
Universal acclaim - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Jan 28, 2021
    The quartet’s ability to instrumentally weave among each other has always been one of their great strengths, and here (with the addition of new bassist Holly Mullineaux) the band sound more unified than ever, able to spin strange sonic tales all the better as a result. A triumph.
  2. Mar 11, 2021
    The thirteen tracks that make up the album are wonderfully wonky. They are also incredibly catchy, with subtle sci-fi tinges to them. But this is what we’ve come to expect from the South London post-punk outfit. On All Fours is the strongest release to date.
  3. Feb 11, 2021
    What we have here are some hazy but deeply unsettling observations, carried along effortlessly on a bed of delirious voices, sailing over music quieter, slicker, and tighter than that on Goat Girl's debut.
  4. Feb 1, 2021
    Both nervier and more confident than their debut, On All Fours is a huge step forward from a band that's well-equipped to bring post-punk's legacy into the future.
  5. Feb 1, 2021
    On All Fours is the sound of a young band willing to take risks and expand their sonic palette and whilst it sounds less confrontational than their debut it’s every bit as innovative and compelling.
  6. Jan 29, 2021
    This is proper modern pop music: fierce and intelligent in its explorations, defiant and cool in its tone. Wondrous.
  7. Mojo
    Jan 28, 2021
    Songs build from hypnotic bass grooves and spindly guitar lines, Lottie Pendlebury's nonchalant vocals intertwined with circular countermelodies that pull you into their undertow. Lyrically deft and witty. [Mar 2021, p.82]
  8. 80
    On All Fours is undoubtedly an intense listen, with its blistering harmonies and Pendlebury’s low murmur. They’re good for a sharp analogy, too.
  9. Jan 28, 2021
    Taken as a whole, On All Fours is an impressive balancing act, creating something fresh from the group's diverse influences. [Feb 2021, p.28]
  10. 80
    It might not hold any firm answers or blazing rebuttals to the world burning up like a flaming, stinking trash can, but crucially it refuses to look away from the mess, and confronts it instead.
  11. Jan 28, 2021
    Goat Girl remain just as captivating as they were amid the spiky guitar and haunting harmonies of their first album, but have made incredible strides in just a couple years.
  12. Jan 29, 2021
    Rather than lurching between styles, they mostly stick to whirlpooling guitars and a newfound supply of silvery electronics—sometimes pulsing, sometimes throbbing, sometimes seemingly on the brink of short-circuiting.
  13. Mar 12, 2021
    Goat Girl achieves a new clarity to their dense lyrical content when their murky antics turn more accessible.
  14. Rolling Stone
    Feb 2, 2021
    Listening to On All Fours is like wandering in a cool thrift shop. [Feb 2021, p.73]
  15. Jan 29, 2021
    This is a good, and sometimes great album, that feels like it’s a few tracks short of being a masterpiece.
  16. 60
    Some of this magnificently sullen band’s edges have been filed down; their strides into left field could have been more decisive.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 16
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 16
  3. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Nov 20, 2021
    Este es uno de los mejores discos que salió este año. Genuinamente una joya del post punk ingles.
    Letras muy bien. Guitarras/Bajo excelente.
    Este es uno de los mejores discos que salió este año. Genuinamente una joya del post punk ingles.
    Letras muy bien. Guitarras/Bajo excelente. Batería extraordinaria.
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