
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Q Magazine
    Dec 18, 2018
    A more approachable set that engulfs his melodramatic grumble with dizzy synths and sax from Chicago extraordinaire Mantana Roberts. [Feb 2019, p.115]
  2. Nov 15, 2018
    This One’s for the Dancer & This One’s for the Dancer’s Bouquet will take you to the end of the world, and back, and keeping your head nodding to a gentle groove throughout. It just might be a feat worthy of Greek myth.
  3. Nov 15, 2018
    There is some patience needed to listen to how songs develop and evolve on this one and a half hour affair, but Krug has earned at least that from us during his career of alt-universal-psychedelia.
  4. Nov 15, 2018
    It's an admirably strange structure--one that doesn't make much aesthetic sense, but keeps things unpredictable for a whopping 83 minutes. ... A weird and wonderful farewell from the idiosyncratic project.
  5. Nov 15, 2018
    There's much to admire in This One's for the Dancer & This One's for the Dancer's Bouquet, but the good ideas don't always sustain themselves in the execution, and perhaps the coming Spencer Krug projects will reflect a concision and clarity of focus that is not always apparent here.

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