• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 24, 2010
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  1. Aug 25, 2015
    This album is nothing but a big stinking pile of rubbish. I only gave it a 1 because Firework is an alright song, but my ears would bleed from the rest of the album's songs. This needs to stop.
  2. Aug 21, 2015
    Ok, I find most of the songs catchy I won't deny, but this album just feels so overdone, everything about it is so "plastic" and doesn't really show any true feeling, typical commercial piece.
  3. Aug 17, 2015
    This is a really amazing album. The lyrics are good enough and contains a mix of fun and creativity. The sounds are fresh for his time and the composition is excellent.
  4. Jul 25, 2015
    It is a good album with great songs and lyrics but the only thing that affects Perry and the fact in every one of his works, are the "Singles". Perhaps Perry is quite successful and full of #1, that's not what matters in a disc but its quality. Although it has songs enough good as "Circle The Drain", "Hummingbird Heartbeat" and the indomitable "Firework", Perry does not give much attentionIt is a good album with great songs and lyrics but the only thing that affects Perry and the fact in every one of his works, are the "Singles". Perhaps Perry is quite successful and full of #1, that's not what matters in a disc but its quality. Although it has songs enough good as "Circle The Drain", "Hummingbird Heartbeat" and the indomitable "Firework", Perry does not give much attention paid (except at Firework) and decides to only launch the World singles with mediocre lyrics and with the only purpose of the Charts in Billboard. Bad fact Katy Expand
  5. Jul 12, 2015
    Katy Perry (com toda sua doçura presente nestas faixas) conseguiu fazer um dos álbuns mais amados pelos admiradores de música POP, onde canções como California Gurls, ET, Firework, Last Friday Night e outras foram eternizadas na carreira da cantora e no cenário musical
  6. Jun 25, 2015
    Pode ser considerado o melhor álbum dela até o momento junto com o "PRISM", com canções como Teenage Dream, Hummingbird Heartbeat e Firework que cativam a cada ouvida.
  7. May 4, 2015
    Katy Perry bursts back onto the scene with her amazing second album that is full to the grim of the tongue-in-cheek atmosphere that got herkhkkjhjghjbnnnnn
  8. Feb 17, 2015
    Não é o melhor e nem o pior album da Perry. TD Foi bem organizado e criado pra vendas, não é a toa que resultou numa explosão de hits chicletes. Katy sempre se supera
  9. Dec 17, 2014
    Katy Perry no es una genio de la música, puede que la causa sea su excesivo uso de cliches a la hora de escribir e interpretar, pero en sí, el esfuerzo de Perry puede verse resaltado gracias a varias pistas que se convierten en cruciales para dejar un buen sabor en la boca, como lo es "Fireworks", "Part of Me" y "Teenage Dream".
  10. Dec 16, 2014
    Best album of Katy, is a fully commercial album? Yes. But she managed to make a nice commercial album to listen to, it's so much fun that you do not care if it has quality or not, just want to sing and dance along with Katy; a great album to listen to when alone.
    Highlights: Peacock and California Gurls
    Lows: Double Rainbow and Dark Horse
  11. Nov 13, 2014
    I have no idea about the critic reviews... every song in this album has its OWN style and story.
    Katy makes you feel like you're really having fun on a Friday night , beaches in California , shooting fireworks from your soul , losing someone so hurtful (with such a special beat, I mean "The One That Got Away" is a fast song ,compare to other sad songs) , finding true love with images of
    I have no idea about the critic reviews... every song in this album has its OWN style and story.
    Katy makes you feel like you're really having fun on a Friday night , beaches in California , shooting fireworks from your soul , losing someone so hurtful (with such a special beat, I mean "The One That Got Away" is a fast song ,compare to other sad songs) , finding true love with images of the green nature,birds in the sky , and ... living in a wild , crazy , perfect teenage dream.
  12. Oct 16, 2014
    Too mainstream but I think this album was made for consolidate Katy Perry's mark in the radio. Lyrics isn't good, the beats are better. Perry has a lot to grow up and I'll hope she does it.
  13. Sep 24, 2014
    I kinda enjoy the singles from the album, but the material as whole is just... Not quite as good as you would expect after listening to them.
    Despite being her worst album, it still has some good songs like ET and Pearl, so even it's no that good, it can still be enjoyable.
  14. Sep 23, 2014
    It's truly an iconic album from our generation. Thank Lorde that this blessed my ears after the suffering from Flop 2 Flop. Teenage Dream is a pop album for the ages.
  15. Sep 23, 2014
    omg what the he... is this mess? Is this generic music real music ? She should hire new personnal and try to be a real artist if she wanna ... She does payola for every single and thats so bad... so sad about the plastic perry girl....
  16. Sep 23, 2014
    A pop classic that will continue to stand the test of time. Each song depicts a story in which Katy Perry perfectly tells through her flair for unparalleled honest songwriting.
  17. Sep 14, 2014
    O álbum é mediano. Claro, ele tem ótimas canções,como The One That Got Away,California Gurls e Firework, mas em si não é tão bom. Se a música não for single,a maioria eu pulo. Claro que algumas não-singles tem seu brilho,como Circle The Drain. O álbum é mais aceitável quando é o "The Complete Confection"
  18. Sep 8, 2014
    Além do album ter muitos e muitos hits que renderam muitos recordes à Katy, cada música dele tem seu brilho próprio. Claro que tem seus pontos baixos, assim como todos os CDS, mas nada que atrapalhe muita coisa. Firework tem a melhor letra de todas as músicas do CD, há outras divetidas como Last Friday Night e California Gurls e outras em que Katy libera à sua raiva, em Circle The Drain,Além do album ter muitos e muitos hits que renderam muitos recordes à Katy, cada música dele tem seu brilho próprio. Claro que tem seus pontos baixos, assim como todos os CDS, mas nada que atrapalhe muita coisa. Firework tem a melhor letra de todas as músicas do CD, há outras divetidas como Last Friday Night e California Gurls e outras em que Katy libera à sua raiva, em Circle The Drain, que em minha opinião é a melhor do album. Expand
  19. Aug 26, 2014
    POP PERFECTION - FUTURE CLASSIC! Best songs: E.T., Hummingbird Heartbeat, Pearl
  20. Jun 20, 2014
    Um album que ainda traz um pouco da Katy do "One Of The Boys" e tem músicas legais como Peacock,Not Like The Movies e Who Am I Living For? mas que trás alguns "lixos" como Teenage Dream e Circle The Drain.
  21. Jan 3, 2014
    Basic but does the target. Clearly it is better than their previous work. His voice sounds more powerful, the theme of the album is different although it tends to be repetitive. Again the rhythm of the songs are in their favor. The deluxe edition of this album is also outstanding. Most recommended songs are "Teenage Dream", "Firework" and "The One That Got Away".
  22. Nov 29, 2013
    Teenage Dream (2010)

    Pure pop perfection. It's quite the epitome of pop as I would envision it. It is no wonder that the Singles all did exceptionally well, with each of them reaching #1 on the US Billboard Hot 100, save for The One That Got Away, which would have made the feat if the album had not exhausted the listener's limits. Her labels choices of Singles were very spot-on as they
    Teenage Dream (2010)

    Pure pop perfection. It's quite the epitome of pop as I would envision it. It is no wonder that the Singles all did exceptionally well, with each of them reaching #1 on the US Billboard Hot 100, save for The One That Got Away, which would have made the feat if the album had not exhausted the listener's limits. Her labels choices of Singles were very spot-on as they represented the best that the album had to offer. Unfortunately, the album itself had a few tracks that limited the album's potential, such as and Pearl. They were badly-written, albeit playful, productions, that were possibly the cause of the claims that many critics chided as being juvenile. Like in her previous album, One Of The Boys, Katy stretches her potential here as well producing less pop-sounding tracks like E.T. and Circle The Drain. They give off a different feel that showcases her flexibility as a writer and singer. Overall, the album made a good impact on the general audience, thanks to the infectious sing-along tunes that came off her Singles, especially California Gurls and Firework that lastingly spanned over two whole years before she released an EP to it The Complete Confection. This album really made her shine in the midst of sheer competition from the mainstream pop industry, sealing her name as an act to continually look out for. It's also an album that I spin frequently, and will continue to do so for a very long time from now.

    Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection (2012)

    Was an EP to the Teenage Dream album necessary? No.
    Was it worth the attempt? Yes.
    Definitely didn't regret picking up this album even though it wasn't much of an extension to the original album. This album elongates the success of her previous album by adding 3 new songs in, as well as remixes/acoustic versions of the prior Singles. The release of Part Of Me and Wide Awake puts a final stamp on the success of this album as a whole, and highlights her ability as a pop artiste. The additional songs do fit in well with the album, but it also questions the future success of Katy Perry's career and whether she is able to produce a record that is more mature and a better representation of her as a person. Even though the album sounds similar (standard tune and lyrical structure) throughout, it maintains the consistency of the record and is still an album worth listening to as a whole.

    Standout Tracks: Teenage Dream, California Gurls, Firework, E.T.
  23. Nov 12, 2013
    A good pop album throughout. It has catchy songs and great beats that could be enjoyed by anyone. But this album is lacking in two things, great vocals and real instruments. Sure it has instruments in like 2 or 3 but it would be better if most of them had it. Also congratulations to Katy for tying the record of #1 singles off an album with MJ
  24. Nov 4, 2013
    I gave a 6/10. Teenage dream consists of 6 good singles( the one that got away, california gurls, teenage dream) and the rest are fillers for me. Katy although makes good single choices
    and that's a
  25. Oct 17, 2013
    Simply the best pop album I've ever had the opportunity to hear. Very teenage, yes, but very lively and well produced. Katy is on fire, and Prism could be as good as Teenage Dream.
  26. Oct 16, 2013
    Brief review:
    Lyrics: Clever, but need to be more developed. Still diversified, funny, and emotional (ex: California Gurls, Not Like The Movies, The One That Got Away) It is sometimes hard to connect with some of her songs.
    Music: great pop, dance music, 80s vibe, you have a feeling that it is commercialized music, missing a bit of the “honesty” and “soul” that was present on her
    Brief review:
    Lyrics: Clever, but need to be more developed. Still diversified, funny, and emotional (ex: California Gurls, Not Like The Movies, The One That Got Away) It is sometimes hard to connect with some of her songs.
    Music: great pop, dance music, 80s vibe, you have a feeling that it is commercialized music, missing a bit of the “honesty” and “soul” that was present on her previous album.
    Best songs: Firework, Hummingbird Heartbeat, Last Friday Night, Teenage Dream, Pearl, The One That Got Away
  27. Sep 11, 2013
    A really good album. The ultimate summer record, It contains everything you want: Ballads, Dirty songs, Dance songs, Pop friendly songs. This album will definitely melt your Popsicles
  28. Sep 6, 2013
    Katy Perry's "Thriller" is no masterpiece of pop music. It is, however, a record enjoyable from start to finish, which delivers some pop classics and manages to have a lot of genuine fun in the process. It's so bubblegum it hurts, but the Disney-like impression makes up for a colourful experience of undeniable quality. Also, basically every song in here is a number one single anKaty Perry's "Thriller" is no masterpiece of pop music. It is, however, a record enjoyable from start to finish, which delivers some pop classics and manages to have a lot of genuine fun in the process. It's so bubblegum it hurts, but the Disney-like impression makes up for a colourful experience of undeniable quality. Also, basically every song in here is a number one single an interesting trivia per se, but a relevant fact too if we take into account the sheer cheesiness and catchyness of every melody. Expand
  29. Sep 1, 2013
    You can no doubt say that Katy Perry is one of the biggest names in Pop music, being Grammy nominated and winning many other awards. So it's no surprise that she releases a second album, "Teenage Dream" is one of the biggest releases to come out this summer, with big hits like "Teenage Dream" and "California Girls" now released, "Teenage Dream" isn't the greatest album in the world, but itYou can no doubt say that Katy Perry is one of the biggest names in Pop music, being Grammy nominated and winning many other awards. So it's no surprise that she releases a second album, "Teenage Dream" is one of the biggest releases to come out this summer, with big hits like "Teenage Dream" and "California Girls" now released, "Teenage Dream" isn't the greatest album in the world, but it is still fun and will have multiple repeats on four or five songs. The problems with "Teenage Dream" are that the ballads where she shines with her voice are very forgettable and will be skipped by some listeners, but probably the biggest problem is that there's no direction or clear story to tell, Katy Perry seems to saying that Young People today are directionless and don't know where they'll go, if that's what she's trying to say, then she may have accomplished it. After the powerful pop single "Firework" the next track is a surprisingly graphic single about sex called then after the cute "The One That Got Away" with get an alien like song about sex called "E.T" the direction for these song's is very odd. But the song's delivered here are super fun to listen to which include all the songs I mentioned, and Katy Perry is still a great songwriter and singer. The album is only 12 songs long and is about maybe 45 minutes, so it's mostly an easy listen. Overall "Teenage Dream" has flaws that might make some listeners uncomfortable, but if you're willing to listen to music that's just meant for easy fun then Perry's latest may be worth buying. Expand
  30. Aug 7, 2013
    This is an awesome album! With pop beats like and ballads like Pearl, it has something for everybody. A well constructed album with not really any errors.
  31. Jul 29, 2013
    Why such a low score? Katy Perry proofs that she's talented! I want to see more! Why such a low score? Katy Perry proofs that she's talented! I want to see more!
  32. Jun 1, 2013
    Loved this album, deserves better reviews, Katy Perry is talented and she has a pretty good voice, the songs are worth a 7,8,9 or 10 so not a bad song, my favorite is wide awake and part of me
  33. May 29, 2013
    A commercial album through and through, but that's alright albums are allowed to be commercial in my opinion. Highlights are 'California Gurls', 'Firework', 'Teenage Dream' and 'Part of Me'. Personally, I think this is the best teen-pop album in years, which is proved by its impressive six US number 1 singles. Tonnes of catchy hooks, with a sprinkle of emotion in tracks such as 'Not likeA commercial album through and through, but that's alright albums are allowed to be commercial in my opinion. Highlights are 'California Gurls', 'Firework', 'Teenage Dream' and 'Part of Me'. Personally, I think this is the best teen-pop album in years, which is proved by its impressive six US number 1 singles. Tonnes of catchy hooks, with a sprinkle of emotion in tracks such as 'Not like the Movies' and 'The One that got Away', however some songs seem soulless and devoid of Perry's normal exuberant personality, such as 'Last Friday Night'. The ultimate album for pop lovers. Expand
  34. Apr 11, 2013
    Was a very decent album. Had a lot of good songs like "The One That Got Away" "E.T." "Circle The Drain" and "California Girls" "Who Am I Living For" some very in the middle songs like "Last Friday Night" "Firework" "Hummingbird Heartbeat" and some not so great songs like "Not Like The Movies" Overall its was easy to listen to and a good follow up to her first album.
  35. Mar 31, 2013
    Teenage Dream is an amazing album! Although not as lyrically personal as One Of The Boys, its still a pop masterpiece. The highlights of the album are definatly Teenage Dream, The One That Got Away, Firework and E.T. The lows of the album would be Pearl and Cirlce The Drain, although i like those songs, there just not as great as the rest of the album. If you still haven't bought thisTeenage Dream is an amazing album! Although not as lyrically personal as One Of The Boys, its still a pop masterpiece. The highlights of the album are definatly Teenage Dream, The One That Got Away, Firework and E.T. The lows of the album would be Pearl and Cirlce The Drain, although i like those songs, there just not as great as the rest of the album. If you still haven't bought this album after 3 years, i would strongly advise you to buy it! Expand
  36. Mar 24, 2013
    Honestly This Is My Favorite Album Of All Time! I Don't Care What Critic's Say...
    It's 2013 And This Album Has Had Six #1 Hits And Two Other Songs Peaking In The Top 3!
    This Is What Pop Music Really Is! Perfect Perry
  37. Mar 24, 2013
    Although Katy's talent is nowhere to be found, tracks "Teenage Dream," "E.T" and"California Gurls" were fantastic and sounded very good. Katy and her co-writers did a good job writing the lyrics.
  38. Jan 16, 2013
    typical pop artist who just wants to get money with no repetitive sounds new & mediocre. Katy Perry as the musical field is mediocre, do not know how has succeeded so if you want to enter the top 50, you better be devoted to something else, because a woman as old as she may not be singing music for girls 10 and 11 years.
  39. Jan 13, 2013
    I wrote a long review and it was removed and only the rating was left. Anyway, I'll rewrite it. It was the best album released in 2010. There are some "party songs", like "California Gurls" and "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" and also some ballads, like "Not Like The Movies".
    Track-by-track review:
    1. Teenage Dream - 7/10 - The song is good, but the falsetto is a bit annoying. 2. Last
    I wrote a long review and it was removed and only the rating was left. Anyway, I'll rewrite it. It was the best album released in 2010. There are some "party songs", like "California Gurls" and "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" and also some ballads, like "Not Like The Movies".
    Track-by-track review:
    1. Teenage Dream - 7/10 - The song is good, but the falsetto is a bit annoying.
    2. Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - 10/10 - Perfect for a party. The lyrics could be considered stupid, but everyone goes like that in a Friday night/Saturday morning.
    3. California Gurls (feat. Snoop Dogg) - 10/10 - Another "party song". The song is also perfect if you're going to the beach.
    4. Firework - 10/10 - Most inspirational song ever. Good beat, smart metaphor and all. Best track in the album.
    5. **** - 0/10 - Every album has a bad song. It gets even worse when you find out what the song is about (hint: it's not about a bird).
    6. Circle The Drain - 8/10 - Doesn't really go with the rest of the album, but it's a good song if you're going to listen to it separately.
    7. The One That Got Away - 10/10 - Great love song. Most people will relate to it somehow.
    8. E.T. - 10/10 - Perfect song with a smart metaphor. Nothing else to say.
    9. Who Am I Living For? - 7/10 - Not sure how this ended up on the album, but it's a good track if you're going to listen to it separately.
    10. Pearl - 10/10 - Perfect song about a bad relationship. I think most people will relate to it.
    11. Hummingbird Heartbeat - 8/10 - The beat is good, but the metaphor in the lyrics is just stupid.
    12. Not Like The Movies - 10/10 - Great ballad with smart lyrics. Slowest song from the album.
  40. Dec 17, 2012
    absolutely terrible i can't even listen to this horrible crap, katy go away we don't need you in the music world!!!! your music makes no sense. You are so overrated just go away.
  41. Dec 10, 2012
    Not the best album, by, well several light years. But its fun, its a bit quirky and Its obviously written with love. This is both Katy's love of music and having fun. Songs to look at are - Last Friday night, which excusing the ridiculous lyrics has some very interesting melodies that mix pop with funk and disco, Pearl has pretty nice, thoughtful lyrics and Circle the drain - the pop rockNot the best album, by, well several light years. But its fun, its a bit quirky and Its obviously written with love. This is both Katy's love of music and having fun. Songs to look at are - Last Friday night, which excusing the ridiculous lyrics has some very interesting melodies that mix pop with funk and disco, Pearl has pretty nice, thoughtful lyrics and Circle the drain - the pop rock style and more moody, stroppy atmosphere is a sharp contrast to the rest of the album. The truly best song is Who am I living for? This song steps away from the general careless happy nature of the rest of the album and talks of Katy's inner turmoil between her new found liberal mainstream famous lifestyle and her more traditional Christian upbringing, all to an unrelenting synth riff. More songs like this Katy!

    In conclusion this album will be sure to put either a smile or a scowl on your face, and as another commenter on this page put, I'm not sure its possible to listen to the album in one go without going mad. The album is a load of joyful fun and on those grounds and those grounds alone it is OK, maybe even good but still not great.
  42. Nov 21, 2012
    This is just a damn mess. Getting through this album is like running a 5k that you don't care about running fast in but some jerk is screaming in your face telling you to speed up.
  43. Nov 14, 2012
    This is the definition of pop. When i think about how pop music should sound the first image that comes to mind is Katy sitting on a cotton candy cloud, is a very nice image and this girl just redifined what pop is.
  44. Nov 12, 2012
    The result is treacherous, unsatisfactory, and immature. No adult would enjoy it.
  45. Oct 30, 2012
    A little less rock, a little less good lyrics but much more sex! That was probably the motto for Perry's sophomore release. 'California Gurls' 'Teenage Dream' or 'Circle The Drain' are one of the better songs on the CD, however, the album is a pretty mess. But I'm giving a plus point for her voice.
  46. Oct 13, 2012
    Katy Perry has an amazing change with this album, compared with "One Of The Boys". There's pure teenage-pop, very infectious, and how not to mention the great success that most of the singles had on Billboard... "Teenage Dream", "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) and "Firework" will be Perry classics, without a doubt.
  47. Aug 4, 2012
    Teenage Dream is a good pop album. Not great, not very good, just -good-. These are the types of songs that any pop singer could sing and it would sound the same; Katy herself doesn't bring much personality to the album. They just sound like 12 songs randomly picked out of Dr. Luke's vault.
  48. Jul 4, 2012
    The best Album of 2010! California gurls, Teenage Dream, E.T., Last friday night, The One That Got Away, Part Of Me, Wide Awake and " I Wanna See You **** **** **** " is Amazing
  49. Jun 18, 2012
    Katy Perry bursts back onto the scene with her amazing second album that is full to the grim of the tongue-in-cheek atmosphere that got her noticed in the first place. Tracks like California Gurls and Last Friday Night are bouncy pop ballads that are just all about fun whilst also capturing Katy's personality as a bubbly California beauty. Firework is the megahit, with her vocals poweringKaty Perry bursts back onto the scene with her amazing second album that is full to the grim of the tongue-in-cheek atmosphere that got her noticed in the first place. Tracks like California Gurls and Last Friday Night are bouncy pop ballads that are just all about fun whilst also capturing Katy's personality as a bubbly California beauty. Firework is the megahit, with her vocals powering through the song. Teenage Dream as Hummingbird Heartbeat are both adorable love songs with catchy beats - the cheeky aspect is still there as Hummingbird Heartbeat boasts about how fantastic sex is with her former husband Russell Brand. The One That Got Away is a beautifully sung break-up song that shows another side to Katy and takes the bubblegum candy canes away so she can show off her vocal talent. One of the best pop albums of the past few years and I'm sure Katy will make the next album even better. Expand
  50. Jun 15, 2012
    "Teenage Dream" is a nice mainstream album. It packs songs including "California Gurls", a quirky, yet summery dance tune. "Firework" and "Hummingbird Heartbeat" is beyond Katy's best songs in the album, with its strong detailed and europhic story-telling lyrics. Then comes to the more lower-than-average songs. "Pearl" is a good and pure minimal disco song, but to me, it isn't as a strong"Teenage Dream" is a nice mainstream album. It packs songs including "California Gurls", a quirky, yet summery dance tune. "Firework" and "Hummingbird Heartbeat" is beyond Katy's best songs in the album, with its strong detailed and europhic story-telling lyrics. Then comes to the more lower-than-average songs. "Pearl" is a good and pure minimal disco song, but to me, it isn't as a strong song to the album. Then "E.T." is futuristic and a mean song to listen, and probably Perry's most produced songs, but it doesn't tell much than a fantasy.

    Overall, the album is although better than her debut, but we sure can't wait for what more Katy Perry has planned, and plus, although Katy might have good songs in the future, 'Teenage Dream' is with-out-a-doubt Katy's best album in her career.
  51. May 29, 2012
    Seriously, a Grammy nomination for Album of the Year? The good songs are "California Gurls", "Firework", "The One That Got Away", "Not Like the Movies", and "Wide Awake". 5 good songs equals a rating of 5 out of 10.
  52. May 28, 2012
    You Have No Idea How Much I Love This Album! A Very Big Step Up From One Of The Boys!
    I Love Every Singe Song On This CD! In My Opinion Album Of The Year 2010!
  53. May 25, 2012
    This is a great pop record. It's so much fun, exactly how pop music is supposed to be. At first I didn't like the songs "Peacock" and "Circle the Drain", but eventually I grew to like those too. People need to stop over thinking this and just enjoy it. Sure, it's silly at times, but that's not a crime. Not all music should be serious and intellectual.
  54. May 19, 2012
    The songs on this album are unbeliavably catchy. I think I only skip 2 songs on this one (Pearl gives me second-hand embarrassment, and I don't like Not Like in the Movies). But, I think I'm really more in awe of the songwriters on this album - Katy not so much. I wish someone else would sing these songs. Katy does have personality and seems nice, so I do wish her success, but her voiceThe songs on this album are unbeliavably catchy. I think I only skip 2 songs on this one (Pearl gives me second-hand embarrassment, and I don't like Not Like in the Movies). But, I think I'm really more in awe of the songwriters on this album - Katy not so much. I wish someone else would sing these songs. Katy does have personality and seems nice, so I do wish her success, but her voice just isn't strong enough for some of the songs on this record (Firework is one example). Expand
  55. Apr 26, 2012
    Getting sick of hearing her on the radio all time. Although her songs here are probably better. I just don'tt know. It is all generic pop music that has been done a million times before. Katy Perry on a cloud too for the album cover. Sleaze.
  56. Apr 12, 2012
    I became a katycat because of this hit album. Teenage Dream is one of my favorite album!!!And I bought this physical album, the packing is also amazing! Can't love it more~ Every track from the album is a hit single!!! My favorite one is The One That Got Away which the only single didn't hit #1 on billboard Hot 100,but it is still my best plays.Now,the reloaded record have released a fewI became a katycat because of this hit album. Teenage Dream is one of my favorite album!!!And I bought this physical album, the packing is also amazing! Can't love it more~ Every track from the album is a hit single!!! My favorite one is The One That Got Away which the only single didn't hit #1 on billboard Hot 100,but it is still my best plays.Now,the reloaded record have released a few weeks ago,and the first single from the reloaded record -'Part Of Me' -have a great debut on billboard hot 100.Though this single's demo have released almost 2 years ago,but it really catching me!!!Hope the next single-Dressing Up-will have a good peak~Love KP~ Expand
  57. Apr 7, 2012
    One of my favourite album! Amazing! A great pop record! Great tracks : Firework - **** - Hummingbird Heartbeat - Circle The Drain - Not Like The Movies - E.T - The One That Got Away - California Gurls - Teenage Dream Very Good Tracks : Last Friday Night - Who Am I Living For? - Pearl
    Good Tracks : -
    Quite Good Tracks : -
    Bad Tracks : -
    Horrible Tracks : -
  58. Mar 27, 2012
    Yes, it's not as personal as One Of The Boy, however it remains a very solid pop album that never gets old. You can still see some old Katy in Who Am I Living For. It's also features. Stunningly wide range of music, Fron the hip hop inspired ET to the orchestral Firework to the lovely, soothing Not Like The Movies, there's a little sonething for everyone. Definitely check it out.
  59. Mar 25, 2012
    I really really like this album. It's a simple album, but it's really good. First this has a concept : teenagers' world. Yeah it's not like talking about wars but it's better than the albums that have songs with nothing in common. There are songs about love like "Teenage Dream", "E.T" and "Hummingbird Heartbeat" ( and we know that love is the 60% of a Teenager's life ), songs aboutI really really like this album. It's a simple album, but it's really good. First this has a concept : teenagers' world. Yeah it's not like talking about wars but it's better than the albums that have songs with nothing in common. There are songs about love like "Teenage Dream", "E.T" and "Hummingbird Heartbeat" ( and we know that love is the 60% of a Teenager's life ), songs about bullying, when you feel like "a plastic bag", like "Firework", songs about parties like "Last Friday Night" and yes, there's "Peacock" but we know that teenagers think a lot ( maybe too much ) the Peacock. Second, the sound. Yes it's simple but it's good traditional pop, and when the biggest part of singers use dub-step or a lot of elettronic sounds it's a nice thing, I think, make an album with clear pop. So for me this is a really great album. Congrats to Katy, i hope that her albums always will be good like this.
    ( sorry for my English )
  60. Mar 24, 2012
    Katy Perry is one of the most annoying personas in the current pop world, and is not a very talented live singer. In addition, she looks quite fake and contradictive to me, given his actual behaviour and his christian singer past. HOWEVER there's something no one could ever deny: she knows how to deliver a catchy tune. She also writes her own songs, and not everybody in the pop world doesKaty Perry is one of the most annoying personas in the current pop world, and is not a very talented live singer. In addition, she looks quite fake and contradictive to me, given his actual behaviour and his christian singer past. HOWEVER there's something no one could ever deny: she knows how to deliver a catchy tune. She also writes her own songs, and not everybody in the pop world does that, so I'll give it to her. "Teenage Dream" is immature, superficial and forgettable, but it is full of potential hits, and it doesn't really surprise me that she has striked 5 consecutive #1 hits, tying her with Michael Jackson (as surprising as it might sound). Catchy bubblegummy teenagey dancey tunes, a very hot American and apparently sweet woman and high budget videos are the perfect combination for success in nowadays industry. In addition, Dr. Luke really shines as the biggest hit maker in the mainstream world at the moment, and "Teenage Dream" is the best proof of it. Quality wise, this record is, just for a bit, not as good as "One of the Boys" but it is much more mainstream and pop-friendly (and "OOTB" already was). Katy is very confusing to me, because she can deliver some more serious and interesting tracks ("Circle the Drain") but it seems that, even though she's already 26, she prefers to stay with childish themes. I'm interested to see how long can she maintain this route.

    Highlights: E.T., **** Teenage Dream
  61. Mar 8, 2012
    This saccharine pop album doesn't break from the mould at all, but still has some genuinely great pop songs ("The One That Got Away" and "Firework" come to mind) and a bubbly disco sound.
  62. Feb 24, 2012
    In a short review - 'Dream' is not the best pop record out there, but it's better than "One of the Boys", and some tracks really prove she's not the one-hit wonder everyone thought she was, and she is not the 'forced pop' singer everyone thinks she is. Waiting for fourth effort.

    ~~ Pedro
  63. Feb 22, 2012
    Great album one of the best I own. A great mixture of ballads and fun, upbeat songs. Well done Katy. Anyone who criticises it should consider that it has had 5 number 1 singles from it and has sold millions of copies worldwide...
  64. Feb 11, 2012
    Extremely generic. Catchy beats, unoriginal lyrics with some sex references and, summarizing, it's not innovative at all. Just a bunch of radio-friendly songs directed to a teen public with the objective of making profit.
  65. Dec 29, 2011
    AMAZING ALBUM. This needs to shine. All songs are wonderful. Different meaning to EACH song. Who couldn't relate to at least on of the song? Its a masterpiece by Katy Perry. This is an album that she could be proud of! How can people hate one something that's near the state of perfection. This is something the MODERN music can be proud of. Lets embrace the album before we'll be calling itAMAZING ALBUM. This needs to shine. All songs are wonderful. Different meaning to EACH song. Who couldn't relate to at least on of the song? Its a masterpiece by Katy Perry. This is an album that she could be proud of! How can people hate one something that's near the state of perfection. This is something the MODERN music can be proud of. Lets embrace the album before we'll be calling it The One That Got Away. its E.T ! Out of this world awesome. Enough said. Expand
  66. Dec 4, 2011
    The rock references are not unusual in her previous albums or other pop albums. But it makes us dream of his lyrics and melodies, and also brings comedy and sex appeal with **** (which should be single). The album featured six singles in the Billboard top 200, was epic, but for the professional critics found wanting.
  67. Dec 4, 2011
    Awful and annoying. Most songs are catchy, but they irritate me after 2 seconds. She has the most annoying voice I've ever heard...not mentioning her live singing -.-
  68. Nov 27, 2011
    Most of the songs in this album are overrated/overhyped and full of AutoTune. Despite that, I like one song from this album, which is California Gurls. On the other hand, I used to love this album last year and even rated this as 10/10 until I was aware of singers using AutoTune to disguise their poor talent and that singers nowadays are untalented and overrated as in too popularMost of the songs in this album are overrated/overhyped and full of AutoTune. Despite that, I like one song from this album, which is California Gurls. On the other hand, I used to love this album last year and even rated this as 10/10 until I was aware of singers using AutoTune to disguise their poor talent and that singers nowadays are untalented and overrated as in too popular especially among the teenage demographic. Therefore, I renounced my love of Katy Perry and I now rate this album a LOW score. Expand
  69. Nov 15, 2011
    So, Katy Perry is still triyng to pass herself as a teenange pop singer. But she is not, not anymore. This album is so forgettable than her first one. Silly lyrics, too-much-screamy voice, and bad songs, this might be the worst album of this 2011. Nothing to recommend.
  70. Nov 2, 2011
    A good album that reflects the image of the current pop with dance music, lively, cheerful, a perfect album for all hours, Teenage Dream surely leave its mark on pop history.
  71. Oct 28, 2011
    Perry's sophomore effort Teenage Dream lacks one key element missing from her previous album, One of the Boys - originality. Its production is heavy but it's creativity is thin; in stead of pursuing her musicianship even further, it feels like Perry is simply mimicking the electropop genre every other artist is doing nowadays. And for a 26-year-old woman, lyrics like "I wanna see yourPerry's sophomore effort Teenage Dream lacks one key element missing from her previous album, One of the Boys - originality. Its production is heavy but it's creativity is thin; in stead of pursuing her musicianship even further, it feels like Perry is simply mimicking the electropop genre every other artist is doing nowadays. And for a 26-year-old woman, lyrics like "I wanna see your peacock-cock-cock-cock" are countably immature. However, redeeming aspects of the album are its standout tracks. "Teenage Dream" is a pop ballad that flatters Perry's soft yet loud vocal chords whilst "California Gurls" is a funky pop reggae song with contributions from Snoop Dogg. "Firework", "E.T.", and "Hummingbird Heartbeat" are excellent tracks as well. Expand
  72. Oct 2, 2011
    Being A Fan Of Katy Since Her Katy Hudson Years. Overall Here Is The Scoring For The Tracks
    Teenage Dream 9/10
    T.G.I.F. Last Friday Night 10/10
    California Gurls 9/10
    Firework 10/10
    **** 8/10
    Circle The Drain 8/10
    The One That Got Away 9/10
    E.T. 10/10
    Who Am I Living For 6/10
    Pearl 9/10
    Hummingbird Heartbeat 9/10
    Not Like The Movies 10/10
  73. Sep 23, 2011
    Further proof that a mediocre voice, throw-away beats and infantile lyrics all take a back seat to a pretty face. This one's the poster child for corporate Pop.
  74. Sep 15, 2011
    Lady Gaga, sells more records this Katy, Lady Gaga receives greater reviews then Katy Perry.. but there's one thing that doesn't make sense.. Lady Gaga has no talent.. Her lyrics are not meaningful, she writes them while she is high.. This album has everything, Ballads, dance, all kinds of.. One of the favourites are Firework. This album went to no.1 worldwide and I'm glad as this albumLady Gaga, sells more records this Katy, Lady Gaga receives greater reviews then Katy Perry.. but there's one thing that doesn't make sense.. Lady Gaga has no talent.. Her lyrics are not meaningful, she writes them while she is high.. This album has everything, Ballads, dance, all kinds of.. One of the favourites are Firework. This album went to no.1 worldwide and I'm glad as this album deserves it. Expand
  75. j30
    Aug 13, 2011
    Not really my kind of music. This sounds like pretty much everything else on popular radio stations, maybe because her music is all that they play on radio stations. It's definitely not the worst music out there. The album is super produced and loaded with catchy songs. Props to the producers and Perry for having 5 number one singles.
  76. Aug 12, 2011
    Katy Perry's second recording is (for the most part, at least) dumb, sex-crazy, and boring. I wouldn't exactly recommend it, but if you're a true-blue Katy Perry fan (to which I say, "already?!"), then go ahead. But make sure you mark my words--this is a pretty bad album compared to ONE OF THE BOYS, and it is NOT a TEENAGE DREAM.
  77. Jul 29, 2011
    Track By Track: Teenage Dream- super cool pop rock dance track that is very catchy, Last Friday Night- very cool and sooo catchy i love the menage a trois reference, California Gurls- Ok. Not her best track but it is certainly fun, Firework- the absolute best song in the whole album. Beautiful and the music is amazing, **** when I first heard it i loved it, now it is just boring, i knowTrack By Track: Teenage Dream- super cool pop rock dance track that is very catchy, Last Friday Night- very cool and sooo catchy i love the menage a trois reference, California Gurls- Ok. Not her best track but it is certainly fun, Firework- the absolute best song in the whole album. Beautiful and the music is amazing, **** when I first heard it i loved it, now it is just boring, i know every word to the song and i certainly love to sing it, but I'm totally getting over it, Circle the Drain-very rock and roll, it is fun but long kinda boring somehow, The One That Got Away- sooo lovable! It is one of my favorites. A highlight in the album, E.T.- Fun and robotic one of my favorite tracks also. I Love It!, Who Am I Living For?- worst track in the album, stupid, boring, whatever, Pearl- OK. Kind of boring but i awkwardly love/hate it, Hummingbird Heartbeat- best pop rock song in the album, it is sweet and beautiful. Another album highlight, Not Like the Movies- sweet voice, boring lyrics, not that entertaining. Best Tracks- Firework, The One that Got Away, Hummingbird Heartbeat, Teenage Dream. Expand
  78. Jul 22, 2011
    The first album, "One Of The Boys", was a 10. All the tracks on it (other than "I Think I'm Ready") were flawless. However with "Teenage Dream" they aren't. Some of the disappointments include "Pearl", and "California Gurls". While some of the highlights include "The One That Got Away", "Teenage Dream", Hummingbird Heartbeat", "Peacock", "Circle The Drain", and "E.T."! If you like Top 40The first album, "One Of The Boys", was a 10. All the tracks on it (other than "I Think I'm Ready") were flawless. However with "Teenage Dream" they aren't. Some of the disappointments include "Pearl", and "California Gurls". While some of the highlights include "The One That Got Away", "Teenage Dream", Hummingbird Heartbeat", "Peacock", "Circle The Drain", and "E.T."! If you like Top 40 radio then i would get "One Of The Boys" first. Then go buy this one!
    (Disclaimer: the following is not in the order of the track list) [++]= Fantastic [+]=Good Song [+-]=Mixed [-]=could do without [--]=Horrible!, Horrible! song!
    1. Teenage Dream - [++]
    2. Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F) - [++]
    3. Firework - [++]
    4. California Gurls - [+-]
    5. Circle The Drain - [++]
    6. Peacock - [++]
    7. The One That Got Away - [++]
    8. E.T. - [++]
    9. Who Am I Living For - [+]
    10. Hummingbird Heartbeat - [++]
    11. Pearl - [-]
    12. Not Like The Movies - [+]
  79. Jun 5, 2011
    This album is an example of pure pop perfection. It sizzles with such potential hits and pop melodies. My favorite songs on the album are the empowering "Firework", the electronic "E.T.", the spectacular title track and the lovely ballad "Not Like The Movies". I can see every one of the tracks on the album becoming a hit. The album shows Perry in a new light and if you didn't enjoy "One ofThis album is an example of pure pop perfection. It sizzles with such potential hits and pop melodies. My favorite songs on the album are the empowering "Firework", the electronic "E.T.", the spectacular title track and the lovely ballad "Not Like The Movies". I can see every one of the tracks on the album becoming a hit. The album shows Perry in a new light and if you didn't enjoy "One of the Boys", you will certainly enjoy this one. I suggest everyone to pick up a copy of this spectacular CD (which should have won Best Pop Vocal Album at this year's Grammy Awards). Expand
  80. May 29, 2011
    Although Teenage Dream is not the best album out there, it still features some truly classic songs. The arrangement of these songs is brilliant and all tell their own unique story while following a similar story arch.
  81. May 27, 2011
    Each track works great as a standalone, however the album its self is inconsistent. From the hard, out of this world 'ET' to 'Pearl' the album makes to many drastic changes to be consistent and just plain good. The tracks individually however, help save the album a harsh review.
  82. May 25, 2011
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Many of the songs the same and the songs in Teenage Dream lacks the feel which I think is the most important for an album to have. The only song that have the feel is "Firework" which I think is the best song I hear in the album. Expand
  83. May 24, 2011
    Instead of making these two lacklustre albums - she should have taken her time and made a great pop album. Circle the Drain is one of my favourite songs ever though... and it helps.
  84. May 23, 2011
    She forgot one thing about Teenage Dreams: they can also be nightmares! While the album is gifted with a fabulous first half, a "Peacock" comes along and drags down the "California candy cloud" to pop hell.
  85. May 7, 2011
    Terrible, absolutely awful. I find Katy Perry VERY overrated, but then again all crappy pop singers are. I find this worse than Justin Bieber and THAT is saying something.
  86. Dec 14, 2010
    hmmm, The only bad track is "Peacock", the rest is OK, is better than One of the Boys but it can be better. The best tracks are "California Gurls", "Teenage Dream", "E.T." and "Firework"
  87. Dec 11, 2010
    this album was okay. Katy Perry could be better. her songs are too girlie. I think katy perry sings really good. This album was good but not as good. I like a few songs from this album
  88. Nov 26, 2010
    The "California Gurl" from Santa Barbara delivered a satisfying pop album. The title-track "Teenage Dream" does not represent the whole album. The album is catchy, good pop songs and many potential hits. I would say that Katy Perry wants to deliver a party album but it turned out to be 80s. Firework is a good pop ballad. There are songs that lyrically talks about being married which isThe "California Gurl" from Santa Barbara delivered a satisfying pop album. The title-track "Teenage Dream" does not represent the whole album. The album is catchy, good pop songs and many potential hits. I would say that Katy Perry wants to deliver a party album but it turned out to be 80s. Firework is a good pop ballad. There are songs that lyrically talks about being married which is ironically to the concept of the album. The rocker element is still present in some songs of the album including the title track. "Last Friday Night" and "Peacock" are potential hits and as catchy like Ke$ha's song. Her voice is turned into a robot. Overall, the album is catchy and good. Expand
  89. Oct 30, 2010
    Almost every track on this album has the potential to become a chart-topper. I downloaded the deluxe version of iTunes that came with remixes, and they are awesome! Love it, keep recording!
  90. Oct 21, 2010
    Katy Perry has great potential to be one of those "big female musicians" as she already is. The most interesting thing about Teenage Dream is that it seems like it was not even made to be a good album, but to be a party album to dance to on Friday night. The best tracks are "Teenage Dream", "Last Friday Night", "California Gurls", "Firework", & "The One That Got Away". Sure, "Peacock" mayKaty Perry has great potential to be one of those "big female musicians" as she already is. The most interesting thing about Teenage Dream is that it seems like it was not even made to be a good album, but to be a party album to dance to on Friday night. The best tracks are "Teenage Dream", "Last Friday Night", "California Gurls", "Firework", & "The One That Got Away". Sure, "Peacock" may be laughable, but the rest aren't bad cuts for a pop-party album. Expand
  91. Oct 9, 2010
    Katy Perry's second hit-maker of an album is certainly sweet, but in a sickening way, and the singing is its usual mediocre style. However, it's Katy Perry so it's only to be expected
  92. Oct 9, 2010
    some songs are very fun and cool (TGIF, teenage dream, **** circle the drain), while others are excuses for songs (california gurls, not like the movies) and this album isnt as good as one of the boys, yet katy still proves to be one of the best artists. however, her mainstream pop new ego is getting to her head.
  93. Sep 13, 2010
    Katy Perry's Sophmore Release is , in plain english, OUTSTANDING! When "California Gurls" was released everyone was crazy about it and couldn't wait for the album. My favorite is "The one that got away"..How can anyone touch this...NO ONE CAN
  94. Sep 4, 2010
    In my opinion in all this album, there are only 3 good songs (if you want just song to play at a party) : teenage dream, catchy made with all the elements to sell; et, interesting but far from being a "i kissed a girl" and california gurls, that's all. Should have be realesead as a EP like Usher did. Seems strange to me see a woman, (not a girl), singing those songs. Think people doesntIn my opinion in all this album, there are only 3 good songs (if you want just song to play at a party) : teenage dream, catchy made with all the elements to sell; et, interesting but far from being a "i kissed a girl" and california gurls, that's all. Should have be realesead as a EP like Usher did. Seems strange to me see a woman, (not a girl), singing those songs. Think people doesnt know what is really a great album. Expand
  95. Sep 3, 2010
    ONE OF THE BEST POP ALBUMS THIS YEAR! Katy has done it again. from the first track to the end, it will captivate u and leave u breathless. almost all of the songs in the album are single-worthy. BUY THIS ALBUM! and ignore all haters! :D

    My favorite tracks:- ALL OF IT!!! :P
  96. Aug 30, 2010
    seeing this album as mediocre just says that you don't dream anymore and that's just sad .
    it's pop music at it's finest , all beat all heart and no regret .
  97. Aug 30, 2010
    After her recent hits including California Gurls, Teenage Dreamâ
  98. Aug 29, 2010
    Teenage Dream is an excellent pop album really, really better sequel of One Of the Boys.
    It's a balance of pop n disco sound with strong pop/rock ballads... The most different song is E.T. with some hip-hop elements and autotunish voice.
    Her controversy isn't missing with quite ''opened'' peacock song. It looks like we're going to have many worldwide hits including California Gurls and
    Teenage Dream is an excellent pop album really, really better sequel of One Of the Boys.
    It's a balance of pop n disco sound with strong pop/rock ballads... The most different song is E.T. with some hip-hop elements and autotunish voice.
    Her controversy isn't missing with quite ''opened'' peacock song.
    It looks like we're going to have many worldwide hits including California Gurls and rising Teenage Dream.
    After all, Well done Katy :)

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 19
  2. Negative: 2 out of 19
  1. After some severe front-loading, the album is filled out by songs that are too dark or lifeless to work alongside the Candyland motif of the cover and sunbeamy splash of California Gurls.
  2. Teenage Dream is the kind of pool-party-pop gem that Gwen Stefani used to crank out on the regular, full of SoCal ambience and disco beats.
  3. There's none of the ABBA or Cardigans influence she claimed, nor any of the fun she seems to have in real life. For now she just sounds like another of pop's Stepford Wives.