• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 28, 2020
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  1. Sep 28, 2020
    Such a wonderful thing! I have loved every song. It really takes me to Perry's heart.
    My favorite songs are Teary Eyes and Only Love
  2. Sep 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Katy entregou tudo que precisamos. ❤️
    Você é simplesmente perfeita em tudo que faz, te amo Katy Perry. Muita sorte pra você, você merece!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
  3. Sep 25, 2020
    Um álbum extremamente mediano e algumas faixas se tornam extremamentes genéricas e esquecíveis,Katy errou muito colocando Smile como pré single,pois Smile é totalmente fraco e parece trilha sonora de um novo filme infantil da Netflix,Daiseis é uma boa faixa mas não deveria ter sido trabalhada como foi,se ela tivesse divulgado Never Really Over ou Harley's in Hawaii no lugar talves elaUm álbum extremamente mediano e algumas faixas se tornam extremamentes genéricas e esquecíveis,Katy errou muito colocando Smile como pré single,pois Smile é totalmente fraco e parece trilha sonora de um novo filme infantil da Netflix,Daiseis é uma boa faixa mas não deveria ter sido trabalhada como foi,se ela tivesse divulgado Never Really Over ou Harley's in Hawaii no lugar talves ela teria um #5 na Hot 100,Cry About It Later,Champange Problems,Not The End Of The World e Harleys IN Hawaii se tornam as mais legais do álbum. Expand
  4. Sep 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El album comienza bien, pero el mismo llega a tener errores, pero los mismos no hacen malo al album, tal vez no sea perfecto el mismo, pero es agradable al escucharse. Por ejemplo el album llega a tener momentos cumbres como HIH, CP, NRO, etc, siendo estas canciones muy frescas y muy bien producidas. Pero el album tambien tiene momentos malos como Resilient donde la voz y el ritmo no van de acuerdo a lo que la canción trata de transmitir. Por otra parte mejora los ritmos a comparación de su anterior album "Witness". Principalmente este album es bueno, aunque tiene errores, pero es uno de los mejores trabajos de Katy Perry y verdaderamente se nota el esfuerzo y la mejora Expand
  5. Sep 21, 2020
    It is a great album at the first listen, but then some songs like ''Smile'' and ''What Makes a Woman'' get definitely skippable.
  6. Sep 21, 2020
    Bops after bops. Short but sweet album. It’s crazy how it’s still cohesive despite the fact that each song almost has a different sound to follow the suitable intended vibe for each part of the overall storytelling throughout the album. Oh, and critics stay pressed.
  7. Sep 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I don't care what anybody has to say, this her best and most personal album, PERIODT Expand
  8. Sep 20, 2020
    This album is really good ,i never enjoyed all songs in album ,but this i really enjoyed all songs
  9. Sep 19, 2020
    Smile es un álbum realmente honesto, profesional y perfecto. En cada canción y cada letra, te motiva a vivir con mayor intensidad, te hace creer en ti mismo y te libera al mismo tiempo. Es una recopilación de canciones cargadas de valor, fe y fuerza. Creo que es uno de losejores trabajos de Katy Perry. Me encantó, me ha ayudado mucho a ver la cida gon mejores ojos y estoy seguro queSmile es un álbum realmente honesto, profesional y perfecto. En cada canción y cada letra, te motiva a vivir con mayor intensidad, te hace creer en ti mismo y te libera al mismo tiempo. Es una recopilación de canciones cargadas de valor, fe y fuerza. Creo que es uno de losejores trabajos de Katy Perry. Me encantó, me ha ayudado mucho a ver la cida gon mejores ojos y estoy seguro que también ayudará a cada persona que lo escuche. Lo recomendaré a todos los que pueda. Vale la pena escucharlo. Los sonidos también son muy buenos y variados, haciendo que el álbum no sea monótono o aburrido. Expand
  10. Sep 19, 2020
    Smile es un álbum realmente honesto, completo, perfecto. Encaja a la medida de cada persona que se identifique con él. Está lleno de buena vibra, de fuerza, de fe, de motivación. Te hace creer en ti mismo y al mismo tiempo te libera. Es realmente hermoso.
    En cuanto al ritmo y al campo visual, es muy bueno también. Es variado y con un contenido sano. Me atrevo a decir que es uno de los
    Smile es un álbum realmente honesto, completo, perfecto. Encaja a la medida de cada persona que se identifique con él. Está lleno de buena vibra, de fuerza, de fe, de motivación. Te hace creer en ti mismo y al mismo tiempo te libera. Es realmente hermoso.
    En cuanto al ritmo y al campo visual, es muy bueno también. Es variado y con un contenido sano. Me atrevo a decir que es uno de los mejores trabajos que Katy Perry ha realizado
  11. Sep 19, 2020
    Such a great album. It’s obviously album of the year candidate. Topped Teenage Dream.
  12. Sep 19, 2020
    I really liked the album one of the best of Katy Perry's career shows a history of overcoming and fighting katy's depression
  13. Sep 17, 2020
    One of the best albums I've ever heard in my life, Katy speaks in a unique way about sadness and joy. One of the crazy artists who evolved in this rotten industry. She doesn't need chats
  14. Sep 16, 2020
    Smile (2020): O álbum tem bons singles, consegue fazer com que a maioria dos fãs dancem com as músicas. Pode não ser o melhor álbum do ano, mas é um álbum com bastante potencial. Nota: 7.4
  15. Sep 16, 2020
    Su 5 álbum, KATY PERRY nos regala una obra maestra este álbum es hermoso sus sonidos, ritmos, melodías son maravillosos te llevan a otros lugares te hacen volar, tiene varios mensajes de positivismo de esperanza, de fe, de alegría, de amor, de recapacitar de justicia, y sus letras mezcladas con las melodías es maravillosos, no entiendo porque siempre han dado malas criticas a sus albums,Su 5 álbum, KATY PERRY nos regala una obra maestra este álbum es hermoso sus sonidos, ritmos, melodías son maravillosos te llevan a otros lugares te hacen volar, tiene varios mensajes de positivismo de esperanza, de fe, de alegría, de amor, de recapacitar de justicia, y sus letras mezcladas con las melodías es maravillosos, no entiendo porque siempre han dado malas criticas a sus albums, mientras que otros cantantes con albums bastante malos han tenido buenas criticas me parece super injusto KATY ES UNA DE LAS MEJORES CANTANTES DE LA HISTORIA Y NO SE LO MERECE.... LAS MALAS CRITICAS ME DAN RISA NO SABEN NADA DE MÚSICA SOLO DE ODIO. Expand
  16. Sep 15, 2020
    Not a great album still love her. Folklore is better tho hehe...................
  17. Sep 15, 2020
    I thought this album was bad and inconsistent, none of the sounds she plays with are very appealing.
  18. Sep 14, 2020
    basic. the only song that stands out alone is harleys in hawaii the rest is just flat, a pop icon like katy perry can do 100 times better
  19. Sep 13, 2020
    It is a correct albun with a good rhythm, the lyrics of the songs give a message of hope and of seeking joy without emporting that it comes.
  20. Sep 13, 2020
    This album could be the best of 2020, but is not. Perry show us the caotic work of SMILE, with bad desicions with singles like Smile and Daisies, someone in her team is taking bad desicions. This album have songs who could be a HIT, like Cry about it Later, Teary Eyes and Champagne problems. Katy Perry tell us "I am a Pop Star" and "A hits maker", with songs like Never Really Over, Not theThis album could be the best of 2020, but is not. Perry show us the caotic work of SMILE, with bad desicions with singles like Smile and Daisies, someone in her team is taking bad desicions. This album have songs who could be a HIT, like Cry about it Later, Teary Eyes and Champagne problems. Katy Perry tell us "I am a Pop Star" and "A hits maker", with songs like Never Really Over, Not the end of the world and Tucked. So many of this songs can be a HIT, but perry ignores their potential. Expand
  21. Sep 13, 2020
    This album was a big disappointment, especially coming from Katy Perry who has had at least some deep cuts on all her albums but somehow fails to deliver this time.
  22. Sep 12, 2020
    BEST ALBUM, I dont care what they said, this is a masterpiece, and of u dont like IT dont f hate
  23. Sep 11, 2020
    this album is excellent, congrats to Katy, we, your fans will always love u no matter how hard things seem to be. Go on, you are doing an applauding work so far, criticism is always along the way.
  24. Sep 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best álbum ever.
    Katy como sempre nus dando um bom trabalho. Thaks #katy foda pra crl**************,,,,,,******
  25. Sep 10, 2020
    It’s sad to see modern pop icon and one of the best-selling artists of 2010’s to come up with album like Smile. That’s it, that’s the review.
  26. Sep 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El peor álbum del 2020, es todo un desastre, ella debería de retirarse de la musica, es la burla del pop Expand
  27. Sep 10, 2020
    Katy Perry has given us her fifth studio album titled "Smile" in which one we go through many personal issues, self love and how Katy has been getting her smile back.
    This album didn't live up to my expectations, I mean, in many songs the production reminded me of Prism, her 3rd studio album. Tracks like "smile" or "resilient" were one of those (I have to say that I love how Katy's voice
    Katy Perry has given us her fifth studio album titled "Smile" in which one we go through many personal issues, self love and how Katy has been getting her smile back.
    This album didn't live up to my expectations, I mean, in many songs the production reminded me of Prism, her 3rd studio album. Tracks like "smile" or "resilient" were one of those (I have to say that I love how Katy's voice sounds on "resilient"). Her voice sounds sweet and angelical in every single track, so I don't have to say anything about that. In tracks like "Harley's in Hawaii", "champagne problems" and "not the end of the world" I enjoyed the production, specially when the beat drops on the chorus. The tropical sound on "harley's in Hawaii", the disco sound on "champagne problems" and the trap sound on "not the end of the world" literally makes me love those tracks (although "not the end of the world" reminds me of witness). Songs like what "makes a woman", "daisies" and "only love" are beautiful balads that share a message about Katy's point of view in many stuffs like how she sees a Woman, how she feels about all the hate that she received before and what she would do if the world was ending. "Cry about it later", and "teary eyes" share the similar message, leaving her saddens behind and start the process of getting her smile back. "Tucked" and "Never really over" are tracks with a jolly sound that makes you dance. "Never really over" is a break up song while "tucked" is a song about how Katy feels with her lover.
    To conclude, Smile isn't a great comeback for katy, but an improvement after Witness. It deserves a Grammy nomination, I must confess.
  28. Sep 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. an album worth listening to without a doubt The work of this great person is admirable
  29. Sep 10, 2020
    This album is amazing, as everything she does! You can see how much she has grown, and all that she has been through. The music is so dancing, definition of Pop! I love this new era, love this music, love Katy!!!!
  30. Sep 9, 2020
    I feel like the album delivers its purpose of telling a story of getting you’re confidence and smile back, the album demonstrating the stages which Katy had to go through her healing process while bring a fun beat to everything
  31. Sep 9, 2020
    Champagne problems is the best song ever!!! Congrats katy, for the baby and the album
  32. Sep 9, 2020
    I like all of the songs on the album. When you listen to them in lrder they bring you through a rollercoaster of emotions.
  33. Sep 9, 2020
    The same pop style since 2010, she is 30+, she needs to grow up and change everything if she wants to continue.
  34. Sep 9, 2020
    This album is full of bops.
    Honestly most of them could easily become a single.
    I think you'll have to listen in order to find it more cohesive. But you can enjoy any song at any time. Katy has found a place where she is more happy and peaceful, and the lyrics reflect that. There are some production details i didn't connect with, but just that. I'm excited for where is this going to
    This album is full of bops.
    Honestly most of them could easily become a single.
    I think you'll have to listen in order to find it more cohesive.
    But you can enjoy any song at any time.
    Katy has found a place where she is more happy and peaceful, and the lyrics reflect that.
    There are some production details i didn't connect with, but just that.
    I'm excited for where is this going to take Katy next.
  35. Sep 9, 2020
    The whole album is perfect. You deserve your smile back. One of the best albums from 2020.
  36. Sep 8, 2020
    Um album sem coesão numa linha tênue de faixas, mas com faixas avulsas que certamente seriam hits... em 2010! A Katy só esqueceu de lançar na epoca certa!
  37. Sep 8, 2020
    In "Smile", Katy Perry gives us more of the same but with a point more than her previous album. By far "Harleys In Hawaii" is the best on the album. Her smile once again makes us blush and ask at the same time, where is she going to go? Hopefully it's to a better place. The album stays true to its style and classic pastelos pop that runs from 7 to 10.
  38. Sep 8, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Katy se renovou neste novo álbum, e ai do viado q abrir a boca pra falar q nao ta bom Expand
  39. Sep 8, 2020
    An album full of healing sounds, an incredible journey, and brings us to everything that Katy's has been through. It gives me sunny vibes, and lots of joy. Every Goddamn song is beautiful
  40. Sep 8, 2020
    Yes, best album of this year. This year of woman
  41. Aug 28, 2020
    This album is pure gold! Every song snaps and brings a smile to your face Katy Perry is glowing!
  42. Sep 8, 2020
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before! One of her best album to date.
  43. Sep 8, 2020
    By far, Katy's best album. I don't get the hate this album's been getting from the "professional" critics. Y'all need to clean your ears out or something. The way THIS body of work is a perfect mix of her past and current sound with improved lyricism are more than enough to give this album a positive review. I don't know why these critics hate her so much since her debut but as a fan i'veBy far, Katy's best album. I don't get the hate this album's been getting from the "professional" critics. Y'all need to clean your ears out or something. The way THIS body of work is a perfect mix of her past and current sound with improved lyricism are more than enough to give this album a positive review. I don't know why these critics hate her so much since her debut but as a fan i've seen her grow and improve as an artist. I love you KP! Keep on shining and inspiring us! and thank you for making us SMILE with this timeless album! Cant wait for whats to come next! I love you! Expand
  44. Sep 7, 2020
    So pure self reflection.... lot of many meanings from this album especially about the lyrics, so deep and mature
  45. Sep 7, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is just her best to date.. Critics don't know what else to do to tear her down but it's late now since she already got her smile. Expand
  46. Sep 7, 2020
    Uno de sus mejores albums, Cry about it later, teary eyes, not the end of the world, harleys in hawaii, only love, what makes a woman, never really over, champagne problems, tucked,daisies, resielient todas las canciones son hermosas llenas de lindos sonidos y ritmos melodías y una letra hermosa es una obra de arte este album.
  47. Sep 7, 2020
    1. "Never Really Over"
    You can't deny that this song will make you move. It's fun, liberating and it's just beautifully put together. THE chorus honey is such a punch in the face (in a good way). This song makes me want to buy a long flowy dress, buy a long flowy wig, go in a field of flowers and simply feel liberated with nature. It's a great song. period.
    2. "Cry About It Later" To
    1. "Never Really Over"
    You can't deny that this song will make you move. It's fun, liberating and it's just beautifully put together. THE chorus honey is such a punch in the face (in a good way). This song makes me want to buy a long flowy dress, buy a long flowy wig, go in a field of flowers and simply feel liberated with nature. It's a great song. period.

    2. "Cry About It Later"
    To me this is a song about hooking up and I'm here for it. The instrumentals, the lyrics, her tones to her voice fit very well. It makes me feel sexy and not guilty about the thoughts I have with hookup culture. Sometimes we all need to just have a little fun and that's okay (if it's safe) and this song is a great way to express that vibe/feeling. I love it. ALSO THE GUITAR at the end gets me every time such a good 80's vibe.

    3. "Teary Eyes"
    This song for me is like the post pardon depression that comes after hooking up and figuring out your love life. it's so relatable. I LOVE the instrumental so much. It defiantly gives me a lot of gay club vibes. I can literally picture dancing to this in the club feeling depressed as hell while drunk and alone but having a good time enjoying being present with the vibe. This song describes that feeling. It's so so so good.

    4. "Daises"
    It's a resilience kind of song about not giving up even though you have on yourself because of others idea of living. It's a good song to listen to driving by the beach or the road. I love the liberating vibe to it.

    5. "Resilient"
    Lyrically I like it. It's cute but I'm not a fan of the instrumental. Every time I hear it it reminds me of one the "The Legend Of Zelda" games.

    6. "Not The End Of The World"
    This. Song. Is. EVERYTHING. This is such a different vibe for Katy and I love it so much. The bass drop, the lyrics, her voice and the instrumental is so well put together. I love how dark it feels but it also has this transformer movie action scene kind of vibe to it. I really love it.

    7. "Smile"
    I think its cute.

    8. "Champagne Problems"
    I think of myself at a very fancy dinner party and just feeling sexy with this one lol. I love her voice vocally. The chorus is fun, catchy and is a good song to really move your hips to.

    9. "Tucked"
    I love the instrumental. The beat makes you move a lot and I'm here for it. my favorite part in the song is the "Lalalalala" part in the chorus. It's just pure endorphins lol. I like this one a lot.

    10. "Harleys In Hawaii"
    This is also a different vibe with Katy. It's very slow but sexy and her voice fits perfectly with the vibe of the song. It's very chill. HER high note at the end is amazing also. It's a good listen.

    11. "Only Love"
    I like the message with the song. That's pretty much it.

    12. "What Makes A Woman"
    I LOVE this song. It sounds so beautiful. Seeing a lot of woman struggle in my life this hits home. It's very liberating and self excepting.

    There is a lot of layers to this album that a lot of people don't see and I feel like that's because people have this generalized Idea of Katy and don't see her beyond her hit making. Wether this album charts or not this is an era of hers that represents hope and losing and I'm here for it. I like how she sticks to deeper meanings of situations today but keeps it hopeful in this album. It shows a lot of power and struggle of standing up but wanting to sit down and relax about your current issues in life. It has a lot of pop vibes and if you're not a pop person this is not necessarily the album you're going to gravitates towards. There are some elements I wasn't a fan of instrumentally but it's apart of her story telling and I respect that it's a different sound she's playing with to keep us talking about it. Overall I love the album. A lot of the songs are catchy, laid back, fun and liberating. Good Job Katheryn.
  48. Sep 7, 2020
    Smile is an amazing album, it's creative and has great songs and it’s one of my favorites of the moment.
  49. Sep 7, 2020
    I don't like it at all, lyrically is good but the the sounds are awful. Sad.
  50. Sep 7, 2020
    AMAZINGGG I love Katy Perry
    so happy for this album
  51. Sep 7, 2020
    um álbum fofo e sem pretensões de charts. a katy preferiu fazer algo mais “seguro” após o witness e não há problema nenhum nisso! não entendo todo esse hate que ela está recebendo.
  52. Sep 7, 2020
    I was quite excited to listen to this album, carved out time to properly listen to the whole thing from beginning to end. However, I quickly started skipping parts of songs, hopefull that the next song would be another typical Katy Perry hit. But there weren't any for me on this album. I know she might want to do something different. It felt like she wanted to go more emotional, moreI was quite excited to listen to this album, carved out time to properly listen to the whole thing from beginning to end. However, I quickly started skipping parts of songs, hopefull that the next song would be another typical Katy Perry hit. But there weren't any for me on this album. I know she might want to do something different. It felt like she wanted to go more emotional, more personal. But she never quite reached a place of vulnarebility on this album. Expand
  53. Sep 6, 2020
    Just one of the best albums from her
  54. Sep 6, 2020
    这是我听过的最糟糕的专辑。我不认识凯蒂·佩里。凯蒂·佩里 发生了什么,但是无论发生什么都一定破坏了她的创造力。即使是八月份发行,这也是2020年最糟糕的专辑,我讨厌它。她曾经是2010年的出色流行歌星,但她失去了魔力 。在排行榜上也表现不佳哈哈哈!
  55. Sep 6, 2020
    Um álbum incrível! Um dos melhores álbuns dela e um dos melhores lançamentos do ano. Sempre tenho uma expectativa boa pela Katy mas esse álbum realmente me surpreendeu , todas as musicas tem potencial para serem singles e até hitar. Uma pena todo hate e boicote que ela vem passando.
  56. Sep 6, 2020
    As for me, this album is the best of her works) It is deserve more, than receive now.
  57. Sep 6, 2020
    Thank you Katy Perry for making me smile and for lifting my spirit up with this amazing new album that I will forever cherish close to my heart
  58. Sep 6, 2020
    Katy Perry shows us once that reinventing herself is not a problem for her. In this album he gives us excellent rhythms, lyrics and excellent messages, simply inspired from the day to day of his life.
  59. Sep 5, 2020
    one of the best albums of 2020, it is light, with very inspiring and strong lyrics, it sounds so fresh to the ears, my favorite songs are: teary eyes, cry about it later and tucked, thanks Katy for sharing this amazing album with the world.
  60. Sep 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Mom rocked a lot. Incredible album, I'm in love❤ The album is a mixture of emotions that few artists can do ... wonderful Expand
  61. Sep 5, 2020
    Perfeito! Maravilhoso! Necessário! O álbum perfeito para a Pandemia. Obrigado Katy pelo seu amor e carinho!
  62. Sep 5, 2020
    katy perry’s best album and that’s on period. fav tracks: teary eyes, daisies and never really over.
  63. Sep 5, 2020
    Actually, the album is pretty basic. It's a cute album but nothing more. In my opinion it has one of Katy's best song (Harleys in Hawaii) but the other non-singles songs ain't that new. I love Katy but this year the others Pop Girls did a better work.
  64. Sep 5, 2020
    Es el mejor trabajo que ha hecho Katy en su carrera, recuperando su sonrisa
  65. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum horrível, uma bomba sonora, Katy Perry continua na sua comodidade, sempre as mesmas músicas, esse álbum parece de descarte de cada era dela. Expand
  66. Sep 4, 2020
    She never evolves. She always does the same boring type of childish music. So awkward. The worst album of the year by far. Stream Lemonade by Beyoncé to clean your ears. Beyoncé poops on Katy.
  67. Sep 4, 2020
    Smillllleeeeee. So beautifull
    Esse álbum realmente me deixou feliz. Primoroso
  68. Sep 4, 2020
    Her best album since Prism.
    The only problem here is that she dropped a LOT of songs before the album came out, and it seemed a little confuse... but the album itself is dancing, funny, well-made, sentimental and it's everything that we could've ask when it cames to Katy Perry.
  69. Sep 4, 2020
    definitely one of Katy's best albums. The theme, sonority and quality were great. An album full of dance hits like "Teenage Dream" and with strong and touching lyrics like "PRISM".
  70. Sep 4, 2020
    Katy Perry is the most beautiful and charming women with beautiful voice.New Album Smile is very entertaining and full of colors.i like it. Katy will be the best always.
  71. Sep 4, 2020
    This album is simply perfect. I love all the songs and i think Katy really shows us another mide por her de never seen.
  72. Sep 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great album, way better than witness era. And never really over is amazing! Best song since Roar. Expand
  73. Sep 4, 2020
    This album has really deep and beautiful messages (some of them I could relate to) and I appreciate it. However, the production is not what I was expecting, not saying it was bad, because it isn't, but as the general public didn't really like Witness, Smile doesn't mark enough territory to make an "AMAZING comeback only musical legends can do". Some songs are really good, a few of the bestThis album has really deep and beautiful messages (some of them I could relate to) and I appreciate it. However, the production is not what I was expecting, not saying it was bad, because it isn't, but as the general public didn't really like Witness, Smile doesn't mark enough territory to make an "AMAZING comeback only musical legends can do". Some songs are really good, a few of the best songs in Katy Perry's career are in this album, but for the most part, it's fun... but empty. I fell like she was trying to be what people wanted her to be with this album sonically. The lyrical content is really beautiful, and all these ideas the album wants to express just would've done differently, I would prefer really atmospheric production for the lyrically really deep songs in here. But this it not a bad album, it's enjoyable, but not authentic enough, that's my opinion. Expand
  74. Sep 4, 2020
    One of her best albums, deserves more recognition and a better mark because it’s amazing. Metacritics chupadme un hueb0
  75. Sep 4, 2020
    Best Album Ever. Loved your voice and songs were amazing. Can't help getting over it.
  76. Sep 4, 2020
    ICNONIC. Katy's best album! Such a bop! Sadly that people hate her so much, she doesn't deserve all the hate that she gets. All negative reviews are useless and people that review negatively hate her. She's a queen and she's proved it. WE LOVE U KATY.
  77. Sep 4, 2020
    this album is really bad... depressing and katys voice is annoying... not recommended at all.. the good old katy Oerrys days are over...
  78. Aug 28, 2020
    it's disgusting as you don't even disguise the boycott, look at those 60, you are a bunch of **** idiots, she did an amazing job thats why it won so many 60 THE ONLY REASON IT'S BOYCOTT HER
  79. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. **** fans are barking too much. This album is not as good as I expected but it's okay. **** fans are crying all over the Internet. **** is uglier less wealthier than katy. **** have only 18 million followers on YouTube. She is not the greatest ever. Not even close. Taylor is the greatest ever on this decade. **** is not even close to katy's success. **** . Expand
  80. Sep 3, 2020
    It has the Katy essence but tell us a story. It isn’t just another pop album or another Katy album. You can dance to it, can jive, can cry, you can FEEL! Not a big Katy Perry fan but she really nailed it on this one.
  81. Sep 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is Katy in her essence. Champagne Problems, Tucked and Only Love are my favorite songs. So proud of her! Expand
  82. Sep 3, 2020
    No es tan bueno, me parece a trazado para su discografía, anterior. No causa relevancia ni produce emoción al escuchar.
  83. Sep 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ending with “There it is Katheryn” just leaves me with the great sensation that she put heart and soul on this album. I completely loved it, totally worth it. Expand
  84. Sep 3, 2020
    So basically the issue that I have with this album is the lack of maturity in the production and lack of maturity. However, I do not know if this was intentional or not. However, despite this, I can see and respect this album for the emotional importance it has for Katie. It serves as a story for her emotions and a place to put all of her emotional issues which I appreciated. I alsoSo basically the issue that I have with this album is the lack of maturity in the production and lack of maturity. However, I do not know if this was intentional or not. However, despite this, I can see and respect this album for the emotional importance it has for Katie. It serves as a story for her emotions and a place to put all of her emotional issues which I appreciated. I also appreciated the lyricism and some production here and there. Expand
  85. Sep 3, 2020
    This album is amazing. It is filled with empowering lyrics and songs ‘I know there’s got to be rain if I want the rainbows’ Katy sings in “Resilient”. This is a step forward from her underperformed album “Witness” back in 2017. My favourite song is “Not The End Of The World” (especially at the moment) this album sounds like a very mature Katy. This is definitely my favourite by Perry.This album is amazing. It is filled with empowering lyrics and songs ‘I know there’s got to be rain if I want the rainbows’ Katy sings in “Resilient”. This is a step forward from her underperformed album “Witness” back in 2017. My favourite song is “Not The End Of The World” (especially at the moment) this album sounds like a very mature Katy. This is definitely my favourite by Perry.
  86. Sep 3, 2020
    you just don't feel any connection with the album is like the sound and lyrics are not too special and it's pretty forgettable, nothing to compare to Perry's prior albums that at least had two or three potential smash hits.
  87. Sep 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. So freaking amazing! Production is A-list and lyrics and the whole vibe is incredible! Katy did that! Expand
  88. Aug 28, 2020
    Uno dei piú belli album di sempre, ogni canzone entra in testa e ci rimane, sono tutte delle perle, dei capolavori. GRAZIE GRANDISSIMA DONNA, KATY PERRY❤️
  89. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Put your headphones on, turn it up...
    And now dance mf

    Now dance, you will cry about it later
  90. Sep 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Katy brings the freshness of life, after overcoming some rocks on the way. Radiant and safe again, she delivers the best of herself to the world. An incredible album, full of life and love. Expand
  91. Sep 3, 2020
    In general terms I think it is a good pop music album, it is a pleasure to listen to and the composition and production of the songs reflects a clear reference to Katy's early albums. Anyway, I don't like everything, I feel like something is missing, even considering all the expectations there was. I feel like songs like 'Teary Eyes' or 'Not The End of the World' are incomplete or justIn general terms I think it is a good pop music album, it is a pleasure to listen to and the composition and production of the songs reflects a clear reference to Katy's early albums. Anyway, I don't like everything, I feel like something is missing, even considering all the expectations there was. I feel like songs like 'Teary Eyes' or 'Not The End of the World' are incomplete or just repetitive. Regarding the best ones, my personal favorites are 'Harleys in Hawaii', 'Tucked', 'Champagne Problems' and the catchy sound of 'Smile'. I like the evolution of Katy since Witness but it is still missing. Expand
  92. Aug 28, 2020
    Generic music, i hate this. Katy Perry needs to other direction in the carrer.
  93. Sep 3, 2020
    This woman knows how to do pop music, beautiful lyrics, happy sounding, fun and perfect to dance and sing along!!!
  94. Sep 3, 2020
    girl you have done it again
    constantly raising the bar for us all

  95. Sep 3, 2020
    Katy delivered a job with songs that are sticky to a certain extent and enjoy listening to pass the time. However it is not your best work, but the album is good, but nothing innovative.
  96. Sep 3, 2020
    Este álbum me llena de energía y esperanza. Lo amé. No entiendo las críticas tan bajas de la prensa. Para mí uno de los mejores albums de Katy.
  97. Sep 3, 2020
    The album is by far her most empowering yet.
    It represents a lot about positivity, empowerment and just getting yourself back.
    If Prism is about Maturity, Witness is Experimenting... Smile is Rejuvenation/Revival.
  98. Sep 3, 2020
    Honestly her best work yet. Not a single song feels out of place and ech flow directly into the next. 12/12 amazing songs.
  99. Sep 3, 2020
    I think the fact that Katy made an album based on the hard times she been through and express herself in a way than the tracklist is the definition of build a life is quite remarkable.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Sep 8, 2020
    Without fleeting moments of bad taste, Perry does indeed sound mature, but she's also not quite as fun. That's a conscious choice, though. Smile is intended to evoke memories of her frivolous younger days while pointing toward a sustainable pop future.
  2. Sep 4, 2020
    While Perry finds the occasional moment of quality here (Smile and Tucked both feel like the best possible music we could get from Katy Perry in 2020), Smile is an album searching for an identity—and when it fails, it falls back on lazy writing.
  3. Aug 31, 2020
    Like Joanne before Chromatica, Smile plays like a necessary centering exercise, indulging her insecurities and less surefire instincts. If Witness was overdetermined, Smile is an earnest exhale, for better or for worse. It delivers an image of her journey towards inner peace that is honest (if corny) and catchy (if not exactly inventive).