
Universal acclaim - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Jun 10, 2016
    Twenty years later, he returns with Upland Stories, and the prolific singer-songwriter has never sounded better.
  2. May 19, 2016
    With his old-timey Upland Stories, Fulks matures into an important voice.
  3. May 13, 2016
    He may not be looking to “kill Saturday night” anymore but, with Upland Stories, Fulks has composed songs that are richer and more rewarding.
  4. Mojo
    Apr 27, 2016
    Musically it is more diverse [than Gone Away Backward] and his literary influences are to the fore. [Jun 2016, p.91]
  5. Apr 5, 2016
    What's impressive is how well integrated these Agee-inspired tunes are with their more modern cousins.
  6. Mar 31, 2016
    As spare and gently satisfying as a warm spring afternoon, Upland Stories is a reminder that the brilliance of Gone Away Backward was no fluke, and that in his mid-fifties, Robbie Fulks is only getting better, both as a songwriter and as a recording artist. Highly recommended.
  7. Mar 31, 2016
    He understands these lessons have been learned by every generation and is part of the traditions from which we have emerged. His artistry lies in how he does it, with talent, humor, and grace.
  8. Uncut
    Mar 30, 2016
    The writing, revealing literary influences and the deep, weird old America depicted by, say, Merle Kilgore, is astute, while stripped-down, archaic Appalachian arrangements play tricks with time. [May 2016, p.73]
  9. Mar 30, 2016
    A continuation of the warm folk, fiddle, and banjo style of 2013's Gone Away Backward, here Fulks continues proving he's one of music's best song craftsmen.
  10. Mar 30, 2016
    This is a masterful album, replete with wonderful stories and fully drawn characters.
  11. Magnet
    Mar 30, 2016
    It’s one of his best, a stunner that knocks you out without raising its voice. [No. 129, p.55]

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 66 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 66
  2. Negative: 36 out of 66
  1. May 23, 2016
    Well-crafted and well-written, this album is neither brash nor boring. Taking inspiration from a variety of literary influences, this is trulyWell-crafted and well-written, this album is neither brash nor boring. Taking inspiration from a variety of literary influences, this is truly an intelligent country album. Full Review »
  2. Jun 4, 2016
    I've been a fan of Robbie's since the late 1990s, and I have to say this is probably his best album he's ever released. He is in peak form.I've been a fan of Robbie's since the late 1990s, and I have to say this is probably his best album he's ever released. He is in peak form. It's a mature work that still shows his sly sense of humor (see: "Aunt Peg's New Old Man") and yet delves into deep themes like mortality and redemption. Excellent playing by top notch musicians throughout. Do yourself a favor and see Robbie live if you can, but this record is the closest thing to that experience. A real beauty. Full Review »
  3. Jun 13, 2019
    In a perfect world, Robbie Fulks would be crowned the king of country music. He’s the pure product of America gone crazy. His writes marvelousIn a perfect world, Robbie Fulks would be crowned the king of country music. He’s the pure product of America gone crazy. His writes marvelous story songs that mine traditional styles and show a keen understanding of the changes in our personal, social, and historical lives. He’s a virtuoso acoustic guitar player and a terrific singer who knows how to hit an emotional note without affectation. He lets the strings and the lyrics speak for themselves... Full Review »