
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
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  1. Feb 4, 2014
    With ceo he's perfecting it and this is his best work yet. Whether you're shopping, working, falling in love, or drifting along aimlessly, it's a perfect soundtrack for a warm daydream full of light and wonder.
  2. Jan 31, 2014
    Altogether, it’s some irresistible glitter-on-the dancefloor delirium.
  3. Feb 3, 2014
    There’s an abundance of ideas packed into these pop songs, and Berglund’s ear for melodies and harmonies, as well as piecemeal-sampled grunts, yelps, and hollers make for an exotically infectious whole.
  4. Feb 3, 2014
    With no shortage of hooks and crescendos, Wonderland continues to revel in the spirit of TTA, demonstrating more greatness by this industry anomaly.
  5. Feb 19, 2014
    While Berglund still seems intent on taking a sideways swipe at pop culture, his sophomore album Wonderland is full of elegant contradictions, bridging the gap between bratty and Balearic.
  6. Feb 12, 2014
    There’s something about CEO’s second album that’s so wide-eyed, so full of wonder that even when it approaches absolute sugar overload it’s impossible to dislike.
  7. Feb 7, 2014
    It’s very ambitious but also very flawed, but moreover it’s great to hear him take all these risks.
  8. Jan 31, 2014
    Like the debut, this album is only eight songs, but floaty interludes like "In a Bubble on a Stream" or "Juju" allow attention to drift more freely, closer to TTA's super-limited 2006 ambient excursion Escaping Your Ambitions.
  9. 91
    Each spin offers a chance for escape, but what endows Berglund’s sophomore effort with the glow of a masterpiece is its accessibility.
  10. Q Magazine
    Mar 18, 2014
    Like a violent assault by a Moshi Monster, it's fluffy, frightening and utterly overwhelming. [Apr 2014, p.105]
  11. Feb 5, 2014
    In rightly avoiding the sweeping, anthemic electro jams of compatriots like Robyn and Niki and the Dove, Berglund offers an unpretentious and hypnotic listening experience, the kind of album that allows its audience to be a member of a nameless, nebulous crowd immersing itself in pure street spectacle.
  12. Feb 3, 2014
    Similar to the likes of Animal Collective, it weeds out the ordinary pop listener to reward the fan devoted to deciphering its layers.
  13. 80
    Wonderland‘s a cracking slab of chewy pop-toffee. It’s sugary, and superficially slathered with rainbow glitter, but it takes more than a few seconds to comprehend and devour the music.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Apr 23, 2014
    Brings a bit more of indie Electronica here than previous record. Some Animal Collective worship here for sure. Overall though, a lot of theBrings a bit more of indie Electronica here than previous record. Some Animal Collective worship here for sure. Overall though, a lot of the songs are way too dense, fruity and colorful and they're pretty basic as well. Produced very well, but the vocals are too fluffy. I do find some of the softer moments nice, but it's just too simple and disguises itself as something more complex on the surface when it's not deep down. Full Review »