• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 7, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 711 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 62 out of 711

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  1. KatamaiS.
    Jun 7, 2005
    Quite beautiful album. All songs really stick in your head. If you give it 4-5 spins you will think that this is Coldplay's greatest. I was with them from the start. "Parachutes" was good, but "A Rush Of Blood..." was even better, and the change that Coldplay has made with this new album is quite astonishing. I can't understand why so many of the old Coldplay fans, think that Quite beautiful album. All songs really stick in your head. If you give it 4-5 spins you will think that this is Coldplay's greatest. I was with them from the start. "Parachutes" was good, but "A Rush Of Blood..." was even better, and the change that Coldplay has made with this new album is quite astonishing. I can't understand why so many of the old Coldplay fans, think that "X&Y" is a dissapointment. I think that this is Coldplay at there very best, like Zep on "Physical Graffiti". Expand
  2. JonN
    Jun 7, 2005
    The only people who would give this album a 7 or less are those on the anti-Coldplay bandwagon that is rolling around right now. X&Y sees Coldplay evolve once again, and after about 15 listens every track has something to make it special. This is a work of art that has to be heard to be believed.
  3. JD
    Jun 7, 2005
    Can't be wrong, almost perfert !
  4. marks
    Jun 7, 2005
    Its obvious New York Times reviewer has never wrote a song.
  5. Matt
    Jun 7, 2005
    An OK album. Not as good as the A Rush Of Blood To The Head album, but not bad either. Was hoping a bit more to be honest.
  6. Graham
    Jun 7, 2005
    A very bland album, personally their worst album.
  7. jimmyj
    Jun 7, 2005
    While songs like Square One and Low are terrific, there are some pondering fillers towards the end that are frankly quite dull. And "Fix You" is nowhere near as good as everyone is pretending it is. This is a good album, but not the masterpiece that is being sychophantically claimed.
  8. jamalt
    Jun 8, 2005
    great album under every single point of view
  9. ryanb
    Jun 8, 2005
    Many reviews have looked past the obvious. Chris and the band have elgantly placed a full description of their album in the title, X&Y. This album is full; full of landscapes that vary and contrast from one to the next just like the emotional variances of our own lives. Its full of sounds, complexities that demand an attentive listener. Its big and bold, similar enough to be welcomed as Many reviews have looked past the obvious. Chris and the band have elgantly placed a full description of their album in the title, X&Y. This album is full; full of landscapes that vary and contrast from one to the next just like the emotional variances of our own lives. Its full of sounds, complexities that demand an attentive listener. Its big and bold, similar enough to be welcomed as comforting, but driven and chaotic enough to challenge and tweek our perception. An album that embraces the past and propells us and Coldplay forward. Expand
  10. JamieH
    Jun 8, 2005
    Simply fantasic, works incredibly as an album, im glad im not the one who has to pick singles out.
  11. AmandaB
    Jun 8, 2005
    Having been a fan of Coldplay since before Parachutes was even released here in the states I might be a bit biased, but I absolutely love X&Y! After such a long break between AROBTTH and X&Y, I was a bit nervous and axious to hear the new material. I had heard a lot about the guys going in different directions musically, and was worried that Coldplay might change too much from the last Having been a fan of Coldplay since before Parachutes was even released here in the states I might be a bit biased, but I absolutely love X&Y! After such a long break between AROBTTH and X&Y, I was a bit nervous and axious to hear the new material. I had heard a lot about the guys going in different directions musically, and was worried that Coldplay might change too much from the last record to this. However upon first listen I was reassured, the Coldplay that I have loved for 5 years, is indeed back. And in a BIG way. Obviously X&Y is a major work of growth for the band, with just enough new ideas to excite and intigue us, while maintaining the core sound that is the identity of this band. From heavier tunes like X&Y and Twisted Logic, to Soaring Ballads like Fix You and Swalled in the Sea. From uptempo anthems such as Low and White Shadows to the almost accoustic Til Kingdom come, I would consider X&Y to be as complete as any album could possibly be. I am obviously not technically musical and I could not tell you anything about chords or riffs, but to me only one thing matters when considering a peice of music... Does it move you? X&Y Has moved me like no other album since... well since, A Rush of Blood to the Head. ;) I definitley reccomend it! Expand
  12. Derekm
    Jun 8, 2005
    Great great great. Full of awesome songs like FIX YOU and WHAT IF.
  13. Daniel
    Jun 8, 2005
    Good but not ideal.
  14. TalhaH
    Jun 8, 2005
    It is really astonishing as to why critics are accusing the band of not being revolutionary and bold enough. Don
  15. MikeJ.
    Jun 8, 2005
    Wonderful album -- that's all can say.
  16. JonD
    Jun 9, 2005
    I've been a fan since 'clocks' was released from a rush of blood. Some may say its the same old coldplay formula, but whats wrong with that? If the musics great, why change for change sake? Excellent thought provoking songs; square one, what if, talk (my fave!) fix you, speed of sound and swallowed in the sea are my highlights..
  17. D.Williams
    Jun 9, 2005
    After listening all the way through 4 times this album has grown on me (worked it's way from a 6 to an 8). It is defintely not an album that is immediately listenable like their previous efforts. 'Square One' is IMHO the best opening to any Coldplay album to date and 'White Shadows' has a great chorus and rhythm to it. 'Kingdom Come' is by far my biggest After listening all the way through 4 times this album has grown on me (worked it's way from a 6 to an 8). It is defintely not an album that is immediately listenable like their previous efforts. 'Square One' is IMHO the best opening to any Coldplay album to date and 'White Shadows' has a great chorus and rhythm to it. 'Kingdom Come' is by far my biggest surprise on this album though. I didn't think that Coldplay had the ability or desire to play some thing with such bluegrass/country roots. Should have been a main track and not hidden. XY isn't any better/worse than Rush of Blood. The different approach taken on most songs works for me and serves as a nice change of pace from Rush of Blood. I do understand some negative reviews based on lyrical content (Martin isn't exactly a lyrical whiz-kid) but lyrics are typically so personal that there are bound to be people for whom some lyrics just dont work. Nice to see that Coldplay made a stronger attempt to get away from the standard verse, chorus, verse format of most songs for this album. Look forward to hearing the songs performed live to see if there is a different sound to be gained from some of the songs i didn't like as much e.g. Twisted Logic and A Message. Expand
  18. RobJ
    Jun 9, 2005
    This album really grows on you. Don't judge it on the first listen. Let it sit in the player for a while. Do some cleaning while you're listening to it. Do some homework. Write earnest love letters that you'll never send. Let it sink into you. Eventually, like any great album, it becomes the ONLY thing you want to hear. It becomes part of who you are.
  19. paulm
    Jun 9, 2005
    the new york times are a bunch of freaking morons. maybe they should take the earwax out of their 60 year old ears and then maybe they could review this album properly. This album is simply BRILLIANT. It takes a few listens but it keeps growing on you. It's my favorite cd by far.
  20. jimmyjimoneb
    Jun 9, 2005
    Ok, unfortunatly this album is NOT a masterpiece... and because there was so much anticipation about it, many fans are a bit dissapointed... but it would nevertheless be a lie to say this is a bad work! Some songs are a bitirritating (X & Y, twisted logic) but Speed of sound and White Shadows totally rock and there are many goregous ballades, my two favourite being the catchy Swallowed in Ok, unfortunatly this album is NOT a masterpiece... and because there was so much anticipation about it, many fans are a bit dissapointed... but it would nevertheless be a lie to say this is a bad work! Some songs are a bitirritating (X & Y, twisted logic) but Speed of sound and White Shadows totally rock and there are many goregous ballades, my two favourite being the catchy Swallowed in the Sea and the AMAZING Til kingdom comes... Expand
  21. arnabm
    Jun 9, 2005
    the songs themselves are much better than previous efforts, but i still ended up being disappointed after listening to all of it several times. mainly because it not only loses the intimacy of parachutes but also the catchiness of a rush of blood, without significantly progressing musically. not too impressed.
  22. p-
    Jun 9, 2005
    A good album but nothing new. When compared to the White Stripes (both albums released on the same day), Coldplay goes for the easy sell, knowing everyone will like it and buy it. Coldplay plays it safe, producing a good album but far from great.
  23. bobbob
    Jun 9, 2005
    One of my top 5 favorite albums of all time.I didn't even like AROBTTH all that much(had its fair share of great songs,though),but this album is just amazing.It has more personality,flavor,anything you want to call it.It's not quite perfect,but it's very close.
  24. wackojacko
    Jun 9, 2005
    This is one of the best albums brought up by coldplay. A true classic with its adventurous songs.
  25. PamA
    Jun 9, 2005
    I love Coldplay and am enjoying their new CD very much. Do I love every single song on X&Y? No, but I never love every song on any CD I purchase, and I certainly don't hate any song on this album. Coldplay hits the mark so much more often than they miss. X&Y is a hit with me, and I am thrilled to have another Coldplay CD to add to my collection. And I will be seeing them on their I love Coldplay and am enjoying their new CD very much. Do I love every single song on X&Y? No, but I never love every song on any CD I purchase, and I certainly don't hate any song on this album. Coldplay hits the mark so much more often than they miss. X&Y is a hit with me, and I am thrilled to have another Coldplay CD to add to my collection. And I will be seeing them on their concert tour this summer, and there aren't too many bands I feel are worth the effort! Expand
  26. CaretteJ
    Jul 11, 2005
    Not as fresh that Rush of blood to the head. Not bad but not the masterpiece...
  27. JonyV
    Jul 13, 2005
    easily on my top 5 ever! unsurprisingly, pop snobs will dismiss them as a stadium band... but who cares when coldplay can release records so well crafted like this one? HUGE.
  28. CharlesL.
    Jul 10, 2005
    This cd grows on you, just like their previous. When "Rush of Blood" came out, I intially didn't think it as good a "Parachutes". When I first heard X&Y I didn't think it matched up to "Rush". But the more I listen to it, the more I love it. Only two week tracks in my opinion, the rest are pretty great. For those that complain this band isn't eeperimental enough, your This cd grows on you, just like their previous. When "Rush of Blood" came out, I intially didn't think it as good a "Parachutes". When I first heard X&Y I didn't think it matched up to "Rush". But the more I listen to it, the more I love it. Only two week tracks in my opinion, the rest are pretty great. For those that complain this band isn't eeperimental enough, your missing the point. If every band were like Radiohead or Mars Volta (both of whom I love) it would be pretty boring. They do their things. Coldplay does theirs -- and very, very well. Expand
  29. KyleJ
    Jul 22, 2005
    I had always enjoyed Coldplay's singles, but never really connected with an entire CD they produced. X&Y, though, is easily one of the best purchases I have ever made and a solid piece of work the entire way through. I'd say this is easily their best music yet, and hopefully is just a teaser for even better things to come.
  30. SimonP
    Jul 4, 2005
    An album that is the definition of a grower - those who can't see its beauty simply aren't listening. Every single song a craker (especially live), but track 4 - fix you - a fantastic 'shivers down your spine' song when it kicks in.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 33
  2. Negative: 1 out of 33
  1. Blender
    [Coldplay] have made their masterpiece. [Jun 2005, p.112]
  2. Confident, bold, ambitious, bunged with singles and impossible to contain, ‘X&Y’ doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it does reinforce Coldplay as the band of their time.
  3. They have chosen to opt for the standard formula: it's elegiac, mid-tempo, stadium-friendly ballads all the way.