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  1. Sep 10, 2023
    A great pop album in every sense. Its pretty good for what it is, although not everyone will enjoy it.
  2. Aug 27, 2023
    This is a Pop Bible! Bad Romance, Alejandro, Telephone... all in this album is the definition of ICONIC AND UNIQUE
  3. Aug 21, 2023
    Its a decent, if predictable, pop album from one of the genre's most recognizable figures.
  4. May 14, 2023
    THIS, I fell in love the moment i laid my eyes on the cd cover back in the day at walmart lol, this was by far such a great addition to an already perfect album
  5. May 9, 2023
    More pop bullcrap from the peanut gallery for horny fans to obsess over. It was fun to listen to but nothing special.
  6. Apr 13, 2023
    so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad
  7. Mar 16, 2023
    Comparing to The Fame, I think this one is the complete work from Gaga herself! From the first track to the end, I can see her ambition from the music!
  8. Mar 4, 2023
    Atemporal. Naquela época, ninguém fazia música pop neste nível de qualidade. Na minha opinião, o Álbum do Ano.
  9. Feb 1, 2023
    None of this tracks are bad, every track it's great in its own way. Nothing less, nothin more.
  10. Jan 28, 2023
    It’s so good. Banger after banger with great music videos. Vocals are on point, lyrics are amazing and the whole
    production is flawless.
  11. Dec 18, 2022
    The Fame Monster album is timeless all of the tracks!
    "Dance in The Dark" really deserves to be listened to with headphones. The production with all the synths is genius. The lyrics are also pretty deep. Dance in the dark is the best music of the album.
  12. Oct 24, 2022
    One of the most iconic albums ever released this century. Bad Romance and Alejandro alone deserve a 10/10.
  13. Aug 25, 2022
    Un disco cohesivo tanto en sonido como en concepto, donde la mother monster te adentra a observar el lado oscuro que tiene la fama, en contraposición de lo que fue su álbum debut.
  14. Aug 21, 2022
    She was absolutely on fire... everything about it is brilliant from start to finish . Oh Godga
  15. Jul 5, 2022
    i enjoying these songs but there aren't many songs so good in this album...
  16. Jun 24, 2022
    Gaga, The Fame Monster ve The Fame'i hep ayni cumle icinde kullanir. Yine de The Fame Monster'in muzikal kalite olarak The Fame'den cok daha nitelikli bir yerde durdugunu dusunuyorum. Yine de ikisini ayni baglamda degerlendirdigim icin 10 veriyorum.
  17. Apr 22, 2022
    Revolutionary and enigmatic. The two words that most represent this album. The pop music in the 2010’s was basically based on this album, there was a before/after scenery in Pop music when this album came out. Lady Gaga was the biggest (and still is) pop musician at that time, and this album just prove it what basically everybody knew it since her debut album, back in 2008, “The
    Revolutionary and enigmatic. The two words that most represent this album. The pop music in the 2010’s was basically based on this album, there was a before/after scenery in Pop music when this album came out. Lady Gaga was the biggest (and still is) pop musician at that time, and this album just prove it what basically everybody knew it since her debut album, back in 2008, “The Fame”. She did the rules. She was the rules. “The fame Monster” was THE rule. Favorite Tracks: Bad Romance, Alejandro and Dance in the Dark.
  18. Dec 12, 2021
    Não é um tipo de música que eu gosto muito, mas, é inegável que esse álbum é um clássico no mundo do pop e no final acabei achando ele muito bom mesmo sem gostar do estilo.
  19. Nov 25, 2021
    Pop masterpiece Pop masterpiece Pop masterpiece Pop masterpiece Pop masterpiece Pop masterpiece
  20. Nov 24, 2021
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference...
  21. Nov 23, 2021
    Absolutely incredible! Creatively made! Stunningly wild! Sexily dark! Her monsters are wrapped into a massive, well deserved recognition in pop culture!
  22. Nov 23, 2021
    For the amount of success and acclaim this album has, I was expecting this album to be an amazing album, but it really isn't. After listening to it for the first time, I can say this album is overrated. I liked the singles, very much, and in my opinion, they're the best songs on this album, also, because the album tracks don't stand out, only a few do.
  23. Nov 20, 2021
    Uma coletânea de hits, Gaga mostra uma faceta extremamente comercial e necessária para o pop dos anos 2000. Certamente se o The Fame Monster não existisse o pop não estaria vivo nos dias atuais.
  24. Nov 17, 2021
    The Fame Monster Album Review
    1.Bad Romance 10/10
    2. Alejandro 10/10
    3. Monster 10/10
    4. Speechless 7/10
    5. Dance In The Dark 10/10
    6. Telephone 10/10
    7. So Happy I Could Die 10/10
    8. Teeth 7/10
  25. Nov 15, 2021
    Not only does this new song cycle retain the Euro-tastic sheen of its predecessor, it outdoes it in sheer dance-floor whump. She creates layers of dark, self-indulgent, eye-popping music that holds up against her previous hits and is, in some cases, even more satisfying. The lead single is a powerhouse of dance waves and infectiously produced beats, but the album doesn't always stand outNot only does this new song cycle retain the Euro-tastic sheen of its predecessor, it outdoes it in sheer dance-floor whump. She creates layers of dark, self-indulgent, eye-popping music that holds up against her previous hits and is, in some cases, even more satisfying. The lead single is a powerhouse of dance waves and infectiously produced beats, but the album doesn't always stand out as definitive, even though it's consistently fresh and innovative. Expand
  26. Nov 4, 2021
    This is a bible of pop music. A masterpiece that’s so well done, written and performed. Every single thing about this album is art and you just can’t stop hearing it because it’s so well done. This album truly defind what pop culture is about and it will always remain iconic and legendary and In the words of the amazingly talented creator it’s just “ Talanted, brilliant, incredible,This is a bible of pop music. A masterpiece that’s so well done, written and performed. Every single thing about this album is art and you just can’t stop hearing it because it’s so well done. This album truly defind what pop culture is about and it will always remain iconic and legendary and In the words of the amazingly talented creator it’s just “ Talanted, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopper, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to refferace or not refferace, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it” Expand
  27. Nov 4, 2021

    Their sound, their compositions, make this album so amazing and timeless.

    Without a doubt, the greatest act of pop!
  28. Oct 31, 2021
    Truly a perfect collection of eight songs. Well executed concept backed-up by really great production.
    "Bad Romance" might be kinda redundant for some people in world where "Poker Face" exists, but both of those songs are great, there's no doubt about that. However shame that Lady Gaga sings about Verdigo stick here, instead of disco stick... "Alejandro" is a pretty cool track, with nice
    Truly a perfect collection of eight songs. Well executed concept backed-up by really great production.
    "Bad Romance" might be kinda redundant for some people in world where "Poker Face" exists, but both of those songs are great, there's no doubt about that. However shame that Lady Gaga sings about Verdigo stick here, instead of disco stick... "Alejandro" is a pretty cool track, with nice transitions throught it. "Monster" is simply hypnotizing. From the opening note, you can say it will be a really nostalgic experience to listen to this song. I just love the way how this song progresses. "Speechless" is turn into more emotional, down-to-earth direction with its orchestral arrangment. "Dance in the Dark" is really dark track with nice lyrical details - I love it. "Telephone" is kind of a letdown here. I'm not saying it's bad - just for some people its production can be offputting, while Beyonce feature out of place and too agressive. "So Happy I Could Die" is a really servicable piece of Europop, while in "Teeth" Gaga really goes outloud with sexual stuff.
  29. Sep 23, 2021
    lo clásicos de lady gaga hacen presencia en este album. una obra maestra en toda la extension de la palabra
  30. Sep 10, 2021
    it’s a cultural reset, a reason to breathe. it’s the reason why I wake up, the reason why I eat, the reason why I live. it’s everything that gives me energy, everything that gives me strength, everything that i’ve ever wanted.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. 88
    Not only does this new song cycle retain the Euro-tastic sheen of its predecessor, it outdoes it in sheer dance-floor whump.
  2. Only after being overwhelmed by the sheer visibility of her warp-speed relaunch did I realize how enjoyable and inescapable her hooks and snatches had turned out to be.
  3. In her music videos and live shows over the past year, Gaga has worked hard to demonstrate her creative ambition and stylistic range, and that project continues on The Fame Monster.