• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Dec 4, 2020
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1027 Ratings

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  1. Dec 9, 2020
    I think this is the best album he ever made, the songs are so amazing and different he is a new shawn, love it!!!
  2. Dec 10, 2020
    it gets better at every listen, I can clearly see he had a growth. I really liked the production, but I wish the intro was a full song (it’s too good). the lyrics are fine, but I personally think there were better lyrics on his third album. Anyways what I expected was this, the production fills the little lacks of some lyrics. It really is great, he co-produced and co-wrote this album.it gets better at every listen, I can clearly see he had a growth. I really liked the production, but I wish the intro was a full song (it’s too good). the lyrics are fine, but I personally think there were better lyrics on his third album. Anyways what I expected was this, the production fills the little lacks of some lyrics. It really is great, he co-produced and co-wrote this album. also I love his voice and that makes me pass over the few things I didn’t like.
    He took me in his world, he addressed how is it being a celebrity and in love and being far from home. Ofc he’s going to talk about love bc which artist really doesn’t? I mean you must be a really annoying and boring person if you still are alone and complain about other’s life. He lives with camila and that has become his daily reality so it’s pretty obvious he’s going to talk about it. Anyways there are other themes on the album so if you can’t catch them maybe you need to listen again to it.
  3. Dec 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's a beautiful album. Just mezmerizeing. Makes me feel like I'm free. He really showed us a different kind of him. Expand
  4. Dec 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is amazing! I really love the fact he is more confident in his music . Expand
  5. Dec 10, 2020
    incredible album, Shawn grew a lot in his composition. my favorite is to teach me to love that has a more animated footprint, look at the stars that was written for your fans and call my friends shows something personal and true. I must admit that it was difficult to choose the best ones, I hope you enjoy the album as much as I do.
  6. Dec 10, 2020
    Amazing! This album is different and has all the Shawn's heart. The music and the lyrics are very beautiful. I love it.
  7. Dec 10, 2020
    I honestly really liked this new album. I loved it there are several songs that make you dance and sing at the top of your lungs, I definitely loved it. Although there are some songs that don't make you feel "magic", for that alone I give it a nine.
  8. Dec 11, 2020
    It is one of his best albums, it is the beginning of his process of finding himself. The songs are very good and catchy, they have very good rhythms and he went out of his comfort zone, he let the music flow without judging it and brought us this jewel.
  9. Dec 11, 2020
    this is the best album i heard this year, shawn and his music saves my life
  10. Dec 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Muy bueno el álbum, estoy súper orgullosa de lo que ha logrado, las vocal son superiores, los ritmos muy buenos, es el mejor álbum hasta ahora. Expand
  11. Dec 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. i think it was an amazing album, the writing and sound of it was beautiful. Expand
  12. Dec 11, 2020
    excelente álbum, las vocal, el ritmo, las letras son muy buenas es el mejor álbum del año, la producción y el progreso se nota mucho, estoy muy orgullosa de todo lo que ha logrado shawn.
  13. Dec 11, 2020
    Wonderful album, all the music is so energetic and the melodies are incredible!!!
  14. Dec 11, 2020
    wonder is definitely his best album. the lyrics and the production of the songs are absolutely magical and beautiful.
  15. Dec 11, 2020
    Melhor álbum da carreira, mostra o amadurecimento dele e a coragem de apostar em músicas diferentes
  16. Dec 11, 2020
    Perfeito, trabalho incrível. Que continue assim, fazendo música por amor e prazer.
  17. Dec 11, 2020
    Teach me how to love is a bop! The album is amazing and I'm so proud of shawn for it
  18. Dec 11, 2020
    Álbum maravilhoso! Amei todas as músicas, todas bem produzidas, sem defeitos.
  19. Dec 11, 2020
    Este álbum está incrível e mostra a evolução artística do Shawn Mendes e o quanto ele tem a oferecer como pessoa e como artista.
  20. Dec 13, 2020
    the best album yet, don't listen to the bad comments pls, some of them are from people (mostly kpop stans) who didn't even listen to the album
  21. Dec 11, 2020
    he really needs to evolve as a singer. the album isn't bad at all. it's actually good. but shawn is releasing similar songs. he needs to try somethinf different lyrically and sonically!
  22. Dec 11, 2020
    My favorite is Look up at the stars! It's made of his personality.One of interesting is Teach me how to love.
  23. Dec 11, 2020
    incredible, amaizing, masterpice, iconic, shawn prince of pop omg, kingggggg
  24. Dec 11, 2020
    As letras, as melodias e o quão vulnerável ele está nessa nova era está sendo tudo para mim.Este álbum é magico.
  25. Dec 11, 2020
    Los ritmos que se utilizaron son totalmente distintos a los que esta acostumbrado Shawn. La letra por igual, dejo mostrar su interior, la verdad todo el disco es arte
  26. Dec 11, 2020
    Esse é definitivamente meu álbum favorito dele, nota se que ele esta mais aberto emocionalmente e expressa isso nas letras.Amei!
  27. Dec 11, 2020
    this album is art. congratulations shawn, this is the best album of 2020, sooooo in love
  28. Dec 11, 2020
    I absolutely LOVED this album! His voice is so soft and the lyrics are so loving. The boy is clearly in love and it reflects.. my fave tracks are song for no one and piece of you but i loved it all!
  29. Dec 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Magical. Shawn put his soul in the album doing something different that match exactly with him. Expand
  30. Dec 11, 2020
    He makes magic in this new album I really liked it. He shows all his feelings in all songs
  31. Dec 12, 2020
    Wow , what an album. It’s clear he has developed beautifully as an artist, and tries new things and new songs. The album is sonically brilliant, and the sound and feeling is in the forefront.
  32. Dec 12, 2020
    simplesmente um dos melhores albuns da carreira. as músicas são diferentes de tudo o que eu já ouvi vindo do shawn. incrível
  33. Dec 12, 2020
    Amazing, it is a lovely album with new vibes and he opened his heart to the world. He shows how much he had changed and how he is vulnerable like whatever human
  34. Dec 12, 2020
    It was the best album I've heard in my life, I can't choose my favorite song! The vocals, the concept, the beats, the lyrics and the incredible feeling of hearing Shawn's voice, takes you on a trip to WONDERLAND really
  35. Dec 12, 2020
    His best album! This is amazing! All the instruments, all the vocal, everything!
  36. Dec 12, 2020
    melhor álbum que eu já ouvi. Shawn Mendes definitivamente deu tudo nele. as músicas são maravilhosas, bem produzidas, e a voz do Shawn está perfeita!
  37. Dec 13, 2020
    It's amazing! Unlike his other albums, this album plays with many instrumentals. I wanted a different kind of song melody thing from him, and he served it. His best album by far! Teach me how to love and dream are my favourites. Give it a chance!
  38. Dec 13, 2020
    It's a great album. Shawn tried something new this time which turned out pretty fantastic
  39. Dec 13, 2020
    Amazing album!! The melodies, lyrics, instruments and vocals are phenomenal!! You can clearly feel every emotion portrayed by Shawn and his storytelling! All in all one of the greatest albums of all time!
  40. Dec 13, 2020
    This album sound is big and beautiful. Shawn’s vocals are astounding! He had shown tremendous growth in his singing abilities.
  41. Dec 13, 2020
    Wonder is by far Shawn Mendes best album. The vocal improvement is top notch from falsetto to the incredible high notes. It hits all things feel during quarantine from missing friends to finding joy and love with people at home.
  42. Dec 13, 2020
    Great album! Full of personal stuff, the singer just let his soul out in this new album. What a sonic ride!
  43. Dec 13, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Si estas en una relacion sentimental este album es el indicado para ti y si no lo estas ,este album te hará desear estar en en una relacion.
    Cada cancion es un mundo y estas invitado a perderte en cada cancion.(no todas las canciones son de amor romantico)Si quieres perderte entre melodías encontraras magnificas canciones para eso,la inspiración de Shawn Mendes en Frankie Vali y Rex orange country hace que las canciones esten llenas de un sentimiento que te haran disfrutar cada segundo.
    Yun album que
  44. Dec 13, 2020
    Wonder is a masterpiece. One of the best albums that came out on 2020. You can feel the passion and raw emotions when he sings.
  45. Dec 13, 2020
    literally a masterpiece!! he's an incredible songwriter but the productions, songs and the album as a whole makes it hard to stop listening!!!
  46. Dec 13, 2020
    Is this album ambitious? Yes. Is this Shawn's best album yet? Yes. Is this album a beautiful work of art? Yes. If you go in expecting or hoping to hear more of the same from Shawn on this one, this album is likely to disappoint a bit. Shawn dove all in on this one to create an album full of big sounds, amazing drums, and magical falsettos that will give you goosebumps. This album isIs this album ambitious? Yes. Is this Shawn's best album yet? Yes. Is this album a beautiful work of art? Yes. If you go in expecting or hoping to hear more of the same from Shawn on this one, this album is likely to disappoint a bit. Shawn dove all in on this one to create an album full of big sounds, amazing drums, and magical falsettos that will give you goosebumps. This album is definitely worth a listen. And a second. And a third. And we'll... You get the point. Give this one a listen! Expand
  47. Dec 13, 2020
    the album is so good me and my mom won't stop listening and dancing to it SHAWN MENDES DID IT AGAIN
  48. Dec 13, 2020
    -Teach Me How To Love
    - Can't imagine
    -24 hours
    Son hrrmosas y las mejores del álbum
  49. Dec 13, 2020
    I really really enjoyed this album. It's takes you thru a journey of love and insecurities (that sometimes come with love). The music, lyrics, and his vocals are perfection!! Definitely his best album to date!!
  50. Dec 14, 2020
    his best album both sonically and lyrically, the production alone is a stand out from his past works.
  51. Dec 14, 2020
    It's such an amazing album! Shawn is really so talented and hard working , and it's clearly reflected in Wonder. It's both sonically and lyrically a masterpiece and to be honest, deserves a lot LOT more appreciation than it's getting. Just give it a listen and you'll agree with me, all the songs are bops.
  52. Dec 14, 2020
    This is his best album to date, the sound is big, emotional, experimental and shows his growth and new influences with surprising bursts of almost psychedelic drums and synths that shock the first time and never lose their appeal on subsequent listens. This album is soaked in love and the lyrics hit you straight in the heart. His vocals are transcendent and show how he has matured andThis is his best album to date, the sound is big, emotional, experimental and shows his growth and new influences with surprising bursts of almost psychedelic drums and synths that shock the first time and never lose their appeal on subsequent listens. This album is soaked in love and the lyrics hit you straight in the heart. His vocals are transcendent and show how he has matured and worked hard on his voice. This is on constant rotation for me and I can't see that changing soon. The deluxe version gives a heap of live versions as well as the gorgeous "Christmas Song" with duet partner and real life love Camila Cabello as well as "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You" from the BBC Live Lounge, one of the major inspirations for his new sound, that is just sublime. Quarantine did this boy a favour, and I can't wait to see what he has up his sleeve next. Expand
  53. Dec 14, 2020
    I love this álbum, Shawn is a Great artist!!!! Song by song is a wonderful experience, i van fell his heart
  54. Dec 14, 2020
    Shawn's evolution on this album is visible and he couldn't have done anything better, everything is perfect.
  55. Dec 14, 2020
    The most beautiful magical album, it's authentic, romantic and has the most amazing wellwritten lyrics, Shawn did it again...#wonder has it ALL
  56. Dec 14, 2020
    Wonder is a presentation about the wonderful perception of shawn about his life, about his plans, fears and insecurities, we see the evolution of new instruments and lyrics. a love letter to Camila, a sentiment to friends, love about the fans and a demonstration of how these last years have been for Mendes
  57. Dec 14, 2020
    o melhor da carreira, bc. A sonoridade é perfeita, os instrumentais são tão nostálgicos e limpos, as letras são maduras... Enfim, avisa!!!
  58. Dec 14, 2020
    Definitivamente o melhor álbum de Shawn. As melodias, os vocais, tudo perfeito, simplesmente uma obra de arte.
  59. Dec 14, 2020
    All the songs are perfect, my favorites are higher, dream and piece of you, but look up at the stars is in my heart too
  60. Dec 14, 2020
    This is Shawn's best album, as he said it is like a part of it. This is different from the first three, it is more mature, it is about freedom, about not being attached to what the media wants to hear or what people they’re used to it, it was what he wanted to do and I’m very proud of how it turned out.
  61. Dec 14, 2020
    This is a magical album, we can see how Shawn grew up, both as a singer and songwriter and as a human being.
  62. Dec 14, 2020
    vish maria bom demais , obrigada camila, você sempre faz tudo

    stream wonder
  63. Dec 14, 2020
    wonder is not just an album, it is a cultural reset, the oxygen you breathe, it's a lifestyle, an escape from this cruel world filled with thieves, its an art, the first gift you open on christmas, a hug from a loved one, everything you’ve ever wanted
  64. Dec 14, 2020
    it's his best work so far! it shows how much he has improved vocally and as a songwriter. a masterpiece. i love it!
  65. Dec 14, 2020
    Álbum incrível ,diferente de tudo que o Shawn ja trouxe ,vocais e instrumental impecáveis, conceito maravilhoso
  66. Dec 14, 2020
    Shawn vocal and musical evolution is remarkable. Wonder is an album about love, about being vulnerable at times about that love and also about being thankful to the fans. It is worth taking the time to appreciate this wonder!
  67. Dec 14, 2020
    Esse álbum foi o mais sincero e lindo álbum que o Shawn já fez. É emocionante demais ouvir ele na íntegra
  68. Dec 14, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. wonder is the best album of shawn, talk about finding love and expecially finding yourself Expand
  69. Dec 14, 2020
    it's his best work. the vocals, lyrics and the production makes it a perfect album. there are no skips, every song is a bop!! i loved it! it's definetly 10/10
  70. Dec 14, 2020
    I've never been so proud as I am with the release of Wonder. This album is incredibly perfect from beginning to end.
    Shawn is surpassing himself with each new album release.
  71. Dec 14, 2020
    I think this is Shawn's best album yet, the passion and soul that he put into these songs have captivaded me and many people as well. The different kinds of feelings that I got, the memories that it all brought, it was all perfect. Loved to see all the work he had.
  72. Dec 14, 2020
    Best album I had listened in a long time ! I love the sounds production and lyrics ! He is supertalented
  73. Dec 14, 2020
    The album has amazing productions, lyrics and vocals. Shawn mendes truly outdid himself with this one
  74. Dec 14, 2020
  75. Dec 14, 2020
    This album is honest and heartfelt. The lyrics are profound and thoughtful. His growth as a lyricist, songwriter, and human being are evident throughout this album. Bravo, Shawn!
  76. Dec 14, 2020
    totally a masterpiece. Everything on it is amazing, the production, the lyrics, the vocals. listening to it's an incredible experience, you know how the song starts but you can't assume how it's going to end. the sounds are very different from everything he has done before, and that only makes it even more magical. the album has no skips and it's by far his best work.
  77. Dec 15, 2020
    his best album wbk ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ the lyrics, the music...perfect! stan shawn mendes
  78. Dec 15, 2020
    Amazing vocals, amazing melodies! He definitely said all in with this one! If you love love then this record is the one for you. It is for me!
  79. Dec 15, 2020
    This album feels like the soundtrack of a great movie, it's so grandiose and full of sounf
  80. Dec 15, 2020
    love the album with every song on it. i love it all. all the songs sound really good and it feels like he really wrote them from his heart. 10/10
  81. Dec 18, 2020
    Dentro de la escena complaciente de la música, este intimo álbum se arriesga, acorde a la exploración que el artista hace en su interior.
    Es difícil encontrar cosas que sorprendan, pero "Wonder" te da un aire de vitalidad al paso de las canciones.
  82. Jan 3, 2021
    I really loved this añbum, it’s like listen real music, can’t wait to listen it live
  83. Dec 20, 2020
    He really put his emotions on this album, by far, the best Shawn Mendes album you've heard, it really takes you to wonderland. very proud of my boy
  84. Jan 13, 2021
    Me parecio muy bueno en terminos instrumental, pero carece mucho la letra en algunas canciones.
  85. Dec 23, 2020
    LITERALLY THE BEST ALBUM I EVER LISTING, so much love and the melodies and lyrics are so amazing, it's just incredible
  86. Feb 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. İ really enjoyed this album from Shawn more than i thought i would because the lead single did not impress me so much. His vocal performance and Melodies are memorable and the album is very cohesive. The vocals in the intro are so smooth and breathtaking but it ends abruptly. Wonder is a nice track as well where he details some things he wonder about. The chorus soars and its Just so satisfying. İ love the groovy Higher, its a very different change of pace for Mendes.24 hours is a sweet piano tune about falling in love and trying not to over think it. Teach me how to love is another sleek and groovy tune with a nice chorus and a nice bridge and some bangings guitars. Call My Friends is a nice Offering as well about getting High with your friends. İ really love the lyrics, the guitars and backing vocals in the chorus. Dream also has a nice melody and some nice acapella like vocals. The collaboration with Justin Bieber is a solid RnB tune with great lyrics and some nice vocals and its generally well written. 305 is another song with some nice instrumentation but i feel like its more under written. Always Been you, on the other hand has really beautiful lyrics and a killer chorus, one of the most unforgetable tunes on the album. Piece of You is another retro song with some nice 80's production. All in all i enjoyed the more groovy and retro tunes than the minimal songs or ballads. But it is a solid Offering from Mendes, its cohesive, cliche at times but heartwarming
  87. Mar 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's no a álbum, It's a culture resert this album is so good I love it so much Expand
  88. Jan 24, 2021
    one of the best albums that came out in 2020 and it reached far above my expectations. shawn has matured so much from the last album and Wonder really brought wonder to everyone in this hard time. this is undoubtfully the best shawn mendes album and my spark of 2020.
  89. Feb 7, 2021
    His best album. Best song is song for no one. He had grown a lot since handwritten each album of his keeps getting better
  90. Jul 19, 2021
    Worst. Album. Ever. Even worse than the previous two albums. Monster is the worst of both worlds song because the two artists that I really hate and they all suck and this is the worst song of 2020. Overall, all the tracks are the worst because I hate Shawn Mendes.
  91. Mar 20, 2021
    A pleasant and strong voice of the performer. Good presentation of musical material. There are not enough hits and memorable songs.
  92. Mar 20, 2021
    love the sound and the lyrics. definitely his best album. loved it so much.
  93. Mar 24, 2021
    Ele prometeu tanto que seria o melhor álbum acabou que esse álbum foi o pior da carreira fuleira dele, as músicas são tão iguais e monótonas parece com os 3 primeiros álbuns dele só muda a batida que ele mudou pra dizer que inovou, UMA PENA QUE FLOPOU KKKKKKKKKK
  94. Oct 15, 2021
    The only good thing about this album is production, we can thank Kid Harpoon (Harry Styles' long time collaborator) I guess. Shawn needs to read some books to improve his vocabulary. Even 10 year old boys can come up with better lyrics.
  95. May 27, 2022
    A boring album. Oh, btw he never innovates in nothing (as always), so it’s always the same similar and annoying songs during the whole album….
  96. Oct 7, 2022
    A great pop album. Favorite tracks:
    Teach Me How To Love
    Call My Friends
    Piece of You
    Look Up At The Stars
  97. Sep 2, 2023
    Muito bom , acho que este é o melhor álbum dele deste então.
    Eu não sei o porquê a nota é apenas um "6", as músicas contidas são bem escritas e todas as músicas são muito boas.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Dec 16, 2020
    While the slower songs are fine, sometimes sincere, the growth on Wonder is all evident on the livelier tunes, all of which point toward a more adventurous twenties for Shawn Mendes.
  2. Dec 11, 2020
    While “Wonder” is at times overambitious and overwrought, it does feel like the last stop on a particular journey. Mendes can’t sound much bigger than this without going full Adele, so what might come next is wide open.
  3. Dec 9, 2020
    Mendes spends nearly every minute bowled over by the power of love. It’s nice to see his cup overflow so bountifully, but the near-constant awe quickly grows tiresome, especially when conveyed through clichés like, “Your body’s like an ocean, I’m devoted to explore you” and, “You’re my sunlight on a rainy day.”