
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Definitely track down 'Meet Me in the Garden' as it stands head and shoulders above the rest of the album, but give the rest a chance too.
  2. Dent May has a firm grasp on his ukulele, debuting his skill through an adept, kitschy, brief, and rarely but sometimes resplendent album, but he’s still forevermore a novelty.
  3. As its title rightly suggests, this is a feel good slice of fun best served with a cocktail in hand.
  4. But as difficult as it may be to overlook the flaws on this record, May somewhat redeems himself with, heaven forbid, mere quaintness.
  5. Under The Radar
    Dent May announces his entry into the high school talent contest that is the world of literate, quirky pop. And, with its mix of equal parts Jens Lekman, Jonathan Richman, and Clem Snide and with hints of everyone from The Beach Boys to Joe Jackson, Feel Good Music is a worthy submission. [Winter 2009]
  6. The Good Feeling Music good for a few plays and might raise a few smiles along the way.
  7. May claims to be a devotee of Lee Hazlewood, and admittedly, that genre lends itself to cheese, but there’s a big difference between Velveeta and a good, fatty brie.
  8. What The Good Feeling lacks in variation it makes up for with clever turns of phrase and simple, contagious melodies.
  9. Uncut
    There's some good stuff here. [Mar 2009, p.92]
  10. If you can look past these cringe-inducing moments, The Good Feeling Music occasionally lives up to its title.
  11. Mojo
    This may sound wilfully eclectic but actually hangs together, bound by May's showman-like vocals. [Mar 2009, p.109]
  12. Q Magazine
    12 songs of charming inconsequence that briefly make the world a slightly better place. [Mar 2009, p.105]
  13. May's album is laced with talent, but ultimately the whimsy undermines rather than accentuates his best moments.
  14. With that image and, indeed, package, May will no doubt divide opinion and make certain people sick of him just by his very look and reflective genre, but to anyone with time to spend and ears to analyse he will be a speccy hero; a champion of triumphant performance irrespective of that well-practised image.
  15. Most significant is how amazingly catchy the album is. Sure, it might be a bit vacuous lyrically, but Dent May sure can write hooks.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. samg
    Feb 12, 2009
    This record grows over time. "Meet Me in the Garden" might be the best track, but the others you have to spent time with.
  2. AndrewK
    Feb 7, 2009
    After hearing the single "Meet Me In The Garden" early in the year I sought this out and gave it a few listens. While most tracks are decent After hearing the single "Meet Me In The Garden" early in the year I sought this out and gave it a few listens. While most tracks are decent enough on the first listen they don't make a lasting impression. Download "Meet Me In The Garden" and then leave the rest. Full Review »