• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Oct 5, 2018

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
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  1. Nov 6, 2018
    This is a record with gentleness and vulnerability in abundance, but it's carefully crafted--it knows itself, and it knows when it's finished.
  2. Oct 8, 2018
    Marshall allows Wanderer to be about lots of things at once: such life-altering instances as motherhood and death as well as plentifully covered topics like love and relationships. Cat Power has stumbled at times during her lengthy and storied career, but on Wanderer, she gracefully lands on all four feet.
  3. 80
    Marshall now has a manager, but Wanderer has that spooked strangeness of old. The grim reaper looms large. ... But there are tunes, too--pretty things like Horizon, which pays tribute to her family, while Marshall simultaneously eyes the exit.
  4. Oct 5, 2018
    As tender as it is uncompromising, Wanderer is exactly the album Marshall needed to make at this point in her career and life. It's some of her most essential music, in both senses of the word.
  5. Oct 5, 2018
    Most of all though, Wanderer is an album about developing your own identity in an ever-changing, often troubling world. Arguably more than ever before, Cat Power has achieved that goal here.
  6. Oct 5, 2018
    Wanderer is a worthy listen, that keeps us chasing her, slowly, over the next ridgeline.
  7. 80
    Maybe it’s a little lighter, a little more carefree, a little sparer than her last few--or maybe it’s just that she doesn’t sound so hurt--but this feels like a step into something fresh. If not a creative rebirth, then a creative renewal.
  8. Oct 5, 2018
    Her tenth studio album might be written about Cat Power’s own journey, but it also doubles as an essential compass for finding your way through the dark.
  9. Oct 5, 2018
    Wanderer drags just the tiniest bit. It speaks softly from the echoes of the best Cat Power moments, which means it doesn’t ice-pick you in the center of your most treasured insecurities the way some of her most celebrated music has.
  10. Oct 4, 2018
    Cat Power, lays full claim to the title of her tenth album, Wanderer with the authority of a blueswoman who’s seen some shit, alternately conjuring trances and slapping you out of them, projecting clear-eyed, uncompromising strength on one of the most fragile-sounding sets she’s ever made.
  11. 80
    Understated, beautifully crafted and always emotionally involving, Wanderer shows an artist who has found strength in her convictions, and a new pace of life.
  12. This album is a quiet triumph, the understated work of an artist honouring herself and her creativity.
  13. Oct 4, 2018
    Wanderer lacks the polished fineness of a pop album, but it certainly presents a glimpse into Marshall's life as a woman, mother, and artist.
  14. Oct 4, 2018
    Time and again, Marshall has been reductively pegged as a gloomy singer-songwriter struggling with substance abuse and mental illness. But while her vulnerability here lends itself to melancholy, it’s also triumphant and resolute.
  15. Oct 2, 2018
    Marshall has created an album with a nuance and polish she didn’t have in her early days of just her and her guitar. Even if the territory is somewhat familiar, she’s never made an album quite like this before.
  16. Oct 2, 2018
    After being out of the spotlight for years, Marshall hasn't lost her style. Producing Wanderer entirely on her own, you get the sense that she has ventured into new territory. Artists like Cat Power have all been wanderers at some point, but she is the one in control here.
  17. Oct 2, 2018
    Wanderer, although not explicitly confrontational, subtly undermines this longstanding and limited perception of What Cat Power Is. Marshall herself sits in the producer’s seat, and gone is the gloss of 2012’s Sun; these 11 songs are stripped back to the sparse bones of piano, guitar and that distinctive, smoky, Southern States voice.
  18. Oct 2, 2018
    Stylistically, Wanderer doesn’t break much new ground for Marshall. What is powerful about this album is her ability to imbue each word with every ounce of what she has lived--as a woman, a mother, an artis
  19. Q Magazine
    Oct 1, 2018
    The swagger of Marshall's lyrics indicate a musician luxuriating in her maturity. [Nov 2018, p.105]
  20. Uncut
    Oct 1, 2018
    The set has both strength and a lean, lustrous beauty. [Nov 2018, p.26]
  21. Mojo
    Oct 1, 2018
    There's no danger of Wanderer outstaying its welcome, but while it's a brilliant return, it wouldn't be quite right too claim it as a triumph. Not because of the quality of these songs but because Wanderer is a record that know the cost of living and the price of losing all too well. [Oct 2018, p.82]
  22. 70
    An intimate, multifaceted reflection of her always complex, frequently indistinct character. These often inscrutable songs offer kaleidoscopic glimpses into what seems like a complicated persona
  23. Oct 1, 2018
    An observing eye, everywhere the spirit of Chan Marshall lingers, on a textured, fascinating album, one that feels as though you have been let loose in an endless hall of mirrors.
  24. Oct 1, 2018
    Wanderer is neither as harrowing as Moon Pix nor as kaleidoscopic as Sun, but it shows a mature artist who rides the waves of tumultuous experience--no less excellent for containing her multitudes.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. Nov 25, 2018
    ( 84/100 )

    Encontré un cariño por Cat Power a los 17 años, entre la aferración a mi inocencia y la pared de la adultez. Yo sé que suena
    ( 84/100 )

    Encontré un cariño por Cat Power a los 17 años, entre la aferración a mi inocencia y la pared de la adultez. Yo sé que suena absurdo y bobo, pero su Soul Folk semi Blues me comprendía y consolaba mucho. Solo he escuchado "You Are Free" del 2003, el sexto álbum de la carrera de Cat Power que comenzó en los 90s. Después continuó produciendo y generando expectativa hasta que en el 2012, cuando presentó "Sun", Cat Power hizo un #hiatus de 6 años. Éste año Cat Power regresa con "Wanderer" y me descubro cuanto la extrañaba.
    La música de Cat Power es icónica en varios aspectos. Tiene una carga emocional que se siente aún cuando la composición es simple y delicada, eso le permite modular con excelencia tanto la intensidad como la sensibilidad de sus canciones. Producido por Cat Power misma y mezclada por Rob Schnapf, "Wanderer" presenta una armonía simple y fina que es capaz de crear una sensación de fluidez y viento; es amena en una exploración de intensidades que no descuida la sensibilidad y, en general, es una muy amigable compañera para aquel público que entiende el placer de la soledad, la memoria y la independencia.
    En este álbum Cat Power se presenta tanto como una esposa y amor distante que representa la esperanza, la memoria y la individualidad, así como una madre que trata de soportar la idea de que algún día tendrá que ver a su bebé partir también. Así es como se muestra como símbolo de estabilidad entre la vulnerabilidad de su bebé y la ausencia de su romance. Y ella, tocando la guitarra para su hijo en una casa de madera y los pájaros cantando sus melodías; habla sobre el cariño familiar, la falta de consumismo que tiene y prefiere y ciertos rencores y sus respectivos perdones. Su cover de la canción "Stay" de #Rihanna y la colaboración de #LanaDelRey, contribuyen a un proyecto exitoso por lograr ser un pequeño placer para las personas que son íntimas con su individualidad.
    Full Review »
  2. Oct 12, 2018
    What a courageous and touching album! It's peronal in a way similar to Joni Mitchell and Laura Marling's albums, each testimonies of how youWhat a courageous and touching album! It's peronal in a way similar to Joni Mitchell and Laura Marling's albums, each testimonies of how you can be vulnerable and strong and the same time. Me Voy and Black are probably the strongest and most affecting songs I have heard all year. Full Review »