• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Oct 21, 2022

Universal acclaim - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
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  1. Nov 7, 2022
    The Car is a slick mover, immaculately appointed and often beautiful. What it’s driving at, though, can feel naggingly elusive.
  2. Oct 31, 2022
    There is one salient, nailed-on fact about this enigmatic album, however. It’s how easily its most anthemic cuts will slot into those revved-up Arctic Monkey festival set lists.
  3. Oct 26, 2022
    Turner seems to be angling for atmosphere, not hooks, with his melodies. The free-floating croon helps The Car amiably drift in space but it also highlights how the record could use a couple of elements to bring it back to earth.
  4. Oct 25, 2022
    If The Car is any automobile in particular, it’s a Ferrari or Lamborghini; you might watch it pass for a moment, admiring its sleek curves, shimmering façade and purring engine, but you won’t care much about the driver – and once it’s out of view, it probably won’t be long before it fades from memory.
  5. Oct 24, 2022
    The Car definitely keeps with the trajectory that Arctic Monkeys have been following since the release of Whatever People… and Favorite Worst Nightmare. Depending on what your outlook on the band’s releases has been will determine whether you think The Car is in keeping with an upward or downward trajectory.
  6. Oct 24, 2022
    AM was so heart-wrenchingly excellent that it looms over the Sheffield rockers and their fans, but unlike 2018’s Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, The Car seems like its true predecessor.
  7. Oct 23, 2022
    The Car is crackling with a wickedly fun energy underneath the surface of its mid-tempo mugging, if you're willing to take the commute and meet it halfway.
  8. Oct 21, 2022
    The Car feels warmer and more soulful than its predecessor, in its orchestral sweep not dissimilar to Turner’s first side project as The Last Shadow Puppets, 2008’s The Age of the Understatement. As such, it may be more a solo album than an Arctic Monkeys record, but it’s a very good one nonetheless.
  9. Oct 21, 2022
    The direction they’ve taken here finds them flexing their muscles in a way that sheds the cheeky irony of Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino in favor of a more plaintive earnestness, while at the same time building on that album’s sense of adventure.
  10. Oct 21, 2022
    The Car, the band’s seventh album (and is the exact same length as their second album Favourite Worst Nightmare to the second) is another step further into the cinematic world they created on Tranquility Base. ... This band have continuously captivating for nearly two decades now, and Alex Turner must be a generational talent. So clearly this is a great album.
  11. Oct 20, 2022
    The Arctic Monkeys of old are long gone and so too should any expectations of them returning to dirty dancefloors. With The Car, the band become increasingly comfortable in their lounge-laden musical attire.
  12. Oct 20, 2022
    This is a more soulful, less arch record than Tranquility Base. Not quite as detached from Monkeys past as it first appears, either. [Dec 2022, p.84]
  13. Oct 20, 2022
    The Car is a beautiful calling card for this opulent new version of Arctic Monkeys, even if it lacks the immediacy the band built its reputation on.
  14. Oct 20, 2022
    With regularity on The Car, Turner will begin an idea that he does not finish, or he’ll introduce something totally different just when you start following along. He has become a master of turns of phrases that don’t necessarily cohere but still feel right.
  15. Oct 19, 2022
    A case can be made for the transitional albums, like 2011’s at ease with itself Suck It And See. The Car, however – in which a songwriter matures and finds an unexpected emotional range – is sure ultimately to be ranked in the band’s very top tier.
  16. 80
    It’s Turner’s persona that gives The Car its charm and intrigue, though. Where Tranquility Base… provided his obtuse lyricism with a sci-fi framework, here it roars off in every direction, as wonderfully imagistic as it is largely impenetrable.
  17. 80
    The Car flickers between solemn nostalgia but also having a blast – a journey which can be unsettling but fun and surprising in a way that you wouldn’t expect.
  18. Oct 19, 2022
    The Car is a deftly constructed, lavishly produced, smooth runner of an album that undoubtedly reaffirms Turner as one of the great romantic lyricists of his generation.
  19. Oct 18, 2022
    The Car is an enormously tactile record, full of strange textures – a lint-roller runs over velveteen, body paint clings to legs, arms, face, and tears are cried in a tanning booth.
  20. 100
    ‘The Car’ is almost overwhelming in terms of its ambition and scope, but provides ample motive to revisit this record over and over again.
  21. Oct 17, 2022
    Turner's observations and the way he relishes a smart turn of phrase bring these vignettes to life in a way that's almost frighteningly vivid, even when his circuitous melodies don't always land. ... Much like For Your Pleasure or Gaucho, The Car functions both as intoxicating advert and withering critique. [Dec 2022, p.24]
  22. Oct 17, 2022
    On The Car, they deploy Fitzgeraldian tendencies, throwing a party with a lingering, enigmatic atmosphere. As long as there’s a mirror ball, you can be assured a fun time.
  23. Oct 17, 2022
    Though there are some intriguing highlights, The Car isn’t anywhere near the evocative heights that Arctic Monkeys have reached throughout their now-storied career — and perhaps that’s the point.
  24. Oct 17, 2022
    ‘The Car’ is Alex and crew’s most soundtrack-like work so far, flowing together in one long movement made cohesive by Bridget Samuels’ lush orchestral arrangements which adorn it.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 289 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 34 out of 289
  1. Oct 21, 2022
    Alex turner continues his boring hotel lobby music in the monkeys new album. Absolutely pretentious rubbish from start to finish.
  2. Oct 21, 2022
    Quite possibly the worst set of music i have ever listened to in my entire life.

    Fans seemingly love this absolute drabble but personally i
    Quite possibly the worst set of music i have ever listened to in my entire life.

    Fans seemingly love this absolute drabble but personally i believe that if a band is to experiment this much with their sound it's best left to side projects and leave the essence of what the band was in the past.

    The Gorillaz very rightly split off from Blur and went in a new direction to very clearly define the fact that the music made now by the Gorillaz is a far cry from Blur. The Arctic Monkeys should have split off and made the Autumn Orangutans the same way and left what the fans loved about Arctic Monkeys alone.

    If i wanted to listen to smooth lounge and falsetto voices i'd have picked up Robbie Williams' collective works or delved into some Richard Cheese, by the way nothing against these 2 examples just proving a point.

    I initially marked this review as 0 but upgraded it to 3 because as lounge music goes it's alright, got some funk and Alex Turner still has a beautiful voice. But Arctic Monkeys music this is not. Maybe they should have quit after they finished AM, the last good album they made.
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  3. Oct 21, 2022
    There is much better lounge music from other decades!!! This is boring pretentious drivel.