• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Dec 4, 2020
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  1. Dec 4, 2020
    Just a little bit different of the usual works of Mendes, when he'll give to us something really new? And the track 12 can easily use to describe Joe from ''YOU", its like " i'm a totally addicted on you, toxic and jealous but whats matters its that i love you"
  2. Dec 4, 2020
    I thought this was gonna be different but it’s just so basic, like get some better writers and producers
  3. Dec 4, 2020
    Better than his other 3 album but it's the same and bored music........ . .........
  4. Dec 4, 2020
    so boring, I felt asleep with the track 5, the same things he did with his other 3 albums
  5. Dec 10, 2020
    In many ways, the album feels like a self-parody of what Shawn has come to appear like. The instrumentals, lyrics all have a sense of seriousness that has a complete lack of self awareness. Even when this maximalist type of rock music was popular, it just doesn't feel fun. Oddly enough, my favorite song is the Bieber collaboration, considering how understated and relatively simple it feels.
  6. Dec 4, 2020
    In 'Wonder', Shawn Mendes shows how deep he really is in a relationship, he may even become obsessive about the other person, to the point of forgetting himself. The album follows linear, without many surprises or melodies that stand out. The structures of some songs sound strange and poorly constructed. Something that is repeated on the entire album is the explosion of the chorus, whichIn 'Wonder', Shawn Mendes shows how deep he really is in a relationship, he may even become obsessive about the other person, to the point of forgetting himself. The album follows linear, without many surprises or melodies that stand out. The structures of some songs sound strange and poorly constructed. Something that is repeated on the entire album is the explosion of the chorus, which at first may seem as a surprise, but soon becomes a cliché throughout the project. It is possible to notice some influences of his idol, Justin Bieber who is present in 'Monster', however, does not add much. As in some tracks it even sounds like Justin Timberlake. The title track 'Wonder' is really the album's only caveat. Overall, Mendes should try to break free more, but there is still a long way to go. Expand
  7. Dec 4, 2020
    Nothing innovative, the same formula as always, sounds to the same debut album in a remastered version, for when reinvention? The iconic? Something that makes it unique. Until that moment comes, he won't stop being just a pretty guy.
  8. Dec 4, 2020
    Más de lo mismo, a este tipo lo siguen por su atractivo físico, ya que su música deja MUCHÍSIMO que desear.
  9. Dec 18, 2020
    Wonder by Shawn Mendes: 6.74

    Intro: 0.75 Wonder: 1 Higher: 1 :) 24 Hours: 1 Teach Me How To Love: 1 :) Call My Friends: 0.75 Dream: 0.5 Song For No One: 0.75 Monster: 1 305: 1 :) Always Been You: 0.5 Piece Of You: 1 :) Look Up At The Stars: 1 :) Can’t Imagine: 0.25 11.5/14 ~ .821 -> 6.74 Wonder, Shawn Mendes’s fourth studio album, is on par with the rest of his more
    Wonder by Shawn Mendes: 6.74

    Intro: 0.75
    Wonder: 1
    Higher: 1 :)
    24 Hours: 1
    Teach Me How To Love: 1 :)
    Call My Friends: 0.75
    Dream: 0.5
    Song For No One: 0.75
    Monster: 1
    305: 1 :)
    Always Been You: 0.5
    Piece Of You: 1 :)
    Look Up At The Stars: 1 :)
    Can’t Imagine: 0.25

    11.5/14 ~ .821 -> 6.74

    Wonder, Shawn Mendes’s fourth studio album, is on par with the rest of his more recent ones. While it doesn’t quite reach the heights of Handwritten, I did enjoy Wonder about as much as I enjoyed Illuminate and his namesake work. What I appreciated about Wonder is that it is more upbeat than some of his other work. The album feels more experimental, and I thought it was great of Mendes to start taking more risks. The album as a whole sounded like Lost in Japan (Shawn Mendes) but with more synthesizers. Though some tracks were a little techno for my liking, the album as a whole certainly wasn’t bad, since this album’s score has a safe distance from the “yellow” mark. I wish that I could supply all of my song-to-song commentary, but that would go beyond the character limit. Overall, I really enjoyed Shawn Mendes’s fourth outing. The fun factor of it was increased due to its originality and how it is evident that this was an experimental album. Mendes gets more into funk with the loud bass and the wah guitars, and this ends up working really well. I did think that this album was a bit bipolar, as in it goes from really quiet and barebones to extremely loud and full in a very short amount of time, which could get hard to listen to (and perhaps a bit predictable). Vocally, Wonder sounded fantastic (Mendes’s voice just keeps improving) and I really enjoyed the subject matter of nearly every song. As I listen to Shawn more and more, I realize that he is also pretty decent at painting a picture using powerful lyrics. While I have nothing against chiller, acoustic albums like Mendes had made in the past, it is pretty nice to have something that stands out a bit from the rest of the pack (his stuff and pop in general). I definitely recommend Mendes’s latest outing to his fans and even people who might want a taste of a different side of pop than what might be found on the radio nowadays. Highlights: Wonder, Higher, 24 Hours, Teach Me How To Love, Monster, 305, Piece Of You, and Look Up At The Stars.
  10. Dec 6, 2020
    How is he 4 albums in and still has no idea what his sound is, this is varying degrees of mediocre forgettable pop.
  11. Dec 9, 2020
    Very bad! Annoying and repetitive reminded me of another singer's album that is on that same album the "changes" of JB
  12. Dec 9, 2020
    um álbum preguiçoso, sem vida e sem alma. Shawn tenda fazer algo diferente depois de todos os álbuns quase idênticos e mesmo assim cai na mesmice e mediocridade.
  13. Dec 9, 2020
    álbum horrível! um dos piores que já ouvi em toda a minha vida.
    Horrível, horrível, horrível!!!!
  14. Dec 9, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Imagine how tired we are hearing the same sounds since his debut, this album ain't his best either. Expand
  15. Dec 4, 2020
    esse é uns dos álbuns mais sem graça e sem personalidade que eu ouvi nos últimos tempos, esse álbum parece uma música só durante 40 minutos, parece que o Shawn Mendes vem fazendo a mesma coisa nos últimos anos, com as músicas super repetitivas e sem graça, forçando conceito e coesão aonde não tem, sem falar que liricamente esse álbum é fraco demais.
  16. Dec 4, 2020
    Um álbum bastante esperado, mas que continua na linha tênue e corriqueira do canadense shawn mendes. Poucas faixas que de fato empolgam, letras batidas e um aspecto de sonolência e comodismo que exala ao longo da primeira a décima quarta faixa.
  17. Dec 15, 2020
    the album is perfect. Shawn outdid himself, the incredible vocals are finally perfect
  18. Dec 11, 2020
    Shawn Mendes nos trae un álbum lleno de “nuevos sonidos y nuevas letras” Seamos honestos, las letras si son un poco más maduras a todos sus trabajos anteriores ... el error más grande de Mendes es seguir en los mismos sonidos... suena igual todo el álbum, mala elección de singles ( las 2 peores del álbum), al darme el tiempo de escuchar el álbum, es como si volviese a oír Hardwritten enShawn Mendes nos trae un álbum lleno de “nuevos sonidos y nuevas letras” Seamos honestos, las letras si son un poco más maduras a todos sus trabajos anteriores ... el error más grande de Mendes es seguir en los mismos sonidos... suena igual todo el álbum, mala elección de singles ( las 2 peores del álbum), al darme el tiempo de escuchar el álbum, es como si volviese a oír Hardwritten en una versión madura. Expand
  19. Dec 8, 2020
    As letras são muito fracas, repetitivas, não traz nada muito inovador, as melodias se constroem bem porém a letra não acompanha.
  20. Dec 6, 2020
    Album bem mediano
    Melhor faixa: Wonder
    O pior álbum dele, genérico
    Perto de outros albums que foram lançados este ano, ela passa dispercebido!
  21. Dec 6, 2020
    I love Shawn as a person but he needs a new personality for his music career. He is a talented person but he keeps making the same music. We asked for originality before the release of his highly anticipated lead single "Wonder". He shocked me with the song, Album is overall great, not his worst but also not the best work. Only two songs are different than the other ones and I think if heI love Shawn as a person but he needs a new personality for his music career. He is a talented person but he keeps making the same music. We asked for originality before the release of his highly anticipated lead single "Wonder". He shocked me with the song, Album is overall great, not his worst but also not the best work. Only two songs are different than the other ones and I think if he makes them singles, he will get the coins. I'm kinda disappointed about the whole thing because the album is not showing any growth I was waiting. He is telling the same thing always: boy is lost, trying to find the girl, boy loves the girl but they cant love each other happily. We heard this story, we need another. I hope he finds his path with SM5. Expand
  22. Dec 9, 2020
    he doesn't take any chances, he's doing the same thing, he really needs to look for new sounds. I get very angry because women need to be innovating with each album and men always in the same thing
  23. Dec 9, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Shawn deberja de alejarse ya de la música plr un largo rato, para darnos mas de lo mismo mejor no hubiera lanzado nada Expand
  24. Dec 7, 2020
    After all the experiences he had on his self-titled album tour, this record still sounds the same. No artistic growth, no great lyricism, just plain pop songs with mediocre harmony and cliché melody.
  25. Dec 7, 2020
    Throughout the years shawn has been putting out music that is just missing something, this time with the album “wonder” he literally exceeded the limits of mediocrity and lameness!!!!
    The album is boring af and just terrible overall.
  26. Dec 6, 2020
    Admito que a instrumentação é interessante, mas e só isso, os vocais e as composições seguem uma linha reta de emoções e criatividade muito rasas.
  27. Dec 11, 2020
    Such an amazing album, Grammy material, Every song is so unique and original
  28. Dec 10, 2020
    Antes não lançasse nada, ruim demais. Ia falar pra tentar de novo, mas não tente, pfvr
  29. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I expected something glorious like Wonder but I was disappointed with the songs, lyrics and beats, Shawn wanted to innovate and tell R&B but this style was not good in his voice, the guy is 22 years old and writes songs as if he were 15 Expand
  30. Dec 13, 2020
    Amo Wonder ! Increíble que un joven de 22 años pueda escribir su música y abra su corazón para expresar todos sus sentimientos en esta música tan mágica ! Orgullosa de Shawn Mendes!! Y los que vienen acá a ponerle 0 no pierdan su tiempo porque Wonder ya es oficialmente su cuarto álbum No. 1
  31. Dec 5, 2020
    Esse álbum não é ruim, é péssimo. Se eu fosse ele teria vergonha dessas composições , para um artista da idade dele esperava muito mais. Falta maturidade, relevância e identidade. Apenas a Intro que achei muito boa, , o resto são músicas que, de longe dá para perceber que é do Shawn, porque sempre é a mesma coisa sem graça de sempre, até tem uma ou duas animadas que salvam esse álbum,Esse álbum não é ruim, é péssimo. Se eu fosse ele teria vergonha dessas composições , para um artista da idade dele esperava muito mais. Falta maturidade, relevância e identidade. Apenas a Intro que achei muito boa, , o resto são músicas que, de longe dá para perceber que é do Shawn, porque sempre é a mesma coisa sem graça de sempre, até tem uma ou duas animadas que salvam esse álbum, Bom, espero que o Shawn se encontre na música e faça algo a altura do talento dele, porque ele tem muito potencial, mas não sabe usar Expand
  32. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Vamos lá. As 14 faixas do são bem medianas e não trazem nada de novo,um álbum bem básico eu diria,mas também não chega a ser ruim. Expand
  33. Dec 4, 2020
    esse album é perfeito, as músicas foram feitas com muito carinho e são muito boas.
  34. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. in a music industry where all artists give their all, spoiler alert, shawn gives all of Camila, repetitive and boring songs. I really expected more from this album Expand
  35. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Pasando la mismísima Wonder, oay me consume la Lost In Japan con pedacitos de In My Mojón ☠ Expand
  36. Dec 4, 2020
    Album sin novedades, lo mismo de siempre, aburrido, letras con tematica depresiva, manipuladora, se victimiza, no hay nada que rescatar
  37. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Too much toxicity in this album, I can't handle it. That guy makes me sick. Expand
  38. Dec 5, 2020
    Me esperaba algo más, lo sentí repetitivo y un tanto aburrido. No hay nada memorable que resaltar.
  39. Dec 5, 2020
    Teach me how to love is a bop. Can't stop listing this album. The production is amazing.
  40. Dec 4, 2020
    The lyrics seem to be written by a 12-year-old boy who is in love and not by a 22-year-old man who is in love, there are good but very repetitive rhythms, each song is like a continuation of the previous one. one in terms of pace. What I can highlight is that his voice improved a lot, but the album itself is a bit null in terms of rhythms and lyrics except for one song or another.
  41. Dec 4, 2020
    why writing same songs which kinda sounds same . it doesnt sound like written by a grown man but sime 12 year olds.
  42. Dec 5, 2020
    Showed no growth or progress at all. Very lazy and boring. Very repetitive and just simping over Kamila. Worst of 2020.
  43. Dec 5, 2020
    The melodies in some of the tracks are good, but mostly the album lacks depth and clarity. The lyrics are not especially profound or anything, and do not strike as something that is very special. The vocals aren't that great and the whole concept isn't something that was super important to present during these trying times. They could be much better, in my opinion. It's just one of thoseThe melodies in some of the tracks are good, but mostly the album lacks depth and clarity. The lyrics are not especially profound or anything, and do not strike as something that is very special. The vocals aren't that great and the whole concept isn't something that was super important to present during these trying times. They could be much better, in my opinion. It's just one of those easily forgettable pop albums about a lover. Expand
  44. Dec 5, 2020
    is a incrible álbum. all of The songs was amazing. Is a masterpiece, shawn made a good job with this
  45. Dec 5, 2020
    Shawn nos mostra literalmente sua alma neste álbum. Um conceito totalmente novo e completamente diferente de todos os outros que ele já fez.
  46. Dec 5, 2020
    Aburrido. Todas las canciones muy parecidas. Me gustó mucho el anterior álbum, pero este está horrible.
  47. Dec 6, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Same as last time, repetitive with no artistic growth. The writing is ok at best Expand
  48. Dec 6, 2020
    shawn tenia un concepto que se veia prometedor, pero musicalemente es una mezcla de sus trabajos anteriores, la colaboracion con justin bieber le dara el impulso de ser exitosa.
  49. Dec 6, 2020
    Escribir algo original al parecer nunca es una opción para la copia hipster y más canadiense de Justin Bieber. Caer en la ridiculez de lo románticamente empalagoso no hará que tenga buena música. Trabajar para mejorar, no para aprovecharse de una imagen nada innovadora. Mal intento.
  50. Dec 7, 2020
    I love Shawn Mendes, and I really wanted to like this album, but many of the lyrics lack complexity. Sorry Sean! and all those others that like/love the album. I thought his previous album was really great with a variety of sounds and experiences. I think his romance with Camellia Cabello is fantastic, but the album being mostly about her makes the album a bit monotonous. I enjoy theI love Shawn Mendes, and I really wanted to like this album, but many of the lyrics lack complexity. Sorry Sean! and all those others that like/love the album. I thought his previous album was really great with a variety of sounds and experiences. I think his romance with Camellia Cabello is fantastic, but the album being mostly about her makes the album a bit monotonous. I enjoy the songs, Wonder and Monster. The intro is also really good. I think there's a few other good songs, but I prefer to listen to his Shawn Mendes album (album #3). Expand
  51. Dec 7, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is just a boring, sleepy, album just trying to show how much he loves Cabila. There are no risks sonically, He tried to add a synthy aesthetic but it fails hard. The climaxes are mostly predicable and ones like on the song 305 just jump in your face and try to make you interested in them. Anytime that I do hear anything interesting going in with the background, it’s mixed so poorly that I just have to work with the vocals. Except the lyrics mostly talk about how much he loves Cabila, especially by the end of the album. The songs where he tries to talk about the uncertainty of his career, his “dark” side, it ends up sounding too safe and the problems that he’s faced with don’t do anything to interest me. By the end of the record he just stops trying and he tops it all of with that stupid line in the end, “Cool, that’s good for now”. It sounds so plastic, and if you want to still argue about how authentic this album actually is, the deluxe and holiday deluxe editions are out already and people are gonna eat it up. Expand
  52. Dec 8, 2020
    Same sound, boring like the others. I don’t feel anything new so I didn’t like it
  53. Dec 9, 2020
    Péssimo. Como sempre ele entregando coisas básicas e sem inovações. Será que a Zélia Ducan masculina vai conseguir sobreviver a essa era?
  54. Dec 9, 2020
    esse sem dúvidas é o segundo pior álbum dele, não sei como os fãs tem a coragem de falar que é o melhor, esse álbum é podre e uma vergonha.
  55. Dec 9, 2020
  56. Dec 9, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum horrible y genérico para esta pasiva que se retire ya las canciones se oyen a fine line version plagio se quiere parecer a su patrón diosry styles pero no le queda Expand
  57. Dec 9, 2020
    não inova nunca, monster é a única q da pra engolir... gosto do shawn mas parece que as músicas dele são tudo as mesmas
  58. Dec 9, 2020
    Seeing people score 10 for this album is a total waste and attempts to fix the flaws it brings. The album carries considerable vocals, but to the point of being bored, in addition to being based on repetitions in relation to the sound. A real lullaby album. Upon analyzing it, it felt like I was listening to "Handwritten 2.0" anyway. Always trying to fit the same things ... guitar orSeeing people score 10 for this album is a total waste and attempts to fix the flaws it brings. The album carries considerable vocals, but to the point of being bored, in addition to being based on repetitions in relation to the sound. A real lullaby album. Upon analyzing it, it felt like I was listening to "Handwritten 2.0" anyway. Always trying to fit the same things ... guitar or something, this album is from people who make sloppy flour. Expand
  59. Dec 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. yawn mendes has lowered the bar again. can he be more boring? i don't think so. Expand
  60. Dec 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. We are so tired of Mendes talking about his relationship with Camila Cabello, this álbum is unorginal. Expand
  61. Dec 10, 2020
    In the pop “heartrob”’s (The only thing he’s robbed is my time, and frankly I want it back but alas) 4th album, he explores themes of love, loving, being in love, love, love, love, love. We get it Shawn, you’re in love. Though this album is promising in songs like “Dream”, the other songs are just the most cliche, and the most vanilla songs you’ll ever hear. The feature song ”Monster” isIn the pop “heartrob”’s (The only thing he’s robbed is my time, and frankly I want it back but alas) 4th album, he explores themes of love, loving, being in love, love, love, love, love. We get it Shawn, you’re in love. Though this album is promising in songs like “Dream”, the other songs are just the most cliche, and the most vanilla songs you’ll ever hear. The feature song ”Monster” is just very disappointing. This album lacks the personality that an artist should have. The entire time I felt like I was just listening to a Tumblr girl’s musings at night.

    With that said, this album might be the most generic album of 2020.

  62. Dec 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wonder is a masterpiece. i can’t even explain what i felt while listening to every track. thank you so much for giving us such a beautiful album like this and making possible for us to feel such extraordinary feelings trough these lyrics. Expand
  63. Dec 12, 2020
    His worst album. Very bland and boring. It’s the same old thing, he needs to reinvent himself!
  64. Dec 11, 2020
    Nakakabwiset ka alam mo pareho kayo ni Mustin Fever naging basurero rat ka tuloy Shawn!
  65. Dec 17, 2020
    Wonder apresenta uma experiência cinematográfica, ao invés de mais um álbum convencional numa prateleira. É evidente que Mendes nasceu para criar música. Ao longo das 16 faixas da versão (Holiday Deluxe), os vocais suaves se unem com piano e guitarra, com o intuito de expressar suas angústias e seus intensos desejos.
  66. Dec 12, 2020
    I have been a fan of Shawn for a few years and loved his previous albums, however there was little to no growth on this album at all. The lyrics were bland, boring and repetitive. The experimentation with new styles is there, but executed poorly. Feels lazy and rushed. We need more than whatever this is.
  67. Dec 15, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. His best album so far! ❤. I hope he will get a Grammy nom for this. My favourite track is Teach Me how to love. Expand
  68. Dec 15, 2020
    Incredible work of music. Shawn always finds ways to go against trends in pop music, love that he ventured into sounds he has never done before. Music feels authentic! Favorites: 24 hours, Teach me how to love, Piece of you, and Can’t imagine.
  69. Dec 15, 2020
    It's an amazing album...shawn have put his soul in creating this masterpiece...one of his finest work
  70. Dec 15, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Inspirador e impressionante como ele descreve seus sentimentos e os transforma em música. Expand
  71. Dec 15, 2020
    His best album. You can see the growth not only personally but musically as well. The production, lyrics, openess, vulnerability... Mindblowing honestly. So proud of Shawn. Hands down, what a masterpiece.
  72. Dec 16, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum perfeito né,nunca errou. Shawn cadelinha da Camila nenhuma novidade SHAWMILA, inspiração na música br achei humilde Expand
  73. Dec 16, 2020
    I love all the songs, this album is so perfect and I can't stop listen teach me how to love and piece of you I'M IN LOVE WHITH THIS!!!!
  74. Dec 17, 2020
    I really liked the album, it´s on repeat since the first time I listened. Shawn has grown up so much as singer. Really impressed by the production and the new sound, with much more piano and strong instrumentation. I love that he is trying with new song structures.
  75. Jul 3, 2021
    Incrível. Pessoal e delicado, é a primeira obra do Shawn Mendes que parece ter sido escrita com sinceridade.
  76. Jul 8, 2021
    the first listen threw me off a litte because of the complete 180 some songs did midsong, sometimes that was a great choice but sometimes it was just...too much. Mendes has grown so much as a songwriter and the melodies are so much complex than in previous albums so im glad he's exploring. My favorite songs were teach me how to love, wonder and dream.
  77. Dec 5, 2020
    Álbum está realmente incrível, trouxe ótimas composições e produções. Wonder e Monster foram ótimas amostras.
  78. Jan 14, 2022
    Shawn Mendes traz um álbum pop, porém sem grande novidades, se pautando ao todo num estilo mais alternativo e acústico, algo que estamos acostumados em sua sonoridade, traz também um feat com o Justin Bieber que caminha em um pop mais denso.
    Acho que o álbum traz algumas faixas interessantes que mais embaixo irei dizer quais minhas favoritas, mesmo sendo um álbum mediano, acho que é
    Shawn Mendes traz um álbum pop, porém sem grande novidades, se pautando ao todo num estilo mais alternativo e acústico, algo que estamos acostumados em sua sonoridade, traz também um feat com o Justin Bieber que caminha em um pop mais denso.
    Acho que o álbum traz algumas faixas interessantes que mais embaixo irei dizer quais minhas favoritas, mesmo sendo um álbum mediano, acho que é preciso artistas principalmente masculinos precisam urgentemente se reinventar, não se há uma diferença tamanha de um álbum para o outro, e para um artista isso deve ser de extrema importância.

    Faixas favoritas: Teach Me How To Love, Call My Friends, Dream e 305.
  79. Dec 16, 2020
    Shawn Mendes is oinkin n oinkin for more, beggin n beggin for cVm! cumaflowin cumaflowin cummaflowin , deep deeep deep boy!! -Grant Macdonald
  80. Dec 13, 2020
    I really like this album. Shawn is trying new sounds (for him) while approaching his first love. Favorite songs are piece of you, monster and higher.
  81. Dec 13, 2020
    Amazing, he’s matured and he is finally making better music. I can see he has grown since his last album, this is definitely his best one yet
  82. Dec 13, 2020
    This album is incredible. From the first time I heard it, I fell in love with the instrumentals and the beautiful lyrics of the songs. Shawn was extremely vulnerable and honest on that album. It's amazing to see how he matured so much over the years, even though he was so young. He's a very talented young man and Teach Me How To Love deserves to be the next single!
  83. Dec 7, 2020
    Com o Wonder, Shawn entregou um dos melhores álbuns do ano e o melhor de sua carreira. Fica claro o amadurecimento artístico dele através das composições e da sonoridade explorada no álbum, misturando sons de baixo com sintetizadores, fazendo uma harmonia perfeita com a mistura de diferentes instrumentos. A produção ficou sensacional e os vocais continuam ótimos como de costume. Os grandesCom o Wonder, Shawn entregou um dos melhores álbuns do ano e o melhor de sua carreira. Fica claro o amadurecimento artístico dele através das composições e da sonoridade explorada no álbum, misturando sons de baixo com sintetizadores, fazendo uma harmonia perfeita com a mistura de diferentes instrumentos. A produção ficou sensacional e os vocais continuam ótimos como de costume. Os grandes destaques do álbum ficam com a faixa-título Wonder, Higher, que clama para ser o próximo single, e a majestosa Dream. Expand
  84. Dec 7, 2020
    Tanto a sonoridade, quando o visual é estética estão incríveis, o melhor trabalho dele.
  85. Dec 11, 2020
    Shawn tries to experiment with different sounds, but it is unsuccessful. There is no concept in this album, all songs are like taken from different albums and put into this one. Lyrics are poor and connected with one topic, which is relationships with Camila. But there are still some quite well-done songs like "Teach Me How To Love", "Monster", "Dream"
  86. Dec 9, 2020
    Está rayando en lo aburrido, sus trabajos anteriores poseían todo, ritmo, letras y éste no tiene una fuerte presencia con esos elementos.
  87. Dec 10, 2020
    Let's talk about what happens with Shawn Mendes with wonder, I hoped more to be honest it's not a bad album but I think that with this album we take a step back with respect to his album Shawn Mendes, but let's highlight the good things as a good coherence in the album and the song wonder and that's it
  88. Dec 9, 2020
    This album is amazing! Very different from Shawn's previous albums. All the songs sound so different and I love that he experienced more with this album. His voice has gotten so much better since his last album and I absolutely LOVE all the high notes we can hear in Song For No One and Dream for example.
  89. Dec 14, 2020
    amazing! I love this album so much. it's truly a piece of art! i highly recommend it to everyone.
  90. Dec 8, 2020
    This is a beautiful album filled with surprises from one record to another. It's a big departure from his past albums and shows his growth. It's filled with influences from past decades from Frankie Valley to the Beatles to Michael Jackson to Bruno Mars. Drum swells, synthesizers, and orchestras add to the grandiose feeling of album, while the lyrics remain intimate and vulnerable. TheThis is a beautiful album filled with surprises from one record to another. It's a big departure from his past albums and shows his growth. It's filled with influences from past decades from Frankie Valley to the Beatles to Michael Jackson to Bruno Mars. Drum swells, synthesizers, and orchestras add to the grandiose feeling of album, while the lyrics remain intimate and vulnerable. The production is amazing, and Mendes shows that he has a creative vision of where he wants his music to go. Expand
  91. Dec 13, 2020
    Love this Album. The WONDER LIMITED EDITION ZINE W/ CD makes an amazing Holiday gift.
  92. Dec 4, 2020
    this album is entirely perfect. there is no bad music. the evolution of Shawn is palpable. simply a wonder.
  93. Dec 4, 2020
    I love it, I'm in love, the music, the melody and the voice of Shawn are everything, it transports you on a journey through time and I love how surprising the change of sound in each song
  94. Dec 5, 2020
    A MASTERPIECE, this album is amazing and I think it’s my favorite album ever
  95. Dec 13, 2020
    This album is magical it makes you feel all the elations with it’s amazing production. Shawn shows his amazing pen game in this album with songs like Dream, Teach me how to love,
    24 hours and more. It is something completely different but at the same time sounds so authentic like Shawn Mendes.
  96. Dec 4, 2020
    A whole new experience! Absolutely beautiful and honest album. Love the production, every song is unique in it's own way. GOOSEBUMPS. Teach me how to love is my personal favorite!
  97. Dec 11, 2020
    Great album!Shawn Mendes is truly an amazing singer!I highly recommend this album!A truly masterpiece!
  98. Dec 14, 2020
    If ya'll saying this album is bad please check your ears.Literally this is Shawn's best album. His vocals, lyrics, melodies everything is just amazing and perfect. Don't be jealous and just listen this magical album.
  99. Dec 14, 2020
    This album is a Rollercoaster of emotions, from dancing around in my room to sobbing from the beautiful lyrics. This album is phenomenal

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Dec 16, 2020
    While the slower songs are fine, sometimes sincere, the growth on Wonder is all evident on the livelier tunes, all of which point toward a more adventurous twenties for Shawn Mendes.
  2. Dec 11, 2020
    While “Wonder” is at times overambitious and overwrought, it does feel like the last stop on a particular journey. Mendes can’t sound much bigger than this without going full Adele, so what might come next is wide open.
  3. Dec 9, 2020
    Mendes spends nearly every minute bowled over by the power of love. It’s nice to see his cup overflow so bountifully, but the near-constant awe quickly grows tiresome, especially when conveyed through clichés like, “Your body’s like an ocean, I’m devoted to explore you” and, “You’re my sunlight on a rainy day.”