User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 37
  2. Negative: 2 out of 37
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  1. Mar 1, 2019
    Hearing the single, "Daisy" a while back, I had high hopes for this album but was unfortunately let down. The vocals and melodies on this project are very mediocre and forgetful. Musically, I enjoyed the funky tones that were displayed but due to the lackluster vocal performances, they ended up being drowned out. There are a few songs that I really enjoyed such as "Doctor's In" andHearing the single, "Daisy" a while back, I had high hopes for this album but was unfortunately let down. The vocals and melodies on this project are very mediocre and forgetful. Musically, I enjoyed the funky tones that were displayed but due to the lackluster vocal performances, they ended up being drowned out. There are a few songs that I really enjoyed such as "Doctor's In" and "Selene" which contained an MGMT or Thundercat feel to them. I wish the entire album was like those songs as opposed to the other forgetful tracks. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Apr 12, 2019
    Over burbling synths and cosmic jam sessions the soundscapes veer from of Montreal to Can, but the innocently pensive voice at the core of it all unifies all of these threads into a quilt your psyched out grandmother knit to keep you warm whenever you needed to recharge.
  2. Mar 22, 2019
    It's Pond's personality that shines brightest on Tasmania, and they've turned these songs into an off-kilter gem that's worth exploring.
  3. Mar 12, 2019
    Despite some excellent high points, Tasmania appears jumbled as a whole and there are too many tracks that just don’t hit the bullseye for it to be upheld as the best Pond have recorded.