
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. The palpably effervescent joy of Rae Sremmurd feels untainted by the ills of reality and stands against a backdrop of contemporaries like Shmurda and Chief Keef who use their as a way of combating the grim reality of inner city rot.
  2. Jan 27, 2015
    The coming-of-age and kinetic SremmLife reminds listeners that jumping into "poppa's chair" was a thrilling mix of pride and new opportunities, plus, the album doubles as a guaranteed party soundtrack.
  3. Mar 18, 2015
    It's one-note, sure, but we're rooting for Rae Sremmurd.
  4. Jan 6, 2015
    The album overall is a triumph, however, varied and fulfilling, with too many hits and slappers to regard Rae Sremmurd as a one-hit wonder of 2014.
  5. Jan 13, 2015
    This is Snapchat-raised turn-up music, trendy and self-actualizing through its references to memes that come quick as they go.
  6. Jan 6, 2015
    While SremmLife is thin on substance, it’s built for clubs and late night adventures. Perfect for the time where sunglasses and Advil are eventually needed.
  7. Jan 14, 2015
    Despite Rae Sremmurd's rep for hyped-up celebration songs, the album's best moment comes when Lee and Jimmy eschew cranking up for something closer to cutesy romance.
  8. Jan 6, 2015
    Coming in at only 11 songs, SremmLife is a lively surge of hedonism and recklessness.
  9. Jan 16, 2015
    Though a few songs stretch out an interesting idea too far—for instance, the post-Nae-Nae scrum "My X"--SremmLife is a showcase of an electric new talent paired with all the trappings of a bigtime major label debut.
  10. 75
    It’s an album that gives as much as it gains, both in trap-flow intensity and emotional catharsis.
  11. Mar 10, 2015
    SremmLife definitely lives up to the hype--yes, it's more focused towards the youth market, but it shouldn't preclude anyone reading this who enjoys the youthful energy of debut artists going nuts once they get a big chance.
  12. Jan 20, 2015
    This brother duo from Elvis Presley's hometown of Tupelo, Mississippi, radiate an inescapable exuberance, shouting with the zeal of freshly minted stars.
  13. Jan 6, 2015
    Sremmlife is as good as it is because of how sonically pleasing it is.
  14. The Wire
    Mar 4, 2015
    Jimmy and Swae kick gleeful and indistinguishable spring-loaded raps about nothing in particular. [Feb 2015, p.57]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 143 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 143
  2. Negative: 34 out of 143
  1. Jan 7, 2015
    The only album I've listened to that has confused me so badly that I cried. Horrible rap, and how this album got over 70% meta is BEYOND me.The only album I've listened to that has confused me so badly that I cried. Horrible rap, and how this album got over 70% meta is BEYOND me. Not only are the tracks awful, but the lyrics don't even rhyme together. Going off of the "Young Money style" where they don't rap, hardly work and call it a day. Full Review »
  2. Jan 11, 2015
    Sremm Life is the future **** I'm 32 from tha south and grew up on No Limit, Scarface, and Cash Money. Outkast, UGK, and 8ball and MJG. As ISremm Life is the future **** I'm 32 from tha south and grew up on No Limit, Scarface, and Cash Money. Outkast, UGK, and 8ball and MJG. As I got older, I only listen to true club bangers or just true banger anthem type songs on a mixtape from various artists. I always wonder why artist's entire album wasn't as banging as the songs on the radio. I told myself, I wished the entire album was good. Not just 3 or 4 songs. Albums like 50 cent Get Rich or.... And Outkast All of 'em. We'll finally I get another complete banger album from Rae Sremmurd where every beat is tight on some Dre-ish type producing, one of the best Albums in the past 15 years! One of the top 5! And here you come with these lies!
    No Type is a really good song but No Flex Zone like No Type is also a great banger and both really just warm you up for some much better music on their album. If you don't feel YNO, Throw Some More, Come With Me and Safe Sex and Pay Checks, then you shouldn't be a DJ. Hip Hop is dead and Sremmurd Living is going to help feed the game for a little longer. Lit lit lit, lit like bic, and unlock the swag give you 2 intros for the price of one! My X and This Could Be Us made my wife listen to rap again! I would let my teen agers years from now listen to them. "See, you don't have to sell drugs and rap about stuff that would set all people back for some time frame or another kids."
    If you don't like it, call "Mime" Will Made It and make a better one. Because, could you shouldn't make a sound about anything or Sremm-LeeJimmy again. Silence...cuz music is now Up Like Trump (view 302 on YouTube and 25 more later).
    Oh yeah, it's not Shrieking in this album, it's call swag which is the same difference.
    Full Review »
  3. Jan 8, 2015
    This is a really satisfying album, and Rae Sremmurd have succeeded in differentiating themselves from other hip-hop musicians by their pop-ishThis is a really satisfying album, and Rae Sremmurd have succeeded in differentiating themselves from other hip-hop musicians by their pop-ish and wacky style. Full Review »