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  1. Nov 17, 2013
    This is my favorite Eminem Album. A little more mature than the other albums but crazy again, not like Recovery. It's some good old Hip/Hop & Rap not like the crap that's around right now.
    "Plus I can just walk up to a mic and just bust"
  2. Nov 20, 2013
    Eminem spits the verses all natural spontaneous and effortlesss. He is on fire with the fastest verses. He takes his previous style of rapping about other rappers to a whole new level which is new despite people complaining of stagnancy. And then there are songs wgere he manages to churn your stomach with emotions.
  3. Nov 22, 2013
    Very dope album! I loved MMLP2!

    Eminem is one of the best lyricists of all time and this is his best album lyrically. If you are a fan of lyricism, you should appreciate this album. Em's verses on MMLP2 are more dense and intricate than anything out now. Em’s flow on Rap God is classic! It will have to go down as one the most famous lyrical displays ever in hip hop. There are also a
    Very dope album! I loved MMLP2!

    Eminem is one of the best lyricists of all time and this is his best album lyrically. If you are a fan of lyricism, you should appreciate this album. Em's verses on MMLP2 are more dense and intricate than anything out now. Em’s flow on Rap God is classic! It will have to go down as one the most famous lyrical displays ever in hip hop. There are also a ton of other songs on the album that are just as lyrically impressive as Rap God. Really, every track on the album showcases Em’s masterful lyrical ability.

    The album also has the powerful substance and emotion that people have come to associate with Eminem. “Bad Guy”, “Legacy”, “Headlights” and “Beautiful Pain” are probably the most substantive, emotional songs on the album. I loved them all!

    The production is great as well. This is one of Eminem’s best albums from a production standpoint. Teaming with Rick Rubin was a great idea. I loved what Rubin did with the “Berzerk”, “Love Game” and “So Far”. “Love Game” and “So Far” took a while to grow on me but they have become two of my favorite songs on the album. They are very unique and capture the essence of where Em is at right now in his life and career.

    MMLP2 is a great addition to the Eminem catalogue. We get to see one of the greatest lyricists/artists of his generation more mature and sober than ever. The result is a classic display of lyricism, emotion, and substance.

  4. Nov 23, 2013
    Best Slim Shady feel and comeback from Recovery. The productions from Rick Rubin and Dr Dre, with all those puns and punchlines, this is another classic by Eminem. Love it.
  5. Dec 3, 2013
    Always been a fan of Eminem, through his good and bad times. This is definitely one of the best times. Great style, lyrics and back to old school Eminem.
  6. Dec 4, 2013
    I have been listening to Eminem since the Slim Shady LP and I must say it must be hard work to keep up the high standard and quality set by his previous works, however this album has succeeded in keeping up that standard. This album is an all round fantastic album with different songs to suit different types of Eminem fans. This truly is one of his best albums.
  7. Dec 4, 2013
    Eminem goes back to his roots with an sequel worthy of the fantastic MMLP. While this album has much of the feel of its predecessor it is different in a lot of ways. Even after a lot of listens he still surprises me time and time again where the next rhyme will move to! A testament to how he has grown lyrically in a difficult period in his life. I think Rap God sums this up and there isEminem goes back to his roots with an sequel worthy of the fantastic MMLP. While this album has much of the feel of its predecessor it is different in a lot of ways. Even after a lot of listens he still surprises me time and time again where the next rhyme will move to! A testament to how he has grown lyrically in a difficult period in his life. I think Rap God sums this up and there is definitely a two fingers up for the many who may have written him off, Personally I get the feeling he had it in his locker the whole time and this album is a representation of this. It feels like a rightful instalment in an epic journey with this highly emotionally charged and prolific artist. I love it Expand
  8. Dec 15, 2013
    Is it embarrassing when you're the one out of 100 who doesn't like this album? Does it make you wrong? Idk. Among Eminem's three perfect albums. Probably comes in second place after the first Marshall Mathers LP. Anyone who says otherwise is fully entitled to their own opinion, even when it's incorrect!
  9. Dec 28, 2013
    After some well earned time off, the best returns to be the best. Rap God, Bezerk, Survival and The Monster clearly show all his older styles including the hard lines of Bezerk and the up&downs of Rap God, the easier style of Survival and the emotional collab "The Monster"
  10. Jan 7, 2014
    All I can say is WOW, not just because this album is so great, but because there are so many blind people that have no clue what Eminem really are rapping about and can't see the good in this album. Get some knowlegde and don't review Eminem's albums if you no nothing about rap, please. Enough said, this man will always be the God of rap. I'm glad I don't really give a about what theseAll I can say is WOW, not just because this album is so great, but because there are so many blind people that have no clue what Eminem really are rapping about and can't see the good in this album. Get some knowlegde and don't review Eminem's albums if you no nothing about rap, please. Enough said, this man will always be the God of rap. I'm glad I don't really give a about what these nonsense people say about the album, I just wanted to say this short; get some knowlegde. Expand
  11. Mar 9, 2014
    Eminem continues to prove he's the most creative, most talented, and just flat-out greatest lyricist of this generation. There's not a single rapper out there that could dream of keeping up with him on Rap God, and not one that would be brave and honest enough to put out something as heartfelt and open as Headlights. This album is just brilliant.
  12. Apr 2, 2014
    I understand as a critic you have to look at different elements/aspects brouht into the song, BUT...

    As a long time eminem and bigtime rap fan for about as long as I can remember, this is the most digusting album ever made. Em has changed, and not for the better (well, for the better for the financial aspect, I guess). Even tho I like the lyrics what the hell are these intrumentals????
    I understand as a critic you have to look at different elements/aspects brouht into the song, BUT...

    As a long time eminem and bigtime rap fan for about as long as I can remember, this is the most digusting album ever made. Em has changed, and not for the better (well, for the better for the financial aspect, I guess). Even tho I like the lyrics what the hell are these intrumentals???? Rapgod on traplike electro bass music, man it's like one of the most oldschool rappers just singed the death certificate for real rap. If there's one eminem verse that's applicable here: "And when your run is over just admit when it's at its end"

    For me this album made eminem a **** modern day I try to hard rapper instead of like the biggest legend in white rap.

    how does Dillon cooper - state of elevation, or prof - gampo or kool g rap and necro'l last album get under 500.000 views on youtube and such a mediocre score??? Rap god has like 60 million views, this makes me think I'm the only one who dislikes this album. He has certainly gone mainstream radio music, but I don't like it and I know the rap community doesn't either... So yeah it maybe deserves a 82 but not in the rap category

    Just my opinion though...
  13. Apr 21, 2014
    He's back and he's back with a bang. This is a great album and one of my favourite Eminem albums he's ever made. I enjoy every song on this album except for maybe Monster because it is over played on the radio and annoys me a bit now. This is my working out album to listen to.
  14. Sep 26, 2014
    Eminem is Back ! Now None can beat him, On May 24, 2012, Eminem announced he was working on his next studio album., set to be released in 2013 Even without a title or release date, the album was included in multiple "Most Anticipated Albums of 2013" lists; including MTV, Complex Magazine where it was listed in sixth position; and XXL Magazine, where it was listed in fifth.

    On June 30,
    Eminem is Back ! Now None can beat him, On May 24, 2012, Eminem announced he was working on his next studio album., set to be released in 2013 Even without a title or release date, the album was included in multiple "Most Anticipated Albums of 2013" lists; including MTV, Complex Magazine where it was listed in sixth position; and XXL Magazine, where it was listed in fifth.

    On June 30, 2012, Eminem talked about the album with DJ Whoo Kid, on his own radio station, Shade 45. He stated that the material is taking shape, and that Dr. Dre will be involved in some way. On August 30, 2012, Slaughterhouse member Royce da 5'9" gave his thoughts on the album, stating "I'm not so sure how the world is going to respond from some of the things that I've heard from him." Close friend and fellow rapper 50 Cent is also confirmed to feature on the album. Eminem also was featured on Pink's album The Truth About Love on the track "Here Comes The Weekend".
  15. May 5, 2015
    amazing album. his best since marshall mathers lp. bad guy was the best song on the album. what a rapper. what a legend!!! in the game since 1999 and has been on top since that.
  16. Mar 14, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 33
  2. Negative: 1 out of 33
  1. Q Magazine
    Jan 7, 2014
    Even though his wit and word patterns still dazzle, they need a livelier canvas if the Eminem nostalgia experience is to be the thrilling one it should be. [Jan 2014, p.122]
  2. Mojo
    Dec 18, 2013
    The music is almost secondary, his production' often leaden beats a mere sideshow to mind-bending internal rhyme pyrotechnics that jab hard at the surreal dial. [Jan 2014, p.92]
  3. Nov 21, 2013
    Eminem might not be making “shock rap with Doc” like he used to be, but The Marshall Mathers LP 2 takes turns as equally bold and unpredictable as anything in his discography.