• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jun 17, 2008
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 87 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 66 out of 87
  2. Negative: 7 out of 87

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  1. Andrea
    Aug 4, 2009
    Better than Splinter, but not as good as their old stuff.
  2. [Anonymous]
    Jul 22, 2008
    This album starts with great songs, but then they tend to be too commercial.
  3. JeffV
    Jul 28, 2008
    I used to be a big Offspring fan. I own all of their albums (yes,even the pre-Smash stuff) and I can't help but be disappointed with their latest effort. It sounds like a band desperately trying to stay relevant. They write music in a few different genres on Rise and Fall, but none of it sounds like anything new. Frankly, I think they need to get reinspired and remember why they I used to be a big Offspring fan. I own all of their albums (yes,even the pre-Smash stuff) and I can't help but be disappointed with their latest effort. It sounds like a band desperately trying to stay relevant. They write music in a few different genres on Rise and Fall, but none of it sounds like anything new. Frankly, I think they need to get reinspired and remember why they started making music in the first place. Expand
  4. MislavF.
    Aug 12, 2008
    This album sounds like a mishmash of their previous styles with a bit of more modern stuff. It isn't bad, but it's fairly unoriginal and quite forgettable.
  5. Jan 13, 2013
    The usual topics of punk rock songs: drugs, bad politics, how messed up "stuff" is, or breaking up with a girl. They don't reinvent the genre and partly, the riffs and the lyrics aren't even new. Anyway, it's their best album ever and I'd take out 4 songs that I can really enjoy. But the record is no big deal with its sometimes silly lyrics, bad voice of the lead singer and the montonyThe usual topics of punk rock songs: drugs, bad politics, how messed up "stuff" is, or breaking up with a girl. They don't reinvent the genre and partly, the riffs and the lyrics aren't even new. Anyway, it's their best album ever and I'd take out 4 songs that I can really enjoy. But the record is no big deal with its sometimes silly lyrics, bad voice of the lead singer and the montony which gets heavier and heavier by the end. Expand
  6. Jan 19, 2021
    This is the first Offspring album I listened to. In my early teenage years I would surely have given it a 9 out of 10 to testify how many times this album joyfully accompagnied my on my way to school. I obviously listened to it again before posting this review. Ouch, my adolescence is taking a hit. One can easily feel in the voice of Dexter Holland (the singer of the band) that tirednessThis is the first Offspring album I listened to. In my early teenage years I would surely have given it a 9 out of 10 to testify how many times this album joyfully accompagnied my on my way to school. I obviously listened to it again before posting this review. Ouch, my adolescence is taking a hit. One can easily feel in the voice of Dexter Holland (the singer of the band) that tiredness and lassitude manage to take effect despite the energetic and wild rhythms of the songs. Not to mention of course the monotony of his tone of voice that doesn't let any decent emotion filter. The mix of many different genres prevents the album from becoming repetitive after the second track to the detriment of creating a worthy cohesion. This album is not horrible, but it's only a small step away from being a project that failed all the way through. Expand
  7. NikosParas
    Jun 19, 2008
    Exactly what i expected from them. Their fans will love it, the rest (like me) just don't buy it
  8. frosted
    Jun 20, 2008
    Where are those "kill the president" and lower bass songs? It sounds like Simple plan.
  9. Korne
    Jun 24, 2008
    First off, I am a huge Offspring fan. While Hammerhead was just what I was looking for, the rest of the CD wasn't. Often it sounded too much like other bands including Greenday and Foo Fighters, but never really like the Offspring. This is a there worst CD to date next to their original demo 'Offspring'.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. It's not that the Offspring sound behind the times on their eighth album, Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace--it's that they sound disconnected from it.
  2. There are potent moments like the rise-and-fall ballad 'Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?' and the fierce 'Nothingtown,' but 'Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace' sounds more like a tentative step in the Offspring's new direction.
  3. The album tends to sag in the middle, and as for those gentler moments, well, one for two isn't bad ('Kristi, Are You Doing Okay?' is OK).