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  1. Jul 11, 2014
    I was pleasantly surprised by this album, upon seeing the packaging and reading the tracklist I assumed it would be a compilation of slow-paced boring ex-Disney star songs. I couldn't have been more wrong. The overall production of the album is of an excellent standard and it is one of the few albums in recent years which I can listen to every track on. Album highlights include 'Birthday',I was pleasantly surprised by this album, upon seeing the packaging and reading the tracklist I assumed it would be a compilation of slow-paced boring ex-Disney star songs. I couldn't have been more wrong. The overall production of the album is of an excellent standard and it is one of the few albums in recent years which I can listen to every track on. Album highlights include 'Birthday', 'Like A Champion', 'B.E.A.T' & 'Nobody Does It Like You'. Album lowlights are the lead single 'Come & Get It' which gets horrifically repetitive after a couple of times, and 'I Like It That Way' in which Gomez seems to refer to her Disney girl state and creates a childish, pre-teen girl song.

    The album still beats other ex-Disney stars efforts such as Miley Cyrus' 'Bangerz' or Demi Lovato's 'Demi' and I definitely recommend to anyone who enjoys energy filled pop music.
  2. Oct 10, 2015
    Stars Dance, primer ábum en solitario de la exitosa cantante Selena Gómez encierra alguna de sus mayores perlas. Love Will Remember es considerada por muchos la mejar canción del álbum (y la más triste). Además, los dos únicos singles también fueron auténticos bombazos: Slow Down (videoclip rodado en París) y Come & Get It (su videoclip más reproducido hasta la fecha).
  3. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's a very fun Pop, EDM, and electro album. The songs show Selena Gomez as confident, young, and vibrant even if it doesn't showcase so much of her vocals (with the exception of Love Will Remember, Stars Dance, Forget Forever) as we would have liked but it was a solid album with sounds of the time. If you want to feel like you're at a club, need a little confidence boost, or to dance this album inspired by dance beats and Rihanna/Britney Spears, check it out! My faves are Undercover and B.E.AT Expand
  4. Aug 21, 2022
    bop after bop! this albums slaps i don’t care what anyone says. hope she goes back to songs like this
  5. Jul 27, 2013
    "Stars Dance," Selena Gomez's debut solo album, is clearly one of the most highly anticipated releases of 2013. It not only showcases true talent, but experiments with a variety of genres, from electronic to dub step. Gomez, who just recently turned 21 after the release of "Stars Dance," also demonstrates a new approach for the singer to the music business, as it's different from her"Stars Dance," Selena Gomez's debut solo album, is clearly one of the most highly anticipated releases of 2013. It not only showcases true talent, but experiments with a variety of genres, from electronic to dub step. Gomez, who just recently turned 21 after the release of "Stars Dance," also demonstrates a new approach for the singer to the music business, as it's different from her three previous albums that she had done with her band, The Scene ("Kiss & Tell," "A Year Without Rain," and "When the Sun Goes Down").

    Track-by-Track Review:

    1. "Birthday" 8/10; a great way to start off the album
    2. "Slow Down" 9/10; "Slow Down" is an ultra-catchy track with an infectious hook
    3. "Stars Dance" 6/10; has a nice beat, but definitely not the best song on the album
    4. "Like a Champion" 3/10; catchy, but probably the worst song on the album
    5. "Come & Get It" 9/10; probably one of the best songs on the album
    6. "Forget Forever" 8/10; it has a nice beat and some good lyrics to go along with it
    7. "Save the Day" 10/10; definitely the best song on the entire album
    8. "B.E.A.T." 6.5/10; a good song, but nothing too special
    9. "Write Your Name" 8/10; a song that stands out on the album and is indeed very catchy
    10. "Undercover" 9/10; a song that clearly separates itself from the rest of the record
    11. "Love Will Remember" 7/10; a good way to end the album
  6. Jul 29, 2013
    This album is fun, delightful, and enlightening. All music is dance, which blands it out a little nu ti enjoy the songs. If you're taking it on a real serious note then you have to get a hold of yourself. Of course its some pop crap but its enjoyable. There are only a couple of songs with very little amount of meaning but it directs more of the dance culture but its a feel good album. HerThis album is fun, delightful, and enlightening. All music is dance, which blands it out a little nu ti enjoy the songs. If you're taking it on a real serious note then you have to get a hold of yourself. Of course its some pop crap but its enjoyable. There are only a couple of songs with very little amount of meaning but it directs more of the dance culture but its a feel good album. Her voice of course isn't great, and what we are listening to is nothing too are from a scale from 1 10 of inappropriateness for the youngins would be 4 or 5 depending on how you feel for your child's ears. Nothing explicit. No original content, but its for fun. Show some love and lighten up a little. Quality and production is cool. Vocals are below average. Expand
  7. Oct 8, 2013
    Selena Gomez' latest is evidently a dance oriented work, with no further intentions, and I have to say that it fills the expectations. The most important thing of this album is something that lacks in others: balance. Plus, the songs are well-sequenced, which gives the album some extra points. Songs are funny, despite the massive use of autotune. You can listen the album from beginning toSelena Gomez' latest is evidently a dance oriented work, with no further intentions, and I have to say that it fills the expectations. The most important thing of this album is something that lacks in others: balance. Plus, the songs are well-sequenced, which gives the album some extra points. Songs are funny, despite the massive use of autotune. You can listen the album from beginning to end easily. "Come and get it", "Save the day" and "Music feels better" (this last one with a slight eighties touch) are catchy, and that's more than you can ask from a Selena Gomez album. The production is also clean, and finally, this maybe is not a great album, miss Gomez vocals are not the best in industry,. but ithis work shows more pros than cons and that's why I'll give this release a positive score. Expand
  8. Feb 2, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The release of highly anticipated 'Stars Dance' by growing performer Selena Gomez proves to be a well-produced, catchy and nicely delivered piece of teen electro-pop, with several light and fixable flaws.
    Track no. 1 is Birthday', a punky song which does not only suit the singer perfectly, but proves to bear a unique sound accompanied by a banging bass, handclaps and crazy beats, perfect for a confident album opener.
    'Slow Down' follows, with a simple but catchy electro-pop chorus that shows why it was chosen as the second single. Nothing completely new, but still fun to listen, bragging a terrific hook for dancing.
    Next is title track 'Stars Dance', which stands out as an orchestral-dubstep song which captures the listener's ear since the very stringy beginning. One of the best songs in the album, it falls out of the 'title track is terrible' cliché, and lets Gomez showcase her vocal ability without overdoing production.
    'Like a Champion' is a breezy, tribal-like piece of dancehall pop. It barely manages to grasp the album's concept while still briefly departing from loud electro-pop bangs and bursts, quite well may I add.
    Lead single 'Come & Get It' is the album's smash hit, a stand-out on 'Stars Dance'. Following it's previous track's sound, it expands it with Indian background singing and a nice touch of electronic runs. It falls prey, however, to predictability and somewhat floppy lyrics.
    'Forget Forever' is a personal favorite. With nicly controlled vocals, and a refreshing, sing-along chorus, it succeeds in it's purpose. It also lyrically departs the album's previous 'please don't leave me' concept and successfully takes on a 'forget you ever knew my name' punch line.
    'Save The Day' is musically more of the same, however, it's pumping beats and Gomez' immersive vocals lead us onto a fantastic dubstep chorus and latin-like bridge. It shares a strange similarity with track 'Come & Get It' though, which both benefits and harms the singer's presentation.
    'B.E.A.T.' has Gomez' vocals being messed and tampered with for about 3/4 of the song, which is not new, but manages to captivate us with a stuttering b-b-b-beat. Repetitive, yes, cute, yes, ultimately annoying, also.
    As 'Write Your Name' begins, it seems to be taking a break from what we have been hearing, but as it approaches a banging dance-pop chorus we can't help but fall for it's catchy-yet-familiar tune. Smartly produced and with a suprisingly lovely rap verse by Gomez, it proves to be yet another hit-making material.
    'Undercover' is both the nearest to a Guetta-like produced song and the highlight of the album (which is strangely disappointing). It features the album's different-but-the-same electro-pop arrangement in the chorus, but it's definitely a manically dancy song which keeps us waiting for that electronic explosion we've been technically hearing throughout 'Stars Dance', and to be able to do that half an hour into the album, is already a success.
    'Love Will Remember' is the ballad of the album, and based upon the excessively covered relationship the singer had with Canadian artist Justin Bieber. Dramatically soothing, and awkwardly emotional, it's in the top 3 tracks from 'Stars Dance', with Gomez' vocals refreshingly undisturbed (mostly). However, many are likely to not make it this far in the album due to it's constant formula, leaving this love story unheard.

    Two deluxe tracks followed the original release:

    'Nobody Does It Like You' is a fun yet hollow song that barely saves itself from falling into the 'oh, again' category with a good dubstep chorus. It is, though, very similar to 'Slow Down', and since the latter's become a single, this track loses the little potential that surfaced.
    'Music Feels Better' is the thirteenth and final track on 'Stars Dance'. It surpiringly showcases a 90's disco spirit and it's fun, carefree delivery is mainly the reason for a Deluxe purchase of the album.

    Overall, 'Stars Dance' is a fantastically produced, well-delivered record that, whilst falling victim to predictable electro-pop situations, takes Selena Gomez' promising career and pushes it a step forward and away from Disney Queen status. Her new sound and direction suits her well, and fit nicely in her career, as 'Selena Gomez & the Scene' fans awaiting the band's return are sure to find 'Stars Dance' worthy enough to keep them excited.

    Overall score: 8.0 out of 10
  9. Feb 27, 2014
    I was quite happy with this album. Stars Dance is better than all of Selena's previous albums. The songs are less childish, which is good, cause the Selenators who used to listen to Kiss & Tell in 2009, have grown, so they need growth in music. I think there's a lot of influence by Britney Spears on this album, which is also good, cause I love Britney. The beats on Stars Dance really makeI was quite happy with this album. Stars Dance is better than all of Selena's previous albums. The songs are less childish, which is good, cause the Selenators who used to listen to Kiss & Tell in 2009, have grown, so they need growth in music. I think there's a lot of influence by Britney Spears on this album, which is also good, cause I love Britney. The beats on Stars Dance really make you wanna dance, so I get the title. I love the fact that Selena put a lot of dubstep on this. Sel experimented with a lot of different genres and I think she did a good thing doing that. Still, she's not the world's greatest singer. Her voice is very breathy, which makes songs like "Come & Get It" fit perfectly to her voice. Other songs, however, like "Nobody Does It Like You" are too high for her. This causes the high notes to sound kind of irritating. I also think the bonus tracks are extremely bad. But, the rest of the album is really good. My personal favorites are its title track, "Stars Dance", "Undercover", "Slow Down" and "Forget Forever". Expand
  10. Jul 11, 2014
    I found a great dance album, really. 5 music has qualities to be singles. But I think I missed a small part of Selena Gomez. Somewhat lacking identity in some of his songs.
  11. Oct 22, 2015
    Genuinely loved the whole album. Come and Get is Selena's best song TO DATE. And the Best song I've heard in my life. The whole album had amazing dance uptemo beats. Save the day,Slow Down,Like a Champion are just amazing. This was probably the best album of 2013 in my opinion. One thing it lacked was that it only had uptempo songs which you can't listen to in every mood songs like theGenuinely loved the whole album. Come and Get is Selena's best song TO DATE. And the Best song I've heard in my life. The whole album had amazing dance uptemo beats. Save the day,Slow Down,Like a Champion are just amazing. This was probably the best album of 2013 in my opinion. One thing it lacked was that it only had uptempo songs which you can't listen to in every mood songs like the title track and Birthday were probably two songs which weren't that great! And i don't think Birthday was a good song to open the album with . That was probably the only flaw. But her new effort Revival STOLE the game!
    Good job Selena!
  12. Jul 27, 2020
    The album isn’t her best work but it has a few gems like love will remember, slow down, and come and get it
  13. Jun 25, 2019
    FULL OF EDM CLASSICs even though she didnt have full control theres many good elements to this album
  14. Nov 12, 2020
    An album I would still listen to because there are some favourable tracks in it.
  15. Nov 16, 2021
    Thanks to the strong songs, Selena's reliably strong vocals, and the variety of sounds, it adds up to be another fine entry in her catalog and just another example of why Selena Gomez is one of the best pop stars making music. What's left, then, is a collection of 11 shinily produced pop songs that find Gomez trying on a series of different personalities with her slight-yet-capable vocals.
  16. Jul 24, 2013
    I have listened to all of Selena Gomez's album, and I think Star Dance is one of her best. Among the songs I liked are Star dance, come & get it and slow down.
  17. Dec 17, 2014
    A good album to dance and have fun. But overuse of auto tune on some music and she forgot to focus on the quality of the songs, but is good to hear.
    Highlights: Birthday and Love Will Remember
    Lows: Write Your Name and Stars Dance
  18. Jul 12, 2019
    "Stars Dance" marks the first solo album of Selena Gomez without her band Selena Gomez & The Scene. This album shows a slightly more mature image of Selena while staying in the continuity of his 3 previous albums. What is unfortunate is that we feel that this album is more teen pop than pop, Selena tries new things without more. I even find that his last album with his band "When The Sun"Stars Dance" marks the first solo album of Selena Gomez without her band Selena Gomez & The Scene. This album shows a slightly more mature image of Selena while staying in the continuity of his 3 previous albums. What is unfortunate is that we feel that this album is more teen pop than pop, Selena tries new things without more. I even find that his last album with his band "When The Sun Goes Down" was better in the production of the album or in the lyrics of the songs. Moreover, even if I like the lead single "Come & Get It" which is striking, it does not look like Selena (song originally intended to Rihanna) or the album, the song is really too different and is a the most pop song of the album than the albums that are for me, of the teen-pop style except "Stars Dance". It's still a good album. Expand
  19. Jun 6, 2020
    It is a good album ,looks like Selena is going to a more serious album,it is not perfect ,it has good lyrics and songs with excellent rhythm
  20. Jan 10, 2020
    The album is filled with a lot of okay songs and just a few stands out. Come and Get It being the best, we also have Undercover and Stars Dance which are way better than Slow Down, they should've been singles.
  21. Mar 30, 2021
    Despite the singles, this is not an impressive album at all, but a fully EDM-pop influnced album with generic lyrics that still can make you dance.
  22. Oct 8, 2013
    Her debut album without her band, Selena Gomez and the Band, was released by Selena with a new, sexier, yet 'PG' rated image, which makes sense beause she is still with Disney when this album was released.
    The tracklist of the album were okay for a debut album. The sexy opening song of the album, Birthday, seems to be a more 'PG' rated version of Rihanna's 'Birthday Cake', only the song
    Her debut album without her band, Selena Gomez and the Band, was released by Selena with a new, sexier, yet 'PG' rated image, which makes sense beause she is still with Disney when this album was released.
    The tracklist of the album were okay for a debut album. The sexy opening song of the album, Birthday, seems to be a more 'PG' rated version of Rihanna's 'Birthday Cake', only the song is more catchier, more longer and the point of the song is there, it's about a freaking birthday. The closing song, Love Will Remember, is the best song to close this album. Even though it addresses to her ex, Justin Bieber, the electronic feel of the song does not feel emotional at all despite its catchiness.
    There are not much highlights of the album which is disapointing. The highlights were Birthday and B.E.A.T., a sexy song that channels Dev.
    The best highlight of the album was 'Forget Forever', which could have been a better lead single than its Indian music-inspired, Come and Get It.
    Even though it's a great debut album from Selena Gomez, it lacked diversity in its production.
  23. Oct 29, 2013
    Selena shows us what we are already tired of seeing, nonetheless, Stars Dance sounds so generic that this must be the reason that, even if not entirely, does it work at certain points.
  24. Jul 30, 2013
    OK, its obvious no one here knows how to actually review and album. There either way too happy and fan obsessed or just a complete hater. Here's an actual review.
    Let me start by saying Selena has a iffy voice nowhere near Demi but nice and sweet to hear unlike Miley.
    01) Birthday: An awkward song trying to be sexy while still sounding kiddy (3/5). 02) Slow Down: Danceable, but gets
    OK, its obvious no one here knows how to actually review and album. There either way too happy and fan obsessed or just a complete hater. Here's an actual review.
    Let me start by saying Selena has a iffy voice nowhere near Demi but nice and sweet to hear unlike Miley.

    01) Birthday: An awkward song trying to be sexy while still sounding kiddy (3/5).
    02) Slow Down: Danceable, but gets bland after about 15 listens (4/5).
    03) Stars Dance: The title track that os both sweet yet heart shopping at the same time. A dubstep influenced song (5/5).
    04) Like A Champion: Influenced by Rihanna this Caribbean definitely gets you moving and catchy with the chorus (4/5).
    05) Come And Get It: Originally belonging to Rihanna, this Bollywood inspired song is both lyrically and production wise perfect (5/5).
    06) Forget Forever: The first song about her relationship with Justin, the song starts off slow and breathy, the moves into a large EDM full on dance hit (5/5).
    07) Save The Day: The Jennifer Lopez song that Selena got. The song is good and danceable but might have been a hit if J.Lo song it (4/5).
    08) B.E.A.T.: A wannabe Dev song that ultimately feels interesting after a couple of listens. The song isn't really original but makes up with the catchy chorus (3.5/5).
    09) Write Your Name: Sweet little song that ultimately ends up being the most forgettable song on the album and is completely understandable (3.2/5).
    10) Undercover: The catchy dance track is sure to get your body moving and have you saying "You don't need no other lover we can keep this under cover" all day everyday (5/5).
    11) Love Will Remember: Thing only ballad on the CD panned by Rock Mafia this beautiful song is amazing but this new version without the voice feels less personal then the original still amazing with the "Lo-o-oo-ooo-ove" in the chorus (5/5).
    Bonas Track:
    12) Nobody Does It Like You: The perfect dance track with beautiful lyrics and a surprising dubstep break down in the chorus (5/5).
    13) Music Feels Better: Younger then you'd think but still a good song to listen to of bored (3.5/5).
    Bonas Track:
    14) I Like It That Way: The Katy Perry-ish song comes off interesting until the chorus comes in turning the song into an overproduced song (2.7/5).
    15) Lover In Me: Just a bit better then the song before, but comes off bland and uninteresting but catchy at the same time (3.6/5)
    Demo Track:
    16) Sad Serenade: This track is not available on the soundtrack or iTunes or Amazon but can be listened to on YouTube. Sad Serenade is a sweet danceable track that could have easily replaced 9, 13-15 (5/5).

    All in all this soundtrack is all over the place from good to okay to bad, better then "Kiss & Tell" and "A Year Without Rain" but not as good as "When The Sun Goes Down". Sugared with autotune that with songs like Stars Dance and Undercover it really doesn't matter. The cover art is beautiful. But this album is little more fun then Demi Lovato's "DEMI" but not as deep. She does write about 4-6 songs. All in All 6.5 out of 10. This still so far sounds like the best pop album of the year. Should you get it? Yes if you're younger then 21 you should enjoy, but of you're older only download "Stars Dance, Come & Get It, Forget Forever, Undercover, Nobody Does It Like You, Love Will Remember, Slow Down, and Sad Serenade" if any others then just get "Save The Day, Champion, Music Feels Better, or B.E.A.T.".
  25. May 8, 2014
    Birthday, Slow Down, Stars Dance, Come & Get It, B.E.A.T., Love Will Remember, and Music Feels Better were great, but the rest of the music? Like a Champion was annoying, and Forget Forever and Write Your Name were too repetitive. Plus, there's too much AutoTune. I don't mind Ke$ha using it, but Selena Gomez should forget it. If she didn't know of its existence, she could have been a greatBirthday, Slow Down, Stars Dance, Come & Get It, B.E.A.T., Love Will Remember, and Music Feels Better were great, but the rest of the music? Like a Champion was annoying, and Forget Forever and Write Your Name were too repetitive. Plus, there's too much AutoTune. I don't mind Ke$ha using it, but Selena Gomez should forget it. If she didn't know of its existence, she could have been a great singer today.

    Personally, I prefer her "Kiss & Tell" debut album over this.
  26. Aug 28, 2014
    It's cool, but it don't deserves a 10, Selena's voice is annoying, but the songs are okay. I think if this album were sung by someone else, it would be better.
  27. Jan 25, 2015
    A little bit generic, Stars Dance is a quite good album, except you're gonna get tired of it eventually. Even though Selena sounds more mature on the album, it does not seem to be a good thing, considering it's the probably the worst of all her albums.
  28. Sep 8, 2015
    Slow Down, Stars Dance, Come & Get It, Undercover and Forget Forever can make a perfect EP. The rest of the songs just don't matter because they're just Selena searching her style, experiencing with urban music (Birthday, B.E.A.T.) ballads (Love Will Remember) reggae (Like A Champion), these styles don't fit with her. Also, I can't believe how an artist like Selena Gomez can make a BIGSlow Down, Stars Dance, Come & Get It, Undercover and Forget Forever can make a perfect EP. The rest of the songs just don't matter because they're just Selena searching her style, experiencing with urban music (Birthday, B.E.A.T.) ballads (Love Will Remember) reggae (Like A Champion), these styles don't fit with her. Also, I can't believe how an artist like Selena Gomez can make a BIG PLAGIARISM like B.E.A.T. is! The song is just a bad copy of Bass Down Low by DEV. Without "I Like It That Way", the deluxe songs are good. Expand
  29. Sep 18, 2015
    It's a nice album to dance and enjoy karaoking, but, lyrics are stupid, nothing deep, and the lots of auto-tune she used.. :/ I'll give it a 6 because the music is catchy, and songs like B E A T and Slow Down make me feel great.
  30. Jan 23, 2021
    This sounds just the same as the generic When The Sun Goes Down. There's no evolution at all, but the first part is pretty good and in the end, the whole project can be appreciated as an early 2010s time capsule.
  31. Feb 13, 2017
    Mais ou menos, amo a selena mas esse album deixa a desejar, é muito mediano, tem otimas musicas mas serioo é enjoativo, Só gosto muito dos Singles de Stars Dance e de Undercover
  32. Oct 19, 2016
    1. Birthday 3/5
    2. Slow Down 3/5
    3. Stars Dance 4/5
    4. Like a Champion 3/5
    5. Come & Get It 3/5
    6. Forget Forever 2/5
    7. Save the Day 3/5
    8. B.E.A.T 2/5
    9. Write Your Name 4/5
    10. Undercover 4/5
    11. Love Will Remember 3/5
    12. Nobody Does it Like You 2/5
    13. Music Feels Better 3/5
  33. Jun 6, 2020
    This is Selena Gomez's first album as a solo artist. And it is her worst album. It includes bangers such as Come & Get It, Slow Down, Stars Dance, Love Will Remember or Undercover. However, the auto-tune on her voice is not helping, and it's not making the songs more "danceable".
  34. May 14, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Selena's voice doesn't listen to me in these childish songs with lesser lyrics than what people like Expand
  35. Dec 21, 2013
    Admittedly, it is evident that Selena Gomez has grown from her previous album. However, to me, this album just lacks a whole lot of authenticity. Sure, the songs are great to dance to, and most of them are pretty catchy, but is this album memorable? Sadly, no. Furthermore, the heavy-reliance on production was a little disappointing; I would have loved to hear Selena's raw voice instead ofAdmittedly, it is evident that Selena Gomez has grown from her previous album. However, to me, this album just lacks a whole lot of authenticity. Sure, the songs are great to dance to, and most of them are pretty catchy, but is this album memorable? Sadly, no. Furthermore, the heavy-reliance on production was a little disappointing; I would have loved to hear Selena's raw voice instead of computers singing for her. The problem with this is that her live performances become let-downs, because she is incapable of efficiently showcasing her vocals. Selena has such a lovely voice, but her soft voice is all masked away. In saying that, if Selena chooses to venture out more in music in the future, hopefully she can lose the electronic feel and try something more acoustic. Stand-outs are Come & Get It, Save The Day and Like A Champion. Expand
  36. Aug 30, 2013
    An album full of electro and unusual sample, Rihanna's Man Down cover and a bit of nothing, the beat is good, bud is just to sell, miss the quality of this "masterpiece".
  37. Oct 11, 2013
    From its risque beginning ("Birthday", which composes handclaps, moans, and sexual innuendo into Gomez's wildest musical entry yet) to its ending formulaic so-and-so R&B-esque ballad "Love Will Remember" (which was reportedly written about her infamous relationship with Canadian teen pop idol Justin Bieber), Stars Dance was simply made for one thing and Gomez has made it clear in more thanFrom its risque beginning ("Birthday", which composes handclaps, moans, and sexual innuendo into Gomez's wildest musical entry yet) to its ending formulaic so-and-so R&B-esque ballad "Love Will Remember" (which was reportedly written about her infamous relationship with Canadian teen pop idol Justin Bieber), Stars Dance was simply made for one thing and Gomez has made it clear in more than one interview what that one thing is: to make you dance. But beyond that, Stars Dance never reaches for the stars (maybe it was meant to make them dance too, as the Ellie Goulding influenced title track suggests) and it has no meaning nor purpose to really exist. Gomez has also made it clear that she wishes to leave her music career behind her in favor of her acting career, which makes sense because Gomez has never really established herself a musical identity beyond the innocent Disney diva so many others her age have pursued. The cultural lead single "Come and Get It" at least solidifies the fact that Gomez can work with producers and that she can be anyone she wants to be (especially Rihanna) except herself. So overall, Gomez's "Selenators" should be more than pleased but beyond its target audience, its presence is thin. Expand
  38. Jul 25, 2013
    An album almost nothing funny Come Get It feature and others but the rest is more of the same but they look something like what makes Rihanna or Britney Spears Well at least this is better than the last.
  39. Nov 25, 2013
    I hope more. The singles are very good, but the others songs not at all. too much dance and empty songs to me. Selena had fun with this album, I like it but just a Little.
  40. Dec 9, 2013
    It has some notable tracks, the rest are kind of bland. Plus I have to give points off for not even writing the songs yourself, I see no point in that. Selena should step it up.

    Notable Tracks:
    Come & Get It
  41. Jul 18, 2014
    Selena Gomez now is really a gown girl, but still thinking like a little teenage... 'Stars Dance' has a good vibes, but still a homogenic album, with beats that sound the same...
  42. Jun 10, 2015
    This album is ridiculously generic, the lyrics are dumb and the production is poor. Selena Gomez left The Scene and probably let her quality go with them.
  43. Oct 11, 2015
    The album is fill with so much auto tune you can't find a definite place where you are able to like any songs. but there are few songs that are enjoyable. they don't give enough support to justice the album. in which destroys the album representation completely.
  44. Jul 5, 2016
    I have to say that this album is not good at all. Most of the tracks are not very listenable but they have a good beat in to them. The vocals are not bad and also the production is quite good. I have to say that revival is 100 more times better than stars dance.
    My score:
    1. Birthday 5/10 2. Slow down 7/10 3. Stars dance 6/10 4. Like a champion 7/10 5. Come and get it 8/10 6.
    I have to say that this album is not good at all. Most of the tracks are not very listenable but they have a good beat in to them. The vocals are not bad and also the production is quite good. I have to say that revival is 100 more times better than stars dance.
    My score:
    1. Birthday 5/10
    2. Slow down 7/10
    3. Stars dance 6/10
    4. Like a champion 7/10
    5. Come and get it 8/10
    6. Forget forever 5/10
    7. Save the day 8/10
    8. B.E.A.T 6/10
    9. Write your name 6/10
    10. Undercover 4/10
    11. Love will remember 5/10
    12. Nobody does it like you 5/10
    13. Music feels better 6/10
    14. Lover in me 3/10
    15. I like it that way 5/10
  45. Jul 25, 2013
    I keep hoping against hope that something valid will come out of the ever-churning child star machine, but every time it seems to be the same formulaic illness, and sorry Selina you've got the fever. As with Britney and the like before her, the production is top notch, but whoever scrounged the dumpster for the song selection was playing it far too safe. Sadly this is another edition ofI keep hoping against hope that something valid will come out of the ever-churning child star machine, but every time it seems to be the same formulaic illness, and sorry Selina you've got the fever. As with Britney and the like before her, the production is top notch, but whoever scrounged the dumpster for the song selection was playing it far too safe. Sadly this is another edition of selling a slightly talented pretty face. Expand
  46. Feb 4, 2015
    This album does not bring anything good, just irrelevant songs like Birthday, Slow Down and B.E.A.T and can be considered a joke near their previous work When The Sun Goes Down and A Year Without Rain.
  47. Nov 2, 2018
    A very mediocre album with very few above average songs that will not be remembered in a decade from now. Favourites include Come & Get It, Slow Down, Music Feels Better and Nobody Does It Better
  48. Nov 21, 2016
    a mudança de selena gomez teve pontos positivos , porem esses pontos positivos não são vistos neste album ,o que poderia ser uma nova fase na vida da cantora resultou no lançamento de album todo produzido e com poucas composições da propria selena ,possui raizes em um dance exaustivo e enjoativo , musicas repetitivas e refrões cheios de samples.
  49. Dec 21, 2018
    The album is a sickening thing, all the songs are for you to dance and not stop anymore. The musics are few that are in salvo, and that are empty and nothing of composition and an amazing production! Disappointment.
  50. Jul 23, 2013
    Much awaited with the two first good singles, Stars Dance is a disappointment. It is the kind of record you listen, dance on, and then forget. It reminds Alexandra Burke's last horrible effort, just a little bit better produced. After listening to Stars Dance, you will only remember the surprising and sexy "Birthday" and the two first singles for their beat, that's all. Selena is workingMuch awaited with the two first good singles, Stars Dance is a disappointment. It is the kind of record you listen, dance on, and then forget. It reminds Alexandra Burke's last horrible effort, just a little bit better produced. After listening to Stars Dance, you will only remember the surprising and sexy "Birthday" and the two first singles for their beat, that's all. Selena is working with good producers, she has to give to her next record creativity, ambition and authenticity. Expand
  51. Feb 17, 2015
    was kind of disappointed with this :/ so much autotune which shows no good vocals at all and she is the weakest vocally out of her old disney costars.
  52. Apr 7, 2018
    Mucho relleno en un album, no es nada sorprendente el album, uno mas de la lista
  53. Aug 17, 2018
    Honestly, I feel like this was a mess. There are good songs like Slow Down and Love Will Remember but the rest of the alvum just didn't do it for me... But Revival is such a great album and I want Selena to do even better than Revival in SG2 !
  54. Apr 20, 2020
    Her worst album, has barely 2 good songs the rest are basic and nothing impressive
  55. Oct 8, 2020
    Completamente aburrido, no aporta nada bueno a la cultura de la música pop, Selena Gómez no es una artista, este álbum demuestra completamente el fracaso y lo poco interesante de un artista incompleto
  56. Jul 23, 2013
    I loved Birthday, but the rest of the album is boring. I'm not surprised with this, cause it's a pop project made by Selena Gomez, or better, producers that want money.
  57. Apr 8, 2022
    She sounds like she's trying to be Britney Spears. "Come & Get It" comes out as the only good song on the record, the other ones sound dated and used the old 2011 formula, which is getting the general public kind of tired, pop dubstep.
  58. Sep 6, 2014
    Stars Dance é um álbum enjoativo, com músicas que só foram feitas para vender. Seus albuns anteriores, quando ainda era "Selena Gomez & The Scene" são bem melhores que esse. Espero que ela acerte na próximo, ela tem talento para isso.
  59. Sep 10, 2015
    It's basically an album that was made to be charts friendly, but not even that worked (the album was kinda a flop) anyway, it can bored you easily. No Uh-Uh.
  60. Oct 17, 2015
    em quesito qualidade é um álbum péssimo, o que salva nele são as letras maduras. esse álbum só é bom de ouvir quando vc passa mais de meses sem ouvir e volta a ouvir, chega a empolgar depois enjoa. odiei o primeiro cd da selena em carreira solo
  61. Feb 6, 2020
    Stars Dance totally devalued Selena Gomez, the tracks are totally a generic and nauseous pop. He hoped to hear Selena's soft and delicious voice, most of his tracks have his vocals altered and it seems to be singing in something closed. Drastically it's an off-track musical album.
  62. Aug 21, 2022
    This album is so bad. The 2 singles are good tho, I like Slow Down, it's a cute song to dance. But she didn't even co-wrote any of the songs on this album. Why is she even a musician?
  63. Apr 17, 2014
    These songs sound like they all rolled off the same mindless assembly line as those of a dozen other marketing-manufactured mediocre "stars". Come and Get It sounded fun the first time or two I heard it, I admit that. But then it quickly becomes annoying, once you realize how utter banal and insipid it actually is.
  64. Oct 14, 2015
    This album is unbearably generic. Perhaps Selena will become liquid water, shifting her shape everytime she is put into a different container. The production is nothing special either, and this album manages to make me fall asleep almost everytime. I hope this isn't everything that Selena can do.

    Don't buy this album, because it is crap. Liquid diarrhea.
  65. Mar 29, 2021
    Selena nobody Selena nobody Selena nobody Selena nobody Selena nobody Selena nobody Selena nobody Selena nobody Selena nobod
  66. Jul 24, 2013
    Noting stupid pop trash. And her younger fans shouldn't get this album. Listen the her song "Birthday" and you'll know what I mean. Anyway, her vocals are TERRIBLE. She has a terrible voice I don't know why she's getting money from this album. As for the lyrics, they're terrible as well. Nothing but the same topic (love) and then a beat...seriously this modern age we get nothing butNoting stupid pop trash. And her younger fans shouldn't get this album. Listen the her song "Birthday" and you'll know what I mean. Anyway, her vocals are TERRIBLE. She has a terrible voice I don't know why she's getting money from this album. As for the lyrics, they're terrible as well. Nothing but the same topic (love) and then a beat...seriously this modern age we get nothing but terrible music that only attracts teens. I miss the good days when music was real and had a meaning. Now we get this trash. As for her fans, I don't know what to say. I mean, the only reason I would like her is because Selena is gorgeous, but other than that I don't see why her fans like her music... Even if she was the one who wrote "Stupid Hoe" they would still like it... Don't call me a hater, but if you call yourself a singer, then you must have good vocals and know how to make good lyrics, both in which Selena does not have. I'm ashamed that people actually like this album... Expand
  67. Jul 23, 2013
    This album is a complete fail. The background music is heart-stopping, but the vocals, lyrics and production is overly produced and shows no acoustic talents for both Selena and produces. The best, least messy song on the album is Come and Get It, which is unfortunate, since the song is not profound. Actually, the whole album is a repetitive form of a dance song. There are absolutely noThis album is a complete fail. The background music is heart-stopping, but the vocals, lyrics and production is overly produced and shows no acoustic talents for both Selena and produces. The best, least messy song on the album is Come and Get It, which is unfortunate, since the song is not profound. Actually, the whole album is a repetitive form of a dance song. There are absolutely no ballads on the album, and "Love Will Remember" is an awkward attempt at one after ten songs of dance music. Selena has mid-core attempts at singing, but this album does her no justice, since the songs hide both her personality, and her voice. Better luck next time, Selena. But for the good of my ears, hopefully there will not be a next time. Expand
  68. Oct 27, 2013
    This album sucks and Selena Gomez is the definition of no talent, pop star wanna be, look at me i am pretty and white therefore i can get whatever i want, let me date people more famous than me so i can move up in case system .

    This is her worst album yet the only songs i recommend are come and get it, slow down, undercover, love will remember and stars dance (the song)
  69. Oct 3, 2013
    Very disappointed, it's messy & autotuned...her vocals are TERRIBLE. She has a terrible voice I don't know why she's getting money from this album, JUST KEEP YOUR MONEY AWAY FROM THIS
  70. Dec 3, 2013
    So when Selena Gomez will find that she is a singer? Even when she will find that singing with a voice weak and poor will gain more fans? Stars Dance comes with one of the biggest jokes of the year, this album easily enter as defining generic music, maybe Selena should devote your time with some theater course to improve his performance, as his music career seems to have no way.
  71. Aug 26, 2014
    Não é um mau album, mas também não é fantástico. Começa com ritmos de dança em birthday até undercover, e acaba com uma canção mais tocante, Love Will Remember.
  72. Nov 22, 2014
    Poderia dizer maravilhas desse álbum mas parece mais aqueles álbuns que dão de graça no iTunes pra ver se sai do flop, que só tem músicas ruins sabe? Vendeu quase porra nenhuma, e pelo menos tem duas músicas nota 8 que é CAGI e SD fora isso, é um cuzinho doce, não pisou nem no Demi q bela merda viu
  73. Dec 15, 2014
    Stars Dance is one of the worst albums I've ever heard in my lifetime. Take the first track for instance. Birthday is an upbeat pop song. First of all, Gomez's vocals have been so dramatically altered with auto-tune that it sounds like she's singing in a tin can. And what is that inappropriate moaning in the background? Birthday is an unwelcoming first track for Stars Dance.

    Now, there
    Stars Dance is one of the worst albums I've ever heard in my lifetime. Take the first track for instance. Birthday is an upbeat pop song. First of all, Gomez's vocals have been so dramatically altered with auto-tune that it sounds like she's singing in a tin can. And what is that inappropriate moaning in the background? Birthday is an unwelcoming first track for Stars Dance.

    Now, there are some decent tracks like Slow Down and Stars Dance, the title track. In fact, Stars Dance is amazing. Come & Get It is a catchy Bollywood song, but the chorus is so repetitive and monotone. And what's the message of the song? "When you're ready come and get it?" That's

    Don't get me started on Like a Champion. That accent she tries to use is horrible. I can't even get through the whole song. There are many boring filler tracks, like Save the Day, Write Your Name, and Forget Forever. Those songs are just a snooze fest. And the worst song of the's B.E.A.T. It's like Selena's TRYING to make the worst song ever made. The chorus is excruciating to listen to. The lyrics are bland and meaningless. It's a sad attempt at a "fun dance track."

    Maybe brainwashed fans think that this is a good album, or that "It is one of the best albums of the year!" It is nowhere close to "one of the best pop albums of the years." And it will never reach the status of a Shakira or "perhaps Rihanna album." It's just another generic Hollywood Records pop album "jam" and full of sh*t. I greatly criticize her for the sickening use of auto-tune. This album is almost as bad as Rebecca Black's "Friday." At least Friday wasn't a genuine and serious song. Selena is trying to shove Stars Dance down people's throats, and millions of people detest this album.

    If her music career is not over yet, then I wish (in vain) that her next album will be bearable enough to listen to.
  74. Apr 23, 2015
    pior álbum da história do Pop teen. Esse álbum é horrivel, tinha que ter tido nota 46. Esse álbum é mais comercial que todos da selena, sem contar que ela só escreve 1 linha do album e acha que escreveu muito ou teve muito trabalho, ah vá toma no cu. Sem contar que tem músicas sobre sexo, e ela tem muitos fãs (selenojos) com 10 anos. Pra mim artista BOM é aquele que toca instrumentos,pior álbum da história do Pop teen. Esse álbum é horrivel, tinha que ter tido nota 46. Esse álbum é mais comercial que todos da selena, sem contar que ela só escreve 1 linha do album e acha que escreveu muito ou teve muito trabalho, ah vá toma no cu. Sem contar que tem músicas sobre sexo, e ela tem muitos fãs (selenojos) com 10 anos. Pra mim artista BOM é aquele que toca instrumentos, canta de verdade, compõe e não faz um álbum (ou toda discografia) comercial. Ela só escreve 2 linhas e acha que é trabalho duro, imagina se ela escrevesse o álbum todo? JESUS. Não sei como ela se dá bem nas venda,s charts, etc. Esse album é bem enjoativo e só tem musicas feitas para vender. Expand
  75. Nov 20, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. goreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEgoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Expand
  76. Sep 4, 2015
    Le pondría más pero realmente es muy básico y ella la verdad es que no canta. Yo creo que ella debería dedicarse a lo que mejor hace y es la actuación porque como cantante da mucha lastima.
  77. Sep 20, 2015
    This totally trash. This girl can't sing, dance or act. She shouldn't have a career at all in this industry. A shame some people can't see that. But well, hopefully she quits her career for good.
  78. Sep 24, 2015
    Apesar de ter um forte carro-chefe, Stars Dance deixa muito a desejar quanto sua composição. Esperava mais de você mudagirl. Depois de Jelena achamos que você iria hitar, mas não foi chupa-fama o suficiente. Tenta com a Taylor agora Megamente, vamos ver se vai.
  79. Oct 7, 2015
    This album is a disgrace to the world of pop music. Selena Gomez is a horror, a terrible singer, a terrible dancer and a lousy actress. Stop making music, Selena, stop. You have no talent for it.
  80. Oct 9, 2015
    Selena is so talented, but can not show such talent on this album, her worst album, worse music, horrible letters, just hated, ajanaianaianaianaianbaina :(
  81. Oct 16, 2015
  82. Oct 17, 2015
    Literally one of the worst albums of 2013.. Such a Rihanna rip-off (without the vocal ability though). Disappointment. Again, way too much autotune...
  83. Mar 19, 2016
    Um álbum desatualizado com uma pegada clichê de anos 80. Star Dance de uma forma bem repetitiva das músicas de Britney, Madonna, Donna Summer, que ninguém aguenta mais. Star Dance podia muito bem ser descartado da carreira de Selena.
  84. Jul 28, 2019
    Floplena can't sing. Just deal with it Selenators. And the only one good song on this album is Slow Down. Every other song is abomination.
  85. Feb 8, 2020
    grande bosta selma não é artista não sabe cantar não sabe dançar não vende não faz nada, only ex do the weeknd escorada nos outros
  86. Feb 21, 2020
    Beautiful vocals by Queen Selena! She slayed again! Whew, we have decided to stan.
  87. Jan 16, 2022
    Too much noise (sonically) for nothing, so bad , bad vocals too much autotune
  88. Oct 28, 2020
    I can't hear this album, bored. The basic cover like her. You can't ask a sick person for a good job.
  89. Mar 23, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The debut "album" with upbeat but sad song unfortunately she talk about the same subjects in every song so you don’t know what song you’re listening to.. Expand
  90. Apr 6, 2021
    lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo lixo
  91. Mar 24, 2022
    Péssimo. Gomez não dá uma dentro, impressionante.
    Por isso será sempre a ex act mais fraca.
  92. Aug 24, 2022
    One of the worst albums i heard in my entire life , just loud electro music with bad vocals
  93. Aug 21, 2022
    There is so many albums from 2013 with better music and lyrics, this is not good,
  94. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this album is horrible, she always delivers basic and boring work. she's just another white woman doing some basic work Expand
  95. Aug 21, 2022
    What is this album? You would think that after releasing rubbish albums before this one she would’ve learnt her lesson. Where’s the creativity, the vocal ability, the song writing credits? They’re no where to be seen just like no good songs on this album are nowhere to be seen. Disappointed to say the least
  96. Aug 21, 2022
    I can't imagine an album like this exist. Like where is the creativity? the talent? Absolutely worst on Gomez's entire discography

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 2 out of 10
  1. Jul 30, 2013
    The whirring Stars Dance is a confident but not aggressively blatant move to a more grown-up pop playing field.
  2. Jul 24, 2013
    What's left, then, is a collection of 11 shinily produced pop songs that find Gomez trying on a series of different personalities with her slight-yet-capable vocals.
  3. Jul 23, 2013
    Stars Dance is exactly the kind of album one makes in 2013 if you want to keep the pop sugar of the Disney tween cabal but mix in some broken glass and a club bathroom nosebleed.