
Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 28
  2. Negative: 2 out of 28
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  1. 60
    A Brief Inquiry is a hard album to top, and Notes is, perhaps, the most disjointed and unclassifiable of the 1975’s works. It serves best, perhaps, as a long and intermittently lovely outro to that defining record.
  2. Jun 16, 2020
    Notes on a Conditional Form is a fantastic 12 track, 45-minute album. It’s just a shame that The 1975 decided to make it into a 22 track, 80 minute one. There’s certainly enough going on to recommend repeat listens, but the quality level waxes and wanes so much throughout that it won’t take you too long to find your favorites and start returning to just those.
  3. May 22, 2020
    Notes on a Conditional Form is The 1975 as we know them – just good enough to not be bad.
  4. Uncut
    May 22, 2020
    It's unwieldy, cheesy, overlong, confusing and, just occasionally, inspired. [Jul 2020, p.25]
  5. May 22, 2020
    Notes On A Conditional Form feels less like a 1975 album than it does a hodgepodge collection of songs by a band trying on various sonic identities to see what fits. If anything, to understand and appreciate the record, don’t approach it as an album-length statement from one band, but as a personalized, diverse playlist curated by a favorite human tastemaker.
  6. May 22, 2020
    When they're playing to their strengths, the 1975 provide a robust platform for Healey’s witty, romantic, confused yet always committed interrogation of the essential artifice of his role as reluctant rock star with a conscience, shouting into a void already filled with the echoes of other voices. Like many double albums, there is a fine single album here fighting to get out. If only.
  7. May 22, 2020
    The tracks that follow are, simply put, eclectic. At times, almost frustratingly so.
  8. May 21, 2020
    This album takes a different, more meandering approach compared to Brief Inquiry, and that may be its greatest weakness: Notes on a Conditional Form is simply too long. ... Still, where Notes works, the 1975 prove themselves to be surprisingly efficient craftsmen, even as they sound ridiculous.
  9. May 21, 2020
    It makes Notes on a Conditional Form a curious thing, an album whose flaws are inherent in what it sets out to do: music for the no-filter generation, with all the good and bad that entails.
  10. May 20, 2020
    Where A Brief Inquiry… excelled due to its exceptional pop songwriting and well-calculated sonic departures, Notes… is far too ambitious and self-aware (“Will I live and die in a band?”) for its own good.
  11. Mojo
    May 19, 2020
    Earnestness often rules. ... They're better at slushy, Radio 1 epics and louder, brasher tracks. [Jul 2020, p.78]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 200 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 31 out of 200
  1. May 22, 2020
    I tried to like it but every other song is an autotuned mess. Matt's completely lost his mind (probably all the drugs and weed he
    I tried to like it but every other song is an autotuned mess. Matt's completely lost his mind (probably all the drugs and weed he smokes). One of the worst releases in the past 10 years. I'll put it down there with all the other gangster rap.
    Full Review »
  2. May 22, 2020
    There are some good tracks on this album. However, the album lacks purpose and feels very untidy. Whilst a diverse range of genres is mostThere are some good tracks on this album. However, the album lacks purpose and feels very untidy. Whilst a diverse range of genres is most appreciated, this album signifies that The 1975 no longer possesses the unique style they once had. A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships should have been the framework to build off for this album. Full Review »
  3. May 22, 2020
    After being a huge fan of a couple of their singles over their years i expected them to return to their original vibes with this one but whatAfter being a huge fan of a couple of their singles over their years i expected them to return to their original vibes with this one but what I found was an unbalanced, disoriented mess of an album with very little purpose. There was only maybe two tracks that stood out which is as bad as most of the 80s one hit wonder albums. Full Review »