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  1. Mar 27, 2020
    This EP is very good: it's cohesive, it's dark, and it has good concept - Gaga's fears.
  2. Mar 27, 2020
    It's an amazing album. A great follow up to The Fame that talks about the dark side of fame. Very cohesive, great lyricism, innovative sounds.
  3. Mar 26, 2020
    Tiene solo 8 canciones y es uno de los mejores albumes pop en la historia, increíbles sencillos y vídeos iconicos.
  4. Feb 6, 2020
    Her best album. The whole album is amazing. My favorite pop album with Thriller. I wish she will work with RedOne for LG6.
  5. Jan 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O maior album da historia da musica
    Um album com hits
    Uma das maiores eras ja vistas na historia da musica
    Um marco na musica pop
    Esse álbum fez com que Lady Gaga se se torna-se um grande nome da musica
    Uma artista totalmente versátil
    Um marco na historia da musica
  6. Jan 10, 2020
    Um álbum com intenções de ser o álbum da década totalmente inovador lendário uma obra prima
  7. Dec 26, 2019
    Icónico y adelantado a su tiempo Gaga se lució gran Album nada mas que decir
  8. Dec 18, 2019
    Absolute pop perfection. I used to listen to this album all the time when I was a kid and I recently did it again and I still feel the same, it's timeless. It has songs that make you feel empowered, that make you want to dance all night or just make you want to sit and drink in the case of Speechless. Kind of makes me wish this was a full album and not an EP, but I think that makes it raw.Absolute pop perfection. I used to listen to this album all the time when I was a kid and I recently did it again and I still feel the same, it's timeless. It has songs that make you feel empowered, that make you want to dance all night or just make you want to sit and drink in the case of Speechless. Kind of makes me wish this was a full album and not an EP, but I think that makes it raw. Words really can't describe it Expand
  9. Nov 21, 2019
    Con grandes letras, grandes ritmos y un impacto cultural innegable, The Fame Monster es la obra definitiva de Gaga. Con una consistencia perfecta, cada canción funciona por separado y como pieza de una obra mayor.
    Uno de esos discos que no tienen falla alguna.
  10. Nov 2, 2019
    Fresh in a moment of boring and repetitive music industry, she reinvented pop again
  11. Oct 6, 2019
    Perfeito, icônico, lendário...
    Esse álbum foi quem formou o pop após 2010...
  12. Sep 20, 2019
    The Fame Monster is the perfect album to spend your time in club or just to hang out somewhere. But I like this album for its conception. It's really wonderful how Gaga tells us about dark fame.
  13. Sep 5, 2019
    one of Gaga's best work!!
    it showcases her vocal abilities and versatility .................
  14. Aug 30, 2019
    La Biblia del Pop! El mejor álbum de Lady Gaga. No tengo canción favorita, me gustan todas las canciones de este álbum. Icónica!! ❤
  15. Aug 6, 2019
    O álbum trouxe músicas extremamente memoráveis, como Bad Romance, que serão lembrados pra sempre. Um marco na carreira da Gaga e no mundo pop, consagrando-a como uma das melhores artista dessa geração.
  16. Aug 1, 2019
    Esse álbum é INCRÍVEL!! Um dos Álbuns que revolucionou o Pop!
  17. Jul 31, 2019
    Such an amazing album, with so many memorable hits. Not joking when I say this is a true pop masterpiece!
  18. Jul 2, 2019
    A beautiful and amazing album, This album is better that the first one, all the songs are pure masterpieces, this is one of the best pop albums ever!!
    The best album that I've ever heard. gaga's best album, no flaws in every track.
  19. Jun 20, 2019
    Spectacular, Brilliant, Contagious and Innovative. With an even better sound mix than The Fame, Lady Gaga undoubtedly delivers one of the best pop works ever done with striking lyrics and a mix of genres that shows how multitalented this artist is.
  20. Jun 15, 2019
    For a newcomer to the pop music, this is a good album. Actually, considering the facts it's a pop masterpiece. You can't deny that. It's simple perfection. It's Lady GaGa becoming Lady GaGa. She will never be better than this, NEVER.
  21. May 22, 2019
    Gaga mostra todo seu talento como artista pop em The Fame Monster. As faixas, que conseguem unir qualidade a potencial comercial, mostram a pluralidade da música pop da cantora.
  22. Mar 2, 2019
    One of the most innovative, genius and iconic pop albums of all time. Every single song from this album was enjoyable.
  23. Nov 2, 2018
    One of the best albums I have ever heard in my life with iconic singles such as Bad Romance and Telephone and overall just being amazing with a unique dark tone. Favourites include Bad Romance, Telephone, Monster, Dance In The Dark and So Happy I Could Die. The only reason I'm not giving this album a 10 is the song Teeth which I simply do not like at all.
  24. Oct 29, 2018
    The only flaw this album has it's that it is too short. Every song could have been a single. Bad Romance is the obvious highlight on the album but every song is perfect.
  25. Sep 3, 2018
    Este es sin duda, el álbum pop mejor elaborado de la nueva generación, arte.
  26. Aug 22, 2018
    Perfect from start to finish. Gaga is the breath of fresh air the pop industry desperately needed.
  27. Aug 16, 2018
    This album gave the face by pop at that time, The best songs and the success abounded in Gaga and this album was not the exception
  28. Aug 10, 2018
    Isn't better than 'The Fame' but there are some deep feelings and a dark vibe all over the tracks.
  29. Jul 6, 2018
    This album shows Gaga's ability as a performer , she have got an amazing voice ♥
  30. May 31, 2018
    Es sin duda el mejor trabajo de su carrera, inovacion,impacto,barroquismo,oscuridad, todo!!!!
  31. Apr 27, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A perfect Pop album. Different, original and revolutionary for an era of the music industry in which the artist, especially women, needed to dominate and show their talents. Expand
  32. Apr 7, 2018
    Mucho mejor que su primer trabajo "the fame" con este album dejo en claro que seria una gran estrella
  33. Mar 27, 2018
    a masterpiece... the true QUEEN OF POP this is pop perfection so memorable!
  34. Feb 2, 2018
    "The Fame Monster" is undoubtedly the most worldwide famous EP of all time, it contains massive hits such as the iconic "Bad Romance", "Telephone" and "Alejandro". It deserved more singles that could have benefited Gaga's career back in the day even more. This EP raised the bar to exorbitant levels!
  35. Dec 24, 2017
    Great album. Darker than previous one and I like it even more. Instrumentals are wonderful and lyrically is great too.
  36. Dec 1, 2017
    The album that shot Gaga to the level of stardom she is currently most deservedly on. All of the songs tell a different story and showcase Gaga's great vocals which are even more impressive live.
  37. Nov 17, 2017
    A beautiful album by Lady Gaga, it's even better than the first one. One of the most beautiful and wonderful album ever heard... I love lady gaga. This album is absolutely perfect and poetic. Dance in the dark, Bad romance, Alejandro, So happy I could die, Teeth, Monster every song of this album is a powerful mix of great things!
  38. Oct 6, 2017
    The Fame Monster is Gaga's best work to date, an assortment of varied pop styles paired with lyrics about figurative monsters, fame and sexuality. this mini album is a perfect representation of the zeitgeist of the beginning of the 2010s, with its fashionable beats and impressive vocals.
    a massive standout in Lady Gaga's career is the glam rock anthem Speechless, which has cemented Gaga's
    The Fame Monster is Gaga's best work to date, an assortment of varied pop styles paired with lyrics about figurative monsters, fame and sexuality. this mini album is a perfect representation of the zeitgeist of the beginning of the 2010s, with its fashionable beats and impressive vocals.
    a massive standout in Lady Gaga's career is the glam rock anthem Speechless, which has cemented Gaga's place in the pop world as a star who can both write and belt out rock anthems masterfully crafted for massive stadiums. many would say that Gaga's best songs are her eurodance-inspired ones, but this woman belongs behind a piano, with Queen-reminiscent backing instrumentals. Gaga is clearly very inspired by Queen's and David Bowie's respective glam eras, and her personality never fails to impress and dazzle even the most casual of pop listeners.
    we also have the standouts Dance in the Dark and Teeth, two massive bangers that successfully reveal a darkness in Gaga's tone that still hasn't quite been retouched upon in any of her later music. overall, The Fame Monster is a fabulous step-up from her earlier music, and hopefully she will return to a darker pop style soon.
  39. Oct 4, 2017
    Solid dark pop for the masses, Lady Gaga makes history with this album talking about monsters.. the fears of her life. Includes the best Pop masterpieces of this new century, her amazing voice sings deep and complex lyrics, showing shades and different states but at the same time all that things related making it consistent. The Fame Monster is a big punch to refresh pop music and leave a legacy.
  40. Aug 16, 2017
    Es el mejor trabajo discográfico de Gaga, este es el álbum con el cual se ganó el respeto dentro de la industria, es su mejor era, su mejor trabajo, su mejor todo.
  41. Aug 15, 2017
    pop perfection album!! i love gaga as artist and i think this is her best work, "bad romanc" is a atemporal song that everyone knows and its so strong!
  42. Jul 10, 2017
    Bad Romance - 10
    Alejandro - 8
    Monster - 10
    Speechless - 8
    Dance in the Dark - 8
    Telephone - 9
    So Happy I Could Die - 7
    Teeth - 7

    score: 8,3
  43. Jun 19, 2017
    Lo mejor del álbum es el concepto que envuelve su música; el lado oscuro de la fama. Sus letras llenas de misterio y subliminalidades hacen del disco el mejor retorno del género dark-pop que puso muy de moda Michael Jackson en los 80's. Me atrevería a decir que The Fame Monster fue el nuevo Thriller, esta vez a cargo de una artista femenina que logro adaptar el género al siglo 21.
  44. Jun 14, 2017
    This album is legendary. This is Gaga how we like. Wacky, fun and absolutely potty-mouthed. This album has attitude and lets you embrace your inner freak. #LongLiveGaga
  45. Jun 13, 2017
    Good pop album. This was Gaga at her finest. Bad Romance, Telephone and Alejandro are some of her finest singles. Amazing! .
  46. Jun 9, 2017
    I really enjoy this album, Gaga is art, she is the best pop artist in the world.......................................................................
  47. Jun 9, 2017
    Only 8 songs gave Lady Gaga her most succes album ever. Bad Romance is the most iconic song from the 00' and Telephone, the best colaboration ever. Queen
  48. May 10, 2017
    Nostalgic. Sensational. A whole generation was marked by this songs, we we're afraid of watching Bad Romance's music video, but we loved the song and its catchy chorus. Alejandro's dark video and subliminal lyrics fulfilled with mystery. Telephone's crazy and non-sense video, featuring Beyoncé, cliche lyrics about the dance floor, in a Gaga style, with amazing vocals (with Auto-tune toNostalgic. Sensational. A whole generation was marked by this songs, we we're afraid of watching Bad Romance's music video, but we loved the song and its catchy chorus. Alejandro's dark video and subliminal lyrics fulfilled with mystery. Telephone's crazy and non-sense video, featuring Beyoncé, cliche lyrics about the dance floor, in a Gaga style, with amazing vocals (with Auto-tune to give that sense of a telephone glitch). This is her best album, exploring fears from Lady Gaga's perspective, an Underground-Dark-Synth-Pop album that is the opposite from her first album, from a lyrical perspective. Expand
  49. Apr 11, 2017
    A beautiful album by Lady Gaga, it's even better than the first one.
    A beautiful album by Lady Gaga, it's even better than the first one.
    A beautiful album by Lady Gaga, it's even better than the first one.
  50. Mar 26, 2017
    Dance in the Dark, Bad Romance and So Happy I Could Die are great pop songs, they carry this EP.

    The rest of it is just okay, nothing outstanding, just generic pop music with generic lyrics.
  51. Mar 4, 2017
    An EP full of amazing tracks. Dance in the dark is THE SONG on this record.
    MY TOP 5

    1. Dance In The Dark
    2. Monster
    3. Alejandro
    4. Bad Romance
    5. So happy I could die
  52. Feb 15, 2017
    Not for nothing this jewel is considered a Bible of the Pop !!! With this album Gaga came to revolutionize an industry and genre that since 2006 was dying, The Fame was his coming and The Fame Monster his word.

    Not only the way to do Pop music, but also the message you give in songs, music videos, presentations. That's The Fame Monster, how to get back to Pop something with soul, sense,
    Not for nothing this jewel is considered a Bible of the Pop !!! With this album Gaga came to revolutionize an industry and genre that since 2006 was dying, The Fame was his coming and The Fame Monster his word.

    Not only the way to do Pop music, but also the message you give in songs, music videos, presentations. That's The Fame Monster, how to get back to Pop something with soul, sense, art, make it yours.
  53. Feb 6, 2017
    Com 8 faixas, o LP "The Fame Monster" seria inicialmente apenas o relançamento de uma edição de luxo do seu bem sucedido "The Fame", mas desde o início Lady Gaga fez questão que o trabalho fosse levado como o seu segundo disco de estúdio. Com pouco mais de 30 minutos de duração, Gaga consegue usar o tempo a seu favor, fazendo deste trabalho um disco com muito mais coesão e a concisão acabaCom 8 faixas, o LP "The Fame Monster" seria inicialmente apenas o relançamento de uma edição de luxo do seu bem sucedido "The Fame", mas desde o início Lady Gaga fez questão que o trabalho fosse levado como o seu segundo disco de estúdio. Com pouco mais de 30 minutos de duração, Gaga consegue usar o tempo a seu favor, fazendo deste trabalho um disco com muito mais coesão e a concisão acaba por ser um elemento que a impede de tropeçar dentro de clichês do gênero.
    Com letras feitas para dominar as pistas e um dance pop conceitual influenciado nitidamente por gigantes como Madonna, Prince, Michael Jackson e David Bowie, Lady Gaga aqui traz letras pessoais e passagens sobre moda e o esteriótipo da fama como algo atroz. A artista que chegou na música pop em meados de 2008 e em 2009 dominava tudo como um furação, tem aqui em seu ápice o despertar, mesmo que em primeiro momento em incerteza e desdém, de o nascimento de uma estrela tão extravagante quanto os seus looks feitos pelo "Haus of Gaga". Com muito mais poder criativo e visão artística que qualquer concorrente da época, ela podia até dividir os charts com as mesmas, mas era de longe a artista mais influente e marcante do pop de sua geração.
    Mesmo que acusada por alguns de copiar o estilo de alguma das estrelas anteriormente citadas, Gaga tem em "The Fame Monster" o poder de intrigar e de unir com o seu produtor RedOne um som bastante original pra época e manter o lado visual do pop que estava apagado há algum tempo (exemplo disso são seus videoclipes que excedem a barreira comum da época dos 3 ou 4 minutos).
    O EP funciona praticamente bem por inteiro e tudo soaria facilmente como um potencial hit número #1 das paradas. Os destaques ficam pela ótima "Bad Romance" que engole todos os singles de trabalho do "The Fame", além de "Speechless" inspirada pelo rock de seus ídolos Bowie e Queen, "Dance in the Dark" inspirada por "Vogue" da Madonna e "Telephone" que contém a participação muito bem colocada de Beyoncé.
  54. Oct 27, 2016
    Lady Gaga is no cookie cutter plastic pop star in the likes that mainstream is so used to seeing. Her image is edgy and the music on this album is heavy brilliant innovative pop with dark lyrics and powerful messages. Whether at a party or a club, one can't ignore how fast dance floors fill when Gaga's songs come on, but the thing that I love the most about these powerful dance floorLady Gaga is no cookie cutter plastic pop star in the likes that mainstream is so used to seeing. Her image is edgy and the music on this album is heavy brilliant innovative pop with dark lyrics and powerful messages. Whether at a party or a club, one can't ignore how fast dance floors fill when Gaga's songs come on, but the thing that I love the most about these powerful dance floor anthems are the thought process and the meanings behind them. Expand
  55. Oct 25, 2016
    Bible of pop music.Its one of the best albums of the decade and the most crazy and soulful projects in pop music. I cant think of party without thinking about of some ofthe hits this albums has
  56. Oct 25, 2016
    It may be quite short, but its quality is beyond amazing!!! With songs like "Bad Romance", "Alejandro" and "So Happy I Could Die", this is one of the greatest albums of all time!
  57. Oct 24, 2016
    The greatest album in history, all the songs are a masterpiece. Bad Romance is the millenium hit and I love it, thanks for create it, thanks for make me brave
  58. Oct 24, 2016
    A wonderful album! A wonderful artist! Every album released, his talent and his legacy growing and most respected. This only tends to grow. Each person chooses his own Queen, Lady Gaga for me is the true queen of pop.
  59. Oct 23, 2016
    Com certeza esse álbum foi um dos melhores que o pop teve prazer em conhecer, peca um pouco na profundidade das letras, mas mesmo assim, Lady Gaga com apenas 1 ano de estouro, traz inúmeras insinuações e metáforas. Com uma música de abertura PERFEITA, que junta criatividade, vocais, efeitos e até marketing em uma música só, Bad Romance é digno de um 11, sozinha. Dance in the Dark, um popCom certeza esse álbum foi um dos melhores que o pop teve prazer em conhecer, peca um pouco na profundidade das letras, mas mesmo assim, Lady Gaga com apenas 1 ano de estouro, traz inúmeras insinuações e metáforas. Com uma música de abertura PERFEITA, que junta criatividade, vocais, efeitos e até marketing em uma música só, Bad Romance é digno de um 11, sozinha. Dance in the Dark, um pop marcado pela influência das outras décadas, indicado ao Grammy, uma das maiores faixas do álbum. Lady Gaga mesmo arriscando em Teeth, ainda deixa com aquela sensação gostosa. Muito bom, muito 10!!! Expand
  60. Oct 22, 2016
    It is a very strong album and very very good vocals. I'm in love with this album and Lady Gaga.I mean she changed the pop music standarts. She is a living legend I adore her.
  61. Oct 21, 2016
    This album redefined pop culture forever, truly an iconic/classic timeless album & will remain one of Gaga's most critically acclaimed albums! The way she ran the industry with this album is impressing.
  62. Oct 20, 2016
    The Fame Monster is much darker than its predecessor, The Fame, and is one of the most iconic albums to be released in this millennium. With standout tracks such as Bad Romance, Alejandro, Speechless, Dance In The Dark, Telephone, and So Happy I Could Die, this is Gaga at her finest.
  63. Oct 19, 2016
    The Fame Monster was the focal point in Lady Gaga's career. Bad Romance is one of the best songs in HISTORY, and it made history too when it became the first DIAMOND certified song by a female artist ever! Highlights of this album are Alejandro, Telephone, Dance In The Dark, Monster, and of course, Bad Romance. An astounding album, 10/10.
  64. Sep 17, 2016
    Gaga Reinveta el Pop con este álbum, sin duda esta chica a dejado un legado con pistas bailables las cuales te hacen experimentar un sin fin de emociones si eres admirador de la buena música pop.
  65. Sep 11, 2016
    amazing,strong,quality,powerful and the fame that describes that album, hits like bad romance, alejandro,papparazi and telephone makes this a masterpiece her best album ever and so far
  66. Sep 3, 2016
    The Pop definition on itself. The best album of the genre in this century. The songs are so catchy and the lyrics are beyond meaningful and metaphorical. Just the Hitchcock's references in the Iconic Ultra Hit Bad romance are art on words. The Fame Monster is more than worth to listen to, but enjoyable and a trip to the dark and adorable of what Pop Music can give to us. Gaga Rocks!!!
  67. DXX
    May 20, 2016
    The simplest masterpeice album i have ever heard .
  68. May 6, 2016
    The Fame Monster is Lady Gaga's best album to date. Each song is unique, the production and the writing are great and you cannot help but to sing along to these iconic hits, like Bad Romance or Telephone.
    Her contemporaries should take notes. This is music. This is art.
  69. May 1, 2016
    I remember hearing Alejandro for the first time... it was the most beautiful thing that i have ever heard back then, the sound of it, the melody...oh... and this emotion carries throughout the whole album for me. The songs are all individuals on their own, strong, independant songs, pop masterpieces. Bad Romance is one of the best songs ever, it is trully unique and special... i could goI remember hearing Alejandro for the first time... it was the most beautiful thing that i have ever heard back then, the sound of it, the melody...oh... and this emotion carries throughout the whole album for me. The songs are all individuals on their own, strong, independant songs, pop masterpieces. Bad Romance is one of the best songs ever, it is trully unique and special... i could go on writing about this album forever, but i will just say, 5/7 :D Collapse
  70. Apr 27, 2016
    Her second album after the "welcome to the pop" scene with The Fame. Great songs, infectious melodies, really pop music. Gaga proved she has come to stay.
  71. Apr 4, 2016
    To this day, the endlessly catchy hooks and at times deep, cutting lyrics run effortlessly through my mind. A true modern pop classic that earned its place in music history and truly managed to define the transition of the decades into the new era.
  72. Mar 5, 2016
    FANTASTIC ALBUM. Truly not a bad song on it. Most underrated song has to be Dance In The Dark, should have been the 2nd single instead of Alejandro!!!!
  73. Feb 29, 2016
    One of the most innovative and impressive albums to come out in this era of music. No musician has been able to capture all our attention and impress us with such interesting lyricism and bold vocals. Bad Romance is the most popular song on the album and the best.
  74. Feb 6, 2016
    this is a bible this is a bible this is a bible this is a bible this is a bible this is a bible this is a bible this is a bible this is a bible this is a bible
  75. IGa
    Jan 30, 2016
    "Teeth" can not destroy this genuine work of art. With engaging beats, heavier than its predecessor, The Fame Monster can ensure their quality and still provide something new to the repertoire of Lady Gaga. As for the retro tracks, marked here by "Speechless" and "Dance In The Dark", can have a higher quality than those of its predecessor. With seven tracks hair-raising, we can't even be"Teeth" can not destroy this genuine work of art. With engaging beats, heavier than its predecessor, The Fame Monster can ensure their quality and still provide something new to the repertoire of Lady Gaga. As for the retro tracks, marked here by "Speechless" and "Dance In The Dark", can have a higher quality than those of its predecessor. With seven tracks hair-raising, we can't even be discouraged by the annoying repetition of "Teeth". Expand
  76. Jan 29, 2016
    Just 8 songs but everyone wonderful representing one kind of fear. Absolutely better than the first one 'The Fame'
    The best songs Bad Romance, Speechless, Dance In The Dark
  77. Dec 28, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The Fame Monster é um EP excelente. Aqui, Gaga mostra o "monstro da fama", com as 7 primeiras músicas espetaculares. A oitava aka Teeth é bem ruim, mas não distoa a qualidade do material. Provavelmente o melhor trabalho da Lady Gaga.

    Pontos altos: Telephone, Monster, Spechless
    Ponto baixo: Teeth
  78. Dec 24, 2015
    A qualidade do álbum é inegável. O som está totalmente diferente do álbum debut ''The Fame(que é mais puxado para o lado POP/ELETRÔNICO)''. Aqui, em TFM, experimentamos um som mais pop, Gaga inovou na produção das músicas tanto quanto na letra das mesmas.
    Explorando seus maiores medos, Gaga conseguiu criar um dos álbuns mais relevantes da década.
    BEST SONGS: Alejandro, Telephone, So
    A qualidade do álbum é inegável. O som está totalmente diferente do álbum debut ''The Fame(que é mais puxado para o lado POP/ELETRÔNICO)''. Aqui, em TFM, experimentamos um som mais pop, Gaga inovou na produção das músicas tanto quanto na letra das mesmas.
    Explorando seus maiores medos, Gaga conseguiu criar um dos álbuns mais relevantes da década.

    BEST SONGS: Alejandro, Telephone, So Happy I Could Die
  79. Dec 13, 2015
    Um dos melhores albuns pop da história sem dúvidas, brilhante, extremamente bem produzido e escrito, é um resumo completo do por quê Lady Gaga é a melhor e mais talentosa de sua geração, destaque para: Bad Romance, Speechless, Monster e Dance in The Dark
  80. Dec 7, 2015
    I love this album because of course, I am a huge fan of Lady Gaga. I love all of the songs on the album. I like "Bad Romance", "Dance in the Dark", "Telephone", "Monster", and all the other songs. I also love The Fame and Artpop.
  81. Nov 8, 2015
  82. Oct 17, 2015
    One of the best pop albums of all time, and one of the best albums of the 21st century! The record really benefits from its short length, and Gaga's catchy, sometimes sad and sometimes insidious songwriting really just grabs me, as they did to many more others before. The Fame Monster is a perfect album; a pop album that is artful sans pretentiousness or filler tracks.

    One of the best pop albums of all time, and one of the best albums of the 21st century! The record really benefits from its short length, and Gaga's catchy, sometimes sad and sometimes insidious songwriting really just grabs me, as they did to many more others before. The Fame Monster is a perfect album; a pop album that is artful sans pretentiousness or filler tracks.

  83. Oct 13, 2015
    This album is undoubtedly one of the best of Lady Gaga, it demonstrates how talented she is . The Fame Monster is an epic album with great songs like Bad Romance, Dance In The Dark, Alejandro and others.
  84. Oct 10, 2015
    this is the best Lady Gaga's record so far (Oct 2015), it is very dark with great lyrics that experiment with the monsters of fame, relationships, sex, friends, etc,.
    Bad Romance is a 10/10 the dark synth/electro/pop beat is amazing so is the chorus & lyrics
    Alejandro 8/10 dark and catchy Monster 9/10 Speechless 10/10 pop/rock ballad and wow Gaga's voice Dance In the Dark 10/10
    this is the best Lady Gaga's record so far (Oct 2015), it is very dark with great lyrics that experiment with the monsters of fame, relationships, sex, friends, etc,.
    Bad Romance is a 10/10 the dark synth/electro/pop beat is amazing so is the chorus & lyrics
    Alejandro 8/10 dark and catchy
    Monster 9/10
    Speechless 10/10 pop/rock ballad and wow Gaga's voice
    Dance In the Dark 10/10 fearless & timeless song, really dark dance song should be single.
    Telephone 8/10 video of the decade? yeah.
    So Happy I Could Die 8/10 amazing beats
    Teeth 8/10
  85. Aug 2, 2015
    No doubt it is a good job. Gaga I managed to follow the quality that I leave you with The Fame, the only downside of this album is that half of the songs are quite commercial and its quality is very loose but very rhythmic.
  86. May 10, 2015
    As radio is still spinning "Paparazzi" from The Fame (2008), The Fame Monster released in Oct. 2009, is another step for Gaga towards super-stardom. On this album, shows a very dark side of Gaga we did not know with the opening of the big hit "Bad Romance". Overall combined with The Fame, it is one of the best albums of All time! Other than "Bad Romance", standout tracks includeAs radio is still spinning "Paparazzi" from The Fame (2008), The Fame Monster released in Oct. 2009, is another step for Gaga towards super-stardom. On this album, shows a very dark side of Gaga we did not know with the opening of the big hit "Bad Romance". Overall combined with The Fame, it is one of the best albums of All time! Other than "Bad Romance", standout tracks include "Alejandro", "Telephone", "Dance in the Dark", "So Happy I Could Die", "Monster" and "Teeth". Expand
  87. Apr 3, 2015
    Easily Lady Gaga's best album. Lady Gaga was way more artistic on this album than she was on The Fame. The production is more creative and Lady Gaga's artistic side is shown more. The lyrics have also improved greatly. This album is an overall B+. Highlights: "Monster", "Telephone", "Dance in the Dark". Worst song: "Alejandro"
  88. Mar 24, 2015
    This album is thirty-five minutes of sheer pop perfection. Dark, original, catchy, and inventive, The Fame Monster was Lady Gaga at her absolute best.
  89. Mar 16, 2015
    Track by track review:
    1. Bad Romance 8.5/10
    2. Alejandro 10/10
    3. Monster 10/10
    4. Speechless 4/10
    5. Dance in the Dark 0.5/10
    6. Telephone 6/10
    7. So Happy I Could Die 10/10
    8. Teeth 10/10

    Highlights: So Happy I Could Die, Monster, Teeth, Alejandro, Bad Romance.
    Potential singles: Bad Romance, Dance in the Dark, Monster, Telephone.
  90. Feb 28, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. you can not explain how this album was amazing, deserved to be universally acclaimed because gaga worked very well in it , is one of the true influential albums of the current POP , finally , he was very good for all Expand
  91. Feb 21, 2015
    Just a perfect pop album, there's no waste on any of its 8 songs. Just the fist song ''Bad Romance'' is a prelude of how great is the rest of the album.
  92. Jan 21, 2015
    Catchy hooks, dance tunes, that wake up the party animal inside. The successful EP follow up to the massive, gigantic hit "The Fame" certainly did not leave fans disappointed. One of the most, if not the most excellent pop releases in the 2000s.
  93. Jan 6, 2015
    Tão bom quanto ao The fame.

    Monster 10
    Speechless 10
    Dance in the Dark 9.5
    So Happy I Could Die 9.5

    Essas são as músicas que ouço até hoje depois de 4 anos do lançamento.
  94. Jan 5, 2015
    One of her best works, truly the album/EP of the decade. No one not even her (although we hope) will top this EP. The song choices and lyrics are very dark and beautifully written. This is easily worth ANY amount you may pay for it. a masterpiece
  95. Dec 16, 2014
    An EP that deserved to be an album in full, with great songs to sing, dance, only listen or do what you want, that's what that year was in need and Gaga did a great job on it.
    Highlights: Telephone and Bad Romance
    Lows: So Happy I Could Die and Alejandro
  96. Dec 9, 2014
    This is the best pop album of the 21st century. With the icy electropop instrumentals and the catchy hooks of songs that are all single-worthy, Gaga makes it hard to top herself. "Dance in the Dark", "Monster", and "Bad Romance" are essential must-listens on the album. I promise that you won't regret giving this album a listen.
  97. Oct 4, 2014
    Aug 5, 2014
    A monument in pop music. It revolutionizes pop and will forever mark its print. The reason why Gaga is so good is that she is the chameleon of music: switching from Abba to Christina from song to another. She is simply deserving for the nomination of Album of the Year, just Arcade Fire is bette
  98. Sep 30, 2014
    Where every Gothic pop started, Gaga created an explosion of thoughts, erotically or romantically, for a blast of sick tunes and heavy beats big enough to turn the pop music history upside down.
  99. Sep 25, 2014
    Bad Romance to Teeth - all of them are just pure masterpieces, no flaws detected in any of the 8 golden tracks on this fantastic album. Loving this album very much.
  100. GlM
    Sep 24, 2014
    Lady Gaga comes back with an ever better album than her debut, 'The Fame'. She powers through the charts with standout tracks 'Bad Romance' and 'Telephone', and yet, still shines on less recognised tracks such as 'Monster' and the moving ballad 'Speechless'. The album that solidified who she was as an artist, Lady Gaga is far from over.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. 88
    Not only does this new song cycle retain the Euro-tastic sheen of its predecessor, it outdoes it in sheer dance-floor whump.
  2. Only after being overwhelmed by the sheer visibility of her warp-speed relaunch did I realize how enjoyable and inescapable her hooks and snatches had turned out to be.
  3. In her music videos and live shows over the past year, Gaga has worked hard to demonstrate her creative ambition and stylistic range, and that project continues on The Fame Monster.