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  1. Jun 30, 2012
    One of the best albums of all time. Whether you like rap or not, you have to admit that Eminem in this album has produced a lyrical masterpiece that is almost poetic at times. Yet it is still angry, offensive, sad and funny at the same time. Genius.
  2. Jun 5, 2012
    This is Eminem's greatest album to date. After an amazing debut album with "The Slim Shady LP", Eminem comes back even harder to deliver this Grammy-winning classic.
  3. May 27, 2012
    The Marshall Mathers LP is probably Eminem's best record yet. The Marshall Mathers LP has good lyrics, beats, and is very appealing. The Marshall Mathers LP has many dark themes, controversy, and life stories, which makes this album amazing.

    One of the most notable positives about this record is his lyrics, which I highly praise. The album has many dark themes, with songs including "Kill
    The Marshall Mathers LP is probably Eminem's best record yet. The Marshall Mathers LP has good lyrics, beats, and is very appealing. The Marshall Mathers LP has many dark themes, controversy, and life stories, which makes this album amazing.

    One of the most notable positives about this record is his lyrics, which I highly praise. The album has many dark themes, with songs including "Kill You," "Kim," and "Criminal." This album did had songs that did attract controversy, songs including "Criminal," "Amityville," "Remember Me?," and "Under the Influence." Some songs also tells life stories, including "The Way I Am" and "Stan," which is probably his best song on the album. Overall, this album amazing lyrically.

    Another thing I would like to point out is the beats on this album. Some of the beats on this album was not produced by Eminem himself. In fact, the beat for the song "Kill You" was claimed to be stolen. The beats have a lot of have a lot of bass, and sounds somewhat like the g-funk music styles. Overall, I'm not a huge fan of the beats, and I find the beats generally mediocre to average.

    Eminem's Marshall Mathers LP appeals to various types of audiences. I believe that this album appeals to fans of the genres rock, rap, and horrorcore because this album has all three of those elements in this albums. This album might also appeal to some who had struggled with their life, just like how Eminem struggled with his family and life in general. If you're not a huge fan of overuse of strong language (to me there's nothing wrong with that), or over-the-top violence, you might not be a huge fan of this album. Overall, this album appeals to a large and good amount of people especially for hip-hop fans.

    Overall, I liked Eminem's Marshall Mathers LP, and it is my favorite from Eminem's work. This album was very impressive lyrically, especially when I first listened to the album. I did find the beats to be mediocre, but overall it was okay. The album also has a large appeal, though it might not appeal to some, and the tracks are very well laid out. While it's not perfect, it's still a very good album, and is probably Eminem at its best.
  4. Feb 14, 2012
    All around one of the best albums I've ever heard. I've been listening to this album for ten+ years straight and it's still amazing. I even listen to 'Kim' from time to time, it's kind of a masterpiece but i can't listen to it a lot. Other than that every song goes so unbelievably hard. "We don't do drive-bys, we park in front of houses and shoot, and when the police come we f*ckin shootAll around one of the best albums I've ever heard. I've been listening to this album for ten+ years straight and it's still amazing. I even listen to 'Kim' from time to time, it's kind of a masterpiece but i can't listen to it a lot. Other than that every song goes so unbelievably hard. "We don't do drive-bys, we park in front of houses and shoot, and when the police come we f*ckin shoot it out with them too, that's the mentality here, that's the reality here, did i just hear somebody say they wanna challenge me here, while i'm holding a pistol with this many calibers here" wow. Expand
  5. Feb 3, 2012
    Possibly the best Eminem album yet. Probably the best thing about the Marshall Mathers LP is how Eminem mixes his relationship with family, his rise to fame, and his personal life, with really clever lyrical content.The Marshall Mathers LP is indeed a really unique album. It's fairly brilliant, and many songs tell a story. Eminem is definitely rap, and definitely deserves to be on of thePossibly the best Eminem album yet. Probably the best thing about the Marshall Mathers LP is how Eminem mixes his relationship with family, his rise to fame, and his personal life, with really clever lyrical content.The Marshall Mathers LP is indeed a really unique album. It's fairly brilliant, and many songs tell a story. Eminem is definitely rap, and definitely deserves to be on of the best. 10/10. Expand
  6. Jan 13, 2012
    Eminem is sick on every single track on this record. I didnt like all of his guest artists on the album though. Also it featured a few pointless skits (I personally hate skits). Overall it was still a great album.
  7. Jan 4, 2012
    I'm stingy with the 10/10 placement, but this album kills it. This man has no moral conscience. He breaks every taboo and sets new ground for popular music. At his lightest, he still slays all in his way. At his darkest, he pulls music that could've come straight out of a horror movie.
  8. Dec 31, 2011
    Best Eminem Album Ever. His Lyrical content was at its best. I bump it everyday and i still love it till this day. I'll still be listening to this album when im 70
  9. N10
    Nov 19, 2011
    Eminem is dope. The Song's are dope. The whole album is dope!. Eminem is a legend. This is probably one of the greatest albums of all time. Grown up with Eminem's music. One of the best albums!
  10. Oct 23, 2011
    This Album is Like The Best Album I've Ever Heard In Hip-Hop History. This Album Is A True Classic. The Marshall Mathers LP Is A Masterpiece. The Lyrics Is Juicy, The Beats Are old School, The Tracks Are Fun, And Interesting To Listen Too. I Give This Album A 5.5 Mic Rating. Eminem's Style, Composition, Lyrics, Are Unbeatable. Stan And Kill You Are The Best Tracks On The Album.
  11. j30
    Sep 28, 2011
    There has never been a rapper like Eminem or a record like The Marshall Mathers LP. Inventive and groundbreaking material here. A definitive album and one of the best records of the past decade.
  12. Sep 8, 2011
    awesome album. eminem has proved that he is really the real slim shady. the song stan is the best song ever. this album has everything that a good album should have. just love eminem. bravo eminem
  13. Sep 5, 2011
    As it's one of my favourite albums, there is going to be limited critique here. But, anyway, the lyrical psychopath is back for his second studio album - or technically third - and it's his best to date. The beats are sparse and unimaginative, but the tracks still keep you entertained with Eminem's especially dark and vicious lyrics, often amusing. This album boasts a more serious approachAs it's one of my favourite albums, there is going to be limited critique here. But, anyway, the lyrical psychopath is back for his second studio album - or technically third - and it's his best to date. The beats are sparse and unimaginative, but the tracks still keep you entertained with Eminem's especially dark and vicious lyrics, often amusing. This album boasts a more serious approach than his first album, which focused on his comical alter ego Slim Shady. However, the content is more offensive than serious, with Eminem just increasing the shock factor. May not be for everyone, but this is an almighty record. Expand
  14. Sep 4, 2011
    First of this album should receive critical acclaim. Women hating, violent, harsh, homophobic, or straight up silly, call it whatever, this album cannot be touched. This album features the story of an obsessed fan titled "Stan", a classic comedy track "The Real Slim Shady", an overrated track on drugs and partying "Drug Ballad", a horror movie-like scenario where he's killing his wifeFirst of this album should receive critical acclaim. Women hating, violent, harsh, homophobic, or straight up silly, call it whatever, this album cannot be touched. This album features the story of an obsessed fan titled "Stan", a classic comedy track "The Real Slim Shady", an overrated track on drugs and partying "Drug Ballad", a horror movie-like scenario where he's killing his wife "Kim", and one of his best tracks on raping his mother, beating women, and serial killing. If your not a fan of this and you take most of his violent lyrics literal, don't be a **** and come with a sense of humor. If this was a Scorsese film, it'll probably be a classic. This album is meant to entertain, not brainwash you. Expand
  15. Jul 6, 2011
    Best Eminem album ever! Put aside the homophobic, sexist slurs and this is one of the best rap albums of all time. Definitely one of the best albums I ever heard.
  16. Jun 23, 2011
    Eminem's BEST ALBUM EVER, HANDS DOWN. Will go down in history as one of the best rap albums of all to Illmatic, All Eyez on Me, Ready to Die, Amerikkka's Most Wanted, Doggystyle and The Chronic.
  17. Jun 4, 2011
    Eminem masters this album with his hardcore lyrics. Shuts the critics up. Does the Legendary song Stan with Dido and adds some dark humor with Criminal and Kill You.
  18. May 12, 2011
    this was great i love this album. it was entertaining. its his best album and always will be. it had funny moments. scary moments. and sad moments. Stan is his best achievement!!!!!!!!!
  19. Apr 3, 2011
    MMLP is a undeniable CLASSIC with capital letters and probably one or if not the greatest rap album of all times. Since 2000 when this album dropped, am still yet to see an album as CLASSIC as this(Across all Genres), The closest was Jay-z's Blueprint.
  20. Mar 23, 2011
    Great LP. It is obvious that he is the best rapper today. He has unbelievable talent, creativeness that is unmatched and a way with his words that is pure art.
  21. Jan 27, 2011
    This is hands down, in my opinion. The best rap album ever made. a 10 in every aspect. Lyrically Unmatched. Dre and Eminem Making beats that are all top notch. and its the perfect balance between his 2 alter egos, Slim shady and Marshall mathers
  22. Dec 9, 2010
    Eminem At His BEST!!!!
    One of the best Hip-Hop Albums Ever.
  23. Nov 22, 2010
    This is Eminem's finest masterpiece, the epitome of hardcore rap. The skillfully focused controversy, anger, and demented thoughts put into words by a master lyricist, both funny and dark. A sardonic, imperfect work of art. Best rap album of the decade.
  24. Oct 25, 2010
    Possibly the best thing about The Marshall Mathers LP is hearing Eminem verbally slap the world's moral guardians senseless. However, because of its lyrical content (and also because he so frequently and ruthlessly disses 'N Sync) the pure catchy-pop of the record is often overlooked.
  25. Oct 13, 2010
    Practically Eminem at his best. While shock rap isnt really something difficult to do, Eminem mixes it with his lyrical cleverness. He throws out memorable punchlines bound to stick and he does it in a style which is clearly not simple and just thrown out with little effort. This album is quite a treasure, being that its one of the few pieces of work that are connected to the mainstreamPractically Eminem at his best. While shock rap isnt really something difficult to do, Eminem mixes it with his lyrical cleverness. He throws out memorable punchlines bound to stick and he does it in a style which is clearly not simple and just thrown out with little effort. This album is quite a treasure, being that its one of the few pieces of work that are connected to the mainstream success of the heavilly underground infested horrorcore community. Expand
  26. Sep 6, 2010
    This is one of the best rap album ever and one of the best Eminem album. There isn't evan one weak song. All songs are great, and the lyrics are awsome. 23mln copies of that album have sold, and that album diserve on this
  27. Aug 13, 2010
    A pathological masterpiece that succeeds in presenting emotion and uncompromising entertainment.

    This album turned the whole world upside down. It sold 1.75 million in its first week, went 5x platinum in its first month, sold 19 million total worldwide, and won Grammys. This isn't the type of album expected to achieve such heights. But at the same time, only one person is capable of
    A pathological masterpiece that succeeds in presenting emotion and uncompromising entertainment.

    This album turned the whole world upside down. It sold 1.75 million in its first week, went 5x platinum in its first month, sold 19 million total worldwide, and won Grammys. This isn't the type of album expected to achieve such heights. But at the same time, only one person is capable of making such an album. And that is Eminem.

    On his last album, he was goofy and his content was easy to distinguish as real or fake. This time is different. He is scarier, darker, more insane, and funnier. And that line between reality and fiction gets blurry. He can be serious when he's joking and joking when serious. So he leaves the deciphering up to us to determine his character.

    Thankfully, that is a strong point of this brilliant album. He gives us glimpses of his thoughts. He shows us his rage, his madness, and his emotions and feelings even on the most laughable subjects. On Marshall Mathers, he tells of his anger towards gang violence (bloods and crips), the formidable pop music, the criticism and backlash he received, and Insane Clown Posse. On Who Knew, Eminem talks about his quick and unexpected rise to fame and how his influence has become huge and how censorship groups have become so sensitive on what should be recognized as simply music. On Stan, he unweaves a fictional tale of an obsessed fan who writes letters to Eminem and goes mad after no response, and the Em's final response and advice before finding out that his fan had killed himself in a car accident. It's spooky but makes great points. But the greatest track of the album is Kim. A haunted tale of Eminem visualizing himself killing his wife. He raps in a way that sounds like he's shouting. But the fact that makes this song so great is that the audience sympathizes with him even if he is a murderer. Other tracks are amazing like The Real Slim Shady (which is WAY better than My Name Is). But Kim is the standout.

    Marshall Mathers LP was the album that made me appreciate music in times where good music was scarce. Some say the album is overrated obviously because it sold millions and made Em a pop superstar. But one should lose the prejudgment and understand that this is a work of art that deserves to be recognized as one of the seminal albums not just in hip hop but in pop music.
  28. LukeS
    Jun 18, 2010
    One of the greatest hip hop album of all time.
  29. NicholasR
    May 18, 2010
    So great in every aspect. it shows irrationality, Pain, remorse, funny, sad, true, false... its a beautiful masterpiece by a true artist.
  30. RajanA.
    Apr 15, 2010
    I think this is the best rap album till date.Its amazing that a white man can make black music so popular.This album is a Masterpiece.Everyone should Listen to 'The Real Slim Shady'.
  31. KJim
    Jan 27, 2010
    So awesome! The man is witty and smart and smooth with the insightful lines and stuff. He has got to be the best... Ever! A far better lyricist than Mozart ever could dream of being in German. Hands down best album/ composition of all times. I am a mentally retarded six year old.
  32. JeremyE
    Sep 14, 2009
    Overrated. Some good songs, but too many mediocre ones to justify a 10 rating or a classic certification. For every Stan on this album, there's a track like Amityville. And then there's alot of them which are just average. Final Verdict: Just download these songs, and you'll save your time. The rest aren't worth listening to. Must Hear Songs: Stan, The Way I Am Also Overrated. Some good songs, but too many mediocre ones to justify a 10 rating or a classic certification. For every Stan on this album, there's a track like Amityville. And then there's alot of them which are just average. Final Verdict: Just download these songs, and you'll save your time. The rest aren't worth listening to. Must Hear Songs: Stan, The Way I Am Also Great: The Real Slim Shady, Marshall Mathers Expand
  33. MatthewL.
    Aug 21, 2009
    Absolutely stunning.
  34. AntonioS
    Jul 22, 2009
    Best album that i saw since Stankonia from Outkast. Most people don't like him, but Marshall Mathers is a greatest artist. Stan prove Eminem like one the best compositor of all times.
  35. ChrisK
    Jul 20, 2009
    By far the greatest rap album of all time, nobody can beat Eminem at delivering slick rhymes in such a humorous, witty way.
  36. FloorP
    May 16, 2009
    A classic. One of the best rap albums ever made.
  37. BenF
    Feb 10, 2009
    I love Eminem. He is such an excellent rapper. I like him so much. "Stan" is my second favorite Eminem song next to "Lose Yourself" being my favorite Eminem song. Why is the score 79? It should be in at least the 90s or higher as universal acclaim.
  38. MaxK
    May 20, 2008
    One of the best hip hop albums of all time.
  39. jhglikn
    Apr 8, 2008
  40. Sam
    Aug 11, 2007
    You can't deny the fact that Eminem is a lyrical genius even though his lyrics can be quite offensive at times.
  41. shawnf.
    Jun 28, 2007
    If you haven't listened to this cd, then you haven't lived. Everbody should listen to this album. Even if you'e a 9-10 yr. old, listen to the edited version. It's worth it.
  42. Ninto
    Jun 17, 2007
    Seems clear to me why!!!
  43. tonyp
    Mar 12, 2007
    he is my favorite rapper and he is the one who influence me to rap. he shows u dont have to be black to rap..... im not white im asian....
  44. mashallmathers5
    Feb 14, 2007
    the best ever in the world lik the who new and criminal
  45. AmandaJ
    Sep 20, 2006
    There is not a person in the world who has listened to this album that can possibly not like it. It is nothing short of brilliant, loaded to the brim with classic songs, ones that make you want to play each over and over again, and feel a sense of loss when they end. I don't want to sound biased, but it is the one of the two greatest records of all time, the other one being the Slim There is not a person in the world who has listened to this album that can possibly not like it. It is nothing short of brilliant, loaded to the brim with classic songs, ones that make you want to play each over and over again, and feel a sense of loss when they end. I don't want to sound biased, but it is the one of the two greatest records of all time, the other one being the Slim Shady LP. It's almost ridiculous that there could be something this good in the world, something that beats out all other forms of entertainment. Eminem is side-splitting, genius in his lyrics, deep and emotional in a painfully gorgeous manner. And I don't want to bring his looks into this, but honestly, they can't be ignored. Eminem is the single most gorgeous person ever to walk this earth. His rhymes flow effortlessly, and are completely natural in such a way that you almost forget that it rhymes, except they are so powerful that they can't be ignored. The music presented on this album is astonishing and shocking, and makes you want to turn up your stereo as loud as it will go. Eminem has once again demonstrated something that, once you turn it on, you can Expand
  46. WayneGretzky
    Sep 20, 2006
    This album is a masterpiece, a true classic. Straight from the mind of a genius, the Marshall Mathers LP is nothing short of brilliant. Eminem has once again created an album that is so good its painful, completely original, and an instant classic. It leaves me reeling- why hasn't Marshall Bruce Mathers III been discovered before?
  47. Danilio
    Jul 24, 2006
    One of my favourite ever records .It's a lyrical masterpiece, full of controversy, humour and most importantly truth. He even managed to create a great song with Dido, which is nearly impossible. Genius!
  48. BobMarley
    Jul 11, 2006
    its a classic
  49. MattS
    Apr 17, 2006
    This is the first Eminem Album I have ever heard... and it is my favorite. It is perfect in every way. Not only does this show that Slim Shady is one of the greatest MCs on the planet, but he has officially broke the racial barrier in all of rap. He also presents the most personality. His opening skit titled "Public Service Announcement 2000" beats the hell out of what his debut This is the first Eminem Album I have ever heard... and it is my favorite. It is perfect in every way. Not only does this show that Slim Shady is one of the greatest MCs on the planet, but he has officially broke the racial barrier in all of rap. He also presents the most personality. His opening skit titled "Public Service Announcement 2000" beats the hell out of what his debut album's "Public Service Announcement" on "The Slim Shady LP". Yep, Em is mad, violent, and on edge and gives you a taste of it on his first song "Kill You". When I first heard this CD, I was unprepared. I was offended by "Who Knew" and "Criminal", scared to death by "Kim" and "Amittyville" (those songs gave me nightmares), and I was downright amazed by "Stan" and "I'm Back". This album was hard for me stomach, but I forced myself to listen to it everyday (I could only withstand about 15 minutes of him). Now I'm older and understand his true artistic views. I overcame what I feared, and now enjoy it. This is my favorite artist. This is my favorite album. Expand
  50. LoganG
    Nov 18, 2005
    this album is a work of lyrical genius and should be recognized as such. I doubt that any man on this planet could come close to matching Eminem's style, creativity, and skill levels. He is just above everyone in the game.
  51. LaurenL
    Nov 16, 2005
    u no what everyone needs to get off eminem's case because if they got a problem they should try it and see what happens because everyone listins to eminem because he is a good rapper and talks about life experiences so just STAY OFF HIS CASE!!!!!!!!
  52. Kay*
    Oct 23, 2005
    Remarkably entertaining collection of great tracks. Lyrically genious.
  53. JuliaN
    Oct 4, 2005
    Eminem's songs have alot of meanings.............I started to listsen to like him when I understand all of his lyrics!U ROK
  54. BStizzle
    Sep 5, 2005
    Eminem has now proven why he is one of the absolute rappers of all time.
  55. [Anonymous]
    Aug 27, 2005
    I think this is one of his best albums
  56. tabbyn
    Aug 4, 2005
    this is one amazing pacage ov all that a raw hip hop album needs.Hard as nails production, memorable hooks (mostly), lyrics that are more than just lyrics, but writing with soul that feels like they are coming froming the mind of a human and frequently jabs your with cutting comedy however black. Eminem raps with divine structure, flow and joyfully unruley rythm rhyiming patern and this is one amazing pacage ov all that a raw hip hop album needs.Hard as nails production, memorable hooks (mostly), lyrics that are more than just lyrics, but writing with soul that feels like they are coming froming the mind of a human and frequently jabs your with cutting comedy however black. Eminem raps with divine structure, flow and joyfully unruley rythm rhyiming patern and flomboint rhymes themselves. it is interesting because ems raps are never to repetitive and are always bring something new. The album has a satisfying blackness and down and dirty urban feel. It hits hard with great tracks like the way i am, Im back and the raw amittyvile. This will not fail to pull you in and have hanging on every word and note. utterlly adictive masterpiece Expand
  57. ShannonC
    Jul 31, 2005
    This is a classic rap album fom one of the greatest artist ever.
  58. JK
    Jun 16, 2005
    Best album Em has released. Definitely a classic.
  59. ZachB
    May 6, 2005
    An amazing album which , when viewed by an open mind, contains lyrics as poignant and honest as those of any folk writer...Bob Dylan included. The absolute best work of art ever written.
  60. DPatel
    Feb 19, 2005
    Wkd album! lyrics R absolutly mindblowing!
  61. shanes
    Feb 14, 2005
    the cd was the best one yet
  62. Mr.Darkman
    Feb 12, 2005
    It is bloody incredible, just like all of his albums!!!
  63. EdenA
    Feb 8, 2005
    this album is the best one ever made and i love eminem alot because hes really cool and hot.Nobody can rap better then him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  64. HaylieG
    Jan 17, 2005
    you rock and you speak the truth to all. you are my hero!
  65. sergiog
    Jan 5, 2005
    its perfect the best eminem album
  66. Auzzie
    Dec 27, 2004
    this cd truly reflects on eminems talent and abilities.
  67. chrisd
    Dec 21, 2004
    its the best album ever
  68. maryl
    Dec 18, 2004
    hot singer, hot lyrics. its awesome!
  69. AaronA
    Dec 13, 2004
    the best album of eminems career, this album gets rid of all the usual joking and replaces it with raw aggresion and really shows what em is capable of. the eminem show came close, encore doesnt touch this and the slim shady lp cant come close to this diffinative eminem album
  70. garyl
    Dec 8, 2004
    great cd worth you cash and time
  71. DeidraW
    Nov 28, 2004
    This album is awesome.
  72. yana
    Nov 26, 2004
    This is the best album i've ever seen in my life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u very much !
  73. JohnnyW
    Nov 20, 2004
    Don't let the ridiculous, uneducated rambling of this album's fans dissuade you from purchasing this album. It's a fantastic CD, Eminem's Slim Shady persona takes on anything and everything, in a completely tongue in cheek fashion. You can't help laugh out loud when listening to this album. The album is also starkly personal as well, with songs like "Kim" or "The Don't let the ridiculous, uneducated rambling of this album's fans dissuade you from purchasing this album. It's a fantastic CD, Eminem's Slim Shady persona takes on anything and everything, in a completely tongue in cheek fashion. You can't help laugh out loud when listening to this album. The album is also starkly personal as well, with songs like "Kim" or "The Way I Am." When Em is angry, he's convincing and it definitely grabs your attention, and shows how much of a talented rapper he is. I whole-heartedly recommend this album. Expand
  74. jarettc
    Nov 11, 2004
    U jus dddont know EM is comen on TOP he gonnna smoek yall an yall gireleyz cant rezist U know he iz so graet wusssup CLEVLAND wid DAT in da AIRRR wavin wid yalllll!!!!!!!!! yeaaaah East DETEROIT 8 MILeZ repraZentt
  75. MisraUnUn
    Nov 11, 2004
    ef U donnt nderddsstadn U dont get it U sukc Em is grat yu on Kenn zKaniffz d**k u suk an diee u iCp faggs
  76. ApricottC
    Nov 11, 2004
    It is my favorite CD plus if Iwas his age I'd really like to at least be friends with him not jus cuz his rich or hott either- it seems like theres more to him then jus that.
  77. NiCoLeMyRmAn
    Nov 2, 2004
    i loved this album. i think eminem is the hottest man ALIVE!!!
  78. jade
    Oct 14, 2004
    i LOVED this album i think eminem is the most talented rap artist he raps about stuff that has happened and i just love it and him
  79. alexa
    Sep 15, 2004
    great the best thing around
  80. SkryebLaydee
    Sep 13, 2004
    I have a lot of respect for the man he once was and for the man he most assuradly will be. I gave him this score because every artist needs room to grow no matter if you a rapper or you paint murials on brick building. Thank you Mister Mathers sipmly for not being like every one else. Just you raw and un cut.
  81. dannyp
    Aug 6, 2004
    this is dope ass cd!
  82. danm
    Jul 29, 2004
    best rap cd ever
  83. LatifahH
    Jul 6, 2004
    Out of all his albums dis 1 was da best. I luv dis album and i listen 2 it at least 4 times a day. Kill You is da best song on da album!!!!!!!!
  84. crozzle
    Jul 1, 2004
    this album is purely amazing. eminem's lyrics are unreal and he is without a doubt the best rapper alive
  85. kyriag
    Jun 25, 2004
    I like this album I think eminem is a natrual,his is realy good at raping,some of his songs are crazy but i love the songs.
  86. hayleyh
    Jun 18, 2004
    besides the fact the eminem is very sexy, he is so talented and every who hates on him, is just jealous cause they cant be him. he is the best ever!
  87. MaikenVS
    May 24, 2004
    It is really just great... He is a great musician
  88. deestan.04.
    May 23, 2004
    eminem rulz
  89. Joeleneaka:JAYSEEColley
    Apr 14, 2004
    eminem is the best baby fuck you all who doubt him! he's the bst in history
  90. babykitten
    Apr 13, 2004
    this one of the best cd's i have ever listened to i don't think he gets enough credit for the things he does
  91. ChristineT
    Mar 15, 2004
    Eminem is the bomb baby. He is the best rapper in the world, and plus, he is really HOTT!!!!!!!!!
  92. ZachW
    Mar 13, 2004
    "Kill You" simply the best song ever!!! "Bitch Please 2" Second Best "The Way I Am" Third Best
  93. nathanh
    Feb 27, 2004
    i love's the best.i realy,realy,realy,love it.
  94. RachaelT
    Feb 3, 2004
    I think the album is ace, but then again i just love eminem so all of his albums are brill.
  95. Marco...
    Jan 26, 2004
    this album is amazing, b**** plz the way i am criminal are amazing, eminem is the best raper and im crazy about, keep up the good work dog, d12 yeah !
  96. KatieP
    Dec 26, 2003
    Luckily for me, I possess more intelligence than 90% of the reviews below me. Or so it seems. This is a great CD. Eminem is truly a great story teller of our times.
  97. Snicker
    Dec 12, 2003
    Hey yo em da shit if ya'll try to dis you'll die so say by motha fuckas cause your time is up it's time to step up bitch shady Records motha fucka foreva
  98. LymanG
    Dec 10, 2003
    This is da best rap album in HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  99. sinhab
    Oct 6, 2003
    this is the 2nd best album, afta eminem show, the songs like ***** plz II and way i am are classics...this album is the 2nd best album ne1 can own
  100. nicoled
    Sep 17, 2003
    its da bomb marshall is the hottest

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
  1. Feb 13, 2012
    The collaborative efforts of tracks like "Bitch Please II" and "Under the Influence" make Eminem seem like an ornamental prop in Dr. Dre's ever-growing hip-hop dynasty.
  2. The problem is, as the album drags on, young Master Mathers wastes his considerable wit and opts to grouse in the guise of a rampaging reactionary. Song after song finds Eminem viciously baiting real and imagined enemies, as if that's all he knows how to do.
  3. It just isn't as much fun this time around, no matter how fresh Dre's beats are or how many worthy targets get shot down along with the innocent.