
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Jan 14, 2019
    While some of these songs date back to their former guise as Thrifty Kids, the album itself bristles with zest and ingenuity. Sounding fresh and exciting whilst fully highlighting not only Cogan and Frankland's insatiable knack for crafting timeless melodies, but also the taut rhythm section of bass player Stephen Pitman and drummer Cian O'Neill underpinning their every move.
  2. Jan 14, 2019
    It doesn't just repeat the past, it mines it for gold while tossing out the dross, a process that works to refine this record until it gleams like a precious gem.
  3. Jan 9, 2019
    This group of songs are vivid in colour, creating a warmth, unlike their contemporaries who cling to the depressing melodrama of these decades. By keeping it light, listeners will might find a second listen through all the more appealing.
  4. Jan 9, 2019
    There's clearly a lot of promise here, but drenching everything in reverb and letting blast on the arpeggios doesn't equal a fully realised record. The band's musicianship is certainly accomplished, but the listener occasionally needs a reprieve from its sheer wall of jangle.
  5. Mojo
    Jan 9, 2019
    [Tallies] inject sufficient Sunday/Cocteaus-ish vocal and melodic bounce to soften even the most calcified indie heart. [Feb 2019, p.93]
  6. Q Magazine
    Jan 9, 2019
    No new ground is broken here, but Tallies map their well-worn journey with a sure sense of direction, songwriting skills cutting through the dreamy fog. [Feb 2019, p.116]
  7. Jan 9, 2019
    Although Cogan delivers engaging and empathetic lyrics on growing up, changing relationships and even environmentalism, the album has a rather homogenous pace. Despite this, it’s hard not to at least be momentarily charmed by Tallies' nostalgic trip.
  8. Jan 15, 2019
    Come at a pace so consistently slow the album's charm begins to ache.

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