• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Dec 4, 2020
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  1. Dec 11, 2020
    Melhor álbum, tem conceito, coesão e aclamação, totalmente sem defeitos, perfeito
  2. Apr 9, 2021
    An album with pleasant melodies, although they do not flow from Shawn Mendes' comfort zone
  3. Dec 9, 2020
    MUITo bom shawn se superou em suas composicoes e as melodias sao encantadoras
  4. Dec 9, 2020
    A wonderful, amazing album, love it with all of my heart. His best album to date.
  5. Dec 14, 2020
    just talking about the same matter every single song in different ways and there are some lyrics that are truly problematic, not even on remarkable song in the album.
  6. Dec 12, 2020
    Es definitivamente su mejor álbum hasta ahora. Se nota la decisión de Shawn al querer experimentar más con la música en los sonidos del álbum, sin embargo, se hace inevitable sentir que el tipo de canciones que hay en el álbum ya las hemos escuchado antes, por el mismo artista. Es inevitable pensar que Wonder (canción) suena casi exactamente igual a "In my blood" de su álbum previo. AdemásEs definitivamente su mejor álbum hasta ahora. Se nota la decisión de Shawn al querer experimentar más con la música en los sonidos del álbum, sin embargo, se hace inevitable sentir que el tipo de canciones que hay en el álbum ya las hemos escuchado antes, por el mismo artista. Es inevitable pensar que Wonder (canción) suena casi exactamente igual a "In my blood" de su álbum previo. Además de que a Mendes le encanta bombardearnos con canciones de amor en su álbum, lo que ya habíamos visto en sus 3 álbumes anteriores. Expand
  7. Jun 2, 2021
    pick his first song and the last released, you see the difference? no? me too! any of the tracks are remarkable. sad
  8. Dec 14, 2020
    I love the production. His music is way mature from his previous album, his lyrisc is heavenly meaningful. And i think he is in his healtier voice this era; so much improve in falsetto and high note. I really can't wait he and his band bring all these masterpiece to the concert or Tour. Really can't wait. Congrats, to Shawn Mendes for his 4th studio album.
  9. Mar 20, 2021
    I love Shawn but this album was so forgetable. It aged so fast!! There's no standout songs unlike his previous album
  10. Dec 4, 2020
    Okey .. l'm waiting for this album for a long time . And then it's here l love Shawn Mendes and this album perfect as all Shawn Mendes's albums . Choosing the favourite song is so hard but l think is wonder and look up at the stars and higher
  11. Dec 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. In this album we can see a Shawn with more freedom, a Shawn that just by listening to the rhythm of the song transports you to unexpected places and feelings, a Shawn who teaches us the importance of love and k of love and more in this pandemic. Shawn is the poet of love. Expand
  12. Dec 11, 2020
    Wonder is a celebration of Shawn's devotion to his girlfriend. From the cliché lyrics to some chosen instrumentals and beautiful vocals, it shows a lot that he is so in love, too in love that he shied away from his usual pop sound, creating an entirely new sound for him and his most incohesive album to date.
  13. Dec 11, 2020
    Wonderful and incredible is art. A Great Álbum full of talent, love and passion.
  14. Dec 13, 2020
    omg this album is his best one yet. every song just feels like you’re living in another world, and they sound very different from each other. he really explored a lot of new genres and expanded his sound. and don’t get me started on his amazing vocals. before you say “he sounds the same”, “he’s mediocre and boring” just give it a listen, you won’t regret it at all. one of the best albumsomg this album is his best one yet. every song just feels like you’re living in another world, and they sound very different from each other. he really explored a lot of new genres and expanded his sound. and don’t get me started on his amazing vocals. before you say “he sounds the same”, “he’s mediocre and boring” just give it a listen, you won’t regret it at all. one of the best albums released on 2020 no doubt. Expand
  15. Dec 13, 2020
    This album is one of albums I have heard this entire year!!! It was amazing new refreshing and just brilliant!!!! One of the most immaculate albums I have heard in a long time! I’m surprised because Shawn Mendes the album is one of my all time favorite albums and wondered (haha no pun intended) how he was gonna top that one! It’s safe to say he did! Wonder is such a masterpiece! MyThis album is one of albums I have heard this entire year!!! It was amazing new refreshing and just brilliant!!!! One of the most immaculate albums I have heard in a long time! I’m surprised because Shawn Mendes the album is one of my all time favorite albums and wondered (haha no pun intended) how he was gonna top that one! It’s safe to say he did! Wonder is such a masterpiece! My favorites are Always been you, Teach me how to love, call my friends, higher, 24 hours! This is an album that has no SKIPS! Expand
  16. Dec 14, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. cada dia mais ele se superando sério QUE HOMEM MAIS TALENTOSOOOOOOO NOSSA SENHORA stan shawn mendes for a clean skin Expand
  17. Dec 12, 2020
    I really loved the album! Good job shawn! teach me how to love and dream are my favs
  18. Dec 12, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum ta incrível, é algo totalmente diferente e os vocais dele estão maravilhosos nesse álbum. Expand
  19. Dec 4, 2020
    o álbum é perfeito de todas as formas, mas tenho que falar mais dele pra crítica valer, pronto
  20. Dec 11, 2020
    This is definitely my favorite Shawn album. The way it tells a story and the perfect melodias. It saved my year.
  21. Xls
    Dec 12, 2020
    Um álbum que mostra o amadurecimento do Mendes e explora uma nova área. Tem muita paixão envolvida e trabalho árduo.
  22. Dec 14, 2020
    bíblia sonora, só tem hino. Músicas perfeitas, o grammy tem que vim ai. Conceito, coesão e aclamação
  23. Dec 15, 2020
    Best album I've heard this year!!! It's just so powerful and big!!! Shawn has outdone himself
  24. Aug 3, 2021
    A "intro" e "Wonder" abrem o álbum justamente com essa característica, são duas faixas que trabalham como uma só, complementando uma a outra, os versos calmos nos começos das musicas são engradecidas ao decorrer destas, até uma explosão de instrumentos intensificarem o som, seguidos pela voz extraordinária de Shawn, o tema desse hino é a falta de tempo que o canadense passou a ter por serA "intro" e "Wonder" abrem o álbum justamente com essa característica, são duas faixas que trabalham como uma só, complementando uma a outra, os versos calmos nos começos das musicas são engradecidas ao decorrer destas, até uma explosão de instrumentos intensificarem o som, seguidos pela voz extraordinária de Shawn, o tema desse hino é a falta de tempo que o canadense passou a ter por ser uma estrela da música e sentir falta de ser uma pessoa qualquer na sociedade para fazer o que quer. "Higher" é a terceira faixa do álbum, talvez a musica mais Pop da carreira do canadense, que não tem medo de se inspirar nos anos 60 e traz o baixo como elemento principal da faixa, mas ao mesmo tempo dando modernidade com os falsetes únicos, primeira temática romântica, balada que aborda que não consegue ficar mais tão elevado pelo amor de sua namorada Camila Cabello. "24 Hours" é apenas piano e Shawn com sua calma voz, contemplada com transições lindas de divergentes graves para uma voz mais fina bem impressionante, outra faixa influenciada pelos anos 60, temática focada que o cantor não quer perder tempo, quer viver tudo com sua amada, basta 24 horas para eles se mudarem e viverem juntos. "Teach me How to Love" é a grande faixa Pop do álbum e talvez a melhor faixa, Shawn não tem medo de arriscar e abusa dos instrumentos clássicos semelhantes a década de 70, onde saxofones e contrabaixo são fortes segmentos da trilha, seguidos de uma guitarra elétrica e vocais femininos para a elevação da musica, impossível ficar parado escutando tal musica, um dos grandes trabalhos de carreira do canadense, que novamente faz uma transição perfeita entre o seu falsete e um tom mais característico da sua voz, além da letra ser sexy/romântica que este está disposto a fazer os desejos de sua parceira, basta dize-lo. "Call My Friends" se assemelha estruturalmente a "Wonder", desde o engrandecimento dos instrumentos até o tema da musica ser o mesmo, porém é bastante repetitiva e rapidamente enjoativa, parece ter faltado um melhor desenvolvimento lírico nessa faixa, primeira baixa do álbum que vinha impecável. "Dream" é uma grande faixa, onde é possível ver Shawn no ápice vocal, seus falsetes arrepiam o ouvinte e a melodia com o refrão simples, mas ao mesmo tempo suave de ouvir, faz você entrar em outro mundo, é liricamente pobre novamente, abordando que basta o cantor adormecer que sua namorada está em seus sonhos, mas é uma ótima musica, com um ótimo tom que o álbum precisava. "Song For No One" é claramente a música que foi utilizada como experimento e referencia para o resto do desenvolvimento do álbum, pois sua estrutura é a mesma que é repetida nas demais faixas, com um clima mais calmo e tranquilo em sua primeira parte, mas uma explosão de instrumentos combinada com os vocais poderosos, porém peca como assim em outras faixas na letra e carência de um melhor desenvolvimento. "Monster" é a única parceria do álbum, com o também canadense Justin Bieber, única faixa que se assemelha ao trabalho anterior de Shawn, pois o R&B toma conta, dessa vez com um clima soturno e auto reflexivo pelo número de julgamentos que acontecem por erros como quaisquer outros humanos, a faixa possivelmente engloba a melhor parceria do ano, pois os dois encaixam perfeitamente, a transição da ponte é muito bem construída e Justin toma conta do segundo verso da música, trazendo inicialmente um trap com rimas dinâmicas e finalizando a estrofe com forte influencia Pop, com grandes vocais e falsetes perfeitamente encaixados, Shawn retorna a faixa com a mesma entonação e eles fazem uma dupla magistral na parte final de uma trilha divergente do mercado, mas excelente como o tamanho desses dois artistas. "305" é uma balada diferente e parece ser experimental também, mas cai no mesmo problema lírico, refrão não é dos melhores, mas novamente a grandiosidade de transição instrumental com os ótimos vocais. "Always Been You" é a faixa que demonstra a perda de qualidade o álbum, pois é a faixa idêntica na estrutura de "Call My Friends", mas os sons chegam a ser irritantes e parece ser totalmente descartada, porém foi mantida. "Piece Of You" é a faixa salvadora do final do álbum, voltando ao Pop anos 70, entrega uma grande música, mas que deveria ter sido melhor posicionada, entre a faixa 4 e 6 do álbum, ela fica esquecida pelo local encaixada, porém é uma das melhores, onde Shawn canta a respeito do ciúmes compreensível da namorada, tendo em vista seus assédios da sociedade. "Look Up At The Stars" segue o mesmo problema, boa faixa e mal posicionada, talvez se o álbum tivesse apenas 11 faixas seria o final perfeito, pois é a faixa que define o álbum liricamente e musicalmente, se encerra com "Can't Imagine" uma canção que parece ter sido feita em instantes finais e não engloba a proposta da obra. Ótimo álbum, porem com potencial maior do que o entregue.
    Nota 8.8
  25. May 17, 2021
    The album is an OK album. It was lacking of energetic and groovy songs and was a very slow listen. I think there weren't many interesting elements to it. Most songs weren't too strong production wise, just a simple piano with very few other elements. I think the best tracks are Wonder, Higher, Teach Me How To Love and Piece Of You. I don't think it's better than Illuminate or Shawn MendesThe album is an OK album. It was lacking of energetic and groovy songs and was a very slow listen. I think there weren't many interesting elements to it. Most songs weren't too strong production wise, just a simple piano with very few other elements. I think the best tracks are Wonder, Higher, Teach Me How To Love and Piece Of You. I don't think it's better than Illuminate or Shawn Mendes self titled in any way. He's becoming another pop boy who's shifting to R&B which we are starting to see too much of. Expand
  26. Dec 8, 2020
    This album is clearly his best by far. It feels like a cinematic experience and showcases an enormous evolution in his music. I'm very proud!
  27. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. perfeito igual tudo o q ele faz! o album da carreira, obra de arte. literalmente uma das melhores coisas de 2020 Expand
  28. Feb 12, 2021
    If I could have given 11/10 I would have. This album just proves how he continues to grow I mean the production ????? **** amazing. No skip, everything has its own style but it's still so cohesive. PLUS ending an album with "Cool, that's good for now" I- I can't even describe how much I love this album
  29. Dec 4, 2020
    Shawn Mendes has potential. I believe he will achieve greater creativity and sound quality over the years.
  30. Dec 14, 2020
    Amazing album. Versatile, extremely smart production wise and THOSE VOCALSSSSS
  31. Dec 11, 2020
    Wonder is amazing. The sonic of the album was completely different and more evolved than his past albums. You can also hear the major vocal growth.
  32. Dec 13, 2020
    Can’t stop playing! Best of the best! Love all of the tracks! He is so truthful with these songs. Musically the album is so good!
  33. Mar 21, 2021
    I expected way much more from Justin new album and his comeback. At least it’s better than Journals.
  34. Dec 4, 2020
    Está tão lindo ele abre seu coração com esse álbum teach me How to love é linda e uma vibe bem dançante e 305 bem natalina
  35. Dec 4, 2020
    álbum incrível, os vocais estão impecáveis, músicas com letras incríveis amei o álbum
  36. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Está maravilhoso, perfeito, esse álbum é uma bíblia sonora, amém shawn mendes. Expand
  37. Dec 4, 2020
    Its an amazing album theres so much growth in shawn mendes music its so beautiful
  38. Dec 4, 2020
    This album shows in a very impressive way how Shawn Mendes learned to accept his own vulnerability, flaws and rough edges, how he discovered the tender bond of pure love, and how he is able to stay on the ground despite his popularity, fame and commercial success. This album is a true revelation from a young man who truly found himself.
  39. Dec 4, 2020
    it´s clearly shawn's best album. he GROWTH vocally e sonically and this album shows it. the 'higher' points are the falsettos and high notes of mendes and the production of the album, its magic!
  40. Dec 4, 2020
    Wow! This album is a good surprise, all the songs have a “plot twist” and the instrumentals are fantastic. Shawn Mendes left his comfort zone during the production of this album. He’s a singer that writes songs about love, always playing the real thing, so there is no reason to demand anything else from him. “Can’t Imagine” closes the album perfectly, you can feel the emotion by hisWow! This album is a good surprise, all the songs have a “plot twist” and the instrumentals are fantastic. Shawn Mendes left his comfort zone during the production of this album. He’s a singer that writes songs about love, always playing the real thing, so there is no reason to demand anything else from him. “Can’t Imagine” closes the album perfectly, you can feel the emotion by his voice, sounds like his heart, it’s a freestyle. It’s a masterpiece. Expand
  41. Dec 4, 2020
    Shawn is the best singer in the entire world, your voice is perfect and this album is a really wonder, thanks for the amazing work Shawn Mendes
  42. Dec 4, 2020
    perfect, parfait, perfidy, pervert, perfecta, Pareto, Pepito, permit, perfecter, Perseid, forfeit, surfeit, parfaits, perverts, parfait's
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    perfect, parfait, perfidy, pervert, perfecta, Pareto, Pepito, permit, perfecter, Perseid, forfeit, surfeit, parfaits, perverts, parfait's
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  43. Dec 4, 2020
    His best album ever! It really is like taking a ride into wonderland. Every time you think you have figured the sound of a song out it changes. It’s major retro music vibes and unexpected surprises throughout. I Loved it!
  44. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It"s simply perfect, those who say that it's all the same are completely deaf, he literally left his confort zone. Expand
  45. Dec 4, 2020
    O álbum tá muito bom, os vocais incríveis, mas eu esperava mais, algo diferente do usual dos outros álbuns do Shawn
  46. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. “Wonder” marks a significant departure from every work Mendes has done in his past studio albums: full cohesive album, great production, outstanding vocals and interesting tracks, some of them quite surprising. Some sonorously wise and peculiar tracks include the Beatle inspired and vocally impressive “Song For No One”, the fun 60’s inspired Miami tribute “305”, “Always Been You”, which can be easily interpreted as a journey into Mendes’ and the singer-songwriter and Mendes’ girlfriend Camila Cabello relationship progress, and “Look Up At The Stars”, a pop rock ballad and fan tribute track. Other highlights in “Wonder” are the spicy and teasing “Teach Me How To Love” and the Everly Brothers inspired “Dream”. The acoustic and love letter kind “Can’t Imagine”, which appears as the final track, might not have been the correct ending for the album, but Mendes chose to give his audience a soft and calming closure. Lyrically, Mendes’ fourth studio album is fine, but the 22 year-old musician got way more potencial than we are able to check. Besides that, Mendes explores a side of himself never seen or heard before. It’s safe to say that the Canadian singer-songwriter has got a brilliant future in music, and “Wonder” shows itself as a guarantee to that future. Expand
  47. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing! Simply incredible. I have no words to describe this album, it is for sure the best album I have ever heard in my life, Shawn shows us all his vulnerability and passion with very well written compositions, I look forward to seeing his fans singing 305 and teach me how to love live. Expand
  48. Dec 4, 2020
    album perfeito, quem diz o contrário é mal amado, shawn se superou, amo PRATICAMENTE o álbum todo
  49. Dec 4, 2020
    Wonder is really one if not the best of Shawn’s projects at the moment, this album is trully a masterpiece. The production, the vocals, the lyrics, all of these are wonderful parts of this amazing album that reflect tons of feelings and thoughts in a beautiful way.
  50. Dec 5, 2020
    his most experimental and exciting work to date. I love the fact that beginning a song you won’t necessarily know what it is like sonically.
  51. Dec 4, 2020
    É um álbum incrível, onde vemos o crescimento dele como cantor e como pessoa tbm. Ele está mais maduro e livre para cantar sobre o que quiser e os fãs podem ver isso.
  52. Dec 4, 2020
    Soooo good, it’s been only a couple hours and I’ve already learned most of the songs
  53. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The songs are magic and a lot of different things in just one album, I’m sure that this is his best album and I can’t stop hearing. I also love the lyrics Expand
  54. Dec 4, 2020
    the album is wonderful, each letter and each rhythm brings great energy! The musical arrangements are perfect! Thank you for that masterpiece Shawn!
  55. Dec 4, 2020
    It's just incredible! It's unlike anything he's ever done, I found it super innovative. The songs transmit an inexplicable energy. I loved!
  56. Dec 4, 2020
    PERFECTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!! iiiihih87h7gg9t8cxr6z46xcv7bhj9jhjiopppplllllllkkkljh8h8h8
  57. Dec 4, 2020
    The songs are amazing! So particular and Captivating
    They are totally different from those of his old repertoire or any other work, talk about love, freedom and have a good vibe
    We can see Shawn talking about being in love and handed over to someone
    I really recommend!
  58. Dec 4, 2020
    Wonder isn’t just an album, it’s a cultural reset, a reason to breathe, an escape from this cruel world filled with thieves. It’s art, the first gift you open on Xmas, a hug from a loved one, everything you’ve ever wanted, everything you need! #StreamWonder
  59. Dec 4, 2020
    Amazing. Honestly i’m surprised. I’m glad he’s trying different sounds. As he should when you get older in the music business and it takes a while for artists to find their sound. This album much different from the rest of his discography. For those who keep saying he’s mediocre are the same people who listen to his radio hits and ignore his album. I still believe he can give us more thanAmazing. Honestly i’m surprised. I’m glad he’s trying different sounds. As he should when you get older in the music business and it takes a while for artists to find their sound. This album much different from the rest of his discography. For those who keep saying he’s mediocre are the same people who listen to his radio hits and ignore his album. I still believe he can give us more than this. I saw on genius that wrote all of his songs and worked with the same produces for almost every track. What I would do instead if you want people to show that you’ve evolved is work with different producers on every track. So you aren’t stuck in the same limbo. I’m impressed I just miss the shawn mendes where he was deep in his lyrics like his best album handwritten. I’m glad he found love, but to me the best shawn is the heart broken shawn mendes. I hope one day he can prove people wrong and write an album that will blow everyone away! He still needs time evolve because he is still young in the industry. I will keep an eye out for Shawn Mendes because I know one day he will win a grammy for an amazing album and I can’t wait for that day. Like i said before work with different producers and different songwriters on one album that album will be massive hit. Expand
  60. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El mejor album de shawn amo todas las canciones de Wonder. Dream y Teach me how to love son las mejores Expand
  61. Dec 4, 2020
    One of the bests albums of the 2020. Just amazing. I love the lyrics, his voice, everything. He showed his emotions in a way that he didn’t before. 10/10
  62. Dec 4, 2020
    This album is a masterpiece!! Shawn is such a genius. There is not a single song that would leave me indifferent. The album is a bit retro at the same time (can't imagine, song for no one) and also very relevant sound and vibe as in higher, call my friends, piece of you. Shawn exceeded all my expectations, the vocals are beyond praise, the music and lyrics are the best I've ever seen.
  63. Dec 4, 2020
    Is amazing,all is perfect.This is diferent a her others albums and i really loved
  64. Dec 4, 2020
  65. Dec 6, 2020
    Probably his best album so far. In Wonder, we can see his evolution as an artist. We can feel everything he is trying to pass through the songs, for example, we can feel the happiness in Higher and we can feel the sadness in Song For No One. Every track has a different message of something that he had been through in his life. As a person from another country, I'm glad that Canada is ableProbably his best album so far. In Wonder, we can see his evolution as an artist. We can feel everything he is trying to pass through the songs, for example, we can feel the happiness in Higher and we can feel the sadness in Song For No One. Every track has a different message of something that he had been through in his life. As a person from another country, I'm glad that Canada is able to export artists like him to represent them. Expand
  66. Dec 4, 2020
    Definitely an insane album. More than a music album, it's a complete experience in the world entitled "wonderland". Impeccable instruments and vocals. Wonder is wonderful!
  67. Dec 8, 2020
    o MELHOR ÁLBUM DO ANO. Quem fala mal é fâ de diva pop que só faz farofa. Shawn como sempre servindo qualidade e compondo o próprio album, a surra nas divas pops que trabalham com deus e o mundo pra fazer um album generico pra hitar no tico teco
  68. Dec 4, 2020
    Such a wonderful album. I love it. The lyrics and productions are simply amazing.
  69. Dec 4, 2020
    Shawn is amazing, his songwriting only gets better and with wonder it was no surprise he outdid himself in every way
  70. Dec 4, 2020
    Best album from shawn mendes yet!
    Each song has it's own vibe and each one is a masterpiece
    It also doesn't sound like your typical pop music album, it has exotic melodies and rhythms. Love it.
  71. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's an amazing album , The production is very good and 60-70s . Shawn is growing as an artist . Expand
  72. Dec 4, 2020
    This album it's like a master piece. Every single sound, every single lyric. Everything in It It's just amazing. Shawn literally changed and evolutioned for better. You can feel his freedom un every single song, I just loved it
  73. Dec 4, 2020
    The album is very different among his first 3 albums. I have seen growth and confidence while listening to the album. I recommend Teach Me How To Love, higher, 305 and the rest of the album.
  74. Dec 4, 2020
    This album is just so good!!! This album shows the artistic growth of Shawn Mendes. As of the moment I have 5 best picks such as Higher, 305, Teach Me How To Love, Piece Of You, and Dream
  75. Dec 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. No me gustó pero bueno aquí ayudando dha Turn it up, it's your favorite song
    Dance, dance, dance to the distortion
    Turn it up, keep it on repeat
    Stumblin' around like a wasted zombie
    Yeah, we think we're free (ah-ha)
    Drink, this one's on me
    We're all chained to the rhythm
    To the rhythm, to the rhythm
  76. Dec 5, 2020
    A very nice wonderful work. There’s calm songs as they’re songs which are bops. It’s such a lovely different album. His best so far in my opinion
  77. Dec 5, 2020
    wonderful production, the lyrics are very honest and good too, not only explores love themes but also other aspects, sonically his best album for sure, love the growth, especially in vocals. also glad to know that shawn has co-written/written all of the songs and has co-produced them too, i think he is very underrated as a musician and as a vocalist.
  78. Dec 5, 2020
    It’s an amazing album and Shawn’s voice is really great
    Adorable lyrics&music
    It has super nice vibes There are some songs that literally sounds like heaven
    I hardly recommend hearing it
  79. Dec 5, 2020
    Best album I've ever heard in my entire life! Each song is a different and incredible feeling. I'm in love with this album! Shawn and his team did a lot on this album.
  80. Dec 5, 2020
    maravilhoso! a produção de cada música está incrível e muito bem pensados, é perceptível o cuidado com cada detalhe. eu realmente amei. incrível em todos os aspectos
  81. Dec 5, 2020
    o trabalho do shawn tá perfeito, ótima melodia, ótimas composições, é o álbum da carreira!
  82. Dec 5, 2020
    Amazing Album, especially after a 2nd listen.. Skme songs take 2-3 listens to really appreciate .. Different from every other album he has put out!
  83. Dec 5, 2020
    basically I guess that is really good that Shawn didn't wanna fixate on one style or two But it will definitely takes time for our fans to get used to it.
  84. Dec 5, 2020
    It’s a very good album for sure. the growth he showed and the pen game he played, I love it so much. my favorite album of his.
  85. Dec 5, 2020
    I love this album . I can’t skip one music because all of them are super good . I am in love if you want to enjoy different sound just listen to this album
  86. Dec 5, 2020
    I had such high hopes for this album only to be disappointed. I’ve been a huge fan of Shawn for a long time, but the last 2 albums have shown me that he just isn’t a good songwriter with absolutely no progression in his music. The lyrics have to be the worst part. Two songs have repetitive lyrics three times in a row. Another thing that was weird was that the album really had no theme ofI had such high hopes for this album only to be disappointed. I’ve been a huge fan of Shawn for a long time, but the last 2 albums have shown me that he just isn’t a good songwriter with absolutely no progression in his music. The lyrics have to be the worst part. Two songs have repetitive lyrics three times in a row. Another thing that was weird was that the album really had no theme of “wonder”. Maybe a few songs felt special and “wonder like” but I felt like I was listening to a completely different album each song with most songs feeling quite boring with bad production which has always been an issue for his songs. It feels like Shawn still hasn’t found himself Expand
  87. Dec 6, 2020
    Ótimo álbum, só queria que a intro fosse uma música pq eu adorei. Mas todas estão ótimas, não tem nenhuma que eu não tenha gostado.
  88. Dec 8, 2020
    This album is absolutely amazing! The lyrics is awesome, the vibes, the music... just everything.
  89. Dec 8, 2020
    I've loved every single song. It's pure perfection, both lyrically and sonically.
  90. Dec 9, 2020
    I'm in love with this album, everything is perfect on this album. I can say that it is my new favorite album of his.
  91. Dec 9, 2020
    Beautiful album. Lyrically and sonically. The sons all have surprising plot twists. Beautiful composition and producing.
  92. Dec 9, 2020
    This is Shawn’s best album yet, although I’m not a great fan of romantic music, he puts it in a way that isn’t that cheesy, there’s a lot of variety and the change in the middle of the songs Look Up at the Stars and in Song for No One really are something else.
  93. Dec 9, 2020
    Eu nunca havia visto esse lado do Shawn, as letras, melodias estão completamente diferente do que estva acostumada. Adorei, de verdade! O talento.
  94. Dec 9, 2020
    The best album in the world, Shawn grew up musically and this album is the proof, Always been you is wonderful and without a doubt Teach Me How To Love, everyone will listen to his album now.
  95. Dec 9, 2020
    Regardless of being a huge Shawn fan, he has truly made a masterpiece. Each letter is just perfect, I connected with several and the music changes are simply amazing, the truth is that the rating is wrong. I may not be an expert but Shawn Mendes brought us back a great album.
  96. Dec 9, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's an amazing álbum and i love the vocals in this album Teach Me How To Love is the best song of the world!!!!!!! Expand
  97. Dec 9, 2020
    Wooow I dont have words to describe how I feel about this album. The music, the lyrics, the voice ... this is really good art
  98. Dec 9, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I don’t know, is an album very special for me, its arrived in the dark moment in my life Expand
  99. Dec 9, 2020
    Idk why the hate for this album but i really love it, he's just showing his feelings and thats its so hard to express, so i love that
  100. Dec 9, 2020
    best album ever it made me feel more connected with shawn and his music and it helped through my anxiety.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Dec 16, 2020
    While the slower songs are fine, sometimes sincere, the growth on Wonder is all evident on the livelier tunes, all of which point toward a more adventurous twenties for Shawn Mendes.
  2. Dec 11, 2020
    While “Wonder” is at times overambitious and overwrought, it does feel like the last stop on a particular journey. Mendes can’t sound much bigger than this without going full Adele, so what might come next is wide open.
  3. Dec 9, 2020
    Mendes spends nearly every minute bowled over by the power of love. It’s nice to see his cup overflow so bountifully, but the near-constant awe quickly grows tiresome, especially when conveyed through clichés like, “Your body’s like an ocean, I’m devoted to explore you” and, “You’re my sunlight on a rainy day.”