• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Jun 18, 2013
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  1. Sep 22, 2015
    will never be able to listen to this in public because the message is too serious to be taken lightly. i get hype listening to songs on this

    kanye continues to speak of his mind
  2. Jul 5, 2015
    Not the best Kanye's put out there (MBDTF is still my favorite), but this album is still fantastic. When I first heard "On Sight", I was turned away from this album. Later, I gave it a try, and I was surprised that I passed on it on the first place. Beside for "On Sight", which isn't TOO terrible, the album is great all the way trough. It is very different from all his other albumsNot the best Kanye's put out there (MBDTF is still my favorite), but this album is still fantastic. When I first heard "On Sight", I was turned away from this album. Later, I gave it a try, and I was surprised that I passed on it on the first place. Beside for "On Sight", which isn't TOO terrible, the album is great all the way trough. It is very different from all his other albums (Very experimental, mabey the reason for the public backlash) and it takes chances. If there is anything remotley close to "Art" in pop music today, it's this album.

    - On Sight
    - Blood On the Leaves
    - Black Skinhead
  3. Jul 1, 2015
    Great album, although it did make me cringe the first couple of times i listened to it, but the more i started listening to it, the better it got, which (in my opinion) makes this album worth listening to, more than once.
  4. Jun 15, 2015
    Certainly not as good as his previous one, but still highly enjoyable, Yeezus is another great album by Kanye. It's an interesting and original blend of sounds, styles and influences from around the music industry with Kanye's unique touch. As a pure hip-hop fan, I was a little bit disappointed by the album, because it's more an alternative electronic experience than a rap album, but forCertainly not as good as his previous one, but still highly enjoyable, Yeezus is another great album by Kanye. It's an interesting and original blend of sounds, styles and influences from around the music industry with Kanye's unique touch. As a pure hip-hop fan, I was a little bit disappointed by the album, because it's more an alternative electronic experience than a rap album, but for any fan of West, the album is worth the purchase. Expand
  5. Jun 7, 2015
    If he weren't seen as a celebrity, Kanye would be hailed as a true artist for this album. This is a giant middle finger to the music industry, not unlike Kid A was for Radiohead. Kanye proves that despite his obnoxious arrogance, he really may, in fact, be a genius 10/10—"New Slaves", "Black Skinhead", "Bound 2".
  6. Apr 17, 2015
    Once again Kanye To The, Chi town god, delivers again. Kanye is the greatest artist on the planet right now, no debate. Yeezus is a masterpiece about his struggles being accepted. Kanye touches on very serious topics while keeping humorous. Incredible beats and harsh notes make this album special, only Kanye would try something like this and it works to perfection.
  7. Mar 20, 2015
    This album... is pretty crazy, between the starting effect of "On Sight", or the bashing of the beat in "I Am A God", you feel like you're losing your mind. Yeezus is what happens when someone from a basement full of ideas, makes them into one. Kanye has always showed he can be the difference and the leader. Each song has a feel of ecstatic movement. I feel as if you can look at thisThis album... is pretty crazy, between the starting effect of "On Sight", or the bashing of the beat in "I Am A God", you feel like you're losing your mind. Yeezus is what happens when someone from a basement full of ideas, makes them into one. Kanye has always showed he can be the difference and the leader. Each song has a feel of ecstatic movement. I feel as if you can look at this album as a "Rap Album" or "Pop Album", nor am I trying to say it's a groundbreaking genre in itself. The album is minimalism at its finest, its a mash up of culture and experience. Expand
  8. Mar 11, 2015
    Que vous reste-t-il à faire lorsque le sommet n’est plus assez élevé pour contenir votre personne debout ? Vous le défoncez, le sommet. C’est dans cet esprit que Kanye West œuvre depuis My Beautiful Twisted Fantasy. Toujours très créatif, l’américain n’avait probablement pas évalué l’onde de choc que produirait Yeezus. L’album est complètement à l’opposé de ce qu’il fait normalement enQue vous reste-t-il à faire lorsque le sommet n’est plus assez élevé pour contenir votre personne debout ? Vous le défoncez, le sommet. C’est dans cet esprit que Kanye West œuvre depuis My Beautiful Twisted Fantasy. Toujours très créatif, l’américain n’avait probablement pas évalué l’onde de choc que produirait Yeezus. L’album est complètement à l’opposé de ce qu’il fait normalement en studio. Mise à part 808 and HeartBreaks, le producteur-compositeur-architecte-provocateur-interprète et papa à temps partiel, a toujours été très méticuleux mais assez conventionnel dans ses créations musicales. Yeezus est l’interprétation du bon côté de l’égocentrisme de Kanye West. «I Am God», répète-t-il sur la troisième piste de l’album. Son niveau d’arrogance est allé tellement loin qu’il a repoussé les limites que ses fans purs et durs étaient prêt à lui accorder. Cet album a probablement plus satisfait les détracteurs de Kanye West. Dans le sens ou l’artiste dépasse les conventions accordées par l’industrie (incluant largement la base de fan), l’initiative se doit d’être soulignée. Je l’accorde, ce n’est pas le meilleur album de Kanye West. Mais de repousser les contraintes qui lui sont inévitablement liées et de continuer à réussir, c’est du Génie avec un grand G. Les procédés utilisés sur Yeezus sont difficilement interprétables. C’est un diamant brut, un bijou. Comparer la conversion de Bob Dylan à la guitare électrique me parait maintenant pertinent pour décrire et définir Yeezus. C’est un album complètement à contre-courant du West habituel. Compte tenu des circonstances, c’était presque à prévoir puisque la tête de Kanye West peut facilement intégrer le monde au grand complet, deux fois au moins. Expand
  9. Mar 2, 2015
    This album whether you like it or not has changed modern rap forever. I consider this to be the best album of my lifetime. Each song delivers a power packed/lyrically jaw-dropping experience. Kanye has moved in a bold new direction and he has done it in full force and achieved a classic. I hope he continues down this path for "So help me god"
  10. Jan 18, 2015
    This album is so underrated by the internet, so its great to see critics give it a decent rating. Yeezus is produced to intentionally be dirty and sound unproduced. I love it because it really represents how crazy Kanye West has become as an artist, and how little he cares about his audience. As usual, he has some great metaphors and sick rhymes that emphasize the points he makes about racism.
  11. Jan 2, 2015
    Amazing experimental hip-hop album by Kanye West. He is always showing us some new.

    The beats are amazing.. the lyrics.. well.. sometimes it works.


    - On Sight
    - New Slaves
    - Hold My Liquor
    - Blood on the Leaves
    - Guilt Trip


    - Send It Up
  12. Dec 15, 2014
    This album is perfect production is remarkably excellent. The songs and personality led him to become a "Yeezus" of music although it is too egocentric. I think his selfishness led him to create this perfect album. The best are: "Black Skinhead", "I Am a God", "Bound 2", "Blood On The Leaves".
  13. Dec 8, 2014
    After the first listen, "Yeezus" may sound like just a group of jarring noises, all meant to piss you off and get you thinking to yourself, "how did anybody think this guy was good?" There lies your issue: repeated listens begin to really flesh out the gorgeous in what is Mr. West's darkest and craziest work to date. After his enormous success with the critically-lauded "My Beautiful DarkAfter the first listen, "Yeezus" may sound like just a group of jarring noises, all meant to piss you off and get you thinking to yourself, "how did anybody think this guy was good?" There lies your issue: repeated listens begin to really flesh out the gorgeous in what is Mr. West's darkest and craziest work to date. After his enormous success with the critically-lauded "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy," Kanye sought out to change his game yet again, repeatedly informing interviewers about him doing the complete opposite of what people wanted from him musically. Abrasive, pummeling, extreme, grinding, droney and industrial are all words I would use to describe the sound from this record, yet in the hands of a man with talent like Mr. West, the irritating noises soon begin to take shape, form, and end up becoming a masterpiece that the perfectionist is obsessively using to stay far, far ahead of the game. Remember when hip-hop was uncomfortable? When it was weird and unpleasant and jarring and crazy? That's exactly what this album is, constantly knocking you off of your feet, and as you stand up to brush the dust off, hits you yet again. Ye also stated that he wanted a minimalist design to the record, and it is very much so; clocking in at 40 minutes, there's no beat or noise or scream that isn't perfectly in place. Also treading on the minimalism line is Ye's screams: unexpected and primal, they pierce the song abruptly, with beat changes coming and going in a manner never heard before. Personally, the tracks that were the least expected were my favorite: "On Sight" as an introduction is the most confused I've ever been when starting to listen to an album (I thought something was wrong with my iPod when it began). "Hold My Liquor" sounds ridiculous at first, but the longer it goes, the prettier it gets. "Blood On The Leaves" is my absolute favorite, with six minutes of him rapping/singing/wailing over a girl that he got pregnant, all on top of a sample of "Strange Fruit," a song about lynching. This moment alone smacked me in the face and deftly declared that Mr. West sure had the guts, balls and genius to pull it off. It's bold, it's urgent, but it's most importantly, revolutionary. Expand
  14. Aug 29, 2014
    Bërë shumë mirë Expirimental / hip hop album duke treguar Kanye është në kulmin e karrierës së tij muzikore , jo në fund ! Shumë keq rreh si , bëhet me prodhim i tepërt dhe një të hedhura të karakteristikave dërrmuese ! Ju duhet të blej ! :) 10/10
  15. Jul 15, 2014
    Is this album Yeezy’s best? Not quite. But is it unlike anything he has ever produced? Definitely. It’s eccentric, unnatural, and about as far away from the Kanye we all know and sometimes love, but Kanye proclaims himself as the Jesus of the game today, and if he keeps diving into new frontiers, then that shouldn’t change.
  16. Jul 15, 2014
    Yeezus sees Kanye West push himself like never before and he once again brings something new to the hip-hop party. The man is hard to like as a person but there is no doubt that he is an exceptional talent. He could have easily recycled what he's been doing for the last decade, released it and sold shedloads but instead he's launched a sonic attack on the music world. Musically, Yeezus isYeezus sees Kanye West push himself like never before and he once again brings something new to the hip-hop party. The man is hard to like as a person but there is no doubt that he is an exceptional talent. He could have easily recycled what he's been doing for the last decade, released it and sold shedloads but instead he's launched a sonic attack on the music world. Musically, Yeezus is astonishing with West bringing all of his producer skills and musical talent to produce something truly creative. Unfortunately and perhaps surprisingly, the album is let down by West's lyrics, an area in which he often excels. Yeezus doesn't seem to have anything new to say and outside of "New Slaves", West could be freestyling about anything and too often the material tries to shock but ends up just being plain distasteful. Expand
  17. Jul 11, 2014
    Got some real great Material this album, different and very interesting. Besides the minimalistic and ridiculous Album Cover which is still kinda great but also **** up
  18. Jun 25, 2014
    Am I late to the Yeezus party? It's been almost a month since the release of Yeezus, but I feel I need to get my opinion out there. On my first listen of Yeezus, I hated every minute of it, except a few tracks. I despised the autotune on Blood on the Leaves and Guilt Trip, and some of the subject matter felt like he wrote it in 2 minutes, and said it, I'm Kanye, people gon' buy my sh**Am I late to the Yeezus party? It's been almost a month since the release of Yeezus, but I feel I need to get my opinion out there. On my first listen of Yeezus, I hated every minute of it, except a few tracks. I despised the autotune on Blood on the Leaves and Guilt Trip, and some of the subject matter felt like he wrote it in 2 minutes, and said it, I'm Kanye, people gon' buy my sh** anyway.' Then I listened again, and again, and again. I don't know how 'Ye does it, but Yeezus has become my fourth favorite 'Ye album (CD, LR, MBDTF). My ears still hurt listening to the ridiculous gong show that is 'I Am A God' (HURRY UP WITH MY D*MN CROISSANT), but I sincerely enjoy a large percentage of every track on this album.

    Favorite Songs: Black Skinhead, New Slaves, Guilt Trip, Bound 2
    Least Favorite Songs: On Sight, I Am A God

    Edit 2014: Kanye is a genius. all praise Yeezus.

    Favourite Tracks: Most of 'em
    Least Favourite Track: On Sight

    Overall grade: 95-96/100
  19. May 3, 2014
    "He'll give us what we need / It may not be what we want"

    This about sums it up nicely. Kanye knows what I want, better than I do. I never thought this album would sound like this. But I really like it. And that's because Kanye always keeps it fresh. He always tries to do something new, which is probably also why his career is so consistently good. He doesn't try to re-do or top what
    "He'll give us what we need / It may not be what we want"

    This about sums it up nicely. Kanye knows what I want, better than I do. I never thought this album would sound like this. But I really like it.
    And that's because Kanye always keeps it fresh. He always tries to do something new, which is probably also why his career is so consistently good. He doesn't try to re-do or top what he did in the past.

    On his everlasting quest to do something fresh and bring something new to the mainstream music-world he decided it would be time to make some industrial-hip-hop. And please don't think I'm saying Yeezus is the first album of this sound, but seriously: Kanye is a major player. You'd expect something like this from a niche group (Death Grips), not a music star.
    Nonetheless Kanye does it. And he does it good. And the acid-y sound of On Sight that greets you on the first listen to the album hits you in the face. In a good way.

    It may not be Kanye's strongest Album in the lyrical term, but it still features some nice commentary.

    The production is on another level though. Minimalistic, experimental, hard-hitting - great.
  20. Apr 8, 2014
    Are you a believer of Yeezianity???? Well you should be. Yeezus is undoubtedly his most abrasive album to date. He is as aggressive and egoistical as ever before on this project. When you're a GOD you make the rules hence giving a single F***k on his lazy braggadocios lyrics used where it could be seen a major flaw but when its as organic as 'Ye makes it out to be we cannot beAre you a believer of Yeezianity???? Well you should be. Yeezus is undoubtedly his most abrasive album to date. He is as aggressive and egoistical as ever before on this project. When you're a GOD you make the rules hence giving a single F***k on his lazy braggadocios lyrics used where it could be seen a major flaw but when its as organic as 'Ye makes it out to be we cannot be disappointed. For every stan out there who loved My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, it could turn out to be a surprise or a disaster for some however it thrives on excitement. He made it clear he's here to be the next Steve Jobs, Andy Warhol e.t.c. but seriously with a discography as compelling to most current artists today giving him the benefit of the doubt is an understatement. Daft Punk did brilliantly on constructing the acid-house influenced track "On Sight" and its Punk influenced "Black skinhead". I cannot say its his best album to date due to its craft work as times sounds underwhelming however Kanye West has once again set his ego bar at an all time high, as for things goes its simply a breath of fresh air. 9/10 Expand
  21. Mar 29, 2014
    Brilliance mixed with Ignorance with a side of Egotistical-ness, if thats even a word. But overall for what it is being an experimental album, I really feel like Kanye delivered just in a different way then he did with MBDTF, Dropout, and LR
  22. Mar 12, 2014
    The album is an angry, muddled, ignorant, slapped-together heap of vulgar expression that works better than anyone else in music could've done. It's an album so angrily sure of itself it'll have you convinced that a man worth 100 million dollars faces oppression comparable to that of a slave.
  23. Feb 5, 2014
    Yeezus is, in my opinion, best album of 2013. The reason people give it any bad reviews is because they haven't given Yeezus enough time to sink in. It's incredibly unique and creative, to the point where it takes several listens to get used to. In the past, Kanye hasn't failed to produce some of the most artistic, chart-topping, best-selling albums, and to this day, still hasn't. Once youYeezus is, in my opinion, best album of 2013. The reason people give it any bad reviews is because they haven't given Yeezus enough time to sink in. It's incredibly unique and creative, to the point where it takes several listens to get used to. In the past, Kanye hasn't failed to produce some of the most artistic, chart-topping, best-selling albums, and to this day, still hasn't. Once you hear the album you're left breathless. If you haven't heard it yet, or don't like it, give it a few listens and it'll grow on you. Expand
  24. Feb 3, 2014
    Put simply if you don't like this album, you're a hater. The production is truly legendary, and anyone who says the album doesn't have meaning or is narcissistic didn't listen well. Yeezus is a true work of art and will go down as a revolutionary album in the increasingly electronic music world.
  25. Feb 1, 2014
    What is this? No seriously, what is this? I love the production, and I love four or five tracks. But this album was so confused. Following in the footsteps of 808s and Heartbreaks, Kanye hit one into left field and this time, I could vibe with it, but I think either Kanye was trying too hard to be meaningful and new, or this album is too experimental for me. I can appreciate it for what itWhat is this? No seriously, what is this? I love the production, and I love four or five tracks. But this album was so confused. Following in the footsteps of 808s and Heartbreaks, Kanye hit one into left field and this time, I could vibe with it, but I think either Kanye was trying too hard to be meaningful and new, or this album is too experimental for me. I can appreciate it for what it is but tracks like I Am a God and Hold My Liquor just aren't for me. The best tracks were, Black Skinhead which was awesome, and Bound 2 which seemed like it was a leftover from My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Expand
  26. Jan 29, 2014
    It's hard to call Yeezus Kanye's most inventive work, because literally every album he has released was extremely creative in its own time. What I can say is that Yeezus is the only rap album this year that I've heard where it genuinely caught me off-guard. There were multiple moments throughout the album where I said out loud "he can't do that... you can't do that, right?" But he did it.It's hard to call Yeezus Kanye's most inventive work, because literally every album he has released was extremely creative in its own time. What I can say is that Yeezus is the only rap album this year that I've heard where it genuinely caught me off-guard. There were multiple moments throughout the album where I said out loud "he can't do that... you can't do that, right?" But he did it. He would switch from one sample to the next, different tempo, no supporting beat, and then he would jump right back in to his flow with a new beat and sample behind himself.
    One of Kanye's trademarks is his repetitious use of sampling. Each song is incredibly unique, from the primal, angry satire of Kanye backed with a huge drumline and Tarzan-ish screaming in Black Skinhead, to the industrial, heavily distorted opener On Sight. Bound 2 and Hold My Liquor were standout tracks for originality, although Blood on the Leaves and New Slaves were more recognized and also very inventive in their own right.
    Nothing is in this album that doesn't belong in there, and that's a rare thing to say in the age of digital music recording. He went through ridiculous amounts of modifying, mixing, re-writing, and post-production over the course of this album, ultimately ending with the hiring of Rick Rubin the "reducer" less than three weeks before the album was due, to help over-see the final, drastic changes to the album.
    This album gets a 9.5, but I am going to round down to a 9 because there were some lyrical moments that were distastefully sexual and not even in a clever way. If that album were without the track I'm In It, I might round up to a 10. Still, Kanye's style and artisanship are still leagues ahead of most rappers in the game today, and this album deserves a listen from anyone who claims to be tired of the "same old same old."
  27. Jan 17, 2014
    I love the album. Its dark, grimy, and most of all creative. I also understand its probably not for everyone, but at least its elicits a response unlike most music that comes out today. Tracks no one can deny include Blood On The Leaves, New Slaves, and Bound 2. Tracks people waver on include On Sight, Hold My Liquor, Im a God. The only track I don't really "get" is On Sight, I likeI love the album. Its dark, grimy, and most of all creative. I also understand its probably not for everyone, but at least its elicits a response unlike most music that comes out today. Tracks no one can deny include Blood On The Leaves, New Slaves, and Bound 2. Tracks people waver on include On Sight, Hold My Liquor, Im a God. The only track I don't really "get" is On Sight, I like or love every other track. Expand
  28. Jan 12, 2014
    A solid, innovative album, but a little bit offensive. This sounds like an M.I.A. album. My favs are Blood on the leaves, Black Skinhead & Bound 2 (BBB lol).
  29. Jan 10, 2014
    The difference between Yeezus and other albums released in 2013 was how different it sounded and it was done successfully. This is definitely the music of the future.
  30. Jan 6, 2014
    Kanye's most recent album is by far his most extreme. Its angry, violent, dark yet brilliant. Amazing production is he icing on the cake. Best album of the year.
  31. Dec 28, 2013
    Honestly, I wanted so badly to hate this album, I could hardly stand it. With Kanye West's massive ego brought out to its fullest on several aspects of this album (really, Kanye, "I Am God (feat. God)?") I wanted to hate it even more after I listened to it, but the music is just too epic and just plain good to hate. Tracks like "Black Skinhead", "Bound 2", "New Slaves", and "Blood On theHonestly, I wanted so badly to hate this album, I could hardly stand it. With Kanye West's massive ego brought out to its fullest on several aspects of this album (really, Kanye, "I Am God (feat. God)?") I wanted to hate it even more after I listened to it, but the music is just too epic and just plain good to hate. Tracks like "Black Skinhead", "Bound 2", "New Slaves", and "Blood On the Leaves" are smart, if not somewhat dark and disturbing at points, and melodically perfect. The only reasons I could not give this album the ten that a majority of the album's tracks deserve are 1) the massive amounts of self-glorification in multiple songs (as mentioned before, he literally calls himself God in one of the songs, and on several others basically says that his greatness means he do whatever he wants) and 2) track 6 "I'm In It" (an awful and shallow song that is unforgivable on an album that is otherwise amazing). One warning though: if you are offended by violent and profanity ridden lyrics, avoid this album like the plague. Just trust me on that one. Expand
  32. Dec 24, 2013
    chaotic and dying, unlike anything ever done by him, from the beats to the lyrics all remente something new and shows the way the future of music. Kanye rose on the musical term with this album
  33. Dec 22, 2013
    This is worth listening to... The creativity of his production along with his egotistical rhymes makes Yeezus an ultimate classic even though it's not in West's top 3 albums...
  34. Dec 13, 2013
    Great instant classic album......Onsite to New Slaves is the best album stretch of the last few years in hip hop. I'm not sure if anyone has done what Ye is is doing on the mainstream level as far as Hip Hop goes. He is definitely taking chances on the album and executes it perfectly. Sonically the best produce album I've heard this year. Jay-Z can learn a thing or two from Kanye causeGreat instant classic album......Onsite to New Slaves is the best album stretch of the last few years in hip hop. I'm not sure if anyone has done what Ye is is doing on the mainstream level as far as Hip Hop goes. He is definitely taking chances on the album and executes it perfectly. Sonically the best produce album I've heard this year. Jay-Z can learn a thing or two from Kanye cause MCHG was terrible. Expand
  35. Dec 11, 2013
    I admit Yeezus can be a bit hard to listen to at first; the beats are very ‘in your face!’ and Kanye’s lyrics can be a bit off-putting, I cant tell you how many times the man mentions his ‘black penis’. But then again that’s what I always liked about him, the guts to do whatever he wants, a lot of artists are afraid to take that far. It may not sound like it now but this what ourI admit Yeezus can be a bit hard to listen to at first; the beats are very ‘in your face!’ and Kanye’s lyrics can be a bit off-putting, I cant tell you how many times the man mentions his ‘black penis’. But then again that’s what I always liked about him, the guts to do whatever he wants, a lot of artists are afraid to take that far. It may not sound like it now but this what our generation needs. Expand
  36. Dec 10, 2013
    Kanye West shows once again, through Yeezus, that he is transcendent of most musical norms. It seems anymore as if Kanye West could release an album of nothing but talking about philosophy and himself, with absolutely no music, and we would see it as the next great thing in music. But it is so, because with every album Kanye is pushing what we as a society thought were his limits, to theKanye West shows once again, through Yeezus, that he is transcendent of most musical norms. It seems anymore as if Kanye West could release an album of nothing but talking about philosophy and himself, with absolutely no music, and we would see it as the next great thing in music. But it is so, because with every album Kanye is pushing what we as a society thought were his limits, to the point where many think the man is limitless. The obvious sell for this album is its originality, but it is original because it blends old Kanye with newer Kanye, with a fusion of something we haven't seen from him before. While not his best work, it certainly ranks near the top, clumped in a group with The College Dropout and Late Registration, just not quite as good as My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. As we take in Yeezus for what it is, we also are steadily preparing for Kanye's next album, which figures to be another step into musical history. Best album of 2013. Expand
  37. Dec 5, 2013
    People will understand and appreciate this album in time. It's Kanye's Kid A.

    Initially, I only thought the album was ok. If I wrote this review right away, I might have given it a heart sinking 5 (I'm a massive Ye stan). But as time went on, I started to enjoy it more and more. Now I listen to it almost every day. It just caught me off guard because it didn't hit off with me right
    People will understand and appreciate this album in time. It's Kanye's Kid A.

    Initially, I only thought the album was ok. If I wrote this review right away, I might have given it a heart sinking 5 (I'm a massive Ye stan).

    But as time went on, I started to enjoy it more and more. Now I listen to it almost every day. It just caught me off guard because it didn't hit off with me right away like all of his other solo efforts.
  38. Dec 1, 2013
    Yeezus is a great album that is helping rap evolve. Kanye finds a new way to push hip hop into a new boundary. Soon other hip-hop acts might join Kanye in having EDM production on their albums. Yeezus is just the start of the new boundary that Kanye created.
  39. Nov 29, 2013
    Brilliant at first I wasnt so sure about the album after the first listen because it is hard to listen to but there's no such thing of listening there is only re-listening so after I listened again I loved it
  40. Nov 28, 2013
    To the ego of Kanye West, controversy is a virtue. Continually, pushing the boundaries of Hip-Hop as 'ranted' in his Zane Lowe interview/harangue 'Rap the new Rock 'n' Roll'.
    He teases any listener with statements 'I am a God' perhaps warranting an extensive reply of unconventional attention. Kanye does not make music for the fans of Radio Hip-Hop nor for the common easy going listener.
    To the ego of Kanye West, controversy is a virtue. Continually, pushing the boundaries of Hip-Hop as 'ranted' in his Zane Lowe interview/harangue 'Rap the new Rock 'n' Roll'.
    He teases any listener with statements 'I am a God' perhaps warranting an extensive reply of unconventional attention. Kanye does not make music for the fans of Radio Hip-Hop nor for the common easy going listener. And melodically, the album plays on the notions of dichotomy, from uncomfortable screechy synths to truly harmonious echoes of beauty. He is continually subverting a society in which typical every day norms are replaced by the 'Black Skinhead'. This prevalent undertone is unfortunately disguised by Kanye's array of misogynistic and perhaps unattractive verse.
    However, this album is alone, remarkably Kanye is attempting to catalyze a progression in music, 'again'. The original controversial reception of 80s & Heartbreaks has now morphed into an appreciation for what we hear every day. In this album Kanye West once again stamps on the fence surrounding our microcosm of normal music and he takes full credit for this. He is the square peg in a round hole.
  41. Nov 25, 2013
    This album was not Kaye's best work but it is still worth more than a zero or even a five. I have been a fan of Kanye from the College Drop Out days and this album is hardly reminiscent of those days but still not a complete tragedy. Some of the lyrics need some work but the lyrics in "New Slave" are almost praise worthy in my opinion. the album is a solid 7.5 in my opinion but I wouldThis album was not Kaye's best work but it is still worth more than a zero or even a five. I have been a fan of Kanye from the College Drop Out days and this album is hardly reminiscent of those days but still not a complete tragedy. Some of the lyrics need some work but the lyrics in "New Slave" are almost praise worthy in my opinion. the album is a solid 7.5 in my opinion but I would love to see the old Kanye...or even the MTDBF Kanye. Expand
  42. Nov 16, 2013
    Yeezus christ this album is dreadful. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past his peak
  43. Nov 15, 2013
    While most people won't like the experimental tones of Kanye's album, the few people that do decide to listen to it fully will absolutely fall in love with it. All of the tones sound rough on the first listen, but with every replay, the beats get the better and the lyrics get deeper. This is nothing compared to the older albums like The College Dropout and Late Registration, but it's theWhile most people won't like the experimental tones of Kanye's album, the few people that do decide to listen to it fully will absolutely fall in love with it. All of the tones sound rough on the first listen, but with every replay, the beats get the better and the lyrics get deeper. This is nothing compared to the older albums like The College Dropout and Late Registration, but it's the difference that makes the difference. Expand
  44. Nov 11, 2013
    The transformation Kanye West has taken throughout his hip-hop career has all led to this 40 minute, sprawling descent into industry hell. Kanye sounds at his most angered, most torn down by the entertainment industry and previous love affairs, more so than on My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. The production ranges from grimy electro, to minimalists tribal drums, and fantastic samples.The transformation Kanye West has taken throughout his hip-hop career has all led to this 40 minute, sprawling descent into industry hell. Kanye sounds at his most angered, most torn down by the entertainment industry and previous love affairs, more so than on My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. The production ranges from grimy electro, to minimalists tribal drums, and fantastic samples. Kanye's lyrics are his most deranged on Yeezus, rhymes upon rhymes about how he feels as if he is a slave in in the entertainment industry and all the scum he encounters throughout his day to day life. Not to mention his view on previous relationships, something he's been singing about since 808's & Heartbreaks. If there's one complaint to be had about this record, it's that it loses replay value if you've listened to it at least 5 times, which is true for any album really, but more so if comparing it to other Kanye West records.

    All In All, Yeezus is about a black man on the brink of insanity, pushing through day to day demons that probably will never escape him, and also a fantastic, dark voyage of hip-hop music. A-
  45. Nov 11, 2013
    "Yeezus" is lyrically lazy, but Kanye West isn't just a rapper, but also a producer, and the strengths of this album come with production. The beats are huge, game changers, and most rappers wouldn't think to rap over them. "Yeezus" is Kanye's "I don't give a album, half assing some of his raps, rapping about bold and controversial topics, and converting to more of a minimalists style."Yeezus" is lyrically lazy, but Kanye West isn't just a rapper, but also a producer, and the strengths of this album come with production. The beats are huge, game changers, and most rappers wouldn't think to rap over them. "Yeezus" is Kanye's "I don't give a album, half assing some of his raps, rapping about bold and controversial topics, and converting to more of a minimalists style. On this album he is no longer chasing the radio. From a "hip hop" point of view, this album is a mere bust, but the final product is the most entertaining 40 minutes of any first listen I have ever heard, and it just about creates its own genre. Expand
  46. Nov 6, 2013
    This sounds like a M.I.A. album with some hardcore rap verses on it. A very innovative album by a very innovative artist. I love it. The best tracks are Black Skinhead, Blood on the leaves, On Sight, New Slaves & Bound 2.
  47. Nov 2, 2013
    If Paper Street made music instead of soap, Yeezus would be the eruptions coming from that lonely house. The most interesting part about this album that separates itself from the rest of hip-hop (and Kanye's other work) is how Mr. West the god integrates all types of art into music. Architecture, technology, politics, and fashion all play it's role. Of course, he did not do this himself.If Paper Street made music instead of soap, Yeezus would be the eruptions coming from that lonely house. The most interesting part about this album that separates itself from the rest of hip-hop (and Kanye's other work) is how Mr. West the god integrates all types of art into music. Architecture, technology, politics, and fashion all play it's role. Of course, he did not do this himself. Kanye West & Friends would be a more appropriate artist name as he is joined by the world famous Daft Punk for some of the big tracks on the album such as 'I Am a God' and 'Black Skinhead'. He has his whole lineup of writers and producers he uses for creative ideas. Overall, this album came out five years too early to be widely appreciated, but clearly shows Kanye is not content as being the media and major corporations pet on a leash. With that anger behind him, nothing can stop him from creating this unforgettable piece of work. Expand
  48. Nov 1, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Kanye is years ahead of the rap game. Yeezus is not an easy listening album, but it's so well produced and full of raw emotion. From the attention grabbing On Sight with it's distorted, off beat instrumental, to the soul kissed Bound 2, Yeezus is simply a masterpiece. Kanye has exceeded all expectations, which were already high. Expand
  49. Oct 31, 2013
    I have been a casual fan of Kanye's music since 'Diamonds', but fell in love with Yeezus on the first listen, and have only grown to appreciate it more and more as I've listened more and more. I believe that Kanye is one of the few mainstream artists that is committed to constantly challenging himself and evolving...Yeezus is brutal yet subtle and caring, easy to listen or hum along to,I have been a casual fan of Kanye's music since 'Diamonds', but fell in love with Yeezus on the first listen, and have only grown to appreciate it more and more as I've listened more and more. I believe that Kanye is one of the few mainstream artists that is committed to constantly challenging himself and evolving...Yeezus is brutal yet subtle and caring, easy to listen or hum along to, yet challenging and in some instances thought provoking, consistent in its story telling, yet contradictory and I unreservedly recommend it. Expand
  50. Oct 24, 2013
    'Yeezus', the follow-up to West's critically acclaimed 2010 solo record 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy' and his 2011 and 2012 collaboration albums 'Watch the Throne' and 'Cruel Summer'; is minamalist, dark, and highly experimental. Album highlights "Black Skinhead", "On Sight", and "New Slaves" showcase the galloping manifesto sound that West was aiming to create. Similar to many of'Yeezus', the follow-up to West's critically acclaimed 2010 solo record 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy' and his 2011 and 2012 collaboration albums 'Watch the Throne' and 'Cruel Summer'; is minamalist, dark, and highly experimental. Album highlights "Black Skinhead", "On Sight", and "New Slaves" showcase the galloping manifesto sound that West was aiming to create. Similar to many of West's previous records, 'Yeezus' contains several genius samples; however 'Yeezus' is much less mainstream than his previous efforts; shown by the album's lack of singles (with the exception of "Black Skinhead" and "Bound 2", which were both released after the album dropped).

    Although the album is arguably the best hip hop record of the year, I can't help but be slightly irritated by West's evident which is clearly displayed by the track "I Am A God" and his decision to barely promote the record, which makes it seem like West was just trying to prove that he could have an album go to #1 without significant promotion. Of course, 'Yeezus' did go to number 1, and its not like West has ever really been a wholesome or down-to-earth dude, but West's narcissistic personality comes off a little too strong on 'Yeezus'. Despite this, the album is still exquisite.
  51. Oct 23, 2013
    On the walls of various chosen buildings and the SNL stage, the words "NOT FOR SALE" lit up the darkness. On the stage West's silhouette brought out the birth of a new era and his own evolution, on the building West's fiery return projects itself upon the hopeful and excited fans. The derivative hip hop beats don't appear here, he's not selling himself. He's simply letting go, and forcingOn the walls of various chosen buildings and the SNL stage, the words "NOT FOR SALE" lit up the darkness. On the stage West's silhouette brought out the birth of a new era and his own evolution, on the building West's fiery return projects itself upon the hopeful and excited fans. The derivative hip hop beats don't appear here, he's not selling himself. He's simply letting go, and forcing us to accept it with rocky, crude and reluctant understanding. What Kanye serves is impetuous, gut wrenching and takes you by surprise. But then again that's hip hop isn't it? By pushing the envelope he leaves a big crash in the ocean of music, West rises in ranks and gives us a breathtaking journey that's only just beginning. Reluctantly, I can't help but to begin and relive again and again. Soak in the repercussions, for just as the projection shut off as "New Slaves" ended on the W Hotel late at night in LA, we and the world had just gotten a glimpse of Kanye's artistic statement. What's next for Kanye West? Considering the birth of North West, nothing for a while now. Still, the anticipation for what's next is at an all time high and the stage has been set. Let's begin. Expand
  52. Oct 16, 2013
    This is what you get when you mix very clever writing with expert sampling and producing. it has some really emotional moments, like the brilliant breakdown at the end of new slaves and the first verse of blood on the leaves to the awesome pumping beats on black skinhead to the hypnotic track guilt track. favorites: black skinhead, im a god, new slaves, blood on the leaves, im in it.
  53. Oct 15, 2013
    Yeezus. You either love it or you hate it. I love it. Blood on the leaves is permanently stuck in my brain; the last minute and a half of that song... Amazing work Mr. Kanye West.
  54. Aoi
    Oct 12, 2013
    Great production. Terrible lyrics. Poor delivery. It sounds rushed, why ruin a potential classic with just a poor performance? I really think ye's passion for music has gone. Hope his next solo is a classic.
  55. Oct 9, 2013
    A slick, different kind of album. I suppose it is typical of Kanye to create something a little unexpected (yes, irony), but still have little ties to his previous work. I like the beats more than the lyrics on the whole of the album but you cannot deny that Kanye is great, an artist (and not just your typical rapper), at what he does and he is sure to surprise us in the follow up to Yeezus.
  56. Oct 2, 2013
    Simplesmente genial! Melhor álbum do ano. Simplesmente genial! Melhor álbum do ano. Simplesmente genial! Melhor álbum do ano. Simplesmente genial! Melhor álbum do ano.
  57. Sep 5, 2013
    Good production really dark and entertaining, a new standard of poor lyrics for Kanye. (In a french ass restaurant, hurry up with my damn croissants!).
  58. Sep 1, 2013
    Even though it can be pretty jarring at times, the album grows on you over time with each listen. One of the most quotable albums of recent memory, with Yeezy giving us 2-3 laugh out loud per song. It sounds like a soundtrack to a Nero-esque orgy. Blood on the Leaves is absolutely beautiful, and is the stand out song. Great from start to finish, and while I wouldn't put this album aboveEven though it can be pretty jarring at times, the album grows on you over time with each listen. One of the most quotable albums of recent memory, with Yeezy giving us 2-3 laugh out loud per song. It sounds like a soundtrack to a Nero-esque orgy. Blood on the Leaves is absolutely beautiful, and is the stand out song. Great from start to finish, and while I wouldn't put this album above MBDTF or Late Registration, it's a great entry into Kanye's already stellar body of work. Expand
  59. Aug 30, 2013
    Talk about a year Kanye's had, performing at the VMA's (Video Music Awards), having a baby with an odd name (North West? Sounds like an insurance company) and even banging his head on a sign then fighting with the cameraman. Even with all that, we still have to remember that Kanye still does music, and he changes things up with his new album "Yeezus" (which sounds like Jesus sneezing) NowTalk about a year Kanye's had, performing at the VMA's (Video Music Awards), having a baby with an odd name (North West? Sounds like an insurance company) and even banging his head on a sign then fighting with the cameraman. Even with all that, we still have to remember that Kanye still does music, and he changes things up with his new album "Yeezus" (which sounds like Jesus sneezing) Now Yeezus has divided up people, critics obviously love, but listeners don't know whether to love it or hate it. For me I liked it. Yeezus isn't Kanye's most memorable album and no everyone will like it, but it doesn't know what it's trying to say, and I recommend it to any Kanye West fans. The opening song "On sight" sounds like something made in a garage (actually this whole album feels like it was made in a garage) but I like that Kanye changed up his style but managed to keep things fresh. The best song on this album is "Black Skinhead", which has a great beat, some amazing sounds, and an interesting take on Kanye West's view of life. Another standout includes "Blood on Leaves" which again shows everyone that West's songs have social commentary and will make you think. Some problems with this album is there's less to think about on the songs, which I blame the pacing at less than 50 minutes it's one of West's more shorter albums. Also no of the songs really stick out expect for "Black Skinhead" and "Blood on Leaves" everything else is more filler than fun. But still Kanye West still manages to impress with his latest release, as I did listen to the album on repeat a few times, and at some points, "Yeezus" is kinda brilliant. If you're a fan of Kanye West, Yeezus is definitely worth listening to. Expand
  60. Aug 26, 2013
    Shocking, experimental, and abrasive, Yeezus may not be West's best work, yet it still features some brilliant lyrics and some memorable moments. Highlights include "On Sight," "Black Skinhead," "New Slaves," "Blood on the Leaves," and "Send it Up."
  61. Aug 10, 2013
    Kanye shows so much passion in his music, you cannot help but to appreciate. And Kanye never settles for what people would enjoy. He makes music HE'd enjoy and the result is an instant classic. Yeezy is probably the biggest egomaniac in the music industry, but he sure can back it up with great production and meaningful lyrics.
  62. Aug 8, 2013
    At first glance the album seems like a shoddily put together mishmash of kanye west trade mark hyper sexuality and narcisim but as we evaluate the whole, in a deeper context it is truly a brilliant commentary on the rap industry as a whole. It is both a well executed self parody and an amaze feet of originality, defying the very conventions that would black list any lesser artist almostAt first glance the album seems like a shoddily put together mishmash of kanye west trade mark hyper sexuality and narcisim but as we evaluate the whole, in a deeper context it is truly a brilliant commentary on the rap industry as a whole. It is both a well executed self parody and an amaze feet of originality, defying the very conventions that would black list any lesser artist almost immediately. In summary, this album is the absolute and unabashed truth, all bow down to yezzus Expand
  63. Jul 31, 2013
    This album is a masterpiece rivaled only by the best songs of each of his albums. The production is near flawless, and lyrically Kanye manages to pack depth and social commentary into some lines, humor and raunchy imagery into others. 5 years down the road from now, people may even consider this his best album.
  64. Jul 30, 2013
    Expect the unexpected. Open your mind. Free your mind of any prejudices. Be open and listen to the lyrics closely. Kanye is here to speak his mind in a very raw way. It's industrial in sound and very punchy in it's delivery. This isn't for the laid back listen. But it can be once you are used to it. It's different from his previous albums but there are familiar elements mixed in. KanyeExpect the unexpected. Open your mind. Free your mind of any prejudices. Be open and listen to the lyrics closely. Kanye is here to speak his mind in a very raw way. It's industrial in sound and very punchy in it's delivery. This isn't for the laid back listen. But it can be once you are used to it. It's different from his previous albums but there are familiar elements mixed in. Kanye West is still in top form here. The good far outweighs the bad. It's hardcore Kanye.....but spoken through....well....YEEZUS. Expand
  65. Jul 29, 2013
    Yeezus is a perfect example of trying out new sounds and succeeding at them. The album has futuristic, electronic vibes, great samples and overall production, and the experimentation is a breath of fresh air for the rap music genre. Not much negativity about Yeezus, it's a great 40 minute listen.
  66. Jul 27, 2013
    Yes, i'm a Kanye West fan but I had my doubts about this at first. I felt it was too derivative from Death Grips and Clipping.'s sound and that it was a bandwagoning attempt but I was half-wrong. Yes, he was attempting the sound but at the same time, he did something a bit difficult. He gave it a mainstream appeal! That's what I love about this album (or mixtape, since its short and isYes, i'm a Kanye West fan but I had my doubts about this at first. I felt it was too derivative from Death Grips and Clipping.'s sound and that it was a bandwagoning attempt but I was half-wrong. Yes, he was attempting the sound but at the same time, he did something a bit difficult. He gave it a mainstream appeal! That's what I love about this album (or mixtape, since its short and is structured like a mixtape). It's certainly no MBDTF or even Late Registration but this is up there with them Expand
  67. Jul 26, 2013
    An album you have to listen to multiple times to really appreciate. The first few tracks aren't the strongest: send it up new slaves can blend together at times with a similar dark electronic vibe. Then the outro of new slaves hits and the album takes off from there. Hold my liquor, Im in it, and Blood on Leaves are some of the most fascinating songs Mr. West has come out with. Bound 2 isAn album you have to listen to multiple times to really appreciate. The first few tracks aren't the strongest: send it up new slaves can blend together at times with a similar dark electronic vibe. Then the outro of new slaves hits and the album takes off from there. Hold my liquor, Im in it, and Blood on Leaves are some of the most fascinating songs Mr. West has come out with. Bound 2 is also a fun throw back. The more you listen to it, the more you like it Expand
  68. Jul 22, 2013
    After the Picasso-art of My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Kanye West reinvents itself again, with an album much more Hip-Hop and Minimal than MBDTF thet reminiscent in some ways Watch The Throne and 808s & Heartbreak. Songs like On Sight, Black Skinhead and Blood on the Leaves are examples of good and innovative production, that's right, the production that perhaps on this album is theAfter the Picasso-art of My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Kanye West reinvents itself again, with an album much more Hip-Hop and Minimal than MBDTF thet reminiscent in some ways Watch The Throne and 808s & Heartbreak. Songs like On Sight, Black Skinhead and Blood on the Leaves are examples of good and innovative production, that's right, the production that perhaps on this album is the most innovative of the year with Daft Punk, No.ID, 88 Keys and Kanye same in the height of the form. In conclusion, Yeezus of abstract-art is an album of pure genius that we have never heard. A classic to remember for many, many years. Expand
  69. Jul 21, 2013
    West's new album still suffers from dumbfounded lyrics and pretentious segments, but has a lot of excellent collaborators (such as Frank Ocean and Daft Punk) and simplistic but masterful beats. Most of the songs are very distinctive and show that Kanye is back in the game.
  70. Jul 21, 2013
    Kanye does it again. Yeezus is a triumph of unparalleled musical imagination, created by the ultimate music nerd who thinks nothing of genres and styles and gleefuly mashes everything he wants like a mad alchemist, creating an unholy concoction that works even though it really shouldn't. Who else would even dare to have Bon Iver's Justin Vernon and Chicago drill poster boy Chief Keef singKanye does it again. Yeezus is a triumph of unparalleled musical imagination, created by the ultimate music nerd who thinks nothing of genres and styles and gleefuly mashes everything he wants like a mad alchemist, creating an unholy concoction that works even though it really shouldn't. Who else would even dare to have Bon Iver's Justin Vernon and Chicago drill poster boy Chief Keef sing on the same track? Who would imagine that you could mix TNGHT and Nina Simone? Who would slap a hefty chunk of a track by a 1970s Hungarian prog rock band at the end of his own composition and then sing all over it? Only Yeezus. Expand
  71. Jul 21, 2013
    If there's one thing this proves, it's that he's learned from Watch The Throne. Kanye's joint effort with Jay-Z tried to be bigger than it was capable of at times, and while it was a solid effort, stripping it down for a more raw sound on Yeezus has paid off. This is as innovative as any rap album has ever been.
  72. Jul 18, 2013
    This album is incredible. Kanye will never top it. He's one of the biggest artists in the world and has made an album that could have been made on some indie Chicago label. In saying that, the production quality on the album is phenomenal. Kanye has managed to make a record that is unmistakably his own despite being outnumbered hugely by collaborators. I honestly cannot think of anotherThis album is incredible. Kanye will never top it. He's one of the biggest artists in the world and has made an album that could have been made on some indie Chicago label. In saying that, the production quality on the album is phenomenal. Kanye has managed to make a record that is unmistakably his own despite being outnumbered hugely by collaborators. I honestly cannot think of another album I've devoted more time to, and that's its defining quality.

    It has to be noted that this is the record that most effectively parodies the #madrichalert culture that has produced so much appalling radio friendly hip-hop. He may or may not be slightly serious in thinking that he's a god, but he's got the greatest claim to be and he seems to be the only rapper around that doesn't care despite that. This has to be the perfect record to define everything that's good about music right now because of that.
  73. Jul 17, 2013
    If you like electronic music and rap, look no further. I happen to have grown up on Daft Punk, and though this makes me an outlier, I didn't love Kanye until 808s. Some people find this album abrasive, but I'm used to these kinds of sounds from electronic music. I really enjoy the beats. The one thing holding it back for me is that some of the lyrics are superficial, but that's Kanye a lotIf you like electronic music and rap, look no further. I happen to have grown up on Daft Punk, and though this makes me an outlier, I didn't love Kanye until 808s. Some people find this album abrasive, but I'm used to these kinds of sounds from electronic music. I really enjoy the beats. The one thing holding it back for me is that some of the lyrics are superficial, but that's Kanye a lot of the time. I wouldn't say all of the lyrics are bad though, especially in New Slaves and Blood on the Leaves. Expand
  74. Jul 14, 2013
    I was tempted to give Kanye a "1" for releasing a new album while I am supposed to be studying for the bar. But after repeated listening, I just cant do it. This album is simply freaking brilliant, might be even better than his last. As usual Kanye exhibits his brilliant sampling skills, beats and backing music are sick, use of autotune that actually doesn't make me want to shoot myselfI was tempted to give Kanye a "1" for releasing a new album while I am supposed to be studying for the bar. But after repeated listening, I just cant do it. This album is simply freaking brilliant, might be even better than his last. As usual Kanye exhibits his brilliant sampling skills, beats and backing music are sick, use of autotune that actually doesn't make me want to shoot myself in the ear. And of course, his unparalleled flow, clever as hell rhymes sprinkled throughout, and language-invention skills (he's taken us from "safe-belt" to "pregnanated". Kanye, you are a brilliant goddamn bastard. Oh, and stay away from my wife. Expand
  75. Jul 11, 2013
    Undoubtedly Kanye's most harsh, dark, and experimental work, Yeezus is the culmination of his egoism and productive creativity. Unfortunately, his latest album fails to lyrically live up to MBDTF.
  76. Jul 8, 2013
    At first listen, you might find this album terrible because it is so different from past albums. After listening to it 3 or 4 times, you'll start to realize how unique and brilliant this album is. Out of the 10 songs, I really like 5 of them. That is a high amount for any album. The five songs I don't like as much, I can still appreciate how unique sounding they are. In a world whereAt first listen, you might find this album terrible because it is so different from past albums. After listening to it 3 or 4 times, you'll start to realize how unique and brilliant this album is. Out of the 10 songs, I really like 5 of them. That is a high amount for any album. The five songs I don't like as much, I can still appreciate how unique sounding they are. In a world where rappers copy each other and use the same instrument choices and drum beats in multiple songs, Kanye West is in a league of his own. No one is close to creating as unique and new sounds as he is. Give this album a few listens completely through and you'll see how good it truly is. Collapse
  77. Jul 7, 2013
    His most game-changing and misunderstood album since 808's and Heartbreak. It will take the rap game at least another 10 years to catch up to this one.
  78. Jul 6, 2013
    This album is a masterpiece. I don't know why people have stated that they dislike this album, they must not know what good music is. Every song is amazing and the incorporation of rap, drill house, and dance-hall make this album better than born sinner and Magna Carta Holy Grail 10 times over.
  79. Jul 5, 2013
    "Yeezus" is one of the most innovative albums of all-time. It cannot even be classified as just "rap". Kanye West can now be considered as his own very genre. Songs like "Hold My Liquor" and "Blood On The Leaves" make you realize there's still hope for modern music yet. Not quite to the diversified level of his last solo album, "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy", but an amazing album it's"Yeezus" is one of the most innovative albums of all-time. It cannot even be classified as just "rap". Kanye West can now be considered as his own very genre. Songs like "Hold My Liquor" and "Blood On The Leaves" make you realize there's still hope for modern music yet. Not quite to the diversified level of his last solo album, "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy", but an amazing album it's own right. Expand
  80. Jul 5, 2013
    People are comparing this album to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, and I think that's the wrong approach because both albums are vastly different, and excellent in their own ways. This album helps Kanye's producer credit more than his lyrical credit, but I've still got it in heavy rotation on my phone. Black Skinhead is probably the best track. This a really high quality album, despitePeople are comparing this album to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, and I think that's the wrong approach because both albums are vastly different, and excellent in their own ways. This album helps Kanye's producer credit more than his lyrical credit, but I've still got it in heavy rotation on my phone. Black Skinhead is probably the best track. This a really high quality album, despite the barely-there artwork. My only gripe is that there are only 10 tracks. Perhaps he will release volume II in the future. Expand
  81. Jul 5, 2013
    This is the first time, I am reviewing a brand new album. I usually take some time to get used to an album but some albums are such that they stick with you even when you listen to them just once. After listening to this album nearly seven times now, I think I am in a position to review it properly. Basically its great!!

    Yes, he is back with his 6th album. By this time as a fan I knew
    This is the first time, I am reviewing a brand new album. I usually take some time to get used to an album but some albums are such that they stick with you even when you listen to them just once. After listening to this album nearly seven times now, I think I am in a position to review it properly. Basically its great!!

    Yes, he is back with his 6th album. By this time as a fan I knew that this album like all his other albums has to be different or break some trends and most likely set a few new trends. 3 years after creating arguably one of the greatest rap albums of all time. He is back again doing what he does best, defy the norms and he still refuses to make the rap albums that everybody else seems to make. Its only been 3 days since the album was released but I can say this with full conviction:

    I took notice of this genius when I heard his second album: Late Registration. Shortly, its my favourite rap album of all time.

    With this album, Kanye West de-constructs the rap/hip-hop conventions, chops them up and makes something that’s sonically akin to Massive Attack’s: “Mezzanine” than say, any of his other albums. He created his own genre twice before with “808s & Heartbreak” and “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” and this one is inventive and different in the same vein as these two albums.
  82. Jul 5, 2013
    From the moment one hits play on Kanye West's sixth studio album, Yeezus, strange radio waves begin to make their way through the listeners' eardrum and into the cerebellum. The sounds are immediately abrasive before becoming agreeable, immediately deprogramming any preconceived notion that this is a typical rap album. It is here most hearers will be lost. Listeners, however, are in forFrom the moment one hits play on Kanye West's sixth studio album, Yeezus, strange radio waves begin to make their way through the listeners' eardrum and into the cerebellum. The sounds are immediately abrasive before becoming agreeable, immediately deprogramming any preconceived notion that this is a typical rap album. It is here most hearers will be lost. Listeners, however, are in for quite the ride, one that will forever change hip hop as we know it.

    I think now is a good time to inform the reader I was of the opinion that 808s and Heartbreaks was "garbage Kanye" and The College Dropout was "the real Kanye", important to note. This was a skeptic's ear to Yeezus.

    I imagine executive producer and hip hop pioneer Rick Rubin smiling a wry smile about an album like Yeezus years before it was created. "What if the most respected electronic producers worked with one of the biggest hip hop artists in the industry to create a multi-collaborative, minimalist album?". The idea was probably quickly brushed away by rational thoughts like "Nah. No one has the balls nor vision for that" or "Who the hell would do that?"

    Enter Yeezus. Sonically, it is 40+ minutes of caution to the wind. The Chicago ties are well documented, the acid house and industrial genre influence apparent. This has been done before in hip hop, and in fact, it could be argued this is a commercial adaptation of previous Saul Williams-Trent Reznor collaborations. Yeezus separates itself in the nuances, though. The first sample on the album comes at the 1:17 mark and says "He'll give us what we need, may not be what we want". This is a fine tuned monster we're dealing with; an album that assumes a certain intelligence from its audience and does not apologize to those who do not understand

    Lyrically, this is quintessential Kanye. The punch lines are abundant and raunchy, and making a welcome return are socially conscious lines about the prison industrial complex, corporate control and modern slavery. And yes, there is such a thing. Like crack, both the lines and drum patterns have been boiled down a highly flammable essence. At its core, its just beats and rhymes. This sole fact keeps it in the hip hop realm, somewhere, years away from being accepted.

    The album triumphs most when any confining parameters are shed. Indeed, the very idea of God is shaken within the confines of Yeezus. There is perhaps no better example on the album than "Blood on the Leaves", a song about the woe of an unwilling father which features a sample from Nina Simone's cover of Strange Fruit. On paper is seems clever if not downright odd to sample a song about lynchings on a song about unwelcome borne fruit. It is executed to near perfection, with TNGHT supplied arrangement reaching horn-apexed crescendos as Simone exclaims "black bodies swingin in the summer breeze".

    Many were(and are) caught up in the proclamation that Kanye West "is a god". If that is the case, let them forever stay in ignorance of the Nation of the Five Percenters. But I digress. The son of a Black Panther, Mr. West is well versed in his heritage, or rather, the dehumanization of it. Said West of the tittle of this project, "West was my slave name. Yeezus is my god name." Let us also gloss over the beliefs held by the major four religions and speak nothing of destiny in accordance with free will in godmind. This is but an album review. The track, however, again plays with an idea often attributed to Kanye. How egotiscal he must be, unless of course, he is serious. Any Youtube researcher can tell you West is a part of the globalist elite, the Illuminati, and the demonic yelling at the end of the track is only but further proof of devil worship. Indeed he tells us on Black Skinhead "I think I'm possessed, it's an omen". Whether you believe it to be literal or liberal, is your choice.

    West finally comprises on the last track, the sample driven Bound 2. To me, it sticks out like a sore thumb and proves to be one of the worst on the album. Worst being a relative term, of course. It feels out of place, and instead of a traditional Kanye chop, its done in a looped style, which makes the track feel a bit busy and un-involved. When considered in the body of work (the body of Yeezus, if you will), its almost a statement track. Just because its what you might want to hear from Kanye doesn't mean its good, and just because Yeezus isn't necessarily what you want to hear from Kanye doesn't mean it isn't great.

    This album will change the way hip hop is accepted in the years to come. I firmly hold that Yeezus will have Revolver like influence in the hip hop community and open doors both to new artists and different collaborates alike. Ever the lane maker, Kanye West has once again opened the door for a new era of artist. Yeezus is probably not the best work of this multiple Grammy award winner, but it will be his most influential, and for that, I applaud him.
  83. Jun 29, 2013
    I give this a 9 only because it is not his very best album, but we are talking about Kanye. There are incredibly high expectations that come with him. He is a jack-of-all-trades. He has mastered everything from Soul in College Dropout, to Strings in Late Registration, to Pop in Graduation, to Autotune in 808s & Heartbreak, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, and heI give this a 9 only because it is not his very best album, but we are talking about Kanye. There are incredibly high expectations that come with him. He is a jack-of-all-trades. He has mastered everything from Soul in College Dropout, to Strings in Late Registration, to Pop in Graduation, to Autotune in 808s & Heartbreak, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, and he has now moved to the new "trap" genre on Yeezus. Kanye is a truly transcendent artist and will go down as one of the greatest hip hop artists, if not one of the greatest musical minds to ever live. Yeezus is a just a microcosm of what Kanye can do. Expand
  84. Jun 28, 2013
    Yeezus is a very complex album. It is definitely innovative. The album combines hip-hop, house, dancehall and R&B themes that combine to make something that I can't really describe. I absolutely love the production on the album but Kanye lets me down lyrically especially on Black Skinhead which with some strong rapping could have been a great track. Best tracks in my opinion are Bound 2,Yeezus is a very complex album. It is definitely innovative. The album combines hip-hop, house, dancehall and R&B themes that combine to make something that I can't really describe. I absolutely love the production on the album but Kanye lets me down lyrically especially on Black Skinhead which with some strong rapping could have been a great track. Best tracks in my opinion are Bound 2, New Slaves, I'm In It and Blood On the Leaves. Bound 2 is the only track that really sounds like Kanye of the College Dropout and Late Registration era. New Slave is another song with great production that lets me down a little bit in terms of lyrics. I'm In It is a slap and I love Assassin's verse. Overall the album feels a little bit too thin lasting only 41 minutes. There also isn't a real radio hit track that Kanye seems to be able to produce at will. I know Kanye is very much into being innovative and original but if he had just put 2 potential hit radio songs on Yeezus it would have been a great album. As it stands Yeezus is confusing, vulgar, narcissistic, deep, confusing, a few steps below great, inconsistent, and confusing. Yeezy's rapping feels a little bit too lazy like he wasn't really trying to go all out lyrically. Half of Yeezus is great and the other half is seriously WTF did I just listen too. Expand
  85. Jun 26, 2013
    Providing you with a slow drip feed of pieces of Mr. West's psyche, a select blend of aggressive and enigmatic. Yeezus does not stun. Instead you are cloaked by the egotistic, hypnotic wording of a man that longs to exceed the levels of hip hop innovation he had a very large role in creating for not only others, but himself. This does not happen instantly. The process is slow. For myselfProviding you with a slow drip feed of pieces of Mr. West's psyche, a select blend of aggressive and enigmatic. Yeezus does not stun. Instead you are cloaked by the egotistic, hypnotic wording of a man that longs to exceed the levels of hip hop innovation he had a very large role in creating for not only others, but himself. This does not happen instantly. The process is slow. For myself it took around a good 4/5 strongly attentive listens to try and understand how this whole thing is meant to shape out. I still don't get it.

    I think that's why this album has been so deeply polarising. And why I fall on the positive side of the that polarisation.

    I do not love it, because I feel as though Kanye West is yet to make his masterpiece. I do not love it, because I want to feel safe in this knowledge. I do not love it, but I like it very much.

    Black Skinhead The screaming. Slow build. Chugging beat. Powerful, delectable angsty goodness.
    Blood On The Leaves Reminiscent, intense, fearful. Definitely a personal highlight. Something very "808's" about it.
    Bound 2 A warm, fuzzy send off that melts the ice that has coated the prior 9 tracks.

    Lower Points:
    I'm In It Not too fond of the sampling. It feels predictable, almost tacky.
    Guilt Trip I feel as though something went wrong with this one. Kinda rushed lyrically. I feel quite bad about that too, because Kid Cudi does a fine job towards the end. I kind of wish I liked it.
  86. Jun 26, 2013
    When I first heard this album, I was like "WTF is this Ye?". The 2nd time I heard it, I thought "okay this isn't too bad".

    And then something strange happened. I was in the same boat as others wanting that "classic" Kanye back for a while. Those soulful, sped up samples that created his signature style. But then I went back and listened to College Dropout, Late Registration and
    When I first heard this album, I was like "WTF is this Ye?". The 2nd time I heard it, I thought "okay this isn't too bad".

    And then something strange happened. I was in the same boat as others wanting that "classic" Kanye back for a while. Those soulful, sped up samples that created his signature style. But then I went back and listened to College Dropout, Late Registration and Graduation....and then I went back and listened to Yeezus, and got this feeling...like Yeezus filled me with an energy that those past albums couldn't touch. Those were all great albums (I also really enjoyed 808 and MBDTF), but Yeezus is clearly in another league in terms of the emotion and feeling you receive from it.

    And this is where I realized that what separates Kanye from other artists, lets just use Jay Z as an example, is that Kanye is constantly pushing hip hop to new heights and barriers. While Jay Z plays the conservative route...giving people what they want to hear, Kanye gives people music that they didn't realize they wanted to hear. I remember a quote by Steve Jobs, when asked why Apple doesn't do a lot of consumer research (compared to Samsung, MSFT, etc...) and his reply was "Because people don't know what they want".

    I feel Kanye has the same approach. A creative innovator like Kanye isn't just going to give us an album of sped up samples like some want, because that's been done. He's going to keep giving us new music, and new perspectives on things. And I love it. I don't want 10 albums that sound all sound alike (blueprint 1, blueprint 2, etc..), I'd rather have 10 albums that all sound uniquely different in their own awesome way (Rubber Soul, Sgt Peppers, White album, etc...) wouldn't you?
  87. Jun 25, 2013
    Kanye is great because he does what he wants, because he's an egomaniac with a stunning gift for writing both beats and rhymes. Every album has been a different extension of his genius mixed with a facet of his personality. If My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was his expression of celebrity and intimate feelings, then Yeezus is Kanye at the VMAs, telling Taylor Swift that Beyonce wasKanye is great because he does what he wants, because he's an egomaniac with a stunning gift for writing both beats and rhymes. Every album has been a different extension of his genius mixed with a facet of his personality. If My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was his expression of celebrity and intimate feelings, then Yeezus is Kanye at the VMAs, telling Taylor Swift that Beyonce was better. This album is Kanye screaming at the world, ego inflated, that whatever he does is a masterpiece because only HE can pull it off.

    Yeezus, the title, suggests this. It's an obvious allusion to Jesus, who by the words of the Bible could do things others could not. This is Yeezus. It's Kanye doing what others can't. He took a synth and turned it into a dark, grinding, acidic extension of his ego.

    However, this album isn't all dark grit and grind. I personally think "Bound 2" belongs more on My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy in terms of stylistic qualities, but its beautiful sampling and clever lyrics will not be depricated in the slightest by being a part of this album. It might be my favorite song Kanye has ever made, it's that good.

    If you have an open mind, you'll enjoy this album. It takes two or three listens to really get a grasp on what Kanye was trying to do here; however, once this has been achieved, this album is brilliant in its own right.

    This isn't My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. This is more ambitious, more egotistical, more narcissistic. Not every can produce M.B.D.T.F. (a classic, mind you) every album. This is about as close to a great repeat effort as one can be. It's a great album. IF there's one thing we know about Kanye, ti's that he doesn't think he has a ceiling. This album is a reflection of that.

    Enjoy it.
  88. Jun 25, 2013
    Great album. Beats are very simplistic and loud, almost perfect production, lyrics are brash and in your face, occasionally inconsistent. This isn't an album for anyone who solely listens to hip hop, it pretty much transcends the genre. 9/10
  89. Jun 24, 2013
    Kanye doing what he does: making great music. I find this album oddly both fun to listen to and annoying as hell The best moment is on "New Slaves" when Cher bursts into chorus. Yeezus isn't the most fun to listen of Kanye's albums, but it deserves to be considered among his best.
  90. Jun 24, 2013
    Yeezus is a good album. Kanye said he was taking a minimalistic approach with Yeezus, but this is not at all true. The beats are unique, & interesting, so to say. The rapping isn't remarkable for Kanye, or remarkable overall, but it's good. New Slaves and I Am a God has standout rapping, and awesome beats, though the beat is much too overpowering in New Slaves, only song I don't listen toYeezus is a good album. Kanye said he was taking a minimalistic approach with Yeezus, but this is not at all true. The beats are unique, & interesting, so to say. The rapping isn't remarkable for Kanye, or remarkable overall, but it's good. New Slaves and I Am a God has standout rapping, and awesome beats, though the beat is much too overpowering in New Slaves, only song I don't listen to with a bass boost. As for the lyrics, typical Kanye lyrics. Blood on the Leaves is a song that seems to not have made it on to Kanye's 808s & Heartbreak, but it's still a good song, though it does feel out of place on Yeezus. Then there's Guilt Trip, featuring Kid Cudi. Another song that seems to not have made it onto 808s & HB, but this one is just bad. It feels like a song just put there to add a song and fill up some space. Kanye could have at least made us another filler song, better than the Guilt Trip. Overall, I'm satisfied with my purchase, but don't think Yeezus lived up to the hype. Expand
  91. Jun 23, 2013
    Kanye West's 6th solo album is something of an initial 'Kid A' reception inspired industrial mess. As an artist West moves back and forth from the early 00's hip-hop that put him on the household map, but unlike its incredible predecessor Yeezus doesn't move far enough in a particular direction to warrant overwhelming acclaim nor deserve condemnation (a 0? Who are you kidding?) for itsKanye West's 6th solo album is something of an initial 'Kid A' reception inspired industrial mess. As an artist West moves back and forth from the early 00's hip-hop that put him on the household map, but unlike its incredible predecessor Yeezus doesn't move far enough in a particular direction to warrant overwhelming acclaim nor deserve condemnation (a 0? Who are you kidding?) for its failings. Instead Yeezus is a fairly competent album that attempts to stitch together all of Kanye's styles up to this point and it doesn't always work. Blood on The Leaves samples Nina Simone's soulful 'Strange Fruit' in an off-shoot that could have been a B-Side on Late Registration whilst closer Bound 2 has more in common with The College Dropout than any of West's more recent material. These contrasts in quality are often found in style, and the albums first half is by far its strongest, yielding schizophrenic beats and idiosyncratic lyrics. Although I agree the production of Daft Punk (considering their potential) is perhaps wasted, tracks like 'Black Skinhead' and opener 'On Sight' are far and away the most interesting works here though far from entirely original. Other all Yeezus is still a succinct and more consistent listen than '808's' or 'Graduation', but the lyrical depth and egotistical ravings although perhaps designed to contrast the juvenile substances with the poetic are misjudged in crucial moments and apart from Frank Ocean his guest line-up squandered. Still, even if it does not match up to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy in scale or scope, it is far from unlistenable as others have stated, and fits in with the Kanye discography for now. Expand
  92. Jun 23, 2013
    When Kanye sat down to write Yeezus, it wasn't with the intention to make his long-time critics do a huge 360 and suddenly become his biggest fans.

    This album was written for the people who've followed Kanye's progression and can dig the changes he's describing to us; from man to famous man, famous man to 'god' and Yeezy to Yeezus. There's something about these changes that should be
    When Kanye sat down to write Yeezus, it wasn't with the intention to make his long-time critics do a huge 360 and suddenly become his biggest fans.

    This album was written for the people who've followed Kanye's progression and can dig the changes he's describing to us; from man to famous man, famous man to 'god' and Yeezy to Yeezus. There's something about these changes that should be depressing and somehow painful (it seems like Kanye's going through a rough time) but is actually just somehow exciting.

    Dark, sleazy and satisfying. A+
  93. Jun 22, 2013
    I've been listening to music from different generation 60's 70's 80's 90's and this generation no album made me this speechless this i by far the best album this year and one of my favorite albums of all time This album is not for everybody but you should give it a listen to see if it's for you
  94. Jun 21, 2013
    This albums so special, it really is masterpiece with the mix of electronic beats and dark aura with Yeezy's lyrics cutting deep making it uniquely amazing. This is the start of the revival of Rap with J.Cole, Wale, Jay-Z and Drake to follow.
  95. Jun 21, 2013
    first listen i was heavily disappointed, but having faith in Kanye I listened again and it sounded much better. With every listen the record grew on me as I discovered new layers to it, and it once again shows that Kanye is the most innovative artist out right now in pulling this off.
  96. Jun 21, 2013
    This Kanye's most out there album to date, but that does not mean it's not up there with his best. At first listen it might seem that West has taken the easy way out, trading his signature production for hard beats and blips that sound more like a acid Nine Inch Nails, but after further evaluation the listener will grow to appreciate the album for simple masterpiece that it is.
  97. Jun 21, 2013
    Great album, took me a few plays to appreciate it, but worth while. Lyrically I felt it lacked a touch which is why I wouldn't give it a full 10. xxxx
  98. Jun 20, 2013
    I honestly think this album goes right over people's heads............................................................................................
  99. Jun 20, 2013
    Kanye has succeeded in creating a sonically engaging album that stands out from all his previous efforts. The lyrics could have been better in some spots, for sure, but I think in terms of production this is excellent. It's totally different from anything he's ever done, but still feels very much like Kanye. Got a slight Death Grips vibe from it, but that might just be me. Paranoia andKanye has succeeded in creating a sonically engaging album that stands out from all his previous efforts. The lyrics could have been better in some spots, for sure, but I think in terms of production this is excellent. It's totally different from anything he's ever done, but still feels very much like Kanye. Got a slight Death Grips vibe from it, but that might just be me. Paranoia and darkness are some of the more obvious themes. Not as good overall as MBDTF, for sure, but it's pretty damn good. Can't wait to see what comes next from the self-proclaimed god of hip-hop, Yeezus.

    FAVE TRACKS: Black Skinhead, New Slaves, Blood On the Leaves
    LEAST FAVE: Guilt Trip
  100. Jun 19, 2013
    Anyone who expects this album to be as good or better than MBDTF is obviously going to be disappointed. But anyone who says this isnt anything knew is obviously lying. It takes production elements from all his previous albums and mixes them together in just 40 minutes. Although the lyrics might not be as good as what we have come to expect from 'Ye they are still better than pretty muchAnyone who expects this album to be as good or better than MBDTF is obviously going to be disappointed. But anyone who says this isnt anything knew is obviously lying. It takes production elements from all his previous albums and mixes them together in just 40 minutes. Although the lyrics might not be as good as what we have come to expect from 'Ye they are still better than pretty much every other artist alive today and he does tackle some serious themes throughout the recording. This album isn't an easy listen and it wont click the first time you hear it, it takes perseverance and time to start to like this album, but after a few listens you will really start to see the genius of 'Yeezus'. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 46 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 46
  2. Negative: 1 out of 46
  1. The Wire
    Dec 10, 2013
    His concerns are serious--consumerism, race, fame, relationships--but he rarely addresses them with the craft or focus they deserve. [Sep 2013, p.66]
  2. Q Magazine
    Aug 20, 2013
    Contradiction incarnate, Yeezus is Kanye's most Kanyeish LP yet. [Sep 2013, p.103]
  3. Mojo
    Aug 13, 2013
    Nasty, brutish, short, and wholly compelling, Yeezus begs only one question: where next? [Sep 2013, p.89]