• Record Label: Elektra
  • Release Date: Jun 10, 2003
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  1. JeffL
    Jun 11, 2003
    This album is rhythmically interesting in some sections. James singing is awful - lots of intonation problems. I'm not too thrilled with Lars' set on this album. Hammet's solos are non-existent. Very disappointing. St.Anger could lead Metallica to a new type of song writing, but this attempt is upsetting. The album just doesn't work.
  2. MatP
    Jun 12, 2003
    Kevin L says it well. It's not Ride the Lightning and I miss the solos but the album gets my heart going and I'll never miss a chance to see them live because the energy they give out is like no other band out there.
  3. riska
    Jun 16, 2003
    WOW! a drinalin rush from this band almost makes me want them to be as my leader in my life. the words, the music, his voice make this all come to gether in a beautiful peice of music. a lot of anger and emotion seemed to have gone into this so its over all a good cd cause of their dedication to the music. the feeling when i drive with the cd make me wanna just reve up and go through town WOW! a drinalin rush from this band almost makes me want them to be as my leader in my life. the words, the music, his voice make this all come to gether in a beautiful peice of music. a lot of anger and emotion seemed to have gone into this so its over all a good cd cause of their dedication to the music. the feeling when i drive with the cd make me wanna just reve up and go through town crazy like and paint the city red. Expand
  4. RobertO
    Jun 16, 2003
    This album is utter crap. Avoid at all costs.
  5. cmilne
    Jun 18, 2003
    In the name of all that is sweet and merciful, IT"S ABOUT TIME!! To say that the heavy metal formula ( riff, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, solo, verse, chorusx2) has been abandoned is to understate the obvious. It feels like they've decided that less is more. Play from the gut and commercial implications be damned. The Metallica fans who are familiar with Kill Em' All, both In the name of all that is sweet and merciful, IT"S ABOUT TIME!! To say that the heavy metal formula ( riff, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, solo, verse, chorusx2) has been abandoned is to understate the obvious. It feels like they've decided that less is more. Play from the gut and commercial implications be damned. The Metallica fans who are familiar with Kill Em' All, both Garage Days and Ride the Lightning will appreciate the rawness that has been captured. This is Metallica sans apology and it is long overdue. The subject matter is at times extremely introspective, and the ferocity with which they play behind it really brings the angst to the forefront. If you like raw, loud, and agressive, this is your album. If you are a long time Metallica fan that remembers them before they made videos this is Nirvana. I gave it 9 out of 10 because I feel a 10 is only worthy if I feel the same 10 years down the road. Expand
  6. CharlieP
    Jun 19, 2003
    Regardless of what the diehards want you to believe - this Met Diehard speaks the truth - this album is NOT good - not by anyone's standards. I just cashed mine in today at CD Exchnage - so save some money and go there first if you really want this load of garbage.
  7. davec
    Jun 23, 2003
    WEAK. Metal is already simple enough, basic cord structure, easy to solo on...and now metallica just turns out garbage like this that is akin to nu-metal...and what's added? Wow, it's faster and there's more aggressive drumming...great...there's tons of better bands out there, this is hardly a 6+ album.
  8. ryannp
    Jul 11, 2003
    metallica roccs! they r so cool and no 1 can say shit about them, cuz i will kicc ur ass, i know i am a grl, but damn, they rocc, they know how to play some real music!!
  9. SeanM
    Aug 11, 2003
    What a fucking album! Not only is it quite up to par with most of thier other albums, but its so addicting to listen to@ With all the speed metal from the 80's, conbined with the bone chilling riffs of the black album to the serene sound of "sweet amber". Metallica definatly unleashed one hell of a beast on this one. I just got back from thier concert yesterday, and they played it so What a fucking album! Not only is it quite up to par with most of thier other albums, but its so addicting to listen to@ With all the speed metal from the 80's, conbined with the bone chilling riffs of the black album to the serene sound of "sweet amber". Metallica definatly unleashed one hell of a beast on this one. I just got back from thier concert yesterday, and they played it so loud and hard that i could barely keep up with the lyrics of "frantic". Awesome job Metallica! Expand
  10. NiceIceDude
    Aug 15, 2003
    I know that it's important for bands to evolve because we don't need to hear the same thing over and over again. The problem with Metallica is that they're not evolving...they're DEvolving! No, Lars, playing an out-of-tune drum does not make any sort of artistic statement; it just shows that you must be losing your hearing. There's nothing wrong with growing old I know that it's important for bands to evolve because we don't need to hear the same thing over and over again. The problem with Metallica is that they're not evolving...they're DEvolving! No, Lars, playing an out-of-tune drum does not make any sort of artistic statement; it just shows that you must be losing your hearing. There's nothing wrong with growing old as long as you know your place. This album shows that the only rocking that the guys in Metallica need to be doing is rocking in some rocking chairs. Expand
  11. RobN
    Nov 9, 2004
    Simply Amazing.
  12. tim
    Apr 28, 2004
    this is a decent album. the lack of lightning guitar solos is a downer though. at first, st anger sounds like crap compaired to metallica's old stuff, and it is, but after a while youll really start to like it. its a good effort but i hope the next one is better
  13. Dave
    Dec 22, 2005
    Complete and utter tripe. Used to love Metallica, but this album should never have been made.
  14. FrédérickL
    Feb 28, 2005
    I miss the solo.
  15. GaborA
    Mar 16, 2005
    Very different but as good as classic Metallica. The only thing this album could use is a little more diversity.
  16. robbiem
    Mar 16, 2005
    lovely melodious beautiful best metal band ever
  17. oneilg
    Apr 14, 2005
    Rolling Stone Magazine gave this 4 out of 5 stars. Are their heads wedged up their asses or what?! The mix sounds grotesque, like hacking a loogee in slow, slow motion. Absolutely unmusical. Unlistenable. The lyrics are hideous: "I'm madly in anger with you" "My lifestyle determines my death style." And watching the documentary "some kind of monster" made this abomination seem even Rolling Stone Magazine gave this 4 out of 5 stars. Are their heads wedged up their asses or what?! The mix sounds grotesque, like hacking a loogee in slow, slow motion. Absolutely unmusical. Unlistenable. The lyrics are hideous: "I'm madly in anger with you" "My lifestyle determines my death style." And watching the documentary "some kind of monster" made this abomination seem even more deplorable. These self absorbed multi millionares have little to complain about, but that's all you hear on this cd and throughout that tiresome documentary. I can't remember hearing a worse cd than this. Expand
  18. fudgey
    Aug 25, 2005
    this album sux. the drums sound like tin cans. i'm very disappointed in this effort
  19. Eli
    Jul 15, 2006
    I was shocked when I came to this page to see this album has a positive rating. This album has the effect/feeling of being raped in the ears repeatedly if there is such a feeling possible. Don't worry about people illegally downloading tunes from this one metallica. There might be some decent parts in a few songs but about 95$ of the album is quite honestly laugh out loud awful. I was shocked when I came to this page to see this album has a positive rating. This album has the effect/feeling of being raped in the ears repeatedly if there is such a feeling possible. Don't worry about people illegally downloading tunes from this one metallica. There might be some decent parts in a few songs but about 95$ of the album is quite honestly laugh out loud awful. Dreadful lyrics and painful vocals combined with mostly terrible instrumental sound makes for the worst Metallica album ever! To put it simply Metallica tried to create a straight up head banging album and failed miserably. Metallica had another album coming soon and I hope and pray they have learned from the shitstain of an album called Saint Anger. Expand
  20. WillL
    Jul 23, 2006
    Please Metallica. Spare us all, and leave while you still... kind of rock. Your juvenile attempt at creating another Kill Em All turned out to be worse than Kill Em All. Metallica, unless you want to go back to the 80's, and pull out your best efforts, DON'T RELEASE ANOTHER ALBUM.
  21. ChristopherS
    Jul 27, 2006
    Yeah, the production is not 'slick' the way suburban teenagers and mallrats might expect. But this is heavy fucking metal! It's not about the production...it's about channeling anger through a drum beat and a guitar riff, and St. Anger succeeds admirably at that. Their best album since ...and Justitice for all.
  22. Sep 22, 2010
    When i first herd this i knew that this wasn't the metallica everyone was used to. Something was wrong. I found that this was the album were james (singer) just got out of that huge rehab deal that he was going though and was returning to the band. I guess the just wanted to get back in slowly with just riffs and no solos. Ill let u off this time metallica but now start getting to the goodWhen i first herd this i knew that this wasn't the metallica everyone was used to. Something was wrong. I found that this was the album were james (singer) just got out of that huge rehab deal that he was going though and was returning to the band. I guess the just wanted to get back in slowly with just riffs and no solos. Ill let u off this time metallica but now start getting to the good stuff. I mean mind blowing solos. I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT UR SOLOS! Expand
  23. Sep 26, 2011
    Okay, i think that, as many have said, this album is a blast from the past, with a little difference: the lack of soloing. People might say that how fast you play isn't important, but if you want a real good Metallica album, then it has to have soloing. I pretty much didn't like most songs individually (there are some exceptions; like St. Anger, which resembles Motorbreath in it's raw yetOkay, i think that, as many have said, this album is a blast from the past, with a little difference: the lack of soloing. People might say that how fast you play isn't important, but if you want a real good Metallica album, then it has to have soloing. I pretty much didn't like most songs individually (there are some exceptions; like St. Anger, which resembles Motorbreath in it's raw yet entertaining style), but i think that the album as a whole holds up pretty well. For that, i give it a 7. Expand
  24. Sep 20, 2013
    I know that some fans really dislike it, but you can feel their problems and anger from that album. They went through difficult times during recording this album and it feels like that. I simply love it, love that change, love that heaviness and love Lars snare, i usually dont like punk drums, but here its just awesome!
  25. Jan 6, 2014
    This is Metallica's return to the earth. They've come back with their instruments in their hands and not a single f*ck given. With the production sounding like a garage jam on a Friday afternoon and drums that are certainly "unique." St.Anger is an album that happens when you take all the struggles that Metallica went through and extracted all the rage and Anger from their souls and putThis is Metallica's return to the earth. They've come back with their instruments in their hands and not a single f*ck given. With the production sounding like a garage jam on a Friday afternoon and drums that are certainly "unique." St.Anger is an album that happens when you take all the struggles that Metallica went through and extracted all the rage and Anger from their souls and put it on this album! There's no auto-tune, there's no guitar solos, and most importantly, there's no bull-sh*t coming from them. This album sounded aggressive and rushed straight for your fists with rage, and even though this album suffered from fan backlash, did Metallica give a sh*t? NO. In fact they acted like the reviews didn't even exist...and they STILL don't. All they remember is how tough it was going through the recording process of the songs...That proves that Metallica does what they do for not just the fans but for what THEY think is best. This album is the perfect example of that and i praise and respect them for that...unlike YOU people Expand
  26. Jul 18, 2018
    Utterly shocked to see the good reviews for this album. Obviously, thi is NOT Metallica. Everything sounds awful, especially the drums. Production is **** composition is **** This is barely listenable. Even Merzbow seems more melodic than this.
  27. Feb 25, 2019
    This album is so horrendous that Lars Ulrich could conceivably be charged with crimes against humanity.
  28. Jul 4, 2021
    Alright a St. Anger review in 2021. It has taken me a long time to actually listen to the album all the way through. The first thing that is obviously noticeable in the first song "Frantic" is the drum snare. Basically what Lars Ulrich did is he just released the wires from the snare drum. We all know about the drum snare though so i'm not going to talk about it much. One thing I had aAlright a St. Anger review in 2021. It has taken me a long time to actually listen to the album all the way through. The first thing that is obviously noticeable in the first song "Frantic" is the drum snare. Basically what Lars Ulrich did is he just released the wires from the snare drum. We all know about the drum snare though so i'm not going to talk about it much. One thing I had a problem with on this album is how long some of these songs are. Lets name a few. St. Anger is 7 mins 21 secs, Some Kind of Monster is 8 mins 25 secs, and All Within My Hands is 8 mins 45 secs. Total the entire album is 75 mins. But the reason I am not giving this album a terrible review is all the crap the band went through creating the album. Metallica: Some Kind of Monster is actually a great documentary if you are interested in seeing this stuff. The album originally started getting recorded in April 2001 but James Hetfield had started going into rehab. The recording did not resume until 2002. Also in 2001 when the band came into the studio they had nothing. In the documentary Some Kind of Monster, James talks about how he had lost his voice on the Black Album. You can hear this especially in the line "Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tock" in the song "Frantic". There were a few songs I actually sat through and sort of enjoyed. These were Frantic, St. Anger, Some Kind of Monster, and Invisible Kid. I don't totally hate this album, I just think it needed more time. Expand
  29. DanP.
    Feb 11, 2008
    Despite the abuse this album has recieved in the past I thought that it was great to see Metallica try something different. Ineviatably it was going to horrify their thousands of devoted fans by dropping their guitars down a few steps, the phrase "sold out" probably came to a few lips too, but I thought that this album was solid with quite a few oddly catchy songs thrown in there for good Despite the abuse this album has recieved in the past I thought that it was great to see Metallica try something different. Ineviatably it was going to horrify their thousands of devoted fans by dropping their guitars down a few steps, the phrase "sold out" probably came to a few lips too, but I thought that this album was solid with quite a few oddly catchy songs thrown in there for good measure. Listen to it if you can open your mind to the fact that all of Metallica's discography cannot be similiar or as good as Master of Puppets. Expand
  30. Sconf2
    Mar 3, 2007
    Metallica is dead T.T
  31. suvoc
    May 2, 2007
    fukin amazin. if u dont like this album u r a wanker
  32. NickC.
    Jun 2, 2007
    Underrated. I didn't dig it on first listens, but after pulling it out a few years later, its good. Not as good as Master of Puppets, but I'd put it on par with Black.
  33. AdrianL.
    Jan 5, 2008
    Painful to listen to, this album just could have been so much more.
  34. Mike
    Oct 17, 2006
  35. MichaelC
    Dec 20, 2006
    Where are the solos? Ps. Anybody who pays attention to Rolling Stones top 100 guitarist dosn't know anything about the instrument. There are so many names left off that list, most notably, Steve Vai, Frank Zappa, John Petucci and Joe Satriani. Those guys arn't top 100, but Kurt Cobain and Jack White are top 30, is just garbage.
  36. JohnC
    Dec 6, 2006
    I have been a metallica fan since day one. I can't say I have ever been disapponted. Metallica can never be accused of repetition or recycling old material. Two things are certain, new material from Metallica is going to be just that, NEW, and it will be HEAVY. While I will always love the older material, the new material has never disappointed. It will always amaze me how fans will I have been a metallica fan since day one. I can't say I have ever been disapponted. Metallica can never be accused of repetition or recycling old material. Two things are certain, new material from Metallica is going to be just that, NEW, and it will be HEAVY. While I will always love the older material, the new material has never disappointed. It will always amaze me how fans will be so quick to dismiss material that is different. Who wants to hear recycled riffs with different lyrics? While I was absolutely blown away by Load & Reload, others criticized the change. WTF. St. Anger is the most potent, heavy and unique material to be turned out by the 'Tallica boys, and again, heavily criticized. WTF. What are people listening to? The riffs are absolutely sick ! While Kirk Hammet is, as usual, stellar at lead, James Hetfield is a master at rythym, with some very cool leads as well. James, you the man !! Killer drums by Lars and most impressive bass by Robert, all come together to form a collection of material that will rattle the teeth from your jaws. If you haven't yet, go buy St. Anger right now. If hearing the songs isn't enough, well just pop in the DVD and watch them play the songs. Many thanks to Metallica for turning out, yet another, heavy and very angry piece of work. Metallica Rules !!! Expand
  37. PatC
    Feb 28, 2007
    Drum sounds awful not even in the shadow of the Black album
  38. KevinH.
    Feb 6, 2007
    Possibly the worst album ever made, how a band who made albums like Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, and Kill Em' All made this garbage is beyond me.
  39. tomg
    Nov 20, 2008
    While this isn't the worst Metallica CD, it is not good. The omission of guitar solos, the steely sounding drums, and Hetfield's woman-like cracking voice on Frantic, make this an un-stellar CD. Though some songs sound rather good, the CD needed way more work on it.
  40. YoYo
    Jan 30, 2008
    Hated it.
  41. Joe
    Apr 4, 2008
    Probably the best album Korn could have come up with. But since is played by Metallica, it's not what you'd expect.
  42. TiagoS.
    Jul 20, 2008
    It´s the best album of Metallica for me. So much anger in the musics and many great songs in this album. Off course there are not much "solos" but there are much energy, power and ANGERRRRR.
  43. TristanS
    Jul 10, 2009
    This is not Metallica's greatest outing, but who can deny that a little bit of savagery isn't welcome after years of Country-induced twang Metal and pop-drenched choruses? I for one think this album is a bit of an acquired taste. And it is one of those things that you just may love, or just might hate with a passion. Frantic, St. Anger and All within My Hands are the best songs This is not Metallica's greatest outing, but who can deny that a little bit of savagery isn't welcome after years of Country-induced twang Metal and pop-drenched choruses? I for one think this album is a bit of an acquired taste. And it is one of those things that you just may love, or just might hate with a passion. Frantic, St. Anger and All within My Hands are the best songs on this metal groove of an album.... I recommend it, but beware: You may just hate it. Expand
  44. JamesB
    Jul 20, 2009
    About as bad as music gets, all things considered.
  45. Brian
    Dec 20, 2006
    Dude, Metallica Rocks, Master Of Puppets isn't on anybodys top 5 list of greatest rock albums of all time, and if it is, its a wank list. As for Black Album, it's meh.
  46. CrossieA
    Dec 29, 2006
    1. Master Of Puppets 2. Ride The Lightning 3. Kill Em All 4. ...And Justice For All 5. St. Anger These 5 albums in this order so much better than anything else they have ever done. 'Black' ok but not for Metallica 'Load' and 'Reload' utter garbage St Anger best album since Justice
  47. JoshA
    Sep 14, 2006
    This album may have had a few plusses but overall it well...sucked. They were obviously trying to recreate the past with this album yet they failed. First of all, if they wanted to recreate the past, then Kirk needs to stop playing rhythm guitar and become that lead man that made him 11th best all time in Rolling Stones top 100 guitarists. Second, Lar's drumset is a problem. It This album may have had a few plusses but overall it well...sucked. They were obviously trying to recreate the past with this album yet they failed. First of all, if they wanted to recreate the past, then Kirk needs to stop playing rhythm guitar and become that lead man that made him 11th best all time in Rolling Stones top 100 guitarists. Second, Lar's drumset is a problem. It literally sounded like he was building a shed. Either that or his neighbor woke up one morning to discover his trash can lids missing. I mean really! The last glitch to an ok album is James' voice. If he wasnt angry it sounded god awful. Sorry but it did. This album had a few good songs such as Sweet Amber and The Unnamed Feeling but I mean they could've done a better job and on future albums I hope they do. Expand
  48. RicardoS
    Sep 9, 2006
    It´s a really good album and a strong and "full of anger" comeback to Metallica!
  49. MattF
    Feb 11, 2007
    First of all, if you post a comment about the whole downloading fiasco, your an idiot. i can sense some of you morons posting 0's simply b/c you didnt like what they did. This is about the music, so lets get to it. i like all of Metallica's music, except Reload, which sucked it hard. But this album i thought was hard and angry. i disliked only 3 songs, Sweet Amber, My World, and First of all, if you post a comment about the whole downloading fiasco, your an idiot. i can sense some of you morons posting 0's simply b/c you didnt like what they did. This is about the music, so lets get to it. i like all of Metallica's music, except Reload, which sucked it hard. But this album i thought was hard and angry. i disliked only 3 songs, Sweet Amber, My World, and Purify. Everything else i enjoyed. But this album isnt for everybody. And yes Ulrich's snare drum sounds retarded but i didnt mind it too much. Frantic St.Anger, Shoot Me Again, Invisible Kid, and The Unnamed Feeling, are my favs. Expand
  50. redf
    Feb 16, 2007
    complete and utter crap from a band that used to be ok
  51. Clay
    Mar 24, 2007
    I'll probably get some flack here, but this is my favorite Metallica album.
  52. MichelleK
    Apr 13, 2007
    Tripe, absolute...tripe. Its a shame Metallica have fallen from their former grace
  53. JohnS.
    May 20, 2007
    Absolutely terrible. Metallica is dead.
  54. JoaoM.
    Jun 14, 2007
    Well, it's pretty poor.
  55. Tic-tic-toc
    Jun 27, 2007
    fukin crap. if u like this album u r a wanker
  56. Oliver
    Jul 5, 2007
    A dense, raw, no compromise record that traduce a powerfull statement from the band! They have this genius to always push further and to destabilize their fans like only Legends can do...They will certainly loose fans with this album, but they will also have new ones: like it always been since debut album Kill'em all.
  57. ElpoA.O
    Jul 9, 2007
    I love metallica, but this CD is really bad in comparison with EVERYTHING they've done before, even Load and Re-Load.
  58. Landon
    Feb 24, 2008
    This shit ROCKS my socks, and that is what Metallica is supposed to do.
  59. Stormwatch
    Apr 3, 2008
    I think Metallica got confused with the meanings of the word "drum", because the drums in St. Anger sound like metal barrels. The sound is insanely compressed, there are no dynamics, no music -- just a wall of noise. This is not only Metallica's worst album, but also one of the worst metal album ever.
  60. Janee
    May 11, 2008
    If you feel what the band felt at the time they made the album, you'll realize: this is not about the great solos of the past, or something like this. this album is about releasing the anger from the pain and kickin' out of the crisis the band got through cause of James etc. each song has a meaning. u just don't realize it! haters suck, METALLICA FAN FOR LIFE!!!
  61. DaleK.
    Jun 17, 2008
    A one because that's how much percent of integrity Lack-of-Metal-lica, has left. HAHAHA It's funny how SPIN magazine gave this garbled garbage 91/100, yet Mudvayne a 0. Sad that people would ever buy according to their reviews. probably the same critics who gave the so called movie "The Village" good ratings. Stupid religious garbage.
  62. ColinG.
    Jul 17, 2008
    A strong set of songs.
  63. PauloG.
    Aug 16, 2008
    Is a good disc, but a just don´t understand why it hasn't one little solo!
  64. BryanH
    Apr 8, 2009
    This is by far the worst peice of crap metalliica ever produced. It's so bad I can't even believe it's a studio allbum. The recording quality? There isn't any. Distorted, choppy, and painful to listen to. Lars is so off beat on the drums, and for the love of god, loosen up the snair! It sounds like a tin can! James stop trying to sing so much dude, you don't have This is by far the worst peice of crap metalliica ever produced. It's so bad I can't even believe it's a studio allbum. The recording quality? There isn't any. Distorted, choppy, and painful to listen to. Lars is so off beat on the drums, and for the love of god, loosen up the snair! It sounds like a tin can! James stop trying to sing so much dude, you don't have good range. Not to mention you're way off key buddy. Lost your voice after the black album and sadly have never sounded like the hetfield of the old "badass". Hammett!!!! WTF are you doing here?!!! No leads, just riff after riff, with no "awe" in the middle. Tick, Tick, shut the hell up. What I don't understand is how people can hear this and go, this kicks ass! I don't think it is a matter of this pleasing their ears, it can't be. It's just simply that it is Metallica. So I guess it's "cool" to like whatever they produce. As an old school metallica fan I have to say it's embarassing to listen to. Because this used to be my favorite band in the world. Metallica was so lost on this album when newstead left that bob rock actually played bass in the studio. It's a joke, it's actually quite sad considering what metallica used to be. To those that favor this I say you are all musically impaired. Your like the people that like the C rate movies on the Sci Fi channel. St. Anger=St. We are so angry that we forgot how to make music. Expand
  65. MetallicaRocks
    Dec 6, 2006
    Yes, while St. Anger sucks in comparison to the giant albums that metals most respected band has put out in the past, a la Master of Puppets, and Metallica (the black album), take a look at what you are comparing it to. Master of Puppets is on almost everyone's top five list of greatest rock albums of all time. Ride the Lightning or ...And Justice for All, ususally is in the top ten Yes, while St. Anger sucks in comparison to the giant albums that metals most respected band has put out in the past, a la Master of Puppets, and Metallica (the black album), take a look at what you are comparing it to. Master of Puppets is on almost everyone's top five list of greatest rock albums of all time. Ride the Lightning or ...And Justice for All, ususally is in the top ten as is the black album. You can't compare St. Anger to such monolithic masterpieces. As an intety by itself, St. Anger is a decent album. The sound quality isn't quite their, and the drums are definately lacking, but it is still better than half the crap put out by many of today's artists. It is by far not their best album, but it could be worse. Hopefully, now that Bob Rock is out of the picture, Rick Rubin can do what he did for Johnny Cash, revive Metallica's career. Let's stop bashing St. Anger, and hope to God that the next album is a lot better. Maybe they will come out with something worthy to wear the name Metallica. We all know that it can't get much worse. Expand
  66. WilliamT.
    Nov 10, 2007
    Definetly not the best album Metallica have released but not bad all the same.
  67. BrettS.
    Jun 25, 2007
    Metallica still remain my favorite band, but this album sucks. The drums sound like trash cans which is just fuckin annoying. Why did they even release this album? Didnt they realize all the flaws in this album before they released it? the only reason why they made this album was for the money. hope the next album doesnt suck like this one. Do yourself a favor, stick to the first 5 albums.
  68. RyanD
    Jul 18, 2007
    Certainly not there best album ever, but id definitely pick it in 3rd place, its not smart, progressive or inspiring, its just brutality and anger. I didn't really like the fact that lars sounded like he was pounding crowbars into steal garbage cans, the bass could have been done better too, but on the whole it was a pretty good album.
  69. James
    Aug 15, 2007
    Not bad. But not as good as their older stuff.
  70. JackS.
    Sep 13, 2008
    Just noise.
  71. LuisA.
    Sep 15, 2008
    This is Metallica's effort to show ewat they were feeling and the tension that was between them. That would be a good idea if it was released on an EP, or an internal disc not showed to anyones. But if you want to show that to a multitude of hungry fans who want good ol' Thrash Metal, that's not the way. Lars' Can Drums, James Hurting voice, Kirk's monotone This is Metallica's effort to show ewat they were feeling and the tension that was between them. That would be a good idea if it was released on an EP, or an internal disc not showed to anyones. But if you want to show that to a multitude of hungry fans who want good ol' Thrash Metal, that's not the way. Lars' Can Drums, James Hurting voice, Kirk's monotone solo-less songs. You see, RtL's "The Call of the Ktulu" lasts 8 minutes andit keeps you close to the music. St Anger's title track lasts 5, and on the 4th minute the song is so repetitive that you want to stop. But let's see it as an experimental an therapeutical album, at least, they did an effort. Expand
  72. JackP.
    Nov 24, 2007
    A very good album with some of Metallica's best songs. But not their best album.
  73. ErichV.
    Dec 21, 2008
    Album is terrible and reminiscent of the Titanic sinking.
  74. Oct 11, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sounds strange and so not-Metallica.James has totaly lost his voice and he doesnt sound like the old him.This is not a thrash metal.Its more nu-metal or heavy metal.If i live in 1985 and hear this album my last guess would be that this music is made by metallica.All in all this album is not bad but not what i espect from metallica 7.0 Expand
  75. May 14, 2012
    This album is notorious for being complete **** It was released in 2003 and the band was having a lot of problems like their bassist of about 15 years Jason Newsted quit the band. Now the album itself I have mixed feelings about. Number one it's kind of long. This wouldn't be a problem if it didn't feel so long. Number two the drums sound horrible. Number three the songs tend to beThis album is notorious for being complete **** It was released in 2003 and the band was having a lot of problems like their bassist of about 15 years Jason Newsted quit the band. Now the album itself I have mixed feelings about. Number one it's kind of long. This wouldn't be a problem if it didn't feel so long. Number two the drums sound horrible. Number three the songs tend to be repetitive and boring. Number four there isn't a single guitar solo on the entire album. I don't care if there isn't one on a couple of songs but in this case it probably would have helped. There are several good things to this album. One the style improved a lot since Load/ Reload. They dropped the makeup, which back in the early days would ridicule bands that wore any makeup at all. Two the band was falling apart at this time so the release of the album helped prevent the band from disbanding. All in all, this album is okay. Expand
  76. Dec 22, 2012
    Wow. This is incredibly awful. I can't believe it took them 7 years to release this. It's as if they were a bunch of 14 years olds sitting around in a garage with a guitar, getting incredibly drunk, when they decided to record this. Realising they had no drums they must have grabbed some garbage cans from the side of the road, brought them inside and started making music. Later on the sameWow. This is incredibly awful. I can't believe it took them 7 years to release this. It's as if they were a bunch of 14 years olds sitting around in a garage with a guitar, getting incredibly drunk, when they decided to record this. Realising they had no drums they must have grabbed some garbage cans from the side of the road, brought them inside and started making music. Later on the same day they must have gotten some recording equipment brought around for them and 2 hours later, after making pretty much the same noise, released this. There was absolutely none of their classic masterful craftsmanship put into this album. Collapse
  77. May 24, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Oh boy... where to begin...

    Compared to Load and Reload, its far heavier, the raw effect is pretty good, and the lyrics are very good... perhaps one of the best of them.

    However, the new switch will not be for everyone. The heavy metal here is far more modernized and the some of the drumming is f**** terrible.

    Overall when you get down to it, a pretty good album, better than Load and Reload in some aspects, but still far behind Master of Puppets, Ride The Lightning, Kill Em' All, ...And Justice for All and the Black Album as far as i am concerned.

    Lyrics - 9/10
    Style - 8/10
    Sound - 8/10

    FINAL SCORE: 8/10
  78. Mar 27, 2014
    Yes, it worst Metallica album. But it still rock, maybe snare drum is bad, but i like this album, and like to take drive with this music. So **** good!
  79. Apr 11, 2014
    If could put 11, i would have put it, because this album is THE BEST THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD! If we will be able to heal aids, it wouldn't be as good as this album. it's not only the best Metallica's album, it's also THE BEST **** ALBUM IN THE HISTORY OF MUSIC!
  80. Jun 15, 2016
    There are a lot of reasons this doesn't work, and most of them can be grouped under the umbrella of "This sound here and that sound there don't sound like they even belong in the same song." But mostly, it's Lars' terrible, terrible Frankendrum. This is the Will Ferrell SNL cowbell sketch extended to album length.
  81. May 15, 2019
    I think they made the songs this bad on purpose so no one would want to illegally download them. They get a 2 just for that hahaha.
  82. Nov 22, 2020
    St. Anger's raw and powerful energy makes this one of the most unique Metallica works, that may be hard to get into because of the bad production and, specially THAT snare. Anyways, once the songs grow in you, this album may become one of your favourites.
  83. May 30, 2023
    This album sucks. It doesn’t even feel like Metallica, it feels like I’m listening to a bunch of toddlers banging on tin cans with some lyrics written by a cliche highschooler who thinks that “live laugh love” is deep. It’s a joke. I choose to avoid this album for good reason, you should too.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 20
  2. Negative: 5 out of 20
  1. Mojo
    This is miffed and exemplary metal. [Jul 2003, p.108]
  2. Uncut
    Against all odds, St. Anger constitutes the cutting edge of commercial yet aggressive heavy rock in 2003. [Aug 2003, p.106]
  3. The production on St. Anger is abysmal.