User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 69 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 69
  2. Negative: 15 out of 69

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  1. Jan 26, 2011
    This is one of the most tragically underrated albums on this site. It's a cutesy-brutesy masterwork with tons of delightfully catchy riffs and melodies counterpointed by jagged, face-melting rock-outs, often in the same song. A lot of people can't get over Satomi Matsuzaki's voice and the group's undeniable weirdness, but anyone willing to embrace Deerhoof's eccentricities will find a lotThis is one of the most tragically underrated albums on this site. It's a cutesy-brutesy masterwork with tons of delightfully catchy riffs and melodies counterpointed by jagged, face-melting rock-outs, often in the same song. A lot of people can't get over Satomi Matsuzaki's voice and the group's undeniable weirdness, but anyone willing to embrace Deerhoof's eccentricities will find a lot to love here. Few albums can put anyone in a good mood as effortlessly as this glorious, sprawling mess of kitschy ear candy. Expand
  2. ErikH
    Aug 13, 2007
    I bought this CD after many recommendations from friends and critics, and wow was I disappointed. They sound like low-rate Blonde Redhead outtakes. If that sounds appealing to you, by all means purchase this CD and enjoy 20 tracks of it.
  3. RG
    Jun 13, 2007
    aaah deerhoof. music as we know it has taken another step to shattering itself and constructing something so basic and so exciting that everynote while meaning nothng carries a sense of purpose. i can t shed that feeling throughout this record. this group is bringing back rock not as other rock gorups do by replicating a former style but creating something playful in a new reincarnation aaah deerhoof. music as we know it has taken another step to shattering itself and constructing something so basic and so exciting that everynote while meaning nothng carries a sense of purpose. i can t shed that feeling throughout this record. this group is bringing back rock not as other rock gorups do by replicating a former style but creating something playful in a new reincarnation of a former style. simply an amazing record Expand
  4. CharlesB
    Apr 5, 2007
    Food for thought: David Bowie, David Byrne, Thom Yorke, Thurston Moore, Wayne Coyne, and Jeff Tweedy all love Deerhoof. This album was 2005's greatest achievement and I hold it as the best album of the year. Deerhoof's talent is incredible, both technically as all members are immensely skilled at the instruments as well as their songwriting skills. There's an abundance of Food for thought: David Bowie, David Byrne, Thom Yorke, Thurston Moore, Wayne Coyne, and Jeff Tweedy all love Deerhoof. This album was 2005's greatest achievement and I hold it as the best album of the year. Deerhoof's talent is incredible, both technically as all members are immensely skilled at the instruments as well as their songwriting skills. There's an abundance of catchy melodies on this record, all of which originated by the band (no melody stealing here!) Fantastic! Expand
  5. MattA
    Apr 5, 2007
    As you can see, Deerhoof reviews tend to be a bit polarizing. I personally feel that Deerhoof are one of the most innovative and creative bands currently making music, as well as one of the best. There's simply no other bands out there that sound like them. I feel that a lot of negative reviewers out there just simply don't get it. Sure Deerhoof isn't for everyone and a lot As you can see, Deerhoof reviews tend to be a bit polarizing. I personally feel that Deerhoof are one of the most innovative and creative bands currently making music, as well as one of the best. There's simply no other bands out there that sound like them. I feel that a lot of negative reviewers out there just simply don't get it. Sure Deerhoof isn't for everyone and a lot of their material is initially inaccessible. I'll admit to being a bit perplexed by the band upon first listen. But with time the album takes on a different life form and you begin to see it for the fantastic music it is. The best records never expose their greatest in the fullest extent upon first is gradual. I really feel with time Deerhoof will get the appreciation they deserve, though it is gaining a bit through opening lots for big acts like Radiohead, the Flaming Lips and Wilco. I wouldn't be surprised that years into the future Deerhoof is looked back at one of the definitive bands of this era. They deserve that stature. Expand
  6. T.Speaker
    Jan 3, 2007
    Deerhoof's "The Runners Four" is easily one of the best records of 2005-----I've owned this one since its release date and still listen to it on a weekly basis. While the latter half sags a bit, the complex, melodic riffs of the first more than compensate.
  7. JasonH
    Dec 11, 2006
    all these 0 reviews are probably from people who were never fans to begin with, or have limited listening span. take 'em or leave 'em, Deerhoof are always true to themselves. i thoroughly enjoyed this (this was my first real introducation to the band), and I find myself oddly addicted to her voice.
  8. JohnS
    Sep 27, 2006
    Just saw them open for the Flaming Lips and I got there early because of the type of hype and praise given them--boy what a waste of time! The only redeeming quality is the thunderous balls out drummer. The guitarist churns out 3rd rate Polvo riffs that were done better 15 years ago. And finally the singer--- girly cute monosyllabic lyrical nonsense. Repeating panda 20x in a row is not Just saw them open for the Flaming Lips and I got there early because of the type of hype and praise given them--boy what a waste of time! The only redeeming quality is the thunderous balls out drummer. The guitarist churns out 3rd rate Polvo riffs that were done better 15 years ago. And finally the singer--- girly cute monosyllabic lyrical nonsense. Repeating panda 20x in a row is not inspired, clever, musical or worth anyone's time. I beg of someone to explain this rubbish to me. I have adored the Flaming Lips since 1989 and tons of other indie/alt, but this and the scores all the reviewers gave it I just don't get. I would have rated this higher for the drummer's talents, but I reminded myself that he has hitched his wagon to the horrid, untalented vocalist. Expand
  9. DrewB
    Aug 15, 2006
    is there really anything better than post-post ironic bands? the answer nope
  10. JackS
    Jun 11, 2006
    Hands down the best album of 2005. Absolutely amazing.
  11. MSixteen
    May 19, 2006
    After a second listen, I couldn't help skipping the songs.. The singer is sooooo annoying with her fake cutsy-child-like voice. That's beside the fact that she never hit the right notes! People who appreciate this album must be deaf! or music illiterate! this is what I like to call "fashion music" :P
  12. DylanC
    Jan 31, 2006
  13. KurtM
    Jan 7, 2006
    This is an amazing LP. It has it's own sound and creates new music through experimentation, yet it's melodies are still catchy and accessible. Some may not like it because of it's complexity, but to any trained listener, this is a great album. The contrast between the lead singer's voice and the sounds they use is extremely effective in every song. Their musical talent This is an amazing LP. It has it's own sound and creates new music through experimentation, yet it's melodies are still catchy and accessible. Some may not like it because of it's complexity, but to any trained listener, this is a great album. The contrast between the lead singer's voice and the sounds they use is extremely effective in every song. Their musical talent is further backed by the raw power of songs like "After Me The Deluge" or "You Can See." This is certainly one of the best LP's of 2005. Expand
  14. [Anonymous]
    Jan 3, 2006
    There is no clearer indictment of Pitchfork's penchant for pretention than their endorsement of this album as the 6th best album of 2005. Unlistenable garbage.
  15. RockAbilly
    Dec 31, 2005
    My favorite of 2005. I think the NY Times review was the most dead on. These guys have intricate composition that people with less atuned ears would consider "noise" and "fuzz." Listen to the guitar leads, drumming, and even singing. Musically everything is really interesting and experimental. The syncopation, the play between bass and guitar. Sometimes the lead singer's voice echoes My favorite of 2005. I think the NY Times review was the most dead on. These guys have intricate composition that people with less atuned ears would consider "noise" and "fuzz." Listen to the guitar leads, drumming, and even singing. Musically everything is really interesting and experimental. The syncopation, the play between bass and guitar. Sometimes the lead singer's voice echoes guitars and sometimes vice-versa. I was dissapointed that pitchfork had this at 6 at the year top ten. It is ten times more creative than anything else I heard this year. Expand
  16. HomerSimpson
    Dec 12, 2005
    if can get over the squeaking of the lead singer, then maybe you'd appreciate the music.. have the critics heard the album?
  17. AndrewG
    Dec 12, 2005
    Best album of 2005. Nothing like Milkman, except superficial. Really nothing like any Deerhoof album before except in infectiousness.
  18. SeanT
    Dec 11, 2005
    perfect deerhoof. cant get enough of this one.
  19. Jared
    Nov 27, 2005
    While this album definately isn't for everyone, to those who enjoy experimental work and pop songs that kick you in the head, this is an amazing album. Check out the guitar smashing on "Scream Team" and the quiet beauty of "After Me the Deluge."
  20. aaron
    Nov 15, 2005
    you either love them or hate them, as is the case with any band that actually sounds UNIQUE (What a concept!!!!) for those that hate them, thats fine, but i strongly suggest saving your hateful comments for "artists" who truly deserve to be removed from popular culture, like ashlee simpson. love or hate deerhoof, this world is still MUCH better off with a little variety amongst all this you either love them or hate them, as is the case with any band that actually sounds UNIQUE (What a concept!!!!) for those that hate them, thats fine, but i strongly suggest saving your hateful comments for "artists" who truly deserve to be removed from popular culture, like ashlee simpson. love or hate deerhoof, this world is still MUCH better off with a little variety amongst all this boring and homogenized garbage.... Expand
  21. crumbtrail
    Nov 5, 2005
    A seroiusly great record. The production is warm and rich, the riffs are chunky and the rhythm section is on fire!!! This is the only Deerhoof record I would call consistently listenable. The others have great songs (milkman even has a few good sequences) but this is by far their pinnacle. Wrong Time Capsule and Spirit Ditties of No Tone are worth the price of admission.
  22. mackye
    Nov 1, 2005
    No idea what most of the critics have been smoking but the vocals of this band are dreadful, like a doll being strangled. Iit makes it impossible to appreciate the few moments there actually is something worth listening too.
  23. CanadianPhilosopher
    Nov 1, 2005
    Sometimes when I listen to bands that critics rave over, I wonder... do they (the reviewers) get together and decide to play a trick on us (the listeners)? Tthe reason I ask is because this bands stinks.
  24. MartiH
    Oct 25, 2005
    One of the year's best. On par with Apple O' and better than Milk Man. If you haven't heard them before, it's an acquired taste. I agree with an earlier comment - give it a dozen listens.
  25. Aaron
    Oct 24, 2005
    Wow!!! Now this is an awesome album. Experimental but very accessible. A terrific listen.
  26. FishyBooty
    Oct 24, 2005
    It isn't immediately catchy as thier other albums and I was expecting something that sounded like Green Cosmos. At first listen, it was almost too tame to be the Deerhoof I've grown to love, but something kept bringing me back. This is a "grower" and those "growers" are always the best albums. Amazing work and very charming.
  27. alexk
    Oct 23, 2005
    Deerhoof is the just latest flavor of the month --please stop calling this annoying POS a masterpiece.
  28. JackD
    Oct 20, 2005
    Wonderful record! Ranks as one of my favorites of the year. Deerhoof have always been for more adventurous listeners.
  29. RyanH
    Oct 18, 2005
    15 listens. Minimum. And then 5 more. All the way through. And then, maybe, I can only hope, you'll get it. Because it's all there; my intervention the purchasing of the new Wolf Parade so I'd be forced, if only for a day, to stop listening to Runners Four.
  30. Daniel
    Oct 18, 2005
    An excellent record. My favorite of the year so far, and one of Deerhoof's best (along with Reveille and Apple O'). "Rrrrrright" is such a fantastic song and a great closer. And as usual, Greg Saunier somehow manages to simultaneously be one of the most subtle and yet most powerful drummers out there.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
  1. All told, it's another triumph for a band whose creative peak seems to defy gravity with each passing year.
  2. Even though the manic intensity that characterized work like Reveille is missed a little here, The Runners Four is still a far cry from typical indie rock; in fact, it sounds more like one of Deerhoof's older albums played at half-speed than anything else.
  3. The Runners Four manages to capture the unbridled intensity and utter joy these four carry across in a live setting.