• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Nov 27, 2020
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  1. Dec 15, 2020
    Midnight Sky saved this album. I actually expected more from this. Miley did a good job at putting this album together but it didn't quite click. Good album still.
  2. Mar 20, 2021
    There's no much to say, the only song that keeps this album alive is "WTF Do I Know". Her voice is great but meehhh...
  3. Mar 20, 2021
    There are a few good songs on the album, but I just don't quite like it, good concept, but a lot of elements were missing.
  4. Nov 29, 2020
    generic, boring, bland, full of filler tracks. the only decent songs are the singles.
  5. Dec 24, 2020
    The songwriting here is just not very good. And even when the referential tracks are fairly decent, they only would have been minor entries of their era. Shades of Madonna and Avril can’t disguise that there’s no distinguished personality here.
  6. Nov 27, 2020
    HER BEST! Lyrics and music is amazing! Angels Like you, Gimme What I want, WTF Do I know, Hate me, High... I mean all the songs, is a skip less album.
  7. Nov 27, 2020
    SUCH A GREAT MASTERPIECE. She out did herself once more. The way that it sounds lyrically & the production is amazing.
  8. Nov 27, 2020
    her best work to this date no debate. she really came through with Never Be Me, Angels Like You and Hate Me
  9. Nov 27, 2020
    Miley Cyrus' "Plastic Hearts" is, definitely, the most complete, fierce and fabulous album of 2020. From the beginning (with the incredible pop/rock "WTF Do I Know") until the end (with "Golden G String", a beautiful ballad that only Cyrus can do), Miley shows to the world who she really is. This album is the best project she ever made to date, and with it, she proved that she is one ofMiley Cyrus' "Plastic Hearts" is, definitely, the most complete, fierce and fabulous album of 2020. From the beginning (with the incredible pop/rock "WTF Do I Know") until the end (with "Golden G String", a beautiful ballad that only Cyrus can do), Miley shows to the world who she really is. This album is the best project she ever made to date, and with it, she proved that she is one of the most complete artists from this century, not just a manager puppet. Congrats, Miley. Expand
  10. Nov 27, 2020
    Альбом в разы превосходящий предыдущие два, которые Майли выпустила за последние 5 лет. Midnight Sky и Night Crawling шедевры. Однако, на альбоме много слитых песен, которые стоило бы оставить в прошлом и записать новые, вторая половина альбома звучит как песни Ханны Монтаны середин 00х, но по большому счету альбом хороший.Альбом в разы превосходящий предыдущие два, которые Майли выпустила за последние 5 лет. Midnight Sky и Night Crawling шедевры. Однако, на альбоме много слитых песен, которые стоило бы оставить в прошлом и записать новые, вторая половина альбома звучит как песни Ханны Монтаны середин 00х, но по большому счету альбом хороший.
  11. Nov 27, 2020
    Hannah Montana sang "Rockstar" at the local fair in Crowley Corners before telling the world her real identity and now Miley Cyrus has proven to the world that she is THE rockstar. More of a glamorous rock rather than rock and roll, Miley has given us the best and most cohesive musical piece she has ever put out. After six albums that touched a vast catalogue of musical genres from popHannah Montana sang "Rockstar" at the local fair in Crowley Corners before telling the world her real identity and now Miley Cyrus has proven to the world that she is THE rockstar. More of a glamorous rock rather than rock and roll, Miley has given us the best and most cohesive musical piece she has ever put out. After six albums that touched a vast catalogue of musical genres from pop rock to pure pop, electro-R&B and country, we all thought we had seen every side of Miley; until she took part in this beautiful third millennium disco revival with "Midnight Sky". She started hinting a rock side of her last year with the live performances of "She Is Coming" but I never expected it to be this good. Her voice is built for rock, this is just made for her even though she can do everything she wants to. She didn't lie when she stated: "I'm unusual, not so typical, way too smart to be waiting around, tai chi practicing, snowboard champion, I could fix the flat on your car, I night even be a rock star". Ya'll remember that? A MOMENT TO REMEMBER. Anyway, after 7 albums it feels like Miley has found her identity and musical conformity which I hope causes the making of a couple more rock-inspired records. This kind of music however might be childish and fake rock for the purists and those who think that The Beatles and KISS had any kind of impact but **** them this is our moment, the moment for another revival of pop rock, disco music and punk. I just want to live in the 2000s again when everybody was singing "she was a punk and she did ballet, what more can I say?" Just a glorious moment in music history. Continuing, the collaborators on "Plastic Hearts" have been selected perfectly and with a lot of love because, do you remember when Shawn Mendes was scheduled to appear on "Bad Karma" instead of Joan Jett??? Yeah trash. You can tell that this record has been put out with a lot of love and delicacy. It is melodic, catchy and just... amazingly beautiful and, as it plays, it keeps getting better and better despite Miley having limited songwriting skills. It just feels GOOD you know? I want to jump and scream and smile to this. Also the vocals on "Plastic Hearts" have been put perfectly and the tracks have been very well produced. With an aggressive intro and a vulnerable outro, Miley Cyrus has come here to prove how versatile she is as she keeps getting bigger and better mixing her passion for rock and roll with the pop rock roots from when she all of a sudden became the biggest teen idol of all time for us the Zs. Love you forever Miley at any form, thank you for existing!!!!!! Expand
  12. Nov 27, 2020
    This is her BEST album, aoty.
    Bad Karma and night Crawling needs music video. This is very powerful.
  13. Nov 27, 2020
    Album of the year,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,perfect, beautiful :):):):):):):)::):):):):):
  14. Nov 27, 2020
    Her artistry has evolved so much. I started listening to her during her Hannah Montana days and this album almost feels like a grown-up version of it. Listen to it. It's filled with bangers.
  15. Nov 27, 2020
    It's sooooo good. Best her work. Love it! Plastic Hearts just a masterpiece!
  16. Nov 28, 2020
    Expected more tbh. What a letdown from her considering all the expectations this record had
  17. Nov 27, 2020
    Can she stop screaming? Horrible album she’s having another identity crisis per usual. Hot garbage
  18. Nov 30, 2020
    Absolutely hot GARBAGE. i can’t believe we waited THIS long for such a basic, uninteresting album. she should’ve kept this and dropped a little EP of her covers because these songs shouldn’t have ever seen the light of day.
  19. Nov 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This note it’s the same as the amount of songs from this album that i liked (only WTF Do I Know, Midnight Sky and Prisoner). Expand
  20. Nov 27, 2020
    Si la cantará otro Artista estaría bien, la voz rasposa de Miley arruina todas las canciones, las mejores canciones se escuchan horrible con su voz. Solo hubiera dejado el sonido ya que se escucha enferma y asquerosa.
  21. Nov 28, 2020
    God Damn, Miley continues her streak of stellar releases in recent years, the record surprised me with the number of, and quality of, rock power ballads such as 'Angels Like You', 'Golden G String', and 'High'. All of the features in this album work and compliment Miley, especially 'Night Crawler' with Billy Idol. I loved every song and will continue to support the album, also theGod Damn, Miley continues her streak of stellar releases in recent years, the record surprised me with the number of, and quality of, rock power ballads such as 'Angels Like You', 'Golden G String', and 'High'. All of the features in this album work and compliment Miley, especially 'Night Crawler' with Billy Idol. I loved every song and will continue to support the album, also the 'Midnight Sky' remix with Stevie is **** exquisite. Expand
  22. Nov 27, 2020
    Gracias Miley por darnos esta joya de álbum en este 2020, los sonidos y su voz han ido mejorando progresivamente en cada canción, el dueto con Billy idol simplemente lo mejor del álbum
  23. Aug 20, 2022
    Su intento de rock me decepcionó parece más Disco que Rock, que le paso a miley? Por que ya no canta como antes? No llega a esas notas altas? Lastima!
  24. Nov 27, 2020
    El mejor Álbum de Miley, superando por mucho a Bangerz. Un album más maduro.
  25. Nov 27, 2020
    apesar de ter vazado no começo do ano e de novo, quase uma semana antes do lançamento oficial, Plastic Hearts é de longe o melhor trabalho da Miley
  26. Nov 30, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  27. Nov 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's her best record yet. Definitely one of the bests albums released this year and we love to see the chameleon of pop giving us diferente sounds each era. Expand
  28. Nov 27, 2020
    o melhor dela sem dúvidas. mas tem altos e baixos inquestionáveis. a mistura de rock punk, rock vocal e uma pitada de country é bem interessante.
  29. Mar 23, 2021
    Álbum lindo, amei amei amei. Inovador e autêntico! Parabéns pelo excelente trabalho!
  30. Nov 27, 2020
    The tracks on this very hit or miss. For example, Heart of Glass Live, Mignight Sky & Angels Like You are amazing tracks. However, some other tracks kind of missed the spot in my opinion.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
  1. Dec 9, 2020
    Despite the unnecessary concessions to conventionality, Plastic Hearts still manages to reveal even more layers to Cyrus’ ever-expanding musical palette, proving she can take on whatever genre she desires and give it her own unique sense of flair.
  2. Dec 9, 2020
    If only Plastic Hearts followed Midnight Sky’s lead, we’d have an album of disco-rock that felt true to Cyrus’ strengths.
  3. Dec 4, 2020
    Passionate and self-aware, Plastic Hearts is easily the finest incarnation of Cyrus' music yet.