• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Jan 18, 2019

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
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  1. Jan 18, 2019
    On The Unseen In Between Gunn's guitar is the hub on which his songs turn, but is not their centerpiece. For guitar fans, there's an abundance of fine playing here, but the songwriter's aesthetic shift delivers listeners his most consistent album to date.
  2. 80
    Credit goes to multi-instrumentalist/producer James Elkington who balances a near perfect blend of acoustic and subtle electric instrumentation, ghostly supporting vocals and strings along with Gunn’s own singing and exquisite guitar. He molds this hypnotic mélange that finds its footing early and tugs you deeper into the vortex of sound through the next 45 minutes, crafting a swirling, effortlessly artsy album with an almost surreal atmosphere you won’t soon forget.
  3. Jan 22, 2019
    At times in the past, Gunn’s songs felt like they were skimming the surface of multiple genres. On The Unseen in Between, the guitarist more fully submerges himself--and by extension, his listeners--in his most personal songs yet.
  4. Jan 16, 2019
    Just bask in The Unseen in Between enigmatic glory.
  5. Jan 15, 2019
    It’s not a record that jumps out on the first listen, but The Unseen In Between works as an effective relaxant.
  6. Jan 17, 2019
    His strongest set of songs yet. The guitar work remains effortless and radiant, but it is no longer the dominant thing. Instead the songs, bolstered by strings and vocal harmonies, take precedence. There’s an easy, lovely coherence to this record.
  7. Mojo
    Jan 14, 2019
    Straightforward but elliptical; direct but enduringly rich; the unseen, in between. [Feb 2019, p.86]
  8. Jan 15, 2019
    The Unseen in Between should be the album where he steps out from the shadow of his contemporaries and establishes him as one of the most reliable singer-songwriters of his generation. His heart is in tune with that of a wanderer but his songwriting is firmly in place, ready to come out of obscurity.
  9. Jan 24, 2019
    There’s a faint despair in these songs, but he makes up for it with his undying devotion to capture them as vividly as possible--in a way that doesn’t glorify the subjects’ predicament, but highlights their quirks and shines a spotlight on their wisdom. There’s an innate comfort that comes with listening to Gunn’s music and The Unseen in Between is that Sunday afternoon moment of self-care that you need in your life.
  10. Jan 25, 2019
    The Unseen in Between may be his most stationary album, with as many songs about being somewhere as getting somewhere.
  11. Q Magazine
    Jan 14, 2019
    This is music that's lived life and doesn't stay in the same spot for long. It's a revelation. [Feb 2019, p.109]
  12. Jan 22, 2019
    Steve Gunn’s music is not showy and it doesn’t attempt to attract attention, despite the expansive and expert playing involved throughout. Like Gunn himself, The Unseen In Between is happy to wait for you to come to it, and if you happen to pass on by, then that’s your loss.
  13. 60
    Gunn has created a work of quiet, understated charm. But as far as helping him break out as a distinctive artist, it’s less likely to make its listener sit up and pay attention than lean back and close their eyes.
  14. 85
    Within its nine tracks, Gunn addresses matters of death, acceptance, and expectations, all of which round his music with serenity and credence, thus positioning him on the forefront not only as a quintessential narrator for our time, but a faithful guide who gently directs us revitalized and untroubled.
  15. Jan 14, 2019
    The Unseen in Between (what a title) kicks Gunn up a gear, redeploying his influences into a left-field but welcoming whole, pearlescent enough as a background listen, but sufficiently arresting to make you stop and appreciate Gunn’s chops.
  16. Jan 18, 2019
    This is the work of an artist who's been honing his craft for some time now, and is perfectly primed for his moment in the spotlight.
  17. The Wire
    Mar 7, 2019
    Three years ago Eyes On The Lines marked the emergence of an important songwriting talent, a rebirth midwifed by a dozen years on the road. The Unseen In Between delivers the same impact, but deeper and more lasting. If you wanted to pinch a Chapman reference, you might say it acknowledges that those growing pains never actually stop. [Mar 2019, p.48]
  18. Feb 1, 2019
    He might not be making sounds for fighting the many injustices of our current place and time, but Unseen in Between is nonetheless a solid compatriot against the confounding effect of going forward among them.
  19. Uncut
    Jan 14, 2019
    It's understated excellence at best, perhaps a little inoffensive at worse, and entirely a continuation of the aesthetic the Brooklyn-based guitarist has honed for the last two years. [Feb 2019, p.27]
  20. Jan 16, 2019
    Though the current climate of both instrumental and instrumental-heavy guitarists is indeed crowded with the likes of Ryley Walker, William Tyler, and Daniel Bachman, what stands out most about Gunn is his ability to craft emotional-and more often than not, enduring--vocal melodies that give his instrumental work a strong frame to work off of.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 2 out of 13
  1. Jan 18, 2019
    His best work so far. Vagabond is my favorite track from him to date. This'll get him more attention for sure, and it's long overdue.