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Universal acclaim- based on 1964 Ratings

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  1. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great Expand
  2. Jan 22, 2020
    Classic Em. I'll forever bump this album. His music helped me so much growing up and this album is one of my favorites of all time.
  3. Jan 22, 2020
    Man this album.... Boii this album is a classic!!! If he dropped this today. Media would be MORE livid.
  4. Jan 22, 2020
    This is what got Eminem into the GOAT convo, very early into his career. His favourite, although I like TES more.
  5. Jan 22, 2020
    All that needs to be said about this classic is that it not only invented the word “Stan” but it also turned those who listened to into Stans of Eminem.
  6. Jan 22, 2020
    amazing album amazing ............................................. classic
  7. Jan 22, 2020
    A classic. Along with the Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers), this is my favourite hip-hop album of all time. I just love every track of this album.
  8. Jan 22, 2020
    Believe it or not it’s now 20 years and I was just listening to this CD in my car yesterday because of how great it is!!
  9. Jan 22, 2020
    It’s the best ever hdhajjsjsjsjsbhshshhshshhhshjsjsjsjsjsisiksbgzyaoaokabvzczfyaaialsososoosososo
  10. Jan 22, 2020
    This album shout every one facking mouth its was pure fire thanks agian em ❤️
  11. Jan 22, 2020
    My secound favorite Eminem album, Kill you, The way i am, Stan,Im Back, Real Slim Shady. I can go on and on such a classic album
  12. Jan 22, 2020
    This is one of the best albums of all time in hip hop. It has everything on it......................
  13. Jan 22, 2020
    Not we start this war. Don't go to other artists and put 0 just because your artist are lower than our.
  14. Jan 22, 2020
    Greatest album of all time. RAW. The way I am, Stan, Kill you, the Real Slim shady are the best songs on the album. Eminem the GOAT
  15. Jan 22, 2020
    This album is Musical artistry and genius at its best the first album I bought and since then it’s still the benchmark
  16. Jan 22, 2020
    Best album of all time... Goat Em is goat the greatest best rapper of all time
  17. Jan 22, 2020
    Another undisbuted classic album and always enjoyable

    Eminem has been proving that he is one of the GOATs if not the GOAT
  18. Jan 22, 2020
    This is a classic, 10 out of 10 enough said. .......................................................................
  19. Jan 22, 2020
    Everyone knows that eminem is the greatest of all time and he is just so talented
  20. Jan 22, 2020
    The greatest album ever recorded on the planet of eminem's world cup in US US the G.O.A.T
  21. Jan 22, 2020
    My favorite album of all time. The beats and ems flows get me fired up. It’s like all his best qualities finally cane together.
  22. Jan 22, 2020
    Really great music to be loved by anyone who gives you think about it won't happen again.
  23. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. You can literally listen to every song on the album. This is the eminem we first admired. The dark side. Expand
  24. Jan 22, 2020
    Best Eminem album ever! Stan the best storytelling ever! The most impactful album of the century!
  25. Jan 22, 2020
    this is classic this is classic this is classic this is classic this is classic this is classic
  26. Jan 22, 2020
  27. PME
    Jan 21, 2020
    CLASSIC! Grew up on this. Definitely at his best. Was never my favorite but always considered him one of the best.
  28. Jan 21, 2020
    The MMLP album by Eminem is one of the best-selling, and most defining hip-hop albums of all time, and arguably some of the artist's best work. It is an assertive, edgy masterpiece with strong features, impressive writing, and is jam-packed with classic songs.
  29. Jan 21, 2020
    A classic. Timeless. Its been almost 20 years and I still consider this one of the best albums in the history of all genres in music
  30. Jan 21, 2020
    Un classique qui a marqué le rap a jamais. 78 en critique ?? C’est une honte
  31. Jan 21, 2020
    The best album ever made in history of Hip-Hop. Technically amazing, great flows, brilliant lyrics and simply addictive. It will remain on the top os the list forever...
  32. Jan 20, 2020
    This has to be one of my favorite Hip-Hop albums I own. Of all the rap I've listened to, I feel like this is Eminem in his prime. The aggression and flow sync perfectly together to create one of the greatest albums I've heard. As someone who usually only picks a single here or there from an artists album, this has to be one of the first and few albums where I was able to maintain interestThis has to be one of my favorite Hip-Hop albums I own. Of all the rap I've listened to, I feel like this is Eminem in his prime. The aggression and flow sync perfectly together to create one of the greatest albums I've heard. As someone who usually only picks a single here or there from an artists album, this has to be one of the first and few albums where I was able to maintain interest to the whole album straight through.

    This LP is word manipulation at it's finest, and while it's rather violent at times, the wordplay is outstanding and mostly unmatched to this day.
  33. Jan 20, 2020
    This is just incredible, legendary. You can be of any culture, age(this is questionable), race and this album will hit you hard with unparalleled emotional force
  34. Jan 20, 2020
    Truly brilliant album. Eminem in his prime and absolutely killing it. Fave tracks ; Stan, Real Slim Shady, Drug Ballad, Kim
  35. Jan 19, 2020
    One of the best albums ever and the best album of rap in history. Eminem in his best is unbatibable.
  36. Dec 31, 2019
    Best album ever! Songs like Stan and Kill You show how talented and intelligent Eminem is with the rhymes and Lyrics.
  37. Oct 24, 2019
    Turn off your censors, roll back, have a sip of tea (I'm sorry, its gone cold) and relax as Eminem, the undoubtable GOAT, fills your ears with a sense of calmness.

  38. Oct 19, 2019
    This is for sure a classic. One of the best hip-hop albums of all time. He always finds a new way to piss of people and It's so entertaining.
  39. Jul 28, 2019
    Eminem's inarguable classic. A burst onto the scene with amazing lyrics, terrific production and timeless hits.
  40. May 8, 2019
    Damn.. I remember the first time listening to this. It really scared me, but then I became a fan of Em very soon after. One of my favorite rap albums.
  41. Feb 21, 2019
    Eminem made one of the most Fire sophomore albums back in the year 2000, and The Marshall Mathers LP still holds up as one of the greatest albums ever made and one of the best albums of his career. The album is also known for its controversial moments in the Album that made many people criticized him for his violent lyrics. Like in the Song "Stan" Eminem tells a story of one of his crazyEminem made one of the most Fire sophomore albums back in the year 2000, and The Marshall Mathers LP still holds up as one of the greatest albums ever made and one of the best albums of his career. The album is also known for its controversial moments in the Album that made many people criticized him for his violent lyrics. Like in the Song "Stan" Eminem tells a story of one of his crazy fan about this guy name stan is a die-hard fan of Eminem who writes him letters to him. Stan is one of my best songs from the album and one of my all-time favorite songs from Eminem. The Production and the beats from Dr. Dre is dope. And Eminem's lyrics, flow, and bars are insane. The Marshal Mathers LP is one of the best Album of his career and one of the best that Dr. Dre has ever Produced. I highly Recommended it. 10/10 Expand
  42. Jan 20, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best rap album. No skip no wack song, Features did well Dido killed it, D12 Killed it, Bizzare killed it, Snoop Dogg killed it, Nate Dogg killed it. This album starts with a public service announcement & that **** was legendary & the song kill you is also legendary. Eminem flow in criminal is one of the best flow of all time. If you hate this album then only God can save you. Expand
  43. Nov 16, 2018
    The rhyming skills of Eminem, his technics are FIRE on this album. Just listen how he pronounce some words on certain tracks. A true poet
  44. Nov 6, 2018
    WoW!! A legendary album! one of the bestest albums ever! I can't believe this eminem has turned to an eminem making garbage like 'revival' or 'kamikaze'! good old slim shady!
  45. Nov 3, 2018
    Hasn't aged well. The lyrics about murder, rape, and suicide might have been outrageous back in 2000, but they come off as corny today. Eminem's complaints about his critics often reach Fred Durst levels of whining. These rants do have the occasional moments of poignancy though. It's clear the rapper is just trying to be as edgy as possible so it was crazy to really take what he was sayingHasn't aged well. The lyrics about murder, rape, and suicide might have been outrageous back in 2000, but they come off as corny today. Eminem's complaints about his critics often reach Fred Durst levels of whining. These rants do have the occasional moments of poignancy though. It's clear the rapper is just trying to be as edgy as possible so it was crazy to really take what he was saying all that seriously. Criticizing the crude nature of his writing makes sense, but believing he was trying to get his young audience to commit violent acts? Not so much. It was interesting to hear Em address that.

    While I can't call myself a fan of the album, I do respect it's pop-culture significance. So I think it's worth revisiting as a history lesson on one of the biggest names in rap. There are also still instances of pure brilliance. Just know that hip-hop has come a long way since this was first released.
  46. Nov 1, 2018
    If you rate this below 9, then you are retarded. This is a classic. If you are offended by the lyrics, get hard.
  47. Oct 13, 2018
    Overall his best effort creatively, while his ambition on this album only takes a backseat to his debut LP. The perfect blend of raunchy rhymes and elite lyricism, this album doesn't hold back & the lyrics are as explicit as ever. Beyond the sometimes abstract lyrics he does have tracks where he wears his heart on his sleeve. The biggest problem with this album is the lack of seriousness,Overall his best effort creatively, while his ambition on this album only takes a backseat to his debut LP. The perfect blend of raunchy rhymes and elite lyricism, this album doesn't hold back & the lyrics are as explicit as ever. Beyond the sometimes abstract lyrics he does have tracks where he wears his heart on his sleeve. The biggest problem with this album is the lack of seriousness, especially when you consider his competition. But songs like 'Stan' & 'The Way I Am' seemingly drown those tracks out ('The Real Slim Shady' , 'Kill You' and 'Amityville'). His horrocore style became the blueprint for many rappers today and in retrospective this is his most complete and essential project. Expand
  48. Sep 21, 2018
    Eminem's music will always be compared to this incredible album. Start to finish it is a listener and certainly a repeat listener. 'The Real Slim Shady' is probably Eminem's best song of his entire career, and complemented by songs like 'Stan', 'Kill you' and 'The Way I Am', there is almost no doubt that this is a must listen in the Hip Hop world. The lyrical ability of Eminem, the flowEminem's music will always be compared to this incredible album. Start to finish it is a listener and certainly a repeat listener. 'The Real Slim Shady' is probably Eminem's best song of his entire career, and complemented by songs like 'Stan', 'Kill you' and 'The Way I Am', there is almost no doubt that this is a must listen in the Hip Hop world. The lyrical ability of Eminem, the flow and the beats that accompany it all, are all just perfection is music form. Expand
  49. Jun 29, 2018
    He for sure is the goat and he snapped em take this 10 and give us more. Goat aleeert
  50. May 25, 2018
    This is my all time favorite rap album almost all the songs on this album are good. The best songs on it are Stan, Real Slim Shady, Kim, and **** Please 2
  51. Apr 25, 2018
    A **** Brilliant Masterpiece..!!
    Don't Know How The **** It Has Just A 78 Score???
  52. Mar 4, 2018
    I did like this album, but the track where he kills his wife was TERRIBLE!!!! He sounds too young for me to enjoy heavily on this album. At least it was better than The Slim Shady LP.
  53. Feb 4, 2018
    this album does a lot for me, this is my personal favorite album of all time, eminem is the greatest artist of all time
  54. Jan 29, 2018
    Not the greatest hip hop album ever.
    But definitely in the Top 20.
    Lyricism at it's most explosive.
  55. Jan 7, 2018
    This album is just pure genius. Eminem got inside the mind of the youth and turned the world upside down. More than half of the songs could have been singles and gone platinum that year. Yes, it's Eminem and he can be a psycho, but it was a horror or action movie this guy would be one of our favorite characters. He has the help of some of the best from the west and delivers what might beThis album is just pure genius. Eminem got inside the mind of the youth and turned the world upside down. More than half of the songs could have been singles and gone platinum that year. Yes, it's Eminem and he can be a psycho, but it was a horror or action movie this guy would be one of our favorite characters. He has the help of some of the best from the west and delivers what might be his best album ever. Expand
  56. Dec 29, 2017
    Eminem at his best, clever songwriting, great production, witty bars, not a single dull moment
  57. Dec 15, 2017
    This is one of the best hip-hop albums ever made. Every song on here is amazing. Even Under the Influence,which is considered the weakest song on the album is better than anything Eminem put out since Relapse.
  58. Aug 7, 2017
    the fact critics gave this is a 78 which is gd but this album easily deserves 90 84 but for people its em whos contreversy this is a deep lyrical masterpiece nothing ever topped
  59. Aug 7, 2017
    This is an album that was too revolutionary for critics at the time. For younger and more open-minded ears at in 2000 though, including myself, we all knew this would be (and will always be) not only one of the most classic rap albums of all time, but one of the most classic ALBUMS of all time. 50 years from now, grandfathers will reminisce being alive when this album came out, along withThis is an album that was too revolutionary for critics at the time. For younger and more open-minded ears at in 2000 though, including myself, we all knew this would be (and will always be) not only one of the most classic rap albums of all time, but one of the most classic ALBUMS of all time. 50 years from now, grandfathers will reminisce being alive when this album came out, along with the experience they had culturally, which was completely changed from a single artist/album. The importance of Eminem is on a Beatles level, not that I'm comparing their music in any way. Expand
  60. Jul 17, 2017
  61. May 23, 2017
    Eminem's best album. If you sit back and pay attention to the rhyme structures and flows of the songs you really get an appreciation for Em's skill level. Only think holding it back from being a 10 are the songs with D12.

    Best songs: Criminal / The Way I am / Stan
  62. Dec 6, 2016
    Kill You. Who Knew. Stan. The Way I Am. Criminal. These are undoubtedly cut diamonds among gems. Definitely, It's one of the best hip-hop albums ever, if not the best.
  63. Sep 24, 2016
    great lyricism and flow beats and stan is my fav song, heavy content and not for all, the skits need to go and again you may get offended but still its a good album
  64. Aug 19, 2016
    Aggressive, hard hitting, this album is great. From the Dr Dre produced beats to the hilarious or angry lyrics, this album delivers on every level. Some impressive features and even more impressive songs this album remains a classic and one of my favorites ever. CLASSIC!!!
  65. Jun 13, 2016
    MMLP has stood the test of time as a hip hop classic. It proved more than catchy enough to appease the masses whilst also featuring some of the most tense lyrics and delivery you will ever hear on a rap album, with some suitably sinister beats. Beneath all the shock-value lyricism lies a man laying his soul bare for all the world to tune in. Marshall Mathers tackles his experiences withMMLP has stood the test of time as a hip hop classic. It proved more than catchy enough to appease the masses whilst also featuring some of the most tense lyrics and delivery you will ever hear on a rap album, with some suitably sinister beats. Beneath all the shock-value lyricism lies a man laying his soul bare for all the world to tune in. Marshall Mathers tackles his experiences with fame and the personal turmoil he was facing at the time. Eminem showed much promise on The Slim Shady LP, but in order to keep that momentum going he had to up the ante in every possible way, and he succeeded against all odds, which has secured him a lengthy career and likely also a wealthy retirement. Expand
  66. Feb 11, 2016
    ....................................................................................................................................................................................... Its eminem, case closed!!!
  67. Jan 8, 2016
    Rap-wise this album is fascinating and the lyrics are mostly clever and catchy but there are some weak tracks like under the influence or remember me or both of the skits especially the sex one this was not funny at all more like super annoying
  68. Jan 6, 2016
    An overall metacritic score of 78 is criminal. Eminem put together one of the greatest albums in Hip Hop lore. Eminem is at his peak on this album, rapping deeply, honestly, satirically, and skilfully. Songs like "Stan", "The Way I Am", "I'm Back", and "Kim" are the highlights of the album. Controversial as ever but as talented as ever.
  69. Dec 11, 2015
    The album is too good to say it's trash, everything is perfect, don't care what the haters say, they hate it because this album is just too good for them.
  70. Jul 20, 2015
    Slim Shady LP put him on the map, but Marshal Mathers LP solidified his greatness. Truly one of the best albums of all time of any genre. The Way I Am, Real Slim Shady, Stan, Criminal, Marshal Mathers, I'm Back, Kill You, Amityville, and **** Please II are all great songs.

    Eminem shows all kinds of Emotions on this album. He shows his silly and wacky side on Real Slim Shady and ****
    Slim Shady LP put him on the map, but Marshal Mathers LP solidified his greatness. Truly one of the best albums of all time of any genre. The Way I Am, Real Slim Shady, Stan, Criminal, Marshal Mathers, I'm Back, Kill You, Amityville, and **** Please II are all great songs.

    Eminem shows all kinds of Emotions on this album. He shows his silly and wacky side on Real Slim Shady and **** Please II; his darker, more, disturbing side on Kill You and Kim; his very serious and thought provoking side on Stan and Marshal Mathers; and he even goes after his critics with songs like The Way I Am and Criminal.

    This album is the second highest selling hip hop album for a reason. I don't usually agree with the public when it comes to music, but they sure as hell got it right with this one. This is an undeniable classic that shows an in-depth view of the psyche of Eminem
  71. May 19, 2015
    This is Em at his best. There are maybe two or three meh songs on this, the rest are amazing and are great to listen too. This is probably his best,maybe second best album.
  72. Apr 23, 2015
    Arguably Em's best work, MMLP is THE ultimate classic in the 2000's hip-hop. Em is more than entertaining, complex and very interesting on a critical and political standpoint. He is completely destroying the mic, howling his rhymes, who are sharp as a knife. We also can't forget Dre's work one the production which is unbelievably good and sharp, delivering awesome beats song after song. AArguably Em's best work, MMLP is THE ultimate classic in the 2000's hip-hop. Em is more than entertaining, complex and very interesting on a critical and political standpoint. He is completely destroying the mic, howling his rhymes, who are sharp as a knife. We also can't forget Dre's work one the production which is unbelievably good and sharp, delivering awesome beats song after song. A must have in your album collection. Expand
  73. Mar 26, 2015
  74. Mar 21, 2015
    10/10 ................................................................................................................................................
  75. Mar 19, 2015
    A production, lyrical, and story-telling masterpiece. It delves into his mindless anger as he shapes this LP into a sophisticated acts of terror against specific celebrities. The overwhelming lyrics of drug use along with vivid details of killing his psychotic wife and many other people sets forth an unquestionably perfect alter ego that brings out the evil in him.
  76. Mar 3, 2015
    Eminem's best record. The singles are the best tracks on the album. Marshall Mathers is pretty hilarious. Could do without some of the collaborative tracks. Eminem was the only memorable verse on Remember Me? and both Under The Influence and Amityville are awful (coincidentally, D12 is **** awful!).
  77. Jan 27, 2015
    Slim Shady's best album ever!! Theres only one problem with this album. NOTHING! .
  78. Dec 17, 2014
    Podemos poner a The Marshall Mathers LP como el mejor álbum de rap de toda la historia si vemos las letras de este no como un oyente más, o un critico, sino como un Marshall Mathers o un Slim Shady.
  79. Aug 8, 2014
    Classic. He's having fun, incredible wordplay and overall just an album you can vibe to, it's dangerous, strong and is Eminem's peak. One of the greatest albums of all time.
  80. Jun 22, 2014
    This is Eminem at his best. The content is very lyrical, funny, violent and controversial. Without a doubt top 10 rap albums of all time, maybe even top 5
  81. May 20, 2014
    this album came out when i turned 7 i first heard it when i was 11 and i was really into rap back then im now 20 and as time has passed i have stoped listening to the 50 cents ice cubes and so on but every now and then i chuck on my mmlp and just admire the lyrical genius that is eminem this was a great album back when i was 11 and it still hold up today
  82. Mar 16, 2014
    A pathological masterpiece that succeeds in presenting emotion and uncompromising entertainment.

    This album turned the whole world upside down. It sold 1.75 million in its first week, went 5x platinum in its first month, sold 19 million total worldwide, and won Grammys. This isn't the type of album expected to achieve such heights. But at the same time, only one person is capable of
    A pathological masterpiece that succeeds in presenting emotion and uncompromising entertainment.

    This album turned the whole world upside down. It sold 1.75 million in its first week, went 5x platinum in its first month, sold 19 million total worldwide, and won Grammys. This isn't the type of album expected to achieve such heights. But at the same time, only one person is capable of making such an album. And that is Eminem.
  83. Jan 12, 2014
    This album was exceptional for its year. It had the perfect blend of seriousness, jokes and dark humor. Eminem displays all of these using great wordplay, stellar lyricism and amazing flow, which he himself claims he wanted to improve. Although certain songs' production was a bit weak, the album is a masterpiece overall and a hip hop classic.
  84. Dec 14, 2013
    A 78? Anytime the gap between users and critics (who's job it is to accurately portray the public's reception of a product), is this large, the critics are at fault. Eminem is simply too extreme for some, so they pass it off as shock value. For sure, this album has a lot of shock value, but to simply brush it off as a 78, a C+! No no no, Eminem takes his real life, which is exactly asA 78? Anytime the gap between users and critics (who's job it is to accurately portray the public's reception of a product), is this large, the critics are at fault. Eminem is simply too extreme for some, so they pass it off as shock value. For sure, this album has a lot of shock value, but to simply brush it off as a 78, a C+! No no no, Eminem takes his real life, which is exactly as treacherous as his lyrics portray, and makes it into some of the hardest-hitting, witty, clever, and passionate albums known to date. Then take those lyrics and put them on top of Dr. Dre's beats! There is a reason this album is considered a classic. Someone needs to give Metacritic the memo, because as of now, Rick Ross has an album higher than MMLP. Blasphemous. Expand
  85. Nov 26, 2013
    the definition of lyrical mastery Eminem weaves a controversy-laden masterpiece examining life and the ripple effects of fame and fortune on the artist and their fans
  86. Nov 5, 2013
    *words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words**words* JUST BUY THE ALBUM IT'S F-ING AMAZING!!!
  87. Nov 5, 2013
    Lets Just Say I Still Listen To This Album, as its one of the best albums Eminem has ever created in his rap career...................................
  88. Sep 26, 2013
    This is of course a great album. No hardcore rap fans will deny that. Every track is either catchy or emotionally heavy, yet it never drags the album down. The only tracks I honestly dislike are Remember Me? Marshall Mathers and to a lesser extent Kim. The only negatives about the album aside from that is that it feels too similar to the Slim Shady LP, yet isn't quite to the perfection ofThis is of course a great album. No hardcore rap fans will deny that. Every track is either catchy or emotionally heavy, yet it never drags the album down. The only tracks I honestly dislike are Remember Me? Marshall Mathers and to a lesser extent Kim. The only negatives about the album aside from that is that it feels too similar to the Slim Shady LP, yet isn't quite to the perfection of the Slim Shady LP. Regardless, if you love Slim Shady, hardcore hip-hop, or were at all a fan of the Slim Shady EP or LP, this is a perfect album for you. Expand
  89. Aug 1, 2013
    This album is the best Eminem album, absolutely genius, the rhymes and the punchlines are complicated. All of the disses, all of the anger, of this album is a car-crash record: loud, wild, dangerous, out of control, grotesque, unsettling. That's the real Slim Shady.
  90. May 27, 2013
    This album is just genius. The lyricism is clever and eminem's dark and sinister flow just adds to the dark nature of the album. This album is not for the light-hearted though. If you plan on listening to this album, prepare for shocking but clever songs.
  91. Apr 5, 2013
    The Marshall Mathers LP is a strong debut for Eminem. It's a meaningful and intensefully dark and humoruous which a great start to Eminem's f*cked life and career.
  92. Feb 12, 2013
    A classic album, in rap and in music in general it is Eminem's best album. I cant think of a single track I'm indifferent about
  93. Dec 6, 2012
    Not as good as the Slim Shady LP, but has some real great tracks, and what is arguably one of the best rap songs ever, Stan. The Way Am, Drug Ballad, The Real Slim Shady, **** Please, and Marshall Mathers are the best tracks after that. Overall the album has a very raw, honest feel. While disturbing and auditorrily grating, Kim is probably the most open and unreserved song I've ever heard.
  94. Nov 9, 2012
    Despite a couple duds, the album really packs a punch, and is probably one of the best, most heartfelt rap albums ever released.
  95. Nov 9, 2012
    Listen to this and compare it to albums now. Lyrical horrorcore at it's finest. "Whatever happened to catchin a good old-fashioned passionate Ass whoopin' and getting your shoes, coat, and your hat tooken"
    A music industry full of pop aimed at pre-teen kids really makes you appreciate The Marshall Mathers LP. Granted if you are easily offended then don't bother.
  96. Oct 11, 2012
    Easily his best album. Intelligently written, passionately performed, and highly polished. Where the Slim Shady LP showed us metallers that hip-hop and that ugly word rap COULD be good, The Marshall Mathers LP cemented that idea.

    This album changed everything. Full of amazing tunes, which contained genius stabs at the society of the day (which sadly seems even worse today... people
    Easily his best album. Intelligently written, passionately performed, and highly polished. Where the Slim Shady LP showed us metallers that hip-hop and that ugly word rap COULD be good, The Marshall Mathers LP cemented that idea.

    This album changed everything. Full of amazing tunes, which contained genius stabs at the society of the day (which sadly seems even worse today... people don't learn) and told a dark tale of Eminem's troubled "private" life.

    The only weak points, as I find in all of Eminem's records, are the collaborations which show you just how much more connected with the world (well, my world I guess) Eminem is over his peers. As Steve Berman tells us in the album, Dre is rapping about big-screen TVs, blunts, 40s and **** Eminem raps about homosexuals and Vicodin. He's all the better for it.
  97. Sep 6, 2012
    Master Piece enough said his work only progressed over the years and will conitinue to im still waiting for his next ablum 2013 lets see what art he produces
  98. Aug 2, 2012
    Quite obviously The Real Slim Shady at his peak, he showed he can ruthlessly diss little boy and girl bands, Grammy Winners, the Grammys, and many more thing. He showed imagination however dark in Stan. Thus qualities that made Eminem an original rapper, not like the others already rapping, but there will always be Eminem imitators. Thus when at the hands of The Real Slim Shady, will be ****** up.
  99. Jul 22, 2012
    Eminem album that pushed the style of the song "My Name is" from his previous album. Song aren't hardcore hip hop, but still maintain phenomenal rapping and great production.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
  1. Feb 13, 2012
    The collaborative efforts of tracks like "Bitch Please II" and "Under the Influence" make Eminem seem like an ornamental prop in Dr. Dre's ever-growing hip-hop dynasty.
  2. The problem is, as the album drags on, young Master Mathers wastes his considerable wit and opts to grouse in the guise of a rampaging reactionary. Song after song finds Eminem viciously baiting real and imagined enemies, as if that's all he knows how to do.
  3. It just isn't as much fun this time around, no matter how fresh Dre's beats are or how many worthy targets get shot down along with the innocent.