
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Mar 11, 2019
    There is a desperation here, a helpless wonder and dread that lifts Pond above their alt.pop and psych-trance peers. [Apr 2019, p.87]
  2. 80
    [This record] showcases a band capable of innovating, pushing themselves and experimenting eight albums deep to come up with an album more than worthy of praise.
  3. Uncut
    Mar 1, 2019
    Arguably Pond's slickest effort so far--a gorgeously nuanced set of damaged synth-funk and curdled power ballads that should finally see off any Grateful Dead comparisons. [Apr 2019, p.20]
  4. Q Magazine
    Mar 1, 2019
    The presence of tamp Impala's Kevin Parker in the producer's chair ensures that the sonic differences with his own band's sun-dried sci-fidelia are Rizla thin. However, frontman Nick Allbrook's rapier-sharp lyrics ensure that they still have their own livewire personality. [Apr 2019, p.114]
  5. Mar 1, 2019
    A varied and highly enjoyable record.
  6. Ridiculously ambitious--and often plain ridiculous--Tasmania dances its way to impending doom.
  7. Mar 11, 2019
    It can wander into some weird areas, but it still feels tethered to a clear objective. It’s hard not to take notice when a bunch of like-minded friends come together to make something this personal and imaginative.
  8. Mar 1, 2019
    It’s a more straightforward and accessible sound that might leave past admirers missing the all-out weirdness of albums past, but the evolution that Tasmania represents also speaks to the fact that the main constant in Pond’s approach is change. Even as the sea levels keep rising, they’ll doubtless find new waves to ride.
  9. Apr 12, 2019
    Over burbling synths and cosmic jam sessions the soundscapes veer from of Montreal to Can, but the innocently pensive voice at the core of it all unifies all of these threads into a quilt your psyched out grandmother knit to keep you warm whenever you needed to recharge.
  10. Mar 22, 2019
    It's Pond's personality that shines brightest on Tasmania, and they've turned these songs into an off-kilter gem that's worth exploring.
  11. Mar 6, 2019
    It’s weird, ambitious and at times straight-up absurd; even as it settles for a vaguely more accessible and hook-heavy sound than previous efforts. It’s also, curiously, a bit of a slow starter, the songs getting well and truly better as it goes on.
  12. Mar 12, 2019
    Despite some excellent high points, Tasmania appears jumbled as a whole and there are too many tracks that just don’t hit the bullseye for it to be upheld as the best Pond have recorded.
  13. Mar 7, 2019
    The band still show the glimmer of potential they’ve always carried, and it’s nice to know that consistency is possible with the band. ‘Doctor’s In' ends with an abrupt fadeout, and your memory of Tasmania can depart at a similarly unsatisfying rate.
  14. Mar 1, 2019
    While it’s about as colourful as the phantasmagoric cover art suggests, it might have sounded a bit more grounded if the band weren’t given the keys to so many synthesisers and effects pedals - and Kevin Parker’s heady production only makes it even woozier. Beneath all the superfluous sonic meddling, though, it’s still a voyage worth beholding.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 37
  2. Negative: 2 out of 37
  1. Mar 1, 2019
    Pond is back, with more ambitious fun ideas. Still as colourful and playful. Prob their best album yet, in terms of sound and ideas. I wouldPond is back, with more ambitious fun ideas. Still as colourful and playful. Prob their best album yet, in terms of sound and ideas. I would given it a 10/10. If it wasn´t for one song. Overall, this is very strong album. Once again it sees them teaming up with Kevin "Mr Tame Impala" Parker on the producing. It´s thing that has always worked for Pond. Seeing as Kevin Parker knows Pond better than themselves, jokes aside. Pond is band that never stop to amaze me. One thing I always appreciated, is their need to never repeat themselves. Thank god for bands/artists like that.. And as much as they say this is like "sister album" to "The Weather" This has more "70´s pop rock /groove" to it. This is at times reminding me of Bowie, and The Flaming Lips. Some moments Nick Allbrook seems to channel bit of Prince. This is much worth listen. What superb album! Full Review »
  2. Mar 3, 2019
    This is great album! Nothing about this is mediocre and forgetful. The ones doesn't like it at all. Seems to be the one wanting the "hitThis is great album! Nothing about this is mediocre and forgetful. The ones doesn't like it at all. Seems to be the one wanting the "hit tracks" such as Daisy. Which is very easy to "digest" on first listen. This album is perhaps Pond´s most complex. Strive back is just not Ponds concept. I don´t understand the ones that are surprised they aren´t getting new "Beard Wives Denim" This is the 8th!, yeah you heard me right. 8th record by them. And they always challenged themselves, trying out new things. That´s why I enjoy this band so much. It should be applauded. Too many artists get stuck in old ways. However, there is difference in completely losing your DNA as musicians. Into something the listeners can´t recognise. But you still hear this is Pond, and very much so I would say. Curious musicians going into unknown territory and who are constantly refining themselves.. Can´t wait to see what the next step is for these guys! Full Review »
  3. Apr 6, 2019
    This is a great record that gets better and better with repeated listenings. I don’t understand why these guys aren’t huge. This and theirThis is a great record that gets better and better with repeated listenings. I don’t understand why these guys aren’t huge. This and their last album are sexy, funny, hummable, distinctive and are equally satisfying on the car stereo or on headphones in a dark room. Full Review »