• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: May 6, 2014

Universal acclaim - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 38
  2. Negative: 0 out of 38
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  1. The Wire
    Jul 21, 2014
    Nikki Nack is a terrific album with charm and invention to spare. [Jun 2014, p.58]
  2. Nikki-Nack is an outstanding successor to W h o k i l l and the year’s most memorable pop album yet.
  3. Jun 19, 2014
    Garbus' greatest asset remains her voice. That wail she employs as a macabre bedtime croon carries in it more than child's play.
  4. Uncut
    Jun 6, 2014
    An album bursting with adventure and originality. [Jul 2014, p.83]
  5. Q Magazine
    May 20, 2014
    A unique and thrilling voice forging a new folk tradition. [Jun 2014, p.122]
  6. Magnet
    May 19, 2014
    It's freeing and inspiring and a wondrous odyssey of class-consciousness. [No. 109, p.58]
  7. Mojo
    May 15, 2014
    A more contemplative tUnE-yArDs? No bad thing when the goose-bumping post-punk gloaming of Time Of Dark is among the unexpected bonus. [Jun 2014, p.88]
  8. May 12, 2014
    The result is a thoroughly cross-cultural album dripping with soul and iconoclasm. It’s fun, too.
  9. May 7, 2014
    There are no immediate anthems like whokill's "Bizness" or "Gangsta." But these 13 tracks hum and bounce with contagious enthusiasm, posing a challenge worth rising to.
  10. May 7, 2014
    At certain points in Nikki Nack, like the track Manchild, her quirkiness feels out of reach, but it always comes back down again to teach you a little something about life, love and letting creativity shine through.
  11. Alternative Press
    May 6, 2014
    The result is another unique and captivating record, one that melds dancehall reggae, hip-hop, Haitian percussion and a dozen other styles as if they were always meant to be together. [Jun 2014, p.111]
  12. May 6, 2014
    The self-harmonization superimposed over extreme syncopation and electronic looping on nikki nack sometimes teeters on too heady.
  13. May 6, 2014
    Nikki Nack, Garbus’ third effort, is polished, meticulously produced, and very much a studio effort.
  14. May 6, 2014
    For tUnE-yArDs, definition remains elusive and extraordinary.
  15. May 6, 2014
    tUnE-yArDs' bright and playful exterior might deter some, but Garbus and Brenner bask in quirk without it ever clouding the tracks' overall purposes.
  16. May 6, 2014
    Sure, there aren’t quite the visceral heights that the best tracks on w h o k i l l provided, but you will not be thinking that during Nikki Nack’s best moments. Listen to the words she says, let them sink into your head.
  17. May 6, 2014
    Gone is the chipper ukulele of w h o k i l l and BiRd-BrAiNs; Nikki Nack signifies maturity while still allowing room for Garbus to do zany things.
  18. May 6, 2014
    Garbus’ approach to her lyrics is indicative of tUne-yArDs’ artistic mindset as a whole, as she lets her creative energies run free while never losing sight of a sense of purpose and meaning to Nikki Nack.
  19. May 6, 2014
    Her third LP, cut with bass-minded partner Nate Brenner, suggests an innovator in for the long haul.
  20. 91
    The album thrums with vitality and elation.
  21. May 5, 2014
    Sonically, Nikki Nack is a joyous record which sees Gabril bursting at the seams with restless energy and tremendous creativity.
  22. The songs splatter unpredictably with little concern for cohesion, forming a whole that is emphatically unique.
  23. May 5, 2014
    It's an oddly nourishing album that's as big a step forward for tUnE-yArDs as W H O K I L L was from Bird-Brains.
  24. May 5, 2014
    Rarely does an album consider life's eternal struggles in quite this way: searching for answers with its eyes wide open, and silly string in its hair.
  25. May 5, 2014
    She may sing about her belief in herself faltering, but her sincerity is actually stronger than ever. The victory here isn't just that Nikki Nack betters Whokill by beefing up its feral ferocity with more sophisticated chops, or that she triumphed over her detractors by proving she hadn't already peaked. Garbus found power in a hopeless place.
  26. May 5, 2014
    Because despite the weight that this album carries, the overall feel is of a celebration of life itself.
  27. May 5, 2014
    The dance songs on here awaken muscles of yours that might have fallen asleep over the last few years.
  28. May 2, 2014
    At times, there seems to be almost too much to process in Nikki Nack, and it’s true that this is certainly an album that repays multiple listens and complete immersion. That immersion will pay dividends, for Merrill Garbus has produced yet another deftly thrilling listen.
  29. 85
    Nikki Nack frantically succeeds on so many levels. Garbus ticks every box with aplomb and swagger, making a record that’s confrontational, boundary-bending, enigmatic, topical and sheer fun outside the usual channels.
  30. May 2, 2014
    This is invigorating, wilful and wildly exuberant--and one senses an invitation to collaboration with David Byrne might be in the post.
  31. May 1, 2014
    It's the force of Garbus's personality that holds these clashing parts together, her blunt promise that "I've got something to say"--and her surprising sense of fun.
  32. May 1, 2014
    At its best, it’s the purest yet expression of Garbus’ exploration of the corporeal: an album with sounds you can see, a voice you can feel, and music you can all but touch.
  33. 83
    On her third full-length, Nikki Nack, her love of music that's rich with history still makes for propulsive listening, even if some references are willfully obscure.
  34. May 1, 2014
    Her pipes stand out most on Wait For A Minute: interestingly enough, it’s when she sounds softest (surrounded by cool R&B-inspired synth lines) that she’s most commanding.

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User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 56 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 47 out of 56
  2. Negative: 3 out of 56
  1. May 6, 2014
    Nikki Nack is energy, vibrant, fresh. album is a tribal party with interesting sounds. Merrill makes charming crazy music. Best songs on theNikki Nack is energy, vibrant, fresh. album is a tribal party with interesting sounds. Merrill makes charming crazy music. Best songs on the album are: Water Fountain, Sink-O, Stop that man & Wait for a Minute. i think this is her Magnum opus. well done Merrill! Full Review »
  2. Oct 30, 2014
    Tune Yards' Nikki Nack is about as creative as it is nuts. And that's what makes it such a genuinely lovable album for me. The music isTune Yards' Nikki Nack is about as creative as it is nuts. And that's what makes it such a genuinely lovable album for me. The music is experimental, but never overdone, and suits the mad, play-fullness of her voice, and with some more serious moments in there as well (Time of Dark) it is proven Tune Yards is a talented artist in her ability to entertain us and also have fun whilst doing so as well, which you can hear very clearly. Full Review »
  3. Jul 24, 2014
    This is, in my opinion, better than her sophomore album. Much more accessible; it has music that's rich in layers (Hey Life), and sometimes isThis is, in my opinion, better than her sophomore album. Much more accessible; it has music that's rich in layers (Hey Life), and sometimes is catchy as hell (Wait for a Minute).

    Of course, sometimes it's not so good either, which is one of the two things keeping this album from achieving true greatness. The other would be the vocals. It's inconsistent. Not only in style (which i don't mind), but in quality as well (and that i do). Some tracks have really excellent singing (Water Fountain), while in other she's basically shouting the whole track (Rocking Chair).

    Unfortunately, a big part of the album has one of the problems, or the two of them together. That doesn't make it a bad album by any means. It's still excellent, but not the classic it could have been.
    Full Review »