• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Mar 6, 2007
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 918 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 28 out of 918

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  1. RJM.
    Nov 10, 2007
    stupid stupid stupid. vacuous social commentary. even worse production. funeral had a few good moments; this has fewer.
  2. JimH
    Dec 28, 2007
    Disappointingly mundane follow-up that makes me think that I overestimated its predecessor. This has some good songs toward the end but this seems like a band that's already losing momentum.
  3. SteveM
    Feb 13, 2007
    It's not as quick to get going and suck you in as Funeral was, but as a whole, it's just as good, if not better. By combining some amazing new ideas with their old familier techniques, the Arcade Fire have created a masterpiece. It would be a huge understatement to simply say that they "avoided the sophomore slump". Too many great tracks to name here, but Intervention, My Body It's not as quick to get going and suck you in as Funeral was, but as a whole, it's just as good, if not better. By combining some amazing new ideas with their old familier techniques, the Arcade Fire have created a masterpiece. It would be a huge understatement to simply say that they "avoided the sophomore slump". Too many great tracks to name here, but Intervention, My Body is a Cage, and Windowsill rank among my favorites. Expand
  4. T.Speaker
    Feb 15, 2007
    It's really too bad that "Neon Bible" is going to garner critical acclaim simply because it's from the Arcade Fire. This is a decent album, but some tracks are far too repetitious (My Body is a Cage), and others don't take their potent melodies anywhere (Keep the Car Running). Thankfully, songs like "Intervention" and "Black Waves/Bad Vibrations" save the record from mediocrity.
  5. CaitlinS
    Feb 17, 2007
    I love the arcade fire!
  6. DanC
    Feb 23, 2007
    A powerful statement on the state of the world surrounding by the hum of an organ. Not Funeral 2.0 by any means and thats a good thing. An inventive band that time will show as the first great band of the 00's.
  7. Danny
    Feb 26, 2007
    At first, I was a bit worried about how different the album sounds from Funeral, but after 15 or so listens, I have made a strong connection to each of the 11 tracks. Once again, Arcade Fire gets the job done!
  8. GeorgeH
    Feb 27, 2007
    It's good, but nowhere near Funeral.
  9. TylerF
    Feb 27, 2007
    Not nearly as good as Funeral. But still a strong album. Favorite tracks are 'Keep the Car Running', 'Intervention' and the revamped version of old EP favorite 'No Cars Go'.
  10. Erin
    Mar 11, 2007
    There's no need to compare this album to Funeral, and its great anyways.
  11. MattT
    Mar 11, 2007
    Neon Bible is changing my life.
  12. daveg
    Mar 12, 2007
    pretty good, but no funeral
  13. TroyM
    Mar 12, 2007
    Why would you want it to be like "Funeral"? This real music performed on real instruments, which is infinitely more interesting than the 'manufactured' music that is cluttering our world today.
  14. DickB
    Mar 14, 2007
    If Neon Bible hadn't been preceded by Funeral, it's hard to tell where the album would fall in terms of popularity and critical success. It's an incredible and intense album, but since it's also a "follow up" and "much anticipated" album, the stakes are higher and the masses are quick to rain down "it's good, yes. But "Funeral"..." If Neon Bible had been the first If Neon Bible hadn't been preceded by Funeral, it's hard to tell where the album would fall in terms of popularity and critical success. It's an incredible and intense album, but since it's also a "follow up" and "much anticipated" album, the stakes are higher and the masses are quick to rain down "it's good, yes. But "Funeral"..." If Neon Bible had been the first to arrive, and Funeral had followed after, what would people say then? Expand
  15. ScottW
    Mar 16, 2007
    What happened to the Arcade Fire? They've abandoned their signature sound from the EP and Funeral just to sound gloomy and depressed. This album is average except for the song "No Cars Go" which is originally on the EP. The melodies are bland and Regine's voice sounds shrill and discordant, unlike her eerie and beautiful singing on Funeral. I think people are pretending the What happened to the Arcade Fire? They've abandoned their signature sound from the EP and Funeral just to sound gloomy and depressed. This album is average except for the song "No Cars Go" which is originally on the EP. The melodies are bland and Regine's voice sounds shrill and discordant, unlike her eerie and beautiful singing on Funeral. I think people are pretending the album is better than it really is because they don't want to sacrifice their view of the Arcade Fire as THE great band of the century. Expand
  16. ByronTheBulb
    Mar 18, 2007
    I don't quite understand why so many listeners are slagging this album. It's more ambitious than Funeral, with a more diverse, expansive sound. There's no one track that stands out as a hit single, but there are lots of amazing songs that grow on you if you give them a chance. My only complaint is that I could have done without the remake of "No Cars Go" from their first I don't quite understand why so many listeners are slagging this album. It's more ambitious than Funeral, with a more diverse, expansive sound. There's no one track that stands out as a hit single, but there are lots of amazing songs that grow on you if you give them a chance. My only complaint is that I could have done without the remake of "No Cars Go" from their first EP; it's not really an improvement on the original. Expand
  17. JonathanH
    Mar 18, 2007
    Avoids the mid-album doldrum that inhabited Funeral's otherwise spectacular album. One of the few times where a band leaves its "little room" for bigger production values, without losing any of the original magic. I tend to frown on too much social commentary, but what commentary is present on the album is not overblown (though it occasionally approaches it). Musically, its wonderful Avoids the mid-album doldrum that inhabited Funeral's otherwise spectacular album. One of the few times where a band leaves its "little room" for bigger production values, without losing any of the original magic. I tend to frown on too much social commentary, but what commentary is present on the album is not overblown (though it occasionally approaches it). Musically, its wonderful (always one of the bands stronger points). While trying not to replicate Funeral, they don't do a 180 either. Well paced, and song placement was pitch-perfect (though Win may not always be). Best cuts (besides the exhultant "Intervention" and the revisitation of "No Cars Go") are the sensational "My Body is a Cage" and "Antichrist Television Blues." Bravo! Expand
  18. michaelb
    Mar 22, 2007
    It gets better with each listen. Just like the first one, really. No one I think thought every song on Funeral was fantastic the first few times they heard it. Likewise. There are a few songs that really do stand out immediately though. Black Mirror, Ocean of Noise, Antichrist Television Blues, Intervention (which I remember from their last tour) and the my current fave My Body is a Cage. It gets better with each listen. Just like the first one, really. No one I think thought every song on Funeral was fantastic the first few times they heard it. Likewise. There are a few songs that really do stand out immediately though. Black Mirror, Ocean of Noise, Antichrist Television Blues, Intervention (which I remember from their last tour) and the my current fave My Body is a Cage. That was on the first few listens, but the other songs now are establishing themselves in my mental jukebox too. Expand
  19. dana
    Mar 23, 2007
    Lumpen. These guys seem to be the most acclaimed band going at the moment which is a great shame to older North American indie bands who have blazed trails for 15/20 years to go virtually unrecognized and have these guys take the plaudits. Indie music died in 2004, the niche is being exploited. Thing is,the music isn't so bad but like Coldplay it's horribly average and been done Lumpen. These guys seem to be the most acclaimed band going at the moment which is a great shame to older North American indie bands who have blazed trails for 15/20 years to go virtually unrecognized and have these guys take the plaudits. Indie music died in 2004, the niche is being exploited. Thing is,the music isn't so bad but like Coldplay it's horribly average and been done better before. Don't believe the hype. Expand
  20. RodneyG
    Mar 26, 2007
    This is the best 2nd album that I've ever heard from any band. Instantly likeable, dare I say this may be close to my favorite of all time: NMH: Aeroplane? :/ hmm. damn.
  21. DMarsh
    Mar 29, 2007
    I listened to Funeral at least 200 times and saw them live many times... and Neon Bible more than met my ridiculously high expectations. However, it doesn't really flow like an album should and I doubt that the live performances of this second batch of songs will match the energy of Wake Up and company.
  22. AdanT
    Mar 31, 2007
    A lush wall of sound of an album; a recording that may as well sit with the best of the decade.
  23. ValdisP
    Apr 12, 2007
    A fantastic CD and the best album of 2007 so far
  24. PondC
    Apr 17, 2007
    The unpredictable moods and styles, lots of music instruments and vocal style are well differentiated them from other indy bands.
  25. thythi
    Apr 25, 2007
    Hypnotic melodies, wall of sound, the perfect soundtrack for springtime...
  26. tbone
    Apr 29, 2007
    Ugg. So many bad things to say. Like Destroyer and New Pornographers, you gotta either love em or hate em. I don't buy the schtick. barely veiled ripoffs of better artists. Too many gimicks. Overly bombastic. Pam Anderson remains the best thing to come out of Canada by alot.
  27. BenK
    May 11, 2007
    Best album of 2007 so far. It's the effing sex. Are we allowed to say fuck on here? Well anyhoo, it's amazing. I love the epic sound to all of their songs.
  28. JayW
    May 14, 2007
    Honestly, I think this is the best album released this year. Pretty freaking awesome. I just really like it in every way. Catchy, yet experimental tunes.
  29. BrianH.
    Jun 19, 2007
    The disc is aging like a good wine. Not only does this band deserve the hype, it should be a requirement for any music fan to see them live once in thier life. Amazing LP.
  30. ClaireJ.
    Jun 23, 2007
    This album rewards the music fan who is interested in originality and a big art-rock sound. It just keeps growing on me -- I listened to it twice before bumping it up to a rating of 8, then it was up to a 9, and every time I've listened since, I find more musicality and a deeper groove to these unusual tracks.

Universal acclaim - based on 46 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 46
  2. Negative: 0 out of 46
  1. So, Funeral was by no means a fluke. The Arcade Fire are unquestionably the real deal. And to prove it they’ve now thrown in another contender for ‘best record of the decade’.
  2. The Canadian septet are the greatest art rock group since Talking Heads stopped making sense.
  3. Alternative Press
    While devotees of Funeral... will surely enjoy Neon Bible, the album does have a decidedly different feel than its predecessor--mainly, there seems to be less of an emphasis on choruses. [Apr 2007, p.182]