
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
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  1. Apr 13, 2015
    All that is certain is What For? is the best one so far, with Bundick really coming into his own as a songwriter, vocalist, and producer.
  2. Nov 5, 2015
    The chillwave connoisseur thus delivers according to expectations, creating a short, bubbly experience fit for a fest.
  3. Apr 3, 2015
    It can’t be stressed enough how delightful parts of What For? can be. But something lurks below the surface: The album feels inauthentic and calculated.
  4. Apr 3, 2015
    Nothing within the album paves way for the future--instead, it feels like an exercise in honouring the past.
  5. Apr 2, 2015
    A shimmering, optimistic record recalling Stevie Wonder and Brian Wilson, the LP makes for a comparative step back in time, with smooth yet fuzzy basslines, funk breakdowns, clever arrangements and soaring backing vocals.
  6. Apr 6, 2015
    What For? is a little less varied than his past records, as the repetitive nature of the genre (particularly the lengthy jam outro of "Yeah Right") has a tendency to creep in, but it's an aspect that would have only hindered the record more had it been longer.
  7. Magnet
    Apr 15, 2015
    As an exercise in shimmering, occasionally funky rock, What For? succeeds. [No. 119, p.61]
  8. Mojo
    Apr 21, 2015
    The album is a retroactive joy from start to finish. [May 2015, p.92]
  9. Apr 1, 2015
    He’s shown that he can write great songs, albeit not quite as consistently as one would like. Despite that, What For? still contains over twenty minutes of some of the year’s most decadently enjoyable music. A treat.
  10. Its high points are so charming you're willing to forgive the occasional low one.
  11. Apr 20, 2015
    What For? is an ultimately perplexing collection of songs--a mishmash of Bundick’s best and worst musical ideas, but nevertheless a glimpse into an artist who is unafraid to shift into new sonic territory.
  12. Apr 16, 2015
    It's not exactly adventurous, but he remains tough to pigeonhole and doesn't sound like he'll be slowing down any time soon.
  13. Apr 7, 2015
    What For? is so passive it leaves your system the moment you’re done with it.
  14. Apr 7, 2015
    For all the changes he’s made, his talents are still mostly in the foreground on What For?
  15. 67
    In the absence of the chill-ed out R&B and funk that defined his early sound, Toro y Moi’s newest album just doesn’t stand out from an increasingly crowded field.
  16. Q Magazine
    Apr 1, 2015
    His fourth record tempers his languid synth wavering with a playful classicism. [May 2015, p.113]
  17. May 7, 2015
    It’s hard to remember he was once known primarily as a co-founder of chillwave once you’ve emerged dripping from the warm bath of What For?
  18. Apr 8, 2015
    He's far too savvy to stagnate. And as long as he keeps making records like this one--so palatable they might be guilty pleasures were they not so rooted in pristine indiepop--his music will remain relevant.
  19. Apr 7, 2015
    Even at its most thrilling, What For? manages to sound somehow too daring and not daring enough.
  20. 80
    What For? is slightly less varied than previous releases and exist just add to the gestalt of a ‘rock’ album. Thankfully, though, What For? ends on a high point.
  21. Uncut
    Apr 1, 2015
    This fourth album owes obvious debts to classical cerebral dream pop. [May 2015, p.83]
  22. Apr 7, 2015
    What For? is a bright, sunny chunk of laid-back indie pop; it's Bundick's heaviest use of organic instruments, and it's the best thing he's done in a few years.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 34 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 34
  2. Negative: 2 out of 34
  1. Apr 7, 2015
    Goes in a direction different from "Anything in Return", and adds another chapter to Toro's repertoire, the addition of Ruban Nielson createsGoes in a direction different from "Anything in Return", and adds another chapter to Toro's repertoire, the addition of Ruban Nielson creates a definite enjoyable psychedelic atmosphere. Full Review »
  2. Apr 7, 2015
    Chaz Bundick aka "Toro y Moi" returns with a more funky and psychedelic sound. The singles "Empty Nesters" and "Buffalo" announced us theChaz Bundick aka "Toro y Moi" returns with a more funky and psychedelic sound. The singles "Empty Nesters" and "Buffalo" announced us the direction Chaz took with this album. It´s a remarkable listen in general. My favorite tracks in the album are "What You Want", "Buffalo" and "Lilly".

    SCORE: 9/10
    Full Review »