• Record Label: Harvest
  • Release Date: Nov 17, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
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  1. Magnet
    Dec 10, 2014
    Seeds finds an adventurous art-rock band embracing accessibility. [No. 116, p.60]
  2. Dec 1, 2014
    Not only is Seeds the most direct and optimistic album, but in some ways, it's their poppiest.
  3. Nov 26, 2014
    The band have shed the Most-Important-Band-In-the-World-For-Try-Hard-Twenty-Something-Hipsters image of their earlier career and are now just making effortlessly good, effortlessly cool music.
  4. Nov 21, 2014
    The album churns away on a mid-tempo path throughout, ethereal harmonies skimming past and back to Adebimpe’s yearning lead vocals being the main thread through it.
  5. 91
    A jittery intensity powers Seeds, the band's fifth album.
  6. Nov 20, 2014
    [Seeds is] not up there with its makers’ very best releases, but a welcome indication that they still absolutely mean business.
  7. Nov 20, 2014
    Seeds is destined to grow and grow. Exhilarating stuff.
  8. Nov 20, 2014
    Seeds is the most streamlined, most polished, most sharp-edged album of their career. And yet it manages to retain their trademark schizophrenia.
  9. Nov 19, 2014
    The band is as sharp and bold as ever, finding new facets of a sound they spearheaded more than a decade ago.
  10. Nov 19, 2014
    Fans of TVOTR's early density and difficulty might get dismayed at their gradual transformation into the thinking stoner's Coldplay. But it's impossible to listen to Seeds' luxurious fuzz and think that this is a band who mean to be anything but fat and in love.
  11. Nov 18, 2014
    Its fifth album is another successful step toward the mainstream.
  12. Nov 18, 2014
    Yes, TV on the Radio is trying to write pop tunes. Some of them aren't bad, and some are so single-minded that it becomes wearying.
  13. Nov 18, 2014
    This very quick, very pretty album is a good new look for TV on the Radio, and longtime fans will also feel at home with Seeds.
  14. Nov 18, 2014
    There are fewer risks taken here than on previous albums (though the New Wave chase "Happy Idiot" and the Ramones-y "Lazerray" are worthy exceptions). TVOTR's boldest move this time around is starting over.
  15. Nov 18, 2014
    At its best, Seeds is a fine tribute to Smith and the sound of enduring unimaginable loss.
  16. 80
    TV On The Radio have returned from an uncertain period sounding remarkably fresh.
  17. 83
    Seeds isn’t TV on the Radio’s strongest album, but it is a radiant reboot, a move forward and a reason to move.
  18. Nov 17, 2014
    Instead of sewing the seed for a brighter future, TV on the Radio leap ahead with a renewed sense of being.
  19. Nov 17, 2014
    So while they've long segued from fin-de-siecle Brooklyn to edge-of-the-continent Silver Lake, losing more than they’ve gained along the way, TV on the Radio are still capable of conquering big stages and broad sonic territory with the kind of precision and power for which their increasingly desperate older contemporaries need to rely on expensive stunts.
  20. Nov 17, 2014
    The album succeeds by being both engaging on a intuitive level and deceptively thoughtful, putting aside overt ambition to pursue a condensed, often melancholy sound that retains TV on the Radio's characteristic inquisitive nature.
  21. Nov 14, 2014
    Moving past melancholy into mild acceptance is a real accomplishment, but a difficult one to make compelling for an entire album. Seeds struggles in that regard, but has to be called a success.
  22. Nov 14, 2014
    It's a rare record that serves as an entry point for newcomers while rewarding old fans who've stuck by them since the beginning.
  23. Nov 14, 2014
    A record rich in fruits to reap, the result of unbridled enthusiasm, masterful craft and, yes, a long gaze sunwards.
  24. 80
    Seeds is a very strong album, even if it may alienate fans of their older synth-led doom-gaze sound. Their loss--this is a triumph that has risen from tragedy, a glittering testament to a fallen band mate who has been done proud.
  25. Uncut
    Nov 13, 2014
    Tunde Adebimpe's gorgeous voice guarantees quasi-spiritual uplift even in their more obvious moments, but there are a couple of wild cards. [Dec 2014, p.81]
  26. Nov 13, 2014
    Seeds is a credit to their bassist’s memory: staying true to the TOTR ethos of writing music that yo-yos between genres, its 12 expansive tracks make for a compelling and frankly splendid record that you should seriously consider adding to your collection.
  27. Q Magazine
    Nov 13, 2014
    Seeds is not 1000 per cent their best work, but it's not far off. [Dec 2014, p.108]
  28. Nov 13, 2014
    Even at their most euphoric, there’s a gentle melancholy in Tunde Adebimpe’s soulful vocals, while lyrics such as Trouble’s mantra of “Everything will be OK” suggest a band emerging from the darkness to throw open the curtains.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 59 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 59
  2. Negative: 4 out of 59
  1. Nov 18, 2014
    An album that shows maturity and growth into some kind of new understanding of what they're able to do. Every song is worthy multiple listens,An album that shows maturity and growth into some kind of new understanding of what they're able to do. Every song is worthy multiple listens, and all are capable of inducing a good scream along with the chorus/ Full Review »
  2. Nov 20, 2014
    A beautiful journey into heartache and loss, that ends up in a triumphant note. Cynical people would probably say that the fact that this isA beautiful journey into heartache and loss, that ends up in a triumphant note. Cynical people would probably say that the fact that this is probably the most commercial record of TVOTR is a bad thing, but this is just a band trying to deal with their inner demons in the most direct and honest way they can. Even with all the sadness of some songs, It's impossible not to smile after hearing Seeds. Another great record from one of the most consistent bands of the past ten years. Full Review »
  3. Nov 19, 2014
    I like this album better than Nine Types of Light. For lack of a better word, it's more accessible - less experimental with a little more ofI like this album better than Nine Types of Light. For lack of a better word, it's more accessible - less experimental with a little more of a pop sound with more hooks, and it works as a coherent album. Full Review »