is not about the beat (only), its about the message and hidden things he has to say to the audience! God, King, GOAT even these adjectives feel not enough to describe how genius he is! Simply unique. Leave them "journalists" searching for clout andYou need to listen and listen for real, even go and read out all the bars he's dropping, else almost everything will go over your head. Em is not about the beat (only), its about the message and hidden things he has to say to the audience! God, King, GOAT even these adjectives feel not enough to describe how genius he is! Simply unique. Leave them "journalists" searching for clout and dissing his entire album because of one line, made to bring attention to violence. Apparently it is okay when Ariana defends her ex boyfriend Pete for making a JOKE about it saying "Britney Spears didn't have a terrorist attack at her concert." implying Ariana is more famous because of that. But OH boy, it's a hell storm when Em references it. Get over yourselves and your double standards.
    Peace out.
  12. Jan 20, 2020
    This album is straight fire! Production, beats, hooks and the features are amazing! The whole project is a banger. One of his classics and his best album since TES
  13. Jan 18, 2020
    It’s a great album with a variety of songs. It’s a return to form for Eminem as a lyricist. This album gave me some vibes of earlier works like The Eminem Show. Great album. Great songs. Don’t take my word for it though. Listen to the album and see what you think.
  14. Jan 18, 2020
    Em once again shows that age is just a number. Still the best rapper. The album is great with great beat and production, thanks to Dr.Dre and great collab with Skylar Grey and Royce da 5'9
  15. Jan 18, 2020
    Eminem chose way better beats this time.
    As far as lyrics it was a clinic. Lyrical wizardry.
    Most of the hooks were dope too.
    Darkness is the most serious one that addresses an important subject that somehow from what i read people still found something to **** about.
    Whether you like it or not this **** with guns needs to be dealt for real.
    Anyway it was a bar fest.
  16. Jan 19, 2020
    The record’s intro, “Premonition”,
    (Revival flopped, came back and I scared the crap out 'em
    But Rolling Stone stars, I get two and a half outta Five, and I'll laugh out loud 'Cause that's what they gave BAD back in the day Which actually made me not feel as bad now, 'cause If it happened to James It can happen to Shady They do the same **** to Brady) i will never understand a
    The record’s intro, “Premonition”,
    (Revival flopped, came back and I scared the crap out 'em
    But Rolling Stone stars, I get two and a half outta
    Five, and I'll laugh out loud
    'Cause that's what they gave BAD back in the day
    Which actually made me not feel as bad now, 'cause
    If it happened to James
    It can happen to Shady
    They do the same **** to Brady)

    i will never understand a "critics" review, not only are they being biased but every time the majority of the public likes something the "critics" review is so far off from the public's and this isn't just being represented in music but in movies and video games alike. How can the same reviewer give Revival a higher score than Kamikaze? This goes for a handful of other "critics", particularly a "critic" giving Revival 80 but Music To Be Murdered By a 40. This just proves how out of touch and easily offended these people are, trying to force Eminem and other artists that are not only in music to be politically correct and its making entertainment for the culture booorrring. "The album opens with a woman being murdered, referring to the album’s title and foreshadowing its theme. Who’s committing this act…? Eminem is talking to his alter ego, as he digs Slim Shady up, letting him out of his grave." -Genius annotation user: Toonamiguy
    This album is filled with lines that you just run in your head over and over for so long like it just hooks you in and you'll rewind just to hear it again. That is Slim Shady for you. Sick beats, excellent production especially the 4 tracks Dr. Dre helped produce, tasteful features and a lyrical masterpiece. Eminem has topped the already successful Kamikaze with Music To Be Murdered By!
  17. Jan 18, 2020
    Eminem's 11th studio album sound different! "Music to Be Murdered By" sound really great! I love it. Great great album! Bravo EMINEM!
  18. Jan 20, 2020
    Marsh, you gon learn, in too deep, premonition, little engine>>>>this is his best album since TES.
    The best MC alive.
  19. Jan 17, 2020
    Eminem just came to destroys everyone including Ariana. Well done, king. SHADY IS BACK‼
  20. Jan 17, 2020
    Omg, this album is fuc*ing great. If you have liked, goodnight, wherever you are.
  21. Jan 17, 2020
    Em's in good shape, pure wordsmith
    Some of the best production on Eminem album since.... ever :D
  22. Jan 18, 2020
    This is album absolute unfair in the Rap Game. It's Insane and I can't believe how Good Eminem is. However, because of a fan base, they try to make this bad... Anyway, It's an amazing album by Eminem. I just want to say that fan base that Eminem raised around 2€ Million for the victims and what you did? don't skip music just because you get offended easily.
  23. Jan 18, 2020
    One of his best albums, amazing lyrics, great features, every song could be a single
  24. Jan 19, 2020
    Eminem is a genius. This album is great. As lame and cliche as I feel writing the next sentence “haters gone hate.”
  25. Jan 19, 2020
    Very good, I like it, Eminem do best rap in this time, I wanna thank u Eminem for this album, Very food and very good I don’t speak English so I tried to write this comment cuz meta critic don’t like to just my rate it want from me to write this comment so I wrote it like my... like my... like a drake lyrics I don’t know what to saint how to learn English language damn Idk really myVery good, I like it, Eminem do best rap in this time, I wanna thank u Eminem for this album, Very food and very good I don’t speak English so I tried to write this comment cuz meta critic don’t like to just my rate it want from me to write this comment so I wrote it like my... like my... like a drake lyrics I don’t know what to saint how to learn English language damn Idk really my English so bad pls help me HELLP ME PLs Expand
  26. Jan 22, 2020
    one of the best álbuns I ever heart

    eminem is still a very good rapper omfg
  27. Jan 17, 2020
    The best album since recovery. Amazing production, vocals, and features. Only a few week tracks. The best way to start off the new decade!!
  28. Jan 18, 2020
    This is mind blowing man, still at the top of the game, this man is a legend
  29. Jan 22, 2020
    Guess whos back...
    The goat with one of his bests in years.
    As funny as Relapse, as lovely as Recovery and as savage as MMLP.
  30. Jan 19, 2020
    Best album since TES, good job

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Feb 11, 2020
    He clearly cares about his output, but “Music To Be Murdered By” is, unfortunately, another mixed bag of tricks, propped up by lyrical acrobatics and underwhelming production.
  2. 70
    If they look hard enough, any artist could find criticism of their work online. That’s sort of the curse of the Information Age. But not everyone overreacts quite as much as Eminem does. But if his fears grow tiring, his lyrical ability can still give you something to admire, even if the album is somewhat uneven.
  3. Jan 27, 2020
    It is not, strictly speaking, a good record—Eminem hasn’t made one of those in a decade—but it boasts enough technical command and generates just enough arresting ideas to hold your attention.