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Universal acclaim- based on 189 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 12 out of 189
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  1. Oct 8, 2013
    Maybe it's their sound, maybe their lyrics, but this band always keeps me coming back for something new, and they never disappoint. I'm going to be jamming out to this one for a while, and I'm sure there are songs on this album for everyone to do the same.
  2. Oct 11, 2013
    Um dos melhores cd's que já ouvi na minha vida... super demais, com um gostinho misterioso e com a pitada certa de nostalgia que só o Panic! At the Disco consegue colocar nas suas musicas, arisco dizer que Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die! superou Vices & Virtues, destaque para as musicas This Is Gospel, Miss Jackson, Nicotine, Girls/Girls/Boys!
  3. Oct 8, 2013
    Panic! At the Disco is back with their fourth studio album. Many people complain that they do not sound like "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out". Well to be perfectly blunt with you, they haven't sounded like "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" since "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out".

    Panic! At the Disco's sound changes as the years progress, and it's for the better. This time they've given us "Too
    Panic! At the Disco is back with their fourth studio album. Many people complain that they do not sound like "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out". Well to be perfectly blunt with you, they haven't sounded like "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" since "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out".

    Panic! At the Disco's sound changes as the years progress, and it's for the better. This time they've given us "Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!" and I will be honest I like it better than their debut album.

    'This is Gospel' is the first track on the album and the second single from the album. It is energetic and reminiscent of their old work, but with a very "Too Weird/Too Rare" sound to it. It is quite the throwback to old fans and newcomers alike.

    The album features 10 songs each telling a story. Too Weird/Too Rare will infect you with it's heavy drum beats and mesmerizing vocals. As a long time Panic! At the Disco fan, this change in their sound is more than welcome.
  4. Oct 8, 2013
    It could be because I've been a huge fan of the band since the outbreak of "I Write Sins", but this band deserves a rate of 10. With each album, single, video (ect.) these guys find a way to stir up the pot, get people talking, and change their sound. The album is coated with catchy, irresistible choruses and with the addition of Dallon Weekes, recently becoming a threesome, Too Weird toIt could be because I've been a huge fan of the band since the outbreak of "I Write Sins", but this band deserves a rate of 10. With each album, single, video (ect.) these guys find a way to stir up the pot, get people talking, and change their sound. The album is coated with catchy, irresistible choruses and with the addition of Dallon Weekes, recently becoming a threesome, Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die is definitely a record with much put-forth effort. Expand
  5. Jun 14, 2014
    Panic! At the Disco is back with their fourth studio album. Many people complain that they do not sound like "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out". Well to be perfectly blunt with you, they haven't sounded like "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" since "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out".

    Panic! At the Disco's sound changes as the years progress, and it's for the better. This time
  6. Oct 12, 2015
  7. Nov 27, 2015
    Panic! Panic! Panic!...Are You Nasty? By: Dalton Brewster
    Well Panic! has been a favorite of mine through out their entire career with favorite tracks such as "I Write Sins...", "She Held The World", and "Sarah Smiles." It almost seems like each time a member or members drop out before each new record they change their sound and in one case for Pretty. Odd. it worked. But now that they
    Panic! Panic! Panic!...Are You Nasty? By: Dalton Brewster
    Well Panic! has been a favorite of mine through out their entire career with favorite tracks such as "I Write Sins...", "She Held The World", and "Sarah Smiles." It almost seems like each time a member or members drop out before each new record they change their sound and in one case for Pretty. Odd. it worked. But now that they have released Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! you gotta ask yourself, what will it sound like and will it be good. Cuz we all know Vices & Virtues was Ok. We knew what these guys can do but each album it seems like they're giving us less and less. So i went into this record expecting it to be a killer record and for it to straight up kick their 3 predecessors ass's. Did It? Oh my god yes!! This album not only exceeded my expectations but it paved way for a new fan base. They took the sounds of pop music and fused it with this really synth/rockish undertone backed with frontman and co-founder Brendon Urie's alluring, and bodacious vocals this is truly a perfect album. Highlight tracks? Every single 10 songs (12 if you can find their deluxe tracks "All The Boys" and "Can't Fight Against The Youth.)
    So yeah listen to it... You'll be glad you did.
  8. Jan 15, 2016
    I have been a fan of Panic! At The Disco since I was nine years old. each album was different and unique in it's own way. A Fever You Can't Sweat Out was incredible. Pretty Odd took me some getting used to but now I love it. Vices And Virtues was great. Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die is a masterpiece. Every song, bar two in my opinion, were all incredible. Ingenious lyrics, as is theI have been a fan of Panic! At The Disco since I was nine years old. each album was different and unique in it's own way. A Fever You Can't Sweat Out was incredible. Pretty Odd took me some getting used to but now I love it. Vices And Virtues was great. Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die is a masterpiece. Every song, bar two in my opinion, were all incredible. Ingenious lyrics, as is the norm for all Panic! albums, matched wit great beats and the occasional music video, makes for a great album. Expand
  9. May 26, 2018
    Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die! te leva automaticamente para uma noite agitada em Las Vegas, com todo o drama, romances, casos e despedidas
  10. Mar 27, 2022
    this album needs a wow. it is so good and decent. you can really feel the songs and it is such a unique thing among albums. maybe the lyrics are not perfect but the melodies do everything that is needed.
  11. Oct 8, 2013
    Maybe sounds more of the same, but, Panic! At the Disco has a great sonority and awesome lyrics. The album is short but every song can be a great single.
  12. Apr 3, 2014
    It may be an unpopular opinion, but every time Panic! releases an album, I think it's better than the last. They just keep on getting good. I agree with one user that hey haven't sounded like "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" since "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out", and I think that's great! At the time, the album was a massive success, especially since the genre was prevalent, with FOB beingIt may be an unpopular opinion, but every time Panic! releases an album, I think it's better than the last. They just keep on getting good. I agree with one user that hey haven't sounded like "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" since "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out", and I think that's great! At the time, the album was a massive success, especially since the genre was prevalent, with FOB being quite famous.

    As for the album, I think the only one I didn't like that much was "Girl That You Love". As for the other songs, I think they were really, really good. They won't beat the lyrical genius of "Fever" (Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer?), but still good. I guess two of my favorites would be "Nicotine" and "Collar Full". "This Is Gospel" gets a special mention because I love how the verse starts out with Urie using a vocoder, then blasts us in the chorus with his awesome voice. Brilliant.

    If you haven't heard the bonus songs, you should. "All The Boys" is pretty good too.

    Let me just say this, Panic is doing much more than reinventing themselves. They're evolving.
  13. Jan 9, 2016
    Panic! At The Disco consegue nos dar um álbum delicioso de ouvir. Apesar do teor eletrônico meio exagerado em algumas músicas, que tiram um pouco do brilho, não apagam a maravilha que é o álbum em si.
  14. Dec 4, 2017
    This almost was an 8/10 for me, but 3 fabulous songs at the end barely pushed it to a 9/10. Those songs were, "Far Too Young to Die", "Collar Full", and "The End of All Things". Obviously, those aren't the only amazing songs on the album, "This is Gospel", "Nicotine", and "Casual Affair" are amazing too. Unfortunately, "Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die" took my number one complaint fromThis almost was an 8/10 for me, but 3 fabulous songs at the end barely pushed it to a 9/10. Those songs were, "Far Too Young to Die", "Collar Full", and "The End of All Things". Obviously, those aren't the only amazing songs on the album, "This is Gospel", "Nicotine", and "Casual Affair" are amazing too. Unfortunately, "Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die" took my number one complaint from "Vices & Virtues" (the lyrics were sometimes repetitive) and made 90% of the lyrics repetitive. They repeat the chorus way too times and even though the lyrics were repetitive in "Vices & Virtues" the lyrics were much better there than they are here. This is still a great album, I really enjoy every song on here, it's just not their best effort. Barely A- like a 90.00%. Expand
  15. Jun 19, 2018
    Um dos melhores do Panic pra mim. Gosto de ouvir esse album nos meus momentos mais felizes, incrível que cada música passa uma vibe boa.
  16. Oct 20, 2013
    Best album since pretty odd. The techno beats of casual affair, collar full mixed with the pounding drumbeats of "this is gospel" and the soaring vocals of "this is Jackson" and "Too young to die" combine to a great album
  17. Jan 28, 2014
    It's simple: this is Panic!'s best album. Sure there are a few missteps here and there on the album, but overall, their album is much more intricate and mature on this album, which makes for a more enjoyable and interesting listen than what they have put out before.
  18. Feb 8, 2015
    This is a very delightful album worth listening to. To me, I think half the songs sounds better with loud speakers while the other half are better using earphones. 'This Is Gospel' will always have a special place in my heart.
  19. Oct 29, 2015
    Panic!'s fourth album has taken a complete turn away from their emo pop roots to a more synthpop style, however, they've done it good. It's like a natural evolution. "This Is Gospel" and "Miss Jackson" really show that the band has matured over the years. Some of the songs are boring, but that's the only problem I have with this album.
  20. Jan 22, 2018
    This is a very fresh album with multiple bangers. Panic! at the disco has outdone themselves once again.
  21. Jun 17, 2021
    Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die! by Panic! At The Disco: 7.23

    This Is Gospel: 1 :) Miss Jackson: 0.75 Vegas Lights: 1 :) Girl That You Love: 0.5 Nicotine: 1 :) Girls / Girls / Boys: 1 :) Casual Affair: 0.75 Far Too Young to Die: 1 Collar Full: 1 :) The End of All Things: 0.5 8.5/10 = .850 -> 7.23 Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die! packs in as much punch as you would
    Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die! by Panic! At The Disco: 7.23

    This Is Gospel: 1 :)
    Miss Jackson: 0.75
    Vegas Lights: 1 :)
    Girl That You Love: 0.5
    Nicotine: 1 :)
    Girls / Girls / Boys: 1 :)
    Casual Affair: 0.75
    Far Too Young to Die: 1
    Collar Full: 1 :)
    The End of All Things: 0.5

    8.5/10 = .850 -> 7.23

    Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die! packs in as much punch as you would expect from a Panic! At The Disco album. While as energetic as their previous release, Vices & Virtues, this outing is much more experimental, and for the most part, the risks work beautifully. Despite the new style, I was pleased to hear the abundance of Panic! DNA that was infused in their music. “Too Weird” also does away with most of the “classical” instrumental interludes that were a significant portion of “A Fever” and “Vices”. While they made the album itself flow together more, I found myself being free from the annoyance in the bad side of them. This Is Gospel set the stage for what I should expect from the album, and it did not disappoint. The kick-drum with the vocals sounded really nice, as did the e-guitars in the chorus and the loud bass in the second verse. The song’s build was also really nice and I thought the lyrics were splendid. The ending with the slowing kick drum was clever. Besides Miss Jackson’s repetitive lyrics, I really liked it. The big drums and bass were especially nice. I also thought the featured person sounded pretty nice; this feature was a good idea. Vegas Lights’s beginning was phenomenal and I loved how the song kept tying it back to that clever lyric. The song’s rhythm was clever and I liked the music’s dynamics. I enjoyed how 80s Girl That You Love sounded, with all the synths that were used (shook things up), though the lyrics were almost too repetitive, feeling like there was a lack of substance. I also could have done without the right-panned screeching synth. Nicotine was amazing, perhaps my favorite from the album. The high piano and the majestic guitar riff made a great combo, and I thought it was brilliant how the music got really quiet for the verse. The bass was top notch and the lyrics were fantastic, a hit in my eyes in every way. The bass was also killer in Girls / Girls / Boys, and I appreciated its lyrics. Paired with a groovy drumbeat, this song was another winner. The synth and drums in Casual Affair was a great way to start a song. The vocal effect was something I could have lived without, though. However, the background vocals were cool and I loved the layering of vocals in the bridge. The fake ending was pretty sick and the rebound rocked. Far Too Young to Die just fit together really well, from the synth riff to the piano and the bigger part. The lyrics were also well done. The synth opening to Collar Full teed up the song for success. The vibrato on the synths was nice and I really enjoyed the song’s lyrics. The “mini solo” was a fun touch along with the breakdown with a buildback. The vocal effect in The End of All Things made the lyrics a little hard to hear, though the piano was pretty. While I thought the song was a nice closer, it didn’t fit well with the rest of the album. Generally speaking, Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die was another Panic! At The Disco album not selling short on fun. The band really knows how to throw together wonderful beats paired with very well-thought out lyrics, making for a really enjoyable experience. While this may be Panic’s least consistent album over all, it still makes for very fun listening and I will happily listen to many of its songs again. Fans of Panic! should enjoy this album, along with fans of pop rock. Going in chronological order, I am so excited to listen to Panic! At The Disco’s next release after this hype one. Highlights: This Is Gospel, Vegas Lights, Nicotine, Girls / Girls / Boys, Far Too Young to Die, and Collar Full.
  22. Feb 5, 2020
    Another good panic album. Panic at the disco experiments with pop, rock and even dance pop. I liked almost every song from this album. My favorites are nicotine, miss jackson, Vegas lights, far too young to die, casual affair and the end of all things. Why? Let's analyze.

    Nicotine: Nicotine is a song about a toxic relationship along with nicotine itself. The relationship and nicotine
    Another good panic album. Panic at the disco experiments with pop, rock and even dance pop. I liked almost every song from this album. My favorites are nicotine, miss jackson, Vegas lights, far too young to die, casual affair and the end of all things. Why? Let's analyze.

    Nicotine is a song about a toxic relationship along with nicotine itself. The relationship and nicotine addiction have lost control, he wants to stop the relationship but she has more control so he feels hes stuck.

    Miss Jackson is a song about how some women manipulate men to love them but abandon them soon after.

    Vegas lights is about Las Vegas's pros and cons.

    Far too young to die is about magnetic romantic connection and youthful urgency.

    Casual affair is about secrecy and thrill of having a one night casual affair. 

    The end of all things is an ode to Brandon's wife Sarah.

    This is what I call a solid album.
    Getting a 80/100 or an 80%
  23. Mar 5, 2020
    TRTLTYTD is a solid solid album. With a mix of guitar music and synth-based pop sounds, Brendon really experiments with vocal effects to create an authentic and memorable sound. The album has no set sound and keeps the listener enticed the whole way through, whether it's the passionate guitars of This is Gospel, the psychedelic sound of Casual Affair, or the romantic essence of The End OfTRTLTYTD is a solid solid album. With a mix of guitar music and synth-based pop sounds, Brendon really experiments with vocal effects to create an authentic and memorable sound. The album has no set sound and keeps the listener enticed the whole way through, whether it's the passionate guitars of This is Gospel, the psychedelic sound of Casual Affair, or the romantic essence of The End Of All Things. Key tracks: This Is Gospel, Collar Full, Casual Affair. 81/100 Expand
  24. Sep 2, 2020
    sin duda es un álbum revelador. me gusta la estética que es algo setentera, junto con trajes elegantes y grandes letreros de neón sacados de las vegas. me gustan mucho las canciones, se sienten bien y la canción final con el piano melancólico le da la chispa. todas las canciones se sientes que se complementan entre sí, y eso es algo bueno. mis canciones favoritas son vegas lights, nicotinesin duda es un álbum revelador. me gusta la estética que es algo setentera, junto con trajes elegantes y grandes letreros de neón sacados de las vegas. me gustan mucho las canciones, se sienten bien y la canción final con el piano melancólico le da la chispa. todas las canciones se sientes que se complementan entre sí, y eso es algo bueno. mis canciones favoritas son vegas lights, nicotine y girl that you love Expand
  25. Nov 20, 2013
    To be completely honest.. This wasn't their best album but it still rocked, despite many of the songs having a similar sound. Panic still never fails to give the fans what they want. Its good overall.
  26. Mar 15, 2018
    TWTL has a different style form Death of a Bachelor, and, like DoaB, works extremely well. Most of the songs on TWTL have awesome, addictive music that makes you come back for more. I personally have listened to TWTL many, many times. The electronic tone and editing work surprisingly well, and really just sound great, even on the worst song - "Casual Affair".

    There is nothing good or
    TWTL has a different style form Death of a Bachelor, and, like DoaB, works extremely well. Most of the songs on TWTL have awesome, addictive music that makes you come back for more. I personally have listened to TWTL many, many times. The electronic tone and editing work surprisingly well, and really just sound great, even on the worst song - "Casual Affair".

    There is nothing good or meaningful to take from TWTL, and DoaB has the same problem. This album has a great sense of style, but a painful lack of substance.
  27. Mar 2, 2023
    This album feels different to the rest. Great lyrics and catchy songs! As other reviews say, Miss Jackson and This is Gospel are highlights!
  28. Oct 8, 2013
    Definitely just "okay", far from a 10 for sure.
    Obviously the 10's are from fans that can't give their favorite band anything less than that, sadly they are lying.
    I'm so glad I waited and didn't actually buy the album, there was a couple goodies though. They need to reinvent their sound again, sounds to similar to everything on the radio from a "Rock" band (even though it's more
    Definitely just "okay", far from a 10 for sure.
    Obviously the 10's are from fans that can't give their favorite band anything less than that, sadly they are lying.
    I'm so glad I waited and didn't actually buy the album, there was a couple goodies though.
    They need to reinvent their sound again, sounds to similar to everything on the radio from a "Rock" band (even though it's more electronic than anything)
  29. Duu
    Oct 11, 2013
    This album is lyrically vacuous and it is the biggest downfall of this album. the songs feel meaningless--like words strung together. But what cannot be denied is the strength of the music itself, both the vocal melodies and the background music. The melodies on this album are energetic, danceable, diverse, and just plain awesome. However, this isn't an instrumental album, which means thatThis album is lyrically vacuous and it is the biggest downfall of this album. the songs feel meaningless--like words strung together. But what cannot be denied is the strength of the music itself, both the vocal melodies and the background music. The melodies on this album are energetic, danceable, diverse, and just plain awesome. However, this isn't an instrumental album, which means that one must consider each element of the music, vocals being a huge part (with lyrics being a huge element of vocals). For this band to have made this album a special one, they needed to take the lyric writing seriously and say something meaningful instead of just stringing words together. If the lyrics were simply "not bad" then I think this would have been a great album, but the lyrics are not memorable, catchy, interesting, or even meaningful. If a band wants to be great they must have coherent, respectable lyrics no matter what subject they are singing about.

    Anyone who is giving this a 10 star is pretty much proving that they care only about sound and not substance--which is fine. But I think about all the great bands and artists from the past and what elements made their music great and I just cannot rank this up there with their output. I think that people who have a shallow knowledge of music history and have not listened to anything but what is current, will judge music without the depth of understanding/knowledge required for a solid critique. I am young, but I have listened to music spanning back to the earliest recorded music and including all genres. That this album has universal acclaim on is only a sign that that music critics are losing their sense of perspective or courage and feel the need to be relevant than accurate.
  30. Dec 21, 2013
    This album is not their best, but I appreciate the constant effort to put new music out there. Panic! at the Disco is by far my favorite band because they do this. That being said, I'm not a fan of the lyrics. I fell in love with this band because they had so much depth to their lyrics in all of their other albums, but this one seems to blatantly state things rather than poetically phraseThis album is not their best, but I appreciate the constant effort to put new music out there. Panic! at the Disco is by far my favorite band because they do this. That being said, I'm not a fan of the lyrics. I fell in love with this band because they had so much depth to their lyrics in all of their other albums, but this one seems to blatantly state things rather than poetically phrase them. On one hand I really enjoy the new sound, but on the other I feel like it's missing instrumental texture. Some of the songs have too much synthesizer and it does not showcase the musical talent of the band members all that well. On a good note Brendon Urie is an amazing singer, which they do showcase in this album. The songs are also great to dance to, which is one of the things that was trying to be accomplished with this album, its only setback is that it is on the shallow side. All in all I do listen to the album and I do like it because it is still WAY better than half the people try and pass off as music today, but I can't rate it very high because I know that they have better music out there. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Kerrang!
    Oct 29, 2013
    Panic! At The Disco's latest offering is a good time, almost all the time. [5 Oct 2013, p.52]
  2. Oct 22, 2013
    Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die! is cold and computerized, celebrating an aesthetic that proudly values overbearing, repetitious style over creative substance and varied timbres.
  3. The different moods and soundscapes take awhile to digest and let sink in, but every trip back to the dim dance floor has your feet leaving the disco with fresh moves and new accolades.