• Record Label: Dik Hayd
  • Release Date: Apr 6, 2010

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Slash shoots a little too wide for its own good, but the album showcases him as the guitar hero we've always known and as the songwriter we probably haven't appreciated enough.
  2. This first true-solo effort sees the man responsible for some of rock's most iconic riffery joining forces with the friends he met on the way (including The Cult's Ian Astbury, Lemmy and Iggy Pop) and is a rocking riot from the off.
  3. Does it offer us an exclusive window into Slash's soul? No. Is it a neat CV and a sneaky way of auditioning the next Velvet Revolver singer? Probably. Like any other mixtape from a friend, listen to it in the car, then stick it in the cupboard under the stairs with the others.
  4. The top hat-wearing guitar hero has gingerly handpicked a diverse palette of vocalists to accompany each of the 16 tracks and contribute to the lyrics, while he takes care of the riffs....Yet the iconoclastic guitarist is careful to never upstage his guests.
  5. Biggest irony? A trillion bucks' worth of vocal talent can't top 'Watch This', a crunching Dave Grohl-embellished instrumental jam. Sounds like a convenient juncture to give Axl a reconciliatory ring, fella.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 44
  2. Negative: 3 out of 44
  1. Aug 21, 2010
    Great guitar play and Slash should be proud of the effort.

    What it makes me think of? How good would this album be with a lyricist that fits
    Great guitar play and Slash should be proud of the effort.

    What it makes me think of? How good would this album be with a lyricist that fits Slash's style.

    Slash go find a way to make it work with your former lead singer...not named Weiland
    Full Review »
  2. Apr 16, 2012
    For me Slash was already a hero. But when i started listing at this.. I think this is the best thing Slash did in the music world. to badFor me Slash was already a hero. But when i started listing at this.. I think this is the best thing Slash did in the music world. to bad there are songs i dislike like Gotten and We're All Gonna Die. But playing with all these artists and making such great music was some kind of reborn of Slash. Hopefully the new album will be like this great album Full Review »
  3. Mar 29, 2011
    Awesome album - every track is winner. It's great to hear Ozzy back on form with Crucify the Dead, his previous albums have been off the markAwesome album - every track is winner. It's great to hear Ozzy back on form with Crucify the Dead, his previous albums have been off the mark for me, but this sounds like the Ozzmosis era. Some more great tracks featuring Ian Astbury and some surprisingly good stuff featuring Fergie (I'm not a fan of the Black Eyed Peas), she's got a fantastic voice when put to good use! Slash's distinctive licks pull it all together and breathe life through it with his own unique sound.

    For someone who's grown up through 90's rock, this stuff is superb. You don't really get this sound any more, and for me it's spot on. How it reviewed critically as poorly as it did, I have no idea. I guess it's not contemporary enough for today's critics, but for me this sound never gets old.
    Full Review »