• Record Label: N/A
  • Release Date: Jul 26, 2019

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Aug 6, 2019
    TBD, on the other hand, wrangles with value-laden mindlessness in a manner that is both fun and endearing. TBD succeeds, in other words, on the merit of its recontextualisation of current trends into a project that is equal parts soapbox and sellable product.
  2. Aug 1, 2019
    Occasional nearsighted lyrical perspectives and three or four excellent but inessential tracks keep The Big Day from quite reaching masterpiece status, but it's still the most grown up (and the most polished) rendering of Chance's eternally bright spirit in his catalog.
  3. Aug 1, 2019
    Even with all its bright spots—sunshine and Shawn Mendes and summers that “last forever”—The Big Day still doesn’t do all that much, especially in the shadow of classics like Acid Rap and Coloring Book. The Big Day is one neverending dad joke.
  4. Jul 30, 2019
    The album can become a slog, almost oppressively upbeat, but The Big Day isn’t without wonders. Chance is still one of the most talented rappers working, and there are signs of that latent brilliance across about a dozen songs.
  5. Jul 29, 2019
    The Big Day is a rare bouquet on full display; a stunningly realized array of color, sound, and sensation that swallows the room. Any structure at risk of pop cliché finds new life through Chance, whose mastery of composition creates spins on existing musical archetypes like new synaptic grooves being carved out for the very first time.
  6. Jul 29, 2019
    The Big Day has enough ideas, sounds and flows to justify its vast breath. What's more: it finally gives us a glimpse at Chance's multitudes, letting us accompany him to the altar and the confessional, instead of restricting him to the pulpit. (Independent)
  7. Jul 29, 2019
    For fans though, The Big Day will endure well past any seven-year itches.
  8. 91
    A master lyricist, a musical omnivore, Chance and his family of producers and instrumentalists channel all the big emotions of the big day in a swirl of bliss, marital and otherwise.
  9. Jul 27, 2019
    On “The Big Day,” Chance’s mixture of reflection and fun is translated in his reliably impressive wordplay and flows, but its production palette can feel confusingly packaged and at times lacking intention. The result is a somewhat flat record that contains shades of Chance’s supreme talents, but lacks the dynamism of his previous works. It is undoubtedly Chance’s big day. But it’s hard not to feel a little let down.
  10. 85
    The sonic architecture crafted by Chance is both spirited and steely in its gravity.
  11. Jul 26, 2019
    These songs conflate his newfound responsibilities as a husband and father with memories of childhood innocence, a mix that humanizes the rapper even as his career transcends music.
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 325 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 84 out of 325
  1. Jul 26, 2019
    Pretty disappointing entry from Chance.. Seems to have included a lot of mediocre songs for streams, not the highest highs, and pretty lowPretty disappointing entry from Chance.. Seems to have included a lot of mediocre songs for streams, not the highest highs, and pretty low lows. I expected more after being a big fan of acid rap, and coloring book as well.

    Album's theme is all over the place, boring songs ruin this, as well as childish tracks like "Hot Shower". Could've been a 7 or weak 8 with fewer and focused tracks. But clocking in at 19 songs + 3 skits, it's overstaying its welcome, especially in some parts of the second half.

    Favorite tracks: All day long, do you remember, roo, big fish- maybe: get a bag

    Least favorite: Hot shower, big day(second half), sun come down
    Full Review »
  2. Jul 27, 2019
    Not good. Boring, too long, and insufferably preachy. It's amazingly pretentious and, despite overflowing with talent, lacks any real purposeNot good. Boring, too long, and insufferably preachy. It's amazingly pretentious and, despite overflowing with talent, lacks any real purpose beyond stroking an already inflated ego. Cringe. Full Review »
  3. Jul 28, 2019
    The Big Day is about Chance the Rapper's big day: his marriage, his debut album release, and so on. It serves as a celebratory purpose.

    The Big Day is about Chance the Rapper's big day: his marriage, his debut album release, and so on. It serves as a celebratory purpose.

    The Big Day brags striking production, for the most part. And yes, still, has a lot of fillers going on.

    The Big Day has a statement. The statement sprawled out and gave a vague conclusion.

    Besides, it's still on point, remarkable, and will be a new start for Chance the Rapper to once again disclose his own uncharted musical prowess.
    Full Review »