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  1. Mar 26, 2012
    If only Gaga stopped here, she would have spared herself a tonne of hate. The Fame Monster is exceptionally good - 8 perfect tracks. I can't not give this a solid 10 rating, since there is not much to not love on this one (except maybe the not-so-original Alejandro video, but the song is great anyway). If you're new to Gaga, this is the one I'd go for (the only one in fact). Avoid anythingIf only Gaga stopped here, she would have spared herself a tonne of hate. The Fame Monster is exceptionally good - 8 perfect tracks. I can't not give this a solid 10 rating, since there is not much to not love on this one (except maybe the not-so-original Alejandro video, but the song is great anyway). If you're new to Gaga, this is the one I'd go for (the only one in fact). Avoid anything that came after this. Personal favourites: Bad Romance, Dance in the Dark, So Happy I Could Die, Teeth (which is also the best Gaga song to date in my opinion) Expand
  2. Mar 27, 2012
    Brilliant. The best release of 2009, which certainly gave the best singles and videos of 2010. Album highlights: Bad Romance, Teeth. Simply Pop-perfection.
  3. Apr 2, 2012
    This was her best album yet! Bad Romance made her world famous and now she is reaping the rewards. This album is also mentioned as the best of 2000's decade by The Rolling Stones and TIME 100 :)
  4. Apr 6, 2012
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum é realmente bom. Mostra uma verdadeira evolução em relação ao álbum The Fame, uma GaGa mais evoluída, má, esse álbum é formado por grandes músicas, Bad Romance, que mostra o verdadeiro pop, uma música onde não existe ninguém que pelo menos sabe uma parte dela. Telephone, uma música bem agitada, uma música nem boa, nem ruim. Alejandro, outra música que caiu na boca do povo na parte Alealejandro Alealejandro, Speechless, que foge do rítimo do álbum com uma música bela e romântica, pena não virar single. Dance In The Dark, a melhor do álbum, Lady Gaga decidiu-la jogar fora. Teeth, uma música que realmente lembra um exército, missões, boa música e ambém a animada So Happy I Cold Die, viciante também. Esse álbum merece um 9.5, mas como não existe 9.5, fica para 10 :) Expand
  5. Apr 7, 2012
    PERFECT Album, Dance in The Dark, Alejandro, Bad Romance, Telephone, Teeth..... Perfect musics, dark album pop is perfect, Lady GaGa is the new queen of pop, no more questions, **** please.
  6. Apr 23, 2012
    I loved this album she has such an amazing talent no other singer has and has such an odd choice in wardrobe!!!! As gaga forever said "GAGA WILL NEVER BE TOPPED"
  7. Apr 26, 2012
    I liked this album a lot more than her first one, the only big complaint I have is I wish she would've have put more songs on this album. I felt it was way too short. Again, she made great dance/pop songs. No other complaints.
  8. May 28, 2012
    This Is One Of The Only Albums I Loved Every Single Song On It!
    Amazing Perfect Gaga
  9. Jun 22, 2012
    A great product of the Lady herself, Gaga has managed to create an album that is near faultless. From the opening Euro-sleazy Bad Romance to the showful, almost narcissistic sounding Teeth, the album doesn't fall flat or dry. Highlights include the lead single, the bustling sounds of Telephone, the 80's touch of Dance In the Dark and the crusty rock-esque vocals on the ballad Speechless.A great product of the Lady herself, Gaga has managed to create an album that is near faultless. From the opening Euro-sleazy Bad Romance to the showful, almost narcissistic sounding Teeth, the album doesn't fall flat or dry. Highlights include the lead single, the bustling sounds of Telephone, the 80's touch of Dance In the Dark and the crusty rock-esque vocals on the ballad Speechless. Without doubt one of Lady Gaga's finest and most cohesive piece of music to date and a treat for the fans or pop culture everywhere. Expand
  10. Jul 10, 2012
    This album is better than The Fame & Born This Way. The best songs are So Happy I Could Die and Monster. The concept of the album is interesting. I want to have her new record!
  11. Jul 22, 2012
    This album is going to be seen as a milestone in Gaga's career. I'm pretty sure. This album not only gives you 8 hit tracks to listen to, it also follows a concept and has a deeper meaning which is getting expressed on every single track. It's simply flawless and a stands head and shoulders above its competitors.
    Highlights are Bad Romance, Alejandro and Dance in The Dark.
  12. Aug 4, 2012
    A jaw-dropping album. I honestly think every song on here could've been a single except for Speechless, and that one's only because the subject matter is too personal and emotional for top 40 radio. At a trim 34 minutes long, it's clear Gaga went out of her way to only use the best she had to offer. Alejandro and Teeth are the weakest songs on here, but both are still worth listening to.A jaw-dropping album. I honestly think every song on here could've been a single except for Speechless, and that one's only because the subject matter is too personal and emotional for top 40 radio. At a trim 34 minutes long, it's clear Gaga went out of her way to only use the best she had to offer. Alejandro and Teeth are the weakest songs on here, but both are still worth listening to. Telephone sounds out of place from the rest of the album, but it works just fine on its own. But Monster, Dance in the Dark, and Bad Romance are the tracks that'll keep you coming back again and again. Expand
  13. Feb 6, 2017
    Com 8 faixas, o LP "The Fame Monster" seria inicialmente apenas o relançamento de uma edição de luxo do seu bem sucedido "The Fame", mas desde o início Lady Gaga fez questão que o trabalho fosse levado como o seu segundo disco de estúdio. Com pouco mais de 30 minutos de duração, Gaga consegue usar o tempo a seu favor, fazendo deste trabalho um disco com muito mais coesão e a concisão acabaCom 8 faixas, o LP "The Fame Monster" seria inicialmente apenas o relançamento de uma edição de luxo do seu bem sucedido "The Fame", mas desde o início Lady Gaga fez questão que o trabalho fosse levado como o seu segundo disco de estúdio. Com pouco mais de 30 minutos de duração, Gaga consegue usar o tempo a seu favor, fazendo deste trabalho um disco com muito mais coesão e a concisão acaba por ser um elemento que a impede de tropeçar dentro de clichês do gênero.
    Com letras feitas para dominar as pistas e um dance pop conceitual influenciado nitidamente por gigantes como Madonna, Prince, Michael Jackson e David Bowie, Lady Gaga aqui traz letras pessoais e passagens sobre moda e o esteriótipo da fama como algo atroz. A artista que chegou na música pop em meados de 2008 e em 2009 dominava tudo como um furação, tem aqui em seu ápice o despertar, mesmo que em primeiro momento em incerteza e desdém, de o nascimento de uma estrela tão extravagante quanto os seus looks feitos pelo "Haus of Gaga". Com muito mais poder criativo e visão artística que qualquer concorrente da época, ela podia até dividir os charts com as mesmas, mas era de longe a artista mais influente e marcante do pop de sua geração.
    Mesmo que acusada por alguns de copiar o estilo de alguma das estrelas anteriormente citadas, Gaga tem em "The Fame Monster" o poder de intrigar e de unir com o seu produtor RedOne um som bastante original pra época e manter o lado visual do pop que estava apagado há algum tempo (exemplo disso são seus videoclipes que excedem a barreira comum da época dos 3 ou 4 minutos).
    O EP funciona praticamente bem por inteiro e tudo soaria facilmente como um potencial hit número #1 das paradas. Os destaques ficam pela ótima "Bad Romance" que engole todos os singles de trabalho do "The Fame", além de "Speechless" inspirada pelo rock de seus ídolos Bowie e Queen, "Dance in the Dark" inspirada por "Vogue" da Madonna e "Telephone" que contém a participação muito bem colocada de Beyoncé.
  14. Aug 16, 2012
    Magic. Pure perfection. This album is flawless. Every single song is a whole different world. Each record has been developed precisely. The music and the lyrics couldn't be more flawless. RedOne + Gaga mix shines more than ever with the songs they have created together. AMAZING. I have no words to describe.
  15. Mar 9, 2013
    Absolutely perfect message, the fame isn't that paradise we think, every music treat about different mistakes and causes, well produced and a great sequence for the previous album.
  16. Oct 31, 2012
    Es un gran album. Lady Gaga inicia una nueva de musica pop con Bad romance, beats de los beats, después toca más palos como en Teeth, en teeth o baladas como speechless. Uno de los mejor discos POP de la historia.
  17. Nov 14, 2012
    The second album of Gaga prove her fascinating talent, she is unique, there aren't anyone like her, she is a "brand", her lyrics are amazing and she has re-created pop music, nothing is the same since she is there.
  18. Nov 6, 2013
    This album was Gaga's peak for a reason. It is a simply sublime work of pop art. I shake my head over the pop music being made today and this album is one of the few beacons of hope for the genre. Now, I have a very unpopular opinion that Telephone was not all that. I believe it's one of her most basic recordings and too generic, and is the only "meh" moment on this otherwise perfectThis album was Gaga's peak for a reason. It is a simply sublime work of pop art. I shake my head over the pop music being made today and this album is one of the few beacons of hope for the genre. Now, I have a very unpopular opinion that Telephone was not all that. I believe it's one of her most basic recordings and too generic, and is the only "meh" moment on this otherwise perfect album. The Fame Monster's diversity is really astonishing. From the industrial sound of Bad Romance, the Latin pop elements of Alejandro, the 80's pop of Monster, the Elton John-esque Speechless, the ravetastic Dance In The Dark, the heavenly So Happy I Could Die and the sexy, kooky, Teeth, this album is a stunner from start to finish. There have been many debates even among fans as to whether this constitutes an album or an EP. Well, outwith it having 8 tracks that altogether last over 34 minutes, longer than some 10 track albums, I have never seen an EP gain this much sales, fame, get nominated for album of the year at the Grammys and generate a second world tour grossing $227 million. So I believe it is an album. And speaking of the Grammys, it was an absolute travesty that this masterpiece did not win Album of the Year. But its sales and legenadary status mean the public has spoken. A classic is born. Expand
  19. Dec 5, 2012
    I always want hear a record like that. All the songs are catchy and strongers, with could reach the #1 for seasons . Powerful voice and though Gaga thought that BTW would be her best album I think it's the best ( not too far )
  20. Apr 21, 2014
    A great follow-up to The Fame, Gaga has improved everything that was wrong with the first album. The popcorn songs were exchanged for still catchy tunes but with more meaningful lyrics and somber tones, instead of wasting time riding disco sticks and repeating over and over again "Paparazzi".
    The 8 additional songs to The Fame do not exactly engage perfectly with the previous album, but
    A great follow-up to The Fame, Gaga has improved everything that was wrong with the first album. The popcorn songs were exchanged for still catchy tunes but with more meaningful lyrics and somber tones, instead of wasting time riding disco sticks and repeating over and over again "Paparazzi".
    The 8 additional songs to The Fame do not exactly engage perfectly with the previous album, but it is amaziing to see how much the artist developed. The songs aren't exactly lyrical or musical gems (Just dancing tunes with lots of 80s remixes, notable in the song "Dance In The Dark", the best of the bunch) but are definite improvements. "Bad Romance" is an instant classic, "Alejandro" a fun twisted version of Abba's "Fernando", "Monster" an eclectic love song, "Speechless" a Nancy Sinatra homage that works perfectly, "Telephone" an amazing collaboration with Beyoncé (Less exotic but more rythmic than "Video Phone"), and the last two songs, "So Happy I Could Die" and "Teeth" fit perfectly as creepy, disgusting and fantastic songs.
    An improvement, for sure. An album so dark with so many layers of techno-infused pop nostalgia that you are forced to listen again and again, besides its short duration.
  21. Jan 5, 2013
    Yo compre este album y bueno es menor que su antecesor , pero combina muy bien los sonidos electro, rock y pop. Ademas su contenido lirico de te ha entender los miedos de Gaga y el amor por su musica.
  22. Jan 13, 2013
    Amazing melodies, amazing lyrics, amazing vocals... Simply, one of the greatest pop albums of the 21st century.
  23. Jan 30, 2013
    "The Fame Monster" made me a Monster actually, and more particularly with "So Happy I Could Die" and "Dance In The Dark". Gaga proved that she wasamazing with "The Fame", which more aimed at dancing and enjoying ourselves. Each of 8 songs of "The Fame Monster" stands for a fear and Gaga made awesome songs out of them. We already knew that it would be a great album because of "Bad Romance"."The Fame Monster" made me a Monster actually, and more particularly with "So Happy I Could Die" and "Dance In The Dark". Gaga proved that she wasamazing with "The Fame", which more aimed at dancing and enjoying ourselves. Each of 8 songs of "The Fame Monster" stands for a fear and Gaga made awesome songs out of them. We already knew that it would be a great album because of "Bad Romance". I personally think that "Alejandro" and "Telephone" are the greatest songs and hits. This is so POP and the world must listen to this breathtaking album. Expand
  24. Mar 11, 2013
    Pretty much every song on this album is stuffed with symbolism, and it's quite beautiful. A lot of the songs are really dark and show a lot of her struggles. It's one of the best albums I've heard in a while.
  25. Mar 24, 2013
    One Of The Greatest Pop Albums Of All Time! The Lyrics Her Voice.. Magic
  26. Mar 24, 2013
    Lady Gaga returned with her first and Grammy-winning extended play containing hit songs such as "Bad Romance," "Telephone" and "Alejandro." Clearly one of the best EP's I've ever listened to.
  27. Jun 13, 2017
    Good pop album. This was Gaga at her finest. Bad Romance, Telephone and Alejandro are some of her finest singles. Amazing! .
  28. Jun 15, 2013
    One of the best if not at times the most highly overrated EP released in recent years. It is an incredible piece of pop music, that will certainly leave many, dare I say it, speechless.
  29. Aug 10, 2014
    Beginning with the Gothic industrial dance-pop camp known worldwide as "Bad Romance" ("You and me could write a Bad Romance") and ending with the blasphemous combination of gospel music and S&M-styled double entendre of "Teeth", The Fame Monster has Gaga at her most comfortable: glam pop + lyricism so fool of itself, it's genius ("And in the silence of the night/Through all the tears/AndBeginning with the Gothic industrial dance-pop camp known worldwide as "Bad Romance" ("You and me could write a Bad Romance") and ending with the blasphemous combination of gospel music and S&M-styled double entendre of "Teeth", The Fame Monster has Gaga at her most comfortable: glam pop + lyricism so fool of itself, it's genius ("And in the silence of the night/Through all the tears/And all the lies/I touch myself and it's alright"). Though it's no Like a Prayer by any means or measure, Lady Gaga settles her bare feet in the sands of a moody mixture of electropop and '80s vintage darkwave decorated with half-smart lyricism -- Mother Monster herself describes each song as having its own 'Monster' metaphor for the dark side of fame.

    Besides highlights such as its lead single, the Queen B-featured earworm of a second single "Telephone", and the underrated dance-pop masterpiece "Dance in the Dark", which has a word spoken verse that pays respect to everyone from Judy Garland to Jesus Christ, The Fame Monster overall had the opportunity of having a hit on 7 out of the 8 songs on the EP/mini-album (something tells me "Teeth" wouldn't stand a chance at making it to any radio friendly charts. In my opinion, Born This Way is sonically her greatest album to date, however, The Fame Monster could stand as her safest and most iconic.
  30. Nov 11, 2013
    The album is so amazing...

    My favorite single: Bad Romance and Alejandro
    My favorites tracks: So Happy I Could Die, Dance In The Dark and Monster.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. 88
    Not only does this new song cycle retain the Euro-tastic sheen of its predecessor, it outdoes it in sheer dance-floor whump.
  2. Only after being overwhelmed by the sheer visibility of her warp-speed relaunch did I realize how enjoyable and inescapable her hooks and snatches had turned out to be.
  3. In her music videos and live shows over the past year, Gaga has worked hard to demonstrate her creative ambition and stylistic range, and that project continues on The Fame Monster.