• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 3, 2006
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 69 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 69
  2. Negative: 21 out of 69

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  1. AlaynaH
    Jan 7, 2007
    The album as a whole doesn't back up songs like "Cold Hard Bitch" or "Are you gonna be my girl" from their last album. "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" is the only great song. There are a view other average ones, and then a few that just suck. I hate to admit, but they really are trying to replicate older bands like the Beatles. In music, you've got to be creative and unique The album as a whole doesn't back up songs like "Cold Hard Bitch" or "Are you gonna be my girl" from their last album. "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" is the only great song. There are a view other average ones, and then a few that just suck. I hate to admit, but they really are trying to replicate older bands like the Beatles. In music, you've got to be creative and unique and this album is neither of those things. Expand
  2. Dav
    Dec 21, 2006
    I had great expectations but this album lacks the substance that made 'Get Born' a great listen. It is a highly commercialise rock album and it does not have songs that connect to its listeners like 'Move On' and 'Timothy' did on their debut album. I will not deny that some of the songs are great but as a whole it doesn't illustrate the potential of the I had great expectations but this album lacks the substance that made 'Get Born' a great listen. It is a highly commercialise rock album and it does not have songs that connect to its listeners like 'Move On' and 'Timothy' did on their debut album. I will not deny that some of the songs are great but as a whole it doesn't illustrate the potential of the boy's musical range and creativity. Although 'Get Born' sounded like some of the greatest bands of the past, 'Shine On' sounds like a Jet cover band playing music for people who don't know what the NME stands for. Expand
  3. Remy
    Oct 6, 2006
    When I read the first set of reviews for Jets new ablum, I was a bit worried because I kept reading how the sound of Oasis has influenced them on their second album. I must make one thing very clear, I am a massive "mad fer it" Oasis fan, but unfortunately I must agree with the first set of reviews. Oasis is Oasis, Liam is Liam, and Jet is not Oasis, nor do they write songs as well as When I read the first set of reviews for Jets new ablum, I was a bit worried because I kept reading how the sound of Oasis has influenced them on their second album. I must make one thing very clear, I am a massive "mad fer it" Oasis fan, but unfortunately I must agree with the first set of reviews. Oasis is Oasis, Liam is Liam, and Jet is not Oasis, nor do they write songs as well as Noel Gallagher does. There are some great Jet songs on this album but too many of them sound like bad Oasis impersonations. Some of the writing is uninspired and it just doesnt feel as natural, and there is a palpable loss of swagger. It feels like Jet has lost some of its identity in this album. I would suggest a listen so you can fully understand the reviews but overall, Jet needs to go back and be Jet. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 16
  2. Negative: 2 out of 16
  1. While occasionally generic, nothing on Shine On is as annoying as their breakthrough single, Are You Gonna Be My Girl.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Mostly forgettable. [6 Oct 2006, p.68]
  3. Get Born's follow-up suggests their musical palette is substantially broader than that of their progenitors or than their Cro-Magnon image suggests... [but] the lyrics are agonisingly stupid throughout.