• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 7, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 711 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 62 out of 711

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  1. Nov 1, 2022
    Almost perfect rock album, 1 medicore song (twisted logic). With this songs :
    Fix you, Talk, Square One, Speed of Sound, The Hardest Part, Swallow by the sea and Kingdom Come. Really great.
  2. Jan 14, 2022
    If there's one thing I have never understood, it's why Coldplay's 2005 opus X&Y is nearly universally looked down upon as being their worst of that decade. This is not only my personal favorite from the band, but it is in my top 5 favorite albums of all time. While though the two albums that surrounded this one were pretty much perfect in their own right, X&Y still reigns supreme to me.If there's one thing I have never understood, it's why Coldplay's 2005 opus X&Y is nearly universally looked down upon as being their worst of that decade. This is not only my personal favorite from the band, but it is in my top 5 favorite albums of all time. While though the two albums that surrounded this one were pretty much perfect in their own right, X&Y still reigns supreme to me. Why? I guess it's just because the sound that the band went for on this particular project is my favorite I have ever heard from them. Right off the bat, you get a perfect example of this sound in "Square One". This album is very spacey, and this song is a great example of that. Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman and Will Champion all go SO hard on this album! "What If" gives us some more of those classic Coldplay pianos we all know and love but with a special twist. "White Shadows" has more fantastic guitar and vocal work. "Fix You" is a classic... nothing much to add on that one. "Talk" is another highlight. The instrumental interlude on that track is just killer. The title track just might be the spaciest song on here, very underrated. "Speed of Sound" is another Coldplay classic with fantastic piano and drum work. "A Message" is yet another one of the band's most underrated and flat out best songs. The way the acoustic guitars transition into the hard hitting hook is just amazing. "Low" is a great song even if the ending drags on just a bit. "The Hardest Part" remains underrated despite being a single. "Swallowed in the Sea" is great too, the instrumentation really just makes it sound like a song that takes place out at sea. "Twisted Logic" just might be Coldplay's hardest song to date, the band just absolutely shreds their instruments on this one and it's plain awesome. "Til Kingdom Come" doesn't add a ton but is still a nice closer as a hidden track. I do wonder what the Johnny Cash version would have sounded like... Expand
  3. Aug 12, 2021
    I can understand this is not everybodies favorite, but here's why X&Y is the best album Coldplay ever put out in my opinion: Parachutes was a great debut, A Rush of Blood improved a lot of things but X&Y has these spacy notes and everything indeed sounds as you would imagine sound of space if it would have one, it is mystic, 'Square One' is probably the best example, listening to that inI can understand this is not everybodies favorite, but here's why X&Y is the best album Coldplay ever put out in my opinion: Parachutes was a great debut, A Rush of Blood improved a lot of things but X&Y has these spacy notes and everything indeed sounds as you would imagine sound of space if it would have one, it is mystic, 'Square One' is probably the best example, listening to that in the night especially looking to the stars gives you sort of feelings like "what is everything?". The slight voiced choruses, releasing in a sort of mid-epic to epic emotional hook with slight guitar work, just like 'What If' with it's slow and silent opening and a big chorus. it's improving what Coldplay did wrong in the first two albums, such as the Demo: It doesn't try too much to convince you. You can just listen along with a topic set from the first song, all the way through. I don't think the two predecessors where bad of course, but I also think, X&Y is not a bad album as well, it's just being experimental and that's what i really like about artist, if they manage to be experimentally interesting. I agree though, that twisted logic is probably the weakest song by far on this album, it's the only song i couldn't get behind that doesn't quite fit the track listing that well, but the rest is really an experience to listen to. Such as the other albums. Expand
  4. Sep 24, 2020
    I’m sure this is their best album even though many people dislike it - that includes the band. Their best lyrics and theis best instrumentals are in this album. Nothing has ever touched me so much as these songs. From the beginning to the end
  5. Apr 17, 2020
    Released In 2005, X&Y Is an amazingly solid album.
    The Album Starts Off With 'Square One' Which Greatly Sets The Tone With It's High Paced Instrumentals. 'What If' and 'White Shadows' are both great songs that mix their vocals and instruments amazingly well (which goes for most of the songs on the album if I'm being honest). 'Fix You' is probably the most emotional and sad song on the
    Released In 2005, X&Y Is an amazingly solid album.
    The Album Starts Off With 'Square One' Which Greatly Sets The Tone With It's High Paced Instrumentals. 'What If' and 'White Shadows' are both great songs that mix their vocals and instruments amazingly well (which goes for most of the songs on the album if I'm being honest). 'Fix You' is probably the most emotional and sad song on the album which I love! 'Talk' is lyrically pristine and the vocals and instrumentals are very fitting. 'X&Y', the song, has a certain vibe too it which makes you feel like your floating around underwater or in space, which is ironic because one of the lines is literally "You and me are drifting into outer space" TOGETHERRR! Speed Of Sound is a Good song, but I do think it is overrated, there's nothing bad about it it's just one of the more popular songs on the album, even though it's not as good as most of the other songs on X&Y. 'A Message' is a good middle tier song (compared to the other songs on the album) on the album and the thing I really like about this song is the electric guitar that goes in between your ears if you're wearing headphones, which I know a lot of songs do but I especially like it on this track. 'Low' Has some of the best instrumentals on the whole album, very upbeat. 'The Hardest Part' Has some of the best vocals on the album. 'Swallowed in the Sea' is a song that I don't really like, It doesn't make me hate the album, but it is a song that probably made me give the album a 9 instead of a 10 (leading reason not the ONLY reason) Lyrically, it's just a little corny and it feels a little out of place on the album. 'Twisted Logic' is a song that gives off a feeling of being in a movie or movie trailer, it just sounds like a track that would be good in a movie if used right. and finally, too end off the album it's 'Til Kingdom Come' which is a beautiful and honestly perfect way too end off an amazing album, it's a type of song that would be perfect on a 3AM playlist. I feel that X&Y is better than coldplay's debut album, 'Parachutes', and their sophomore album, 'A Rush of Blood to the Head', which are both great albums, it's just not Vocally, Instrumentally, and Lyricly as good as X&Y. My favourite tracks on this album would have too be Fix You, Low, and Til Kingdom Come.
  6. Apr 16, 2020
    An alternative name for the album: Coldplay's masterpiece. The best album by Coldplay to date. Great production, great vocals delayed by Martin, cohesive, and it has one of the best songs ever (if not the best) by Coldplay: Fix You. Some of you would not agree with me, some of you love this album, some of you got disappointed for this album, this is not a disappointment, this is evolution.An alternative name for the album: Coldplay's masterpiece. The best album by Coldplay to date. Great production, great vocals delayed by Martin, cohesive, and it has one of the best songs ever (if not the best) by Coldplay: Fix You. Some of you would not agree with me, some of you love this album, some of you got disappointed for this album, this is not a disappointment, this is evolution. I don't know if I could be acclaiming this album like this if I were a Coldplayer before X&Y, I heard this album in 2020 and it sounds timeless, I heard A rush of blood to the head and it's timeless too. So, I just can say: this is art, but some people will not recognize it. Expand
  7. Apr 7, 2020
    X&Y by Coldplay: 9.25

    Square One: 1 :) What If: 1 White Shadows: 1 :) Fix You: 1 Talk: 1 :) X&Y: 0.75 Speed of Sound: 1 :) A Message: 1 Low: 1 The Hardest Part: 1 :) Swallowed in the Sea: 1 :) Twisted Logic: 0.75 Til Kingdom Come: 1 :) 12.5/13 ~ .962 -> 9.25 In my ratings, it is certainly not easy to get a 10/10, as this is the second album I’ve reviewed out of over
    X&Y by Coldplay: 9.25

    Square One: 1 :)
    What If: 1
    White Shadows: 1 :)
    Fix You: 1
    Talk: 1 :)
    X&Y: 0.75
    Speed of Sound: 1 :)
    A Message: 1
    Low: 1
    The Hardest Part: 1 :)
    Swallowed in the Sea: 1 :)
    Twisted Logic: 0.75
    Til Kingdom Come: 1 :)

    12.5/13 ~ .962 -> 9.25

    In my ratings, it is certainly not easy to get a 10/10, as this is the second album I’ve reviewed out of over 50 to earn this rating. What’s even harder, though, is getting the best score yet, which X&Y has accomplished. Besides the hit-or-miss Parachutes album, I have really enjoyed what Coldplay has released. Their third album is no exception. X&Y is pretty much the perfect album, as almost all of its songs got a perfect score, and I still really liked the two that didn’t as well. On the album is The Hardest Part and Speed Of Sound, which are perhaps two of my absolute favorite songs. I have no complaints, and I wish all albums were like X&Y. I recommend Coldplay’s third to everyone who loves quality music. Highlights: Square One, What If, White Shadows, Fix You, Talk, Speed of Sound, A Message, Low, The Hardest Part, Swallowed in the Sea, and Til Kingdom Come.
  8. Nov 24, 2019
    An excellent album of my favorites, great melodies that stay stuck in the head, an exquisite sound.
  9. Nov 6, 2019
    Álbum da turnê de 2007, quando a banda veio ao Brasil pela segunda vez. Foi o primeiro grande show que eu fui na minha vida. Tinha apenas 17 anos, e tudo aquilo era novo para mim. Um grande espetáculo e X&Y foi o último grande álbum do Coldplay que me emocionou.
  10. Sep 29, 2019
    After critical and commercial success with their first two albums, this was the difficult third album for Coldplay. Expectations were very high from everyone and EMI were banking on it to save their year in 2005. The band delayed the release of it several times but were under pressure to get it out. It shows, much like U2's (underrated) POP album, a few more months working on it couldAfter critical and commercial success with their first two albums, this was the difficult third album for Coldplay. Expectations were very high from everyone and EMI were banking on it to save their year in 2005. The band delayed the release of it several times but were under pressure to get it out. It shows, much like U2's (underrated) POP album, a few more months working on it could have turned this into a classic. Don't get me wrong, "X & Y" is very good and has some of the best songs the band have produced on it, but it's quite probably two tracks too long and at times the songs are produced to such an extent that their innate magic is diluted. **Update** I still listen to this 14 years or so after its initial release and it has some of my favourite Coldplay tracks, especially on the second half. The view that this was a missed opportunity to produce a classic still stands. Expand
  11. Mar 23, 2019
    I used to hear Coldplay a lot when I was younger due to my parents. I discovered them again only recently. X&Y is a classic, no doubt. The album has a relaxed, chilled tone and every song seems to just fit the overall mood. The hidden track - 'Til Kingdom Come' - had a very nice vibe to it that made for a perfect ending. Yet another brilliant Coldplay record. 10 out of 10.
  12. Dec 9, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love this album, the best coldplay album, i love the sounds, and lyrics, i love all of the album, the best coldplay album, for ever, 10/10 Expand
  13. Aug 8, 2017
    Coldplay were trying to find something new during the whole album just to find out that the best songs of the record ("Fix You" and my absolute coldplay favourite "Speed of Sound") were written using pretty much the old formulas of their last album
  14. Aug 12, 2016
    Hands down, this album is most underrated Coldplay album ever. X&Y earned so many commercial success but this isn't enough for this album. Every tracks on this album are very good. More guitar riffs, more meaningful lyrics written by Chris Martin.
  15. Jun 5, 2016
    Really good album. It's so experimental and emotional. This made me like Coldplay even more. "Fix You" is probably the best song because I liked it since I was a little kid.
  16. Dec 31, 2015
    Simplesmente uma bíblia, o melhor trabalho do Coldplay! Letras lindas e bem escritas, soturno na sua medida, instrumental muito bem trabalhada e o vocal perfeito do Chris deram uma magia especial pro álbum. Perfeito!

    Pontos altíssimos: Low, Talk, Fix You
  17. Dec 9, 2015
    An album rich in tone and beautifully consistent in its story and instrumentation. The melodies are simple but catchy if not sometimes drawn out a little too long. Chris Martin's performance brings the album to even higher heights with his off kilter vocals and soothing falsetto.
    CHECK IT OUT?- Absolutely!!
    BEST SONG- Swallowed By The Sea
  18. May 1, 2015
    This was the first Coldplay album that I bought. I remember that I couldn't stop listening to it from the beginning to the end. Certain songs of it still make me cry and give me lots of feelings, such as "Swallowed in the sea" and "Til kingdom come". X&Y has a deep meaning for me and it made me fully love this band.
  19. Aug 4, 2014
    The sounds to this album can make you feel like you're billions of kilometers into empty space, the opposite of what this bloated album is. It's unnecessarily long, but captivating and emotionally resonant. Lyrics are still... problematic, and they don't do a Viva La Vida to cliche. It's not easy to ignore "ignite your bones".
  20. Mar 31, 2014
    While slightly beating Mylo Xyloto, I think X&Y is honestly one of the weaker albums in my opinion. It definitely had some very good songs but really I think there was only one song that I just really liked overall of them. Most of the songs just seemed a little above average to be honest, but it's still and alright album. My favorite songs would probably have to be "What If", "Fix You"While slightly beating Mylo Xyloto, I think X&Y is honestly one of the weaker albums in my opinion. It definitely had some very good songs but really I think there was only one song that I just really liked overall of them. Most of the songs just seemed a little above average to be honest, but it's still and alright album. My favorite songs would probably have to be "What If", "Fix You" (My favorite of all) and the bonus track: "Til Kingdom Come." Expand
  21. Jan 7, 2014
    This is probably my favorite Coldplay album, along with Parachutes and Rush of Blood to the Head. It's really good, in my opinion, although the average reviews don't agree with me.
  22. Sep 21, 2013
    X&Y is another Coldplay masterpiece staying on par with the majesty of their previous record and in many ways expanding its horizon. Fix You, Speed of Sound, The Hardest Part, Talk, and White Shadows as well as many others are gripping, beautifully written and musically engrossing.
  23. Dec 19, 2012
    This is an amazing album. I really like songs like Speed of Sound and Talk, including, these 2 songs made me be in love with Coldplay. Anyway, the best Coldplay's songs ever are in this album.
  24. Dec 16, 2012
    Grabbed me from the very start with it's meaningful lyrics and more upbeat songs. Twisted Logic sounded awful but that's about it. A great album by Coldplay which should appeal to every fan.
  25. Dec 15, 2012
    X&Y isn't a bad album it's just a disappointment after A Rush of Blood to the Head. It relies to heavily on Chris Martin's falsetto. It has some great songs on it but overall it lacks the variety of other Coldplay albums. It's good just not great.
  26. Sep 22, 2012
    My personal favourite, a brilliantly crafted piece of art that holds their best hits up to date, slow or fast, sad or upbeat, it's there and I love it.
  27. Sep 18, 2012
    Love it! They experimented intelligently with many kinds of instruments and finally released this piece of art. 'Square One', 'Talk' and 'Fix You' are the highlights.
  28. Jan 15, 2012
    First of all, before I've heard 'Fix You' on this album, I've had no interest in owning a Coldplay album, and thought they were utter trash. Turns out I was wrong, and after listening to the rest of this album, starting off with 'Square One,' 'What If,' and 'Talk.' After hearing these tracks I was in dire need for more. I listened to the rest of the album was completely interested in theFirst of all, before I've heard 'Fix You' on this album, I've had no interest in owning a Coldplay album, and thought they were utter trash. Turns out I was wrong, and after listening to the rest of this album, starting off with 'Square One,' 'What If,' and 'Talk.' After hearing these tracks I was in dire need for more. I listened to the rest of the album was completely interested in the band and their music. If you haven't listened to Coldplay yet, and really want some nice relaxing good music, I suggest you get this. Expand
  29. Dec 16, 2011
    Beautiful clash of sentimentality and rock. Dreamy, yet capturing. 'Fix You' was the first song I ever heard of Coldplay - I have never forgotten the moment.
  30. Oct 28, 2011
    This album is not quite on the same level as Rush Of Blood To The Head because of the lack of lyrical strength and similar sounding songs, but there are some good songs on this album, as always, like "Fix You", "The Hardest Part" and "Speed of Sound".

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 33
  2. Negative: 1 out of 33
  1. Blender
    [Coldplay] have made their masterpiece. [Jun 2005, p.112]
  2. Confident, bold, ambitious, bunged with singles and impossible to contain, ‘X&Y’ doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it does reinforce Coldplay as the band of their time.
  3. They have chosen to opt for the standard formula: it's elegiac, mid-tempo, stadium-friendly ballads all the way.