• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Mar 6, 2007
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 918 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 28 out of 918

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  1. wander
    Feb 23, 2007
    so great and beautiful like funeral welcome to the radiohead´s room, arcade!
  2. DaveH
    Feb 6, 2007
    A bit of a different direction than Funeral, but this group still makes an amazing record. Some people will call it Springsteen-like, but it's more that it's got some rock and roll tracks on it. Beautiful follow-up album.
  3. MichaelF
    Feb 7, 2007
  4. dojd
    Mar 11, 2007
  5. JohnnyS
    Mar 12, 2007
    Another average release from a mediocre band. There is simply a total lack of hooks or really anything solid to keep you coming back. No Cars Go is a good track though, if a little U2-ish.
  6. jaym
    Mar 12, 2007
    great, really good. give it a 10 (only because funeral gets a 10.5). Alot of the time I hate when cds get slowed right down with softer tracks, but theres a few on this one and they sync great with the album.
  7. ElizabethP
    Mar 13, 2007
    Definitely musically/instrumentally good as "Funeral". The lyrics are better but that's about it. There are only 2 really solid songs on the album "Black MIrror" and "My Body is a Cage". I impatiently waited 3 years for the followup to "Funeral" and boy am I disappointed. The GREAT band from Montreal have gotten too comfortable with their critically acclaimed status and have settled Definitely musically/instrumentally good as "Funeral". The lyrics are better but that's about it. There are only 2 really solid songs on the album "Black MIrror" and "My Body is a Cage". I impatiently waited 3 years for the followup to "Funeral" and boy am I disappointed. The GREAT band from Montreal have gotten too comfortable with their critically acclaimed status and have settled for mediocrity. But I still listen to "Funeral" to remind myself what an epic band the Arcade Fire used to be. Expand
  8. LukeR
    Mar 13, 2007
    I listened to this album expecting another "Funeral", and it didn't do that, so the first listen was dissapointing. Subsequent listens really dawn on you the fact that this is not at all a bad thing, a really enjoyable album.
  9. JonP
    Mar 13, 2007
    It must be nice to be a critically acclaimed band. The first album is at least an 8, while this languishes in the 5-6 range and yet it gets glowing reviews. It's boring. There is no Power Out. There is no Haiti. A colossal disappointment.
  10. MichaelC
    Mar 14, 2007
    I don't own Funeral, so I can't really rate their "new" sound. But man, this cd is amazing. So emotional you almost want to go in to mourning for all the trajedies sung about. Every song is beautifully written and composed. Easily one of the best groups to come out of the recent burst of canadian bands. This is what music should be. Turn off the radio, which only seems capable I don't own Funeral, so I can't really rate their "new" sound. But man, this cd is amazing. So emotional you almost want to go in to mourning for all the trajedies sung about. Every song is beautifully written and composed. Easily one of the best groups to come out of the recent burst of canadian bands. This is what music should be. Turn off the radio, which only seems capable of spewing out trash from Hinder and Nickleback, and dish out ten bucks for this. If you don't like it, you don't like rock or art (which music should be). Expand
  11. LS
    Mar 15, 2007
    Not great, not bad
  12. MorganG
    Mar 16, 2007
    BEWARE of the sophomore curse! A sadly, uninspiring CD. Arcade FIre, you can do better this!
  13. EthanS
    Mar 16, 2007
    Wow. Just wow. Neon Bible has that certain something that all truly great albums somehow manage. More than being an easy favorite for Album of the year, Neon Bible may very well go down as Album of the Decade.
  14. EvanS
    Mar 17, 2007
    A huge fan of Funeral, I just don't get this album. The band pulls the same rally cry intended to put you on your feet but left me scratching my head. Why must every song on this album end sound like a potential theme song for the Olympics? Pure cheese. They can do better.
  15. Andy
    Mar 17, 2007
    Neon Bible doesn't hold gems like Crown of Love and Rebellion (Lies), but overall; it has many more great tracks. Slightly darker, almost goth, but it is one hell of an album.
  16. SteveD
    Mar 18, 2007
    I will not enter the "funeral vs neon bible" argument for now as I feel that it is going to make for great conversation and debate 10-12 years from now. Probably in the same way that we now review definitely maybe and morning glory against each other or assess the bends against o.k computer. All I will say based on my first 8 or so listens is that the quality of musicianship on show here I will not enter the "funeral vs neon bible" argument for now as I feel that it is going to make for great conversation and debate 10-12 years from now. Probably in the same way that we now review definitely maybe and morning glory against each other or assess the bends against o.k computer. All I will say based on my first 8 or so listens is that the quality of musicianship on show here is of an astoundingly high level. The world-wide critical acclaim is justified and even this early in their career their place in history amongst rock music's elite seems assured. Expand
  17. sam
    Mar 2, 2007
    their transcendent qualities are evident even if this record isn't quite perfect.
  18. MihaiV
    Mar 2, 2007
    Easily album of the year so far. They've done it again. This is music for the ages.
  19. MattM
    Mar 2, 2007
    Brilliant follow-up perfectly captures the anxiety of our times.
  20. JoeG
    Mar 2, 2007
    Not as immediately gripping as Funeral was, but after a few listens, I can honestly say that I prefer this to Funeral. The songs seem to have more focus, the album seems more connected, and the organ sounds incredible on the tracks they use it on.
  21. FredH
    Mar 2, 2007
    I can't be bored of this album...best of 2007 so far. Good second album... great lyric...great song wow!!! Watch out they're coming again !!!
  22. DubyaU
    Mar 2, 2007
    Beautiful and on par with Funeral. To everyone who says this band is undeserving of such praise should probably go get their ears checked.
  23. EliasK.
    Mar 23, 2007
    Doomsday never sounded so good.
  24. WallyZ
    Mar 23, 2007
    Read the Playlouder review if you want a good laugh. To describe any song on this album as "bloody rubbish" is unbelievable! I cannot understand it. Like those who gave Kid A a bad review when that first came out, these reviewers will be made to eat their words. This is one of the greatest albums ever made. No exageration. Every track is brilliant. The passion Win Butler puts into his Read the Playlouder review if you want a good laugh. To describe any song on this album as "bloody rubbish" is unbelievable! I cannot understand it. Like those who gave Kid A a bad review when that first came out, these reviewers will be made to eat their words. This is one of the greatest albums ever made. No exageration. Every track is brilliant. The passion Win Butler puts into his songs is immense. If you picked out any one of these songs, it would be better than any song in the top 10 singles chart. I could not be happier with this follow up to the greatest album of all time, Funeral. Expand
  25. davew
    Mar 24, 2007
    fantastic live set in brixton
  26. rubenn.
    Mar 24, 2007
  27. rays
    Mar 24, 2007
  28. TonyS
    Mar 25, 2007
    This is a brilliant album wothy of ten out of ten any day, but the thing is, it has actually made me appreciate funeral even more. These guys are the best live band in the universe too!!
  29. JosephA
    Mar 26, 2007
    This is a really good album, but the production is piss poor. Everything is covered by everything else leaving little room for any of the instrumentation to shine. The lyrics are great and the arrangements and songwriting as well. But unfortunately, its all very cramped and mono for such colorful instrumentation. A shame really.
  30. JamsieJ
    Mar 28, 2007
    I am a HUGE fan and ABSOLUTELY adore FUNERAL - it's my fav record. Neon Bible is very good too but not as thrilling as Funeral. It's like they're playing to a bigger audience with the anthemic nature of some of the songs. No Cars Go is still brilliant and i really like Intervention, Black Mirror, The Well and The Lighthouse plus the doom-laden feel to My Body is a Cage.

Universal acclaim - based on 46 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 46
  2. Negative: 0 out of 46
  1. So, Funeral was by no means a fluke. The Arcade Fire are unquestionably the real deal. And to prove it they’ve now thrown in another contender for ‘best record of the decade’.
  2. The Canadian septet are the greatest art rock group since Talking Heads stopped making sense.
  3. Alternative Press
    While devotees of Funeral... will surely enjoy Neon Bible, the album does have a decidedly different feel than its predecessor--mainly, there seems to be less of an emphasis on choruses. [Apr 2007, p.182]