
Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
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  1. Jul 22, 2016
    It’s not a quick fix to the pain in her heart, but it is part of the essential journey, one that may be fabricated but feels all too real nonetheless thanks to Khan’s riveting and insightful storytelling.
  2. Jul 13, 2016
    The Bride is a stellar soundtrack to the complexities of womanhood within the institution of marriage, a triumph of raw intensity.
  3. Jul 7, 2016
    With The Bride, Khan has created a sublime tale of sorrow and recovery, of accepting loss and working through pain to become a stronger person. Likewise, Khan has taken her interest in similar journeys from earlier albums and used them to make her most consistently captivating work thus far.
  4. Jul 6, 2016
    The Bride might not be as accessible as its predecessors, yet after time invested it will have you curiously considering ceremony, matrimony, and individuality.
  5. 58
    There are over-arching problems here: the lyricism that doesn’t relate to anyone except the singer, which is especially troubling on the mostly lyric-driven “Widow’s Peak”; the lack of color from the lugubrious and minimalistic approach (excepting the vocal shading of “Joe’s Dream” and the Western-tinged “Honeymooning Alone”); the dearth of melodies, make the relatively short album get wearying over time, especially when you add the too-pristine production.
  6. Jul 5, 2016
    When her voice appears there's often a feeling of surrender and immersion in the setting. As with past Bat For Lashes releases, wide orchestral watercolor brush strokes are her friend, providing ethereality to underpin her vocal presence.
  7. Jul 5, 2016
    Some may write it off as one-paced (and they’d have a point), but there are moments of heartache and beauty here that will be hard to touch in 2016.
  8. Jul 5, 2016
    Luckily, by the time we get to lead single “Sunday Love” The Bride has hit its stride, the track’s shuffling drum loop and plucked strings transporting listeners directly into the mania of the Bride’s pure heartbreak. From there, what began as a slightly unbalanced collection begins to take shape.
  9. 60
    Khan is exceptionally good at dream worlds--The Bride chews over her love and its loss in a series of hovering, swelling ballads that somehow do not cloy.
  10. Jul 5, 2016
    Bat For Lashes has contributed an imaginative installment to our love affair with marriage, in all its charms and discontents.
  11. Jul 1, 2016
    Further songs follow suit, rarely deviating from verse-chorus-verse-chorus rigor. The upbeat “Sunday Love” breaks that mold with its rhythmically catchy verse and earworm chorus, which almost hides the fact that the song--about the would-be bride seeing a girl everywhere she goes--repeats the album’s most common problem: It’s unclear just what the song is about, and how it relates to the core concept.
  12. Jul 1, 2016
    And yet for all this effort the album itself is at times curiously empty, both overblown and underwhelming, with loads of smoke but not much atmosphere.
  13. Jul 1, 2016
    The most memorable song from the back half of the album, “In Your Bed,” sounds like it could have come from a different set of songs, judging by its lyrics.) As a result, The Bride goes past dreamy and into lullaby territory after a while, and the listener’s engagement with the music may drift off as well.
  14. Jul 1, 2016
    Depending on listeners' patience, however, The Bride's slower second half may be hypnotic or dreary.
  15. Jul 1, 2016
    Richer then than even the sum of its parts, The Bride is a beautiful, complex and often harrowing listening experience.
  16. Jul 1, 2016
    The album lags when the story gets too heavy. But there are many songs on The Bride that transcend its thematic conceit and stand on their own as unique puzzle pieces in Kahn's steadfastly mystifying persona.
  17. Jun 30, 2016
    Barring Sunday Love--an electropop episode that movingly echoes the melody of Khan’s best-known track, Daniel--this is a collection of darkly intriguing dirges, a battle for dominance between Khan’s intimate, exquisitely beautiful vocal and subtly unnerving sonic dissonance at its heart.
  18. 85
    This is also her most musically subtle and lyrically direct album to date.
  19. Jun 30, 2016
    This is a beautiful, beguiling, disturbing and rewarding album of love, loss, grief and recovery from one of the most intriguing singer-songwriters currently active in British music, of either gender.
  20. Jun 29, 2016
    Natasha Khan's fourth Bat for Lashes album is her most mature and cohesive yet.
  21. Q Magazine
    Jun 29, 2016
    In the moving figure of The Bride, Khan has delivered her defining statement as an artist. [Aug 2016, p.109]
  22. 80
    The result emulates, and equals, Joanna Newsom’s Divers, another ambitious album about the inescapable inter-connectedness of love and death.
  23. 80
    Khan refuses to yield crossover hits like 2009’s ‘Daniel’ (only the frenetic rhythms of ‘Sunday Love’ come close) opting instead for a slow style of storytelling that rewards the patient listener.
  24. Jun 29, 2016
    The Bride is not only a journey for Natasha and the characters she has created--as with all great albums, listeners, too, will be met with a sea of contemplation.
  25. Jun 29, 2016
    She’s flipped the script on us, and in doing so has created her most cohesive work--and maybe even her happiest ending yet.
  26. Jun 29, 2016
    While it all may seem rather bleak, rays of light eventually cut through the gloom. The Bride’s captivating story and thoughtful arrangements prove addictive, as Khan’s impressive songwriting rewards multiple listens, another step toward the vaunted pantheon of British art rock.
  27. Mojo
    Jun 28, 2016
    There is a single-minded intensity to the writing and the production which makes The Bride a very strong proposition indeed. [Aug 2016, p.91]
  28. Uncut
    Jun 27, 2016
    The Bride is her most accomplished realisation of her wandering mind yet. [Aug 2016, p.65]
  29. Jun 27, 2016
    At times perhaps overly conceptual--Honeymooning Alone needlessly hammers the point home--The Bride also lacks more standout cuts to truly make it soar. There’s nevertheless plenty to appreciate here; just don’t expect much in the way of wedding playlist material.
  30. Jun 27, 2016
    Far from instant, spectral in feel and altogether dark in tone, The Bride is a challenge--although one with glorious pay-offs. Fans expecting the poppier sheen of Daniel or What’s A Girl To Do? might be disappointed, its treasures lie just beneath its surface.
  31. Jun 27, 2016
    That The Bride works best as a song cycle rather than a collection of pop hooks is a testament to its cohesion and intrinsic intertexuality, but what's missing here is Khan's knack for grafting avant-art-rock concepts onto mainstream forms.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 50 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 50
  2. Negative: 4 out of 50
  1. Jul 4, 2016
    I think in some ways this album is a step forward for Bat for Lashes, while in other ways it's a step backward.

    I'll start with the good:
    I think in some ways this album is a step forward for Bat for Lashes, while in other ways it's a step backward.

    I'll start with the good: Her voice sounds as beautiful as always. It's always a treat to hear her sing with so much emotion, and she really delivers on each and every song. The production is subtle, yet surprisingly intricate. Songs like Widow's Peak demand you listen with headphones, or you'll miss so much of what's going on. The music is very atmospheric and sort of ambient, but it's crafted with care and much attention to detail, which I certainly appreciate.

    And now the not so good: As with many other concept albums, The Bride starts off with interesting material, but eventually stretches its concept too thin. After a while it seems like some of the songs were written out of necessity, just to stick with the whole wedding concept. There are lots of slow, ethereal songs, which make sense in context of the story, but in terms of enjoyability for the listener, they really make the album drag on, especially in the back half. It's a bit disappointing because I know Bat for Lashes can write amazing songs when she wants to. Joe's Dream is stunningly beautiful, and Sunday Love is catchy as hell, but these standout tracks sort of feel misplaced amongst the others. I really wish she had kept the energy going throughout the entire album, and had focused more attention on making the music interesting (such as In God's House), rather than just repeating the same simple motifs over and over again, as she does on many of the slower songs.

    Overall, The Bride is kind of a mixed bag. There are some beautiful moments and a lot of artistry which I can respect, but I do feel like there was potential for this album to be so much better.
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  2. Sep 11, 2019
    This in fact my least favorite album from Natasha, yeah it's beautiful, but i wouldn't play some of the tracks again by myself unless theyThis in fact my least favorite album from Natasha, yeah it's beautiful, but i wouldn't play some of the tracks again by myself unless they come up random on my playlist cuz they're too repetitive to match the whole concept and it gets tired.
    In God's House, Sunday Love, Close Encounters & In Your Bed are the Highlights for me.
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  3. Jun 17, 2018
    bat for lashes is a legend of alternative
    i love you queen
    comeback please!!