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Mixed or average reviews- based on 199 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 78 out of 199

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  1. Cashy
    Aug 30, 2006
    The day the music died. Why, oh why, did this project ever get off the ground, we may never know? The novelty factor of listening to Paris Hilton put her voice to CD is entertaining for about 0.8 of a second. Then it's all downhill from there, folks. The lyrics to the songs on this album would have been more meaningful if my two cats had written them. My favourite lines of all are The day the music died. Why, oh why, did this project ever get off the ground, we may never know? The novelty factor of listening to Paris Hilton put her voice to CD is entertaining for about 0.8 of a second. Then it's all downhill from there, folks. The lyrics to the songs on this album would have been more meaningful if my two cats had written them. My favourite lines of all are (and there's many to choose from) 'Everybody's looking at me/But that's alright, I like attention' (like, yeah!) and 'I'm sexy and you know it, clap your hands'! Quality stuff. Every song is about boyfriends, being sexy, kisses, love, going to clubs ... you get the picture. Thanks Paris. You just gave new meaning to the phrase 'burning a CD'. The literal one. It's a bit toxic when you do it, though! Just like listening to your music... Expand
  2. marcelv
    Sep 30, 2006
    never heard something so bad before in my life. There is no musical soul in it and this lady has no feeling for music.
  3. AnitaV
    Aug 23, 2006
    she´s sings like she´s having a heart attack..............dont waste your money..........
  4. Wander
    Aug 24, 2006
    Please Lord, get rid of these non-talented, ever-present celebrities!
  5. MattD.
    Aug 23, 2006
    Less a record than a digital creation. Utterly joyless. I can't believe Hilton thinks she can sing. It gets a 1 only because of a bit of wasted pop potential.
  6. joeaverage
    Sep 3, 2006
    crap fest
  7. VictorB.
    Dec 9, 2007
    Being catch is not a bad thing for songs, but there's just a few songs which you could really listen and probably like it cause they're ''cool''...Paris got to improve.
  8. Dr.FuckA.Chuck
    Aug 26, 2006
    If you like this album, you need to understand that you have bad taste, to the extent of which you are not going to be taken seriously as an adult (assuming you actually are an adult). Tolsty once wrote that art, like food, must contain two things for it to have quality. One is content and/or meaning (also called "heart and soul"), or the nutritional value in food. The other is that it If you like this album, you need to understand that you have bad taste, to the extent of which you are not going to be taken seriously as an adult (assuming you actually are an adult). Tolsty once wrote that art, like food, must contain two things for it to have quality. One is content and/or meaning (also called "heart and soul"), or the nutritional value in food. The other is that it must be contain some kind of pleasure and/or satisfaction in experiencing it. For example, we can all agree that a t-bone steak cooked by a master chef is superior in quality than a big mac cooked by a high school drop-out. It really puts everything into perspective. Not only is the t-bone steak more nutritious, being lower in fat and devoid of refined carbohydrates, but eating it will surely give more pleasure and satisfaction. If you think this album is "good," it's like saying a big mac is "good." You simply have bad taste, or are a child (both literally and figuratively) that does not really understand what "quality" is. But we need Paris around. Really, we do. She is the bottom of the barrel, the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst. We need her there so that at the other end of the spectrum we can have Beetoven, The Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, etc. I am convinced that the only reason serious critics gave this album good or even medicore review comes down to one thing: PAYOOOOOOLA! Gettin' sold out to the big wigs to write lies. It's simple people: big macs and Paris Hilton suck. Saying anything different is just settling for much, much, MUCH less. Expand
  9. BeyonceFan
    Apr 1, 2007
    Absolutely effing dreadful! This girl sings like a cat screwing! Not to mention her dog-shit-look... If that is her goal to look ugly and disgusting and to sing like she's a prostitude then well done, Paris Hilton! I would rather eat a pile of dung than to kiss Paris on the cheek.
  10. CatherineK
    Oct 7, 2006
    This really stinks, and I'm not just saying that because I dislike paris. She is probably the worst singer I have heard. Worse than hilary, ashlee, and lindsay. Definately not worth your money. I wouldn't even listen to it again for free.
  11. GeraldH
    Aug 24, 2006
    Worst album of the year and worst artist of the year. Paris needs a new hobby because music is not her calling.
  12. SM
    Aug 26, 2006
    no, just no, stop and drop dead you stupid slut
  13. Albert
    Aug 29, 2006
    This... well, let's call it "album" represents the death certificate of all that is good about pop music. At least it has historic value: rock and roll died a long time ago, now we have a precise date to evocate the death of pop.
  14. rottencabbage
    Aug 31, 2006
    To quote James L: 'you wouldn't really call what she does "singing"...' All the more proof that she has absolutely no talent. What, do ya wanna fucking medal for being able to hire a good producer? There are plenty of well-produced albums that, ultimately, suck. IE: PARIS. This is vapid, worthless dreck, and is a frightening reminder of the equally vapid, worthless time in To quote James L: 'you wouldn't really call what she does "singing"...' All the more proof that she has absolutely no talent. What, do ya wanna fucking medal for being able to hire a good producer? There are plenty of well-produced albums that, ultimately, suck. IE: PARIS. This is vapid, worthless dreck, and is a frightening reminder of the equally vapid, worthless time in which we live. Expand
  15. AlanR
    Aug 30, 2006
    You have to have at least a slight mental handicap to even consider this music. You might as well jam a Hustler in your ears.
  16. I.L.
    Sep 10, 2006
    It's maintains her status as the worlds most stupid spoiled whore with this annoying cash-in
  17. GaryM
    Sep 1, 2006
    If you were to take your cat and slide it down a 12 foot razor blade into a pool of alcohol -- it would sound more melodic than this. I lost track of how many overdubs the recording engineers did to mask her voice with pitch correction. Good thing too -- otherwise I wouldn't have been able to listen long enough to realize how bad she is
  18. CaleW
    Sep 6, 2006
    I made it through 30 seconds before attempting to slit my wrists.
  19. NothingNothing
    Feb 17, 2007
  20. BillJ
    Nov 10, 2006
    This album plays it safe, keeping Paris in her little comfort bubble surrounding by a gaggling gander of misguided 11 year old wanabees. What Paris needs to do is pop that bubble and take a Janis Joplin style step in her singing. Until then, I'd rather hear fingernails on a chalkboard then Paris' whiny voice trying to hear herself over her bloated ego.
  21. HermanMelville
    Oct 21, 2006
    What good is production when the music and lyrics are as valuable as pond scum? The 90 given by All Music Guide is an insult to the thousands of struggling musicians out there who will never make it and probably die alone.
  22. mufasac
    Oct 23, 2006
    this album sucks muco cock!!!
  23. FoxyRoxy
    Aug 23, 2006
    I saw and heard her sing happy birthday and she didn't sound like her record. The recording studio does wonders. Maybe everyone should become singers.
  24. PennyW
    Aug 23, 2006
    Hands down the most forgettable pop album of the year.
  25. Parisisburning
    Aug 24, 2006
    The case for the fall of western "civilization". Why does she exist? What sustains this demand?
  26. KennyM
    Aug 25, 2006
    mike s....what the hell is wrong with you? I mean..I'm glad you realize Paris Hilton has no talent, but why do you seem to think it'a a good thing she was able to put out a successful album? The music industry is going to hell and it's people like you are are sending it down in flames...shouldn't people with actual TALENT be the ones who are famous?
  27. LeeKAWAI
    Aug 25, 2006
    Her voice is poorrrrrrrrrrr!!
  28. JaseL
    Aug 25, 2006
    Please just stop.
  29. JamesA.
    Aug 28, 2006
    0 more. Please?
  30. lilconnerP
    Aug 29, 2006
    it stinks and I dont like it
  31. MikeD
    Sep 15, 2006
    America...wake up!!! Stop buying into Paris Hilton! She is a pure product of Hollywood and the W generation. This record is probably bubble gum catchy b/c it was written by professionals but you shouldn't buy this album on principle. Boycott Paris!
  32. me88
    Sep 18, 2006
    its sad to think that she has a record contract, and is THIS famous. Esspecially when there is soooo much more, and BETTER and UNSIGNED music then Paris Hilton.... what a hoe!
  33. ToddW
    Sep 21, 2006
    See Fergie and Christina, et al.
  34. HaroldB
    Sep 7, 2006
    A two word review: Shark Sandwich!
  35. nickv
    Sep 8, 2006
    Does anybody else notice thatprofessional music critics by and large, never give a bad review to any album on this site. Damn near every album is in the green zone on average. The fact that this album even exists is a travesty to music fans everywhere. The positive reviews are just diahrea frosting on a crap cake.
  36. SeanP.
    Dec 15, 2007
    Why would any merciful god allow such trash to exist? With so many great artists and bands out there why waste your money on music that has no soul or emotion The musical equivalent of nothing, because that's what's at the heart of this piece of crap excuse for music.
  37. EmilioO.
    Mar 18, 2008
    How can it be a good album if it has no emotions? Real music comes from the heart.
  38. RyanD
    Oct 27, 2006
    what has the world come to when a record label will sell an album to deal to a person who literally screams "no talent to save my life". there may be a day when people look back and say "you know, this wasnt all that bad", and when that happens we will all know that armageddon has finally come. just horrible.
  39. drewb
    Aug 23, 2006
    cant i give this a negative number?
  40. MaxellProduct
    Aug 27, 2006
    Incredibly horrible garbage regurgitated from the bowels of American crapitalism.
  41. KevinK
    Aug 27, 2006
    she's a money making tool. this is not art its purely financial
  42. 36_Thoughtless
    Aug 29, 2006
    Let's be honest here, completely honest. Paris needs her money back from her "voice coach" because no properly trained vocal specialist would teach someone to use a baby voice type of whisper only audible due to millions of dollars in production and amplification equpiment. Yes, the album may be well-produced by Scott Storch, but that doesn't justify the shortcomings of the Let's be honest here, completely honest. Paris needs her money back from her "voice coach" because no properly trained vocal specialist would teach someone to use a baby voice type of whisper only audible due to millions of dollars in production and amplification equpiment. Yes, the album may be well-produced by Scott Storch, but that doesn't justify the shortcomings of the music by itself. If you put make-up on a horse, you still have a horse; in other words, polishing something that contains no real musicianship still contains no musicianship. You haven't accomplished anything, and anyone else with an hear for music would tell you the same thing. Second, people are justified in hating her so that making something that is well at her level justifies hating her "art". Third, Mike S., she has no charisma: she has the personality of a sidewalk! Aside from the monotone parrotlike repeating of "That's hot" or "It's been my dream to create an album since I was born", all you have is an anorexic blonde girl who has received everything from the time of her birth. At least Britney and Christina had to work for it. Expand
  43. nono
    Aug 31, 2006
  44. JuliaA
    Sep 12, 2006
    so bad I hardly could say anything about the damn shallow ('Fightin' Over Me'?? even my little-five-year-old cousin could come up with better song title!).and why the hell Scott Storch had his hand laid on this album? plus Paris thinks she's the hottest stuff in the world that her songs are so meaningful and the other f**kin cliches.she should stick to spend so bad I hardly could say anything about the damn shallow ('Fightin' Over Me'?? even my little-five-year-old cousin could come up with better song title!).and why the hell Scott Storch had his hand laid on this album? plus Paris thinks she's the hottest stuff in the world that her songs are so meaningful and the other f**kin cliches.she should stick to spend her wealth by the frenzy shopping habit of hers. Expand
  45. Chris
    Sep 13, 2006
    Waste of plastic.
  46. briann
    Aug 14, 2007
    why is this embaressingly trite piece of self-absorbent pop trash doing on a respected site like metacritic? if you are even reading this review for any other purpose than to take a piss, find some better taste. paris's album is pure dogcrap.
  47. Sep 22, 2012
    57?! Are you kidding? Challenge Paris Hilton to sing live and see what is really deserved the note. Garbage, weak, sickly, is like a type of perfume that has already been used several times only worsened. By far the worst album I've ever heard.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 17
  2. Negative: 4 out of 17
  1. Like a silly holiday cocktail with umbrellas and sparklers, there is much to enjoy about Paris Hilton, albeit for one mad Med fortnight only.
  2. What's most surprising about Paris's album is that it's really not all that bad; released by any other, ahem, artist, it would likely earn better notices than recent albums by the likes of Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff, or Ashlee Simpson--not that that's really saying much.
  3. She sings like a woman who has heard of something called singing, can't be sure of exactly what it might entail, but is fairly certain you do something a bit like this. She sounds both distracted and bored stiff, as if making an album is keeping her from the more serious business of standing around a nightclub in a pair of really enormous sunglasses.