• Record Label: Ramseur
  • Release Date: Aug 4, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. The singing may be subdued and the playing quiet, but everything here packs an emotional wallop.
  2. It takes on joy and loss with equal measure, and at its best--'Still Remember Love,' 'Lose Myself'--lands at the intersection of the two.
  3. This is hushed, deliberately paced acoustic music perfect for sitting around a fireplace pondering the coming thaw....As pretty as this stuff is, though, it can get a little snoozy.
  4. Mojo
    You might even give it a cuddle because it delivers the kind of ultra-friendly music that sits up and in a cutesy manner demands such attention. [Fall 2009, p.93]
  5. The album is at its sweetest with love-laced tracks like 'Water Spider' and 'Summer Morning Rain,' but it truly shines when it tackles deeper issues.
  6. The songs themselves don’t hold up under casual inspection, let alone eager scrutiny.
  7. Q Magazine
    Their debut turns out to be a lovely slice of Americana, tastefully underpinned by warm harmonies, acoustic guitars and a melancholy yearning for lost youth. [Oct 2009, p.118]
  8. When Felice and Burke show a bit more restraint and keep the focus on the storytelling, Gold works as a compelling, soulful folk record.
  9. This might be the single most tasteful record of the year.
  10. Uncut
    Overall though--a quality 'One More American Song' shares with the whole collection--this is a song with an understated, but crucial, element of hope. [Aug 2009, p.100]

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