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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 398 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 81 out of 398

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  1. May 24, 2011
  2. Alain
    Sep 7, 2008
    I think that even the critics had hard time remain objective to this album. It has couple of listenable songs and Federlines rap flow is no worse than Eminems for example. I dont know if the music is the most important thing when you listen to rap, but if thats the case I heard worse. Though K Feds lyrics are hidious he has salvaged some songs on this album with a decent production.
  3. JasonL
    Jan 23, 2007
    He should stick to what he does best..... ooops this is what he does best.
  4. JeffS
    Nov 11, 2006
    This has to be the worst album of the decade. KFed needs another occupation because he cannot cut it in the music industry.
  5. Dr.F.A.Chuck
    Nov 11, 2006
    This is what happens when a random, white, American dumbass gets lucky. Kfed, you had your big chance, a one in a million chance, to create art and have it available to the masses. And this is what you produce? Sure, no one (and deep down inside you know this too) was surprised by how terrible a musician you are. What is tragic is that Britney could have married one of millions and This is what happens when a random, white, American dumbass gets lucky. Kfed, you had your big chance, a one in a million chance, to create art and have it available to the masses. And this is what you produce? Sure, no one (and deep down inside you know this too) was surprised by how terrible a musician you are. What is tragic is that Britney could have married one of millions and millions of talented yet poor musicians all over American. But she married you, o mighty juggernaught of suck, o grand prince of lame. It's just not fair. At the very least, you have reminded us all of that sad fact. Life is just not fair. Expand
  6. DeeM
    Dec 9, 2006
    Shit Sandwich
  7. Dec 2, 2016
    I wonder if this guy wrote these lyrics in the bathroom in 15 minutes and thought that it's a good idea to record them and release as an album, well if he did, he's wrong.
  8. Jun 17, 2014
    I'd rather sit through an 8 hour loop of Justin Bieber's "Baby" than listen to this record ever again. I'd swear to god that if you gave a piece of paper and crayons to a 3 year old the lyrics he would come up with would sound like the Beatles compared to this.

    Please, remember the name K-Fed And I ain't even drunk, the media want Kev dead Twistin' up every little word that Kev said
    I'd rather sit through an 8 hour loop of Justin Bieber's "Baby" than listen to this record ever again. I'd swear to god that if you gave a piece of paper and crayons to a 3 year old the lyrics he would come up with would sound like the Beatles compared to this.

    Please, remember the name K-Fed
    And I ain't even drunk, the media want Kev dead
    Twistin' up every little word that Kev said
    Well tell them **** they can give Kev head
  9. Aug 18, 2014
    Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. Awful. AWFUL DOESN'T EVEN SEEM LIKE A REAL WORD ANYMORE!
  10. Sep 1, 2015
    Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash.Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Not even music Expand
  11. Jun 6, 2012
    Not Good At All!
    Go Back To Britney!
  12. Aug 1, 2012
    Uuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You **** I hate you, you make me wanna give Lil **** Wayne an award entitled I'm better than Kevin Federline
  13. Apr 29, 2015
    It's quite difficult to give an album 0 out of 10. It's effectively saying, it wasn't even worth the time, money and effort in the studio to create. On this occasion however, this album really is a zero if there ever was one. Never has a rap album flowed so badly. Lyrically, it is easily one of the worst album's I have ever come across. Take "Im livin' life in the fast lane, then the cashIt's quite difficult to give an album 0 out of 10. It's effectively saying, it wasn't even worth the time, money and effort in the studio to create. On this occasion however, this album really is a zero if there ever was one. Never has a rap album flowed so badly. Lyrically, it is easily one of the worst album's I have ever come across. Take "Im livin' life in the fast lane, then the cash came, fire wont quit, still burnin like a gas flame" as an example. The amount of upcoming underground US artists that could've been selected to record an album, and yet Kevin Federline was given the green light just because he was Britney Spears' husband at the time. Absolute disgrace. Waste of time, money and effort. Collapse
  14. BrendanO.
    Aug 20, 2007
    Hahahaha what a joke.
  15. JohnC
    Dec 13, 2006
    Putting all of the news headlines aside, and really listening to this material, all I can say is, you have to be kidding me. An absolute joke. It's a crime if this guy makes one stinking dollar off this crap. What an insult. Thank God I listened to someone elses copy and did not waste any of my money, but it did waste my time. And to really fuel my dislike, is the fact that he is a Putting all of the news headlines aside, and really listening to this material, all I can say is, you have to be kidding me. An absolute joke. It's a crime if this guy makes one stinking dollar off this crap. What an insult. Thank God I listened to someone elses copy and did not waste any of my money, but it did waste my time. And to really fuel my dislike, is the fact that he is a leech, only able to live off of others. He is self centered and disrespectful and deserves nothing until he grows up. Give it up dude. Go back to dancing or whatever it is you do. Expand
  16. haydenj.
    Dec 3, 2007
    he has to get a fucking live
  17. xxhopingtearsxx
    Apr 29, 2007
    I am disgusted by this album. I agree with the song "America's Most Hated".. He is truly America's most hated.
  18. J.VanAndel
    Apr 5, 2007
    The sound of poor African people dieing of diarrhea sounds more exciting then buying, or listening to this album, or even thinking of this album.
  19. Iago
    Jun 8, 2007
    i read a comment earlier where someone who liked the album compared it to ebola...i have to admit it is very much like ebola and listening to the album makes my insides want to liquify...a certainly more pleasant experience than listen to this. not even worth the disc the printed it on...
  20. DanF
    Aug 8, 2007
    Makes his ex-wife sound good.
  21. MawrizM.
    Jun 30, 2008
    This is so excruciatingly painful I would liken the feeling to an alligator biting off the tip of my penis.
  22. EricW
    May 2, 2009
    Just. Just awful.
  23. BritneyS.
    Nov 24, 2006
    lol gg moron. No more poon for you.
  24. Bobby
    Dec 20, 2006
    gag me
  25. Nostradamusspeaks
    Dec 28, 2006
    In 2006, the first year of the beast in the new millenium, the unholy union of a wigger and a washed-up pop star will result in the birth of the AntiChrist, signaling the end of civilization as we know it. No, Jayden isn't the AntiChrist, its this album! Listening to this album will cause massive bleeding from the ears and delirium, but playing the CD backwards will unleash the In 2006, the first year of the beast in the new millenium, the unholy union of a wigger and a washed-up pop star will result in the birth of the AntiChrist, signaling the end of civilization as we know it. No, Jayden isn't the AntiChrist, its this album! Listening to this album will cause massive bleeding from the ears and delirium, but playing the CD backwards will unleash the demons of Hell onto the world! Did you think the album's release date on Halloween and the re-release of The Omen on 6/6/2006 was a coincidence? It was a prophesy of what was to come. Repent your sins, for the end is nigh! Expand
  26. BobK
    Dec 6, 2006
    Takes the most commercialized forms of rap music and slaps them all together, then tops it all off with his pretentious, self-absorbed lyricisms that clearly exaggerate his proposed "greatness." Awful CD
  27. JoeBlow
    Jan 13, 2007
    Worst. Album. Ever.
    Jan 16, 2007
    WOW!!!!!! when i poped this in thd record pplayer i just said WOW!!!!! KEvin federline is a really good rapper whose make good music and love. IF You're looking of good music look no longer!!! KEVIN IS MY SAVOR!!!!!! p.m.s. he's also better than britnay sopers who i love
  29. ChrisW.
    Nov 9, 2007
    Worse than his ex. This album is total B.S.
  30. SpinCycle
    Jan 7, 2007
    Gawd-awful. An insult to intelligence. Commercial oblivion here comes K Fed...........never to darken the doorstep of the charts, for good reason.
  31. GG
    Feb 10, 2007
    Please tell me that now they've split up, he'll go back to wherever he came from... and get the hell away from a recording studio
  32. RyanJ.
    Jun 18, 2007
    He's hot. I'd do him. He gets 1 point for that.
  33. Fredrice
    Jun 7, 2007
    why there isnt minus rating?? hes assholes...thats right.. this is a jooke.. zzz..
  34. AlejandroR.
    Jul 5, 2007
    I never heard the album, but I know its garbage. I also did this to bring down his score, because at the moment its a 2.6, which he does not deserve. The only thing he did right was promotoe it. But not even all the time he spent promoting it, could help this trash. I wouldnt use this to play frisbee with.
  35. DylanP
    Aug 11, 2007
    K Fed has too much time and money on his hands.
  36. Justin
    May 8, 2008
    Who would listen to this crap beside Brittany Spears.
  37. randyy
    May 10, 2009
    Now i know that k-fed is hot, for god sakes i fantasize about him every night!! But this album is trash. its a blip in his otherwise perfect carrer. But i still LOVE K-fed. Id give him a blowjob!
  38. GuilhermeM
    Aug 6, 2009
    My ears are bleeding.
  39. MattD.
    Nov 11, 2006
    What Eminem did for white rappers, Federline sets them back just as much.
  40. grega
    Nov 16, 2006
    Such a letdown sadly.
  41. David
    Nov 18, 2006
    Like anyone other than a mental midget would give it a higher rating
  42. BruceR
    Nov 20, 2006
    Fed Ex over and out.
  43. Nick
    Nov 20, 2006
    if i were britney i would kill myself or him or at least never EVER go out in public again.. like is he even serious? how couldnt he even know that he sucks soooooo bad?.. does he just think ppl will think hes cool and buy the album bc hes married brittney?
  44. ColinB
    Nov 20, 2006
    On what day did God create Kevin Federline, and couldn't he have rested on that day too?
  45. JoeBlow
    Nov 25, 2006
    Worst. Album. Ever.
  46. emmanuel
    Nov 26, 2006
    a like this should be illegal
  47. BiddyfromDonegal
    Nov 27, 2006
    K-Fed made me so wet I slipped on the new tiles and put out my hip
  48. John
    Nov 20, 2006
    It's just so stupid. Period. So very stupid. Embarassing for him, I'm sure.
  49. Stan
    Nov 29, 2006
    move aside John Edward - this guy is now the biggest douche in the universe, with mister B (see his review here) as a close second.
  50. RobertB
    Dec 11, 2006
    For the love of anything sane, don't even bother listening to any of this trash...
  51. JermaineS
    Dec 10, 2006
    I can't believe I wasted 16 dollars on this disc! The only reason I bought this was for the song "Popo Zao" and it's not even on here. Luckily my neighborhood record store accepts refunds so I turned this in and bought a chicken dinner instead.
  52. StuP
    Dec 18, 2006
    k-fed is neither "dope" nor "whack" and his rhymes are definitly the oppposite of "tight"
  53. DaGreatWhatItDo
    Dec 2, 2006
    WACK. Hey Kevvy - Pull your d1ck out of Brittney and work a little more on your rhymes before you press them in plastic...
  54. ZiftK.
    Dec 27, 2006
    Parker, you said it for me man... Well said, well said..
  55. BritneySpears
    Dec 29, 2006
    Is this some kind of joke?
  56. Tapes&CDs
    Dec 30, 2006
    It sucks!!! Pure garbage! Sounds like a baby being hit with a cat!!!
  57. FlavaFlav
    Dec 3, 2006
    No booooyyeeee!!
  58. AnnH
    Dec 6, 2006
    "Borat" . . . I laughed out loud at that comment. Rap is seldom quality music, making this album the lowest of the low.
  59. JudyH
    Dec 6, 2006
    without comments
  60. SofaKingStoopad
    Dec 7, 2006
    Terrible abum, full of nonsensical lyrics and terrible beats.
  61. GeorgeBush
    Jan 1, 2007
    this was a tewrible album
  62. BB
    Jan 13, 2007
    When I was 14 my friends and I made a rap album in our basement using a casio keyboard and a $10 mic. We made up the lyrics as we went along. It was better than this.
  63. Cap'mCrunch
    Jan 26, 2007
    Never again.
  64. AlexSIsAFool
    Jan 27, 2007
    No hes not makin a living, hes making a painful racket. And I hope he knows that we all hate him
  65. jennyh
    Jan 29, 2007
    I don't understand why anyone would give this album a 10, it breaks new ground for terrible.
  66. michaelk
    Feb 11, 2007
    ya k- fed is a complete joke. and i really think that anyone who gave this more then a 2 is jus jokin around and bein an idiot
  67. saijack
    Feb 4, 2007
    Why can't this guy just go away.
  68. ClintW
    Mar 24, 2007
    im giving him a 1 out of pity if you like this album.....kill yourself
  69. TerraS.
    Apr 11, 2007
    Let me start by saying that listening to a cat getting its tail chopped off would sound better then this. Seriously, the guy has as much beat as a dial tone. And his lyrics? Don't even get me started. I could bitch and moan about his lyrics for weeks strait. As if his music, if you can even call it that, wasn't bad enough, K-Fed himself has a few issues to deal with. Wait, Let me start by saying that listening to a cat getting its tail chopped off would sound better then this. Seriously, the guy has as much beat as a dial tone. And his lyrics? Don't even get me started. I could bitch and moan about his lyrics for weeks strait. As if his music, if you can even call it that, wasn't bad enough, K-Fed himself has a few issues to deal with. Wait, scratch that, not 'a few'. The guy's whole life is one big issue. How many times must I remind him that he's NOT an African-American rapper from the ghetto whose had to work hard to gain money? In reality, he's just a stereotypical white-boy strait out from the trailer park who somehow managed to knock-up one of the worlds most well known celebrities. I've personally never been a fan of Britney, but her carer is officially gone thanks to this douchbag. Thank you, K-Fed. Expand
  70. frankp
    Apr 25, 2007
    That's just for trying. His producers suck and his rap will help you go to sleep at night, maybe, but it doesn't make you want to party, he should try doing country songs.
  71. ChrisK.
    Jun 26, 2007
    The ablum was bad. Maybe becuase it wasnt his style of music, maybe he should do rock or sumthin. I do, however respect him for trying
  72. LenaK.
    Jul 7, 2007
    It really is THAT awful.
  73. KyleMMacdougall
    Dec 17, 2008
    I laughed my head off when i listened to some off his (whatever you could call it). I just could not believe it!
  74. CarlosR.
    Mar 19, 2008
    Total crap! no good tunes, lame lyrics, unoriginal and disposable!! how good can it be listening to 11 tracks about money, drugs and parties?... If what gay-fed was trying to pull with this was his singing career, let me tell you he ended it before even starting it!
  75. AllanS.
    May 5, 2008
    Wow this piece of crap is so bad it makes elevator music sound composed by Beethoven. I think i now know what the devil makes while wanking and it's this.
  76. AaronW
    Jun 8, 2008
    A pure piece of drival.
  77. JoeS.
    Jul 4, 2008
    The feeling and theme of this album can be summed up in two words: WANNABE, and POSER.
  78. SarahP
    Sep 30, 2008
    I was going to use this album on my campaign, but once I found out that he used a Russian producer, I couldn't kill enough seals to make it worth while. Please buy this album and support the American economy. I would have given this 10 stars, but in my tour of that goofy evolution museum, I heard Po Po's Out playing in the back room and lost all hope in this genre. I guess I I was going to use this album on my campaign, but once I found out that he used a Russian producer, I couldn't kill enough seals to make it worth while. Please buy this album and support the American economy. I would have given this 10 stars, but in my tour of that goofy evolution museum, I heard Po Po's Out playing in the back room and lost all hope in this genre. I guess I have have to return to only listening to Britney. John said that he really digs that Womanizer tune. Power to the people. Just not the black ones. Expand
  79. ChrissieJ
    Sep 8, 2008
    After reading massive bad reviews on this CD , I sampled it at Amazon, and it only took me 10 seconds of listening to close the window and try to stop the bleeding from my ears.... I mean, this is just the worst album ever released. It makes Hannah Montana a Grammy winner! As I read before, there are millions of talented but unsigned musicians out there, but as soon as a moron who After reading massive bad reviews on this CD , I sampled it at Amazon, and it only took me 10 seconds of listening to close the window and try to stop the bleeding from my ears.... I mean, this is just the worst album ever released. It makes Hannah Montana a Grammy winner! As I read before, there are millions of talented but unsigned musicians out there, but as soon as a moron who didn't finish high-school like you marries a famous and gorgeous singer as Britney, you got the chance. You got the chance to prove that you had a teensy bit of talent...but it turns out there is no talent to prove! Bad lyrics, God awful voice and just an awful album. Shame on the people who spent money on this piece of crap! Expand
  80. Ranel
    Nov 4, 2009
    The only reason I gave it a 1 is because he at least tried. But this album is filled with the worst imaginable flow and sets of rhyming available. Soulja Boy Tell 'Em isn't even this bad.
  81. MichaelB
    Jan 3, 2009
    Fake. Lame. Rapping about how cool you are has never been entertaining, but hearing it come from Kevin Federline is laughable.
  82. IsaiahG
    Jul 22, 2009
    This album is a complete mess from the first track. The lyrics really don't make sense, it seems like he's trying to impress the hip-hop world, and the way he puts his rhyme together does not work out.
  83. JohnD
    Nov 11, 2006
    Should stand as an achievement alongside OK Computer, Kid A, Dark Side of the Moon, It Takes A Nation Of Millions To...ah, fuck it.
  84. AlexB
    Nov 12, 2006
    If it wasn't for Britney's money, would we even be rating this album? Even when her talentless career is in hiatus, she still finds a way to ensure that America is subjected to awful "music". Pitiful.
  85. CedricJ
    Nov 12, 2006
    The best album from a KFC assistant manager turned back-up dancer turned husband to white trash turned rapper turned WWF star you'll hear this year!
  86. FargoH
    Nov 12, 2006
    Wow. This was craptacular.
  87. [Anonymous]
    Nov 13, 2006
    Congratualtions Limp Bizkit you no longer have the worst album of this decade.
  88. ToddW
    Nov 13, 2006
    I guess I'll add my score to the Legions of Zeroes. This guy is the human representation of everything that is wrong with our popular culture. A total no-talent, and I'm being kind, the only reason he got in the door of a recording studio was because of his ex-wife, another staggering waste of oxygen. Our airwaves are no longer priveleged for the talented and deserving. I guess I'll add my score to the Legions of Zeroes. This guy is the human representation of everything that is wrong with our popular culture. A total no-talent, and I'm being kind, the only reason he got in the door of a recording studio was because of his ex-wife, another staggering waste of oxygen. Our airwaves are no longer priveleged for the talented and deserving. They've become the sanctuary of the sheep who exalt the refuse of American Idol Nation, and this guy doesn't even qualify on that account. To even define what he does as "music" is to truly play with fire. Maybe some clueless music industry executive will wake up long enough from reading the stock page to smell just how bad the Sewerstream stinks and pull this slug's recording contract. Then he or she might focus on doing to Brittany what she did to this Warholian nightmare. Like lawyers at the bottom of the ocean, it would be a good start. Expand
  89. kfed
    Nov 14, 2006
    yo this is a sick album.
  90. m898
    Nov 15, 2006
    Haha. the 2 people below me are serious? i didn't know that middle america manifest was about hard times like "smokin' marijuana", or ''10 G's in my pocket, 5 in my hand...'' and ''fill[ing] the Lamborghini up with shopping bags,'' oh i feel soo bad for him! he seems to be reallly strugling. Talentless guys like this show that if you Haha. the 2 people below me are serious? i didn't know that middle america manifest was about hard times like "smokin' marijuana", or ''10 G's in my pocket, 5 in my hand...'' and ''fill[ing] the Lamborghini up with shopping bags,'' oh i feel soo bad for him! he seems to be reallly strugling. Talentless guys like this show that if you have money, you can get anything. and that bands and groups with actual talent have to work even harder to get a major label. thank GOD britney dumped him. hopefully he'll run out of money and we'll never see his face on an album cover again! Expand
  91. haydesigner
    Nov 15, 2006
    You'd think it couldn't be that bad... that eveyone was just piling on because of who he is. Well it is that bad. Really, really bad.
  92. JamesT.Kirk
    Nov 16, 2006
    Captain's log, stardate 9522.6: I've never trusted white boy rappers, and I never will. I could never forgive them for the death of my culture. It seems to me our mission to listen to halfway decent rap while escorting the Chancellor of the Klingon High Council to a peace summit is problematic at best. Spock says this could be an historic occasion, and I'd like to believe Captain's log, stardate 9522.6: I've never trusted white boy rappers, and I never will. I could never forgive them for the death of my culture. It seems to me our mission to listen to halfway decent rap while escorting the Chancellor of the Klingon High Council to a peace summit is problematic at best. Spock says this could be an historic occasion, and I'd like to believe him, but how on Earth can a redneck this awful at everything he does release an album and get to Brittany before me? Expand
  93. B.Bauls
    Nov 17, 2006
    This is the first time an album has actually made me laugh so hard I woke up sore the next day. Doctors should prescribe this album to people suffering from clinical depression. Then again, it just might make you want to kill yourself.
  94. RickR
    Nov 17, 2006
    Well... it's not that bad. Not that's it's any good either. Kind of enjoyable but the novelty quickly wears off. Looking for dumb celebrity music? Might as well try Paris Hilton's album which is a whole lot better and nicer to listen to.
  95. josema
    Nov 18, 2006
    i can't believe this guy got a record deal. This is a true example about how music has hit rock bottom nowadays. i hope mr. federline reconsiders about trying to become a ''rapper''. give us a break!
  96. honestpolicy
    Nov 20, 2006
    so bad that no one should ever have to suffer through this garbage. if you are EVEN considering it- death will be more fun... and cooler.
  97. bobp
    Nov 22, 2006
    Not that bad - I give it a 1. It's got a moment or two in there... It's a phenomenon of sorts.. but, really Britney's cR@p got produced - why not his?
  98. NickY
    Nov 23, 2006
    Those positive user reviews sound so sincere and heartfelt...not. It's sad that anyone would even bother paying people to astroturf for this pathetic record.
  99. SteveL
    Nov 24, 2006
    I didn't listen to this.
  100. Ian
    Nov 27, 2006
    Well, after having the bravery to listen to one track while occupied, the other two I could not get through. The beats sounded like garbage and his lyrical flow was like mixing molasses and oil with water. He should be banned from trying to rap.....PERMANENTLY!

Overwhelming dislike - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 7 out of 7
  1. The worst thing about Playing with Fire is that it's too stale and inept to inspire laughter: it can only elicit weary groans.
  2. Billboard
    In general, Federline enunciates well. [11 Nov 2006]
  3. Other rappers might hesitate to brag about marrying into bling, but Federline isn't self-conscious about it.