• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Jun 18, 2013
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  1. Jun 24, 2013
    Pretty bad...like not at all what I was hoping for. I like the experimental direction he took and maybe if he incorporated the right lyrics this could have been a great album, but with songs like "I'm a god" there is really no words to describe how egomaniac that is. I know it's part of his persona and it makes him who he is but that is just retarded. Also why does every other word have toPretty bad...like not at all what I was hoping for. I like the experimental direction he took and maybe if he incorporated the right lyrics this could have been a great album, but with songs like "I'm a god" there is really no words to describe how egomaniac that is. I know it's part of his persona and it makes him who he is but that is just retarded. Also why does every other word have to be ni@@a? I mean really can't some one release a rap album where that word is actually used in context and not just filler? I want another rap album like Madvillany to come out. Guess I'll just have to keep waiting. Expand
  2. Jun 18, 2013
    The first side of YEEZUS is bold and to the point. The production is great and Kanye delivers his lines with passion. "On Sight", "Black Skinhead" and "New Slaves" rank among the best tracks Kanye has delivered. On the second side of the album the pace slows down and some of the songs (notably "I'm In It") are forgettable with their stale synthesizer beats and autotune'd vocals. Had theThe first side of YEEZUS is bold and to the point. The production is great and Kanye delivers his lines with passion. "On Sight", "Black Skinhead" and "New Slaves" rank among the best tracks Kanye has delivered. On the second side of the album the pace slows down and some of the songs (notably "I'm In It") are forgettable with their stale synthesizer beats and autotune'd vocals. Had the album been a passionate percussion-heavy punk rap barrage all the way through, we'd be listening to a classic. Now it seems half-assed and hurried. Expand
  3. Jun 20, 2013
    Critics you can't be serious, this album is trash and this isn't music. All of Kanye's previous albums outdo this one by a long shot. Kanye is getting confused with believing in a God and thinking he is God.
  4. Jun 23, 2013
    This review was pretty simple. There were 3 good songs out of 10.


    + Black Skinhead
    + New Slaves
    + Blood On The Leaves


    - Everything Else
  5. Jun 28, 2013
    Yeezus is a very complex album. It is definitely innovative. The album combines hip-hop, house, dancehall and R&B themes that combine to make something that I can't really describe. I absolutely love the production on the album but Kanye lets me down lyrically especially on Black Skinhead which with some strong rapping could have been a great track. Best tracks in my opinion are Bound 2,Yeezus is a very complex album. It is definitely innovative. The album combines hip-hop, house, dancehall and R&B themes that combine to make something that I can't really describe. I absolutely love the production on the album but Kanye lets me down lyrically especially on Black Skinhead which with some strong rapping could have been a great track. Best tracks in my opinion are Bound 2, New Slaves, I'm In It and Blood On the Leaves. Bound 2 is the only track that really sounds like Kanye of the College Dropout and Late Registration era. New Slave is another song with great production that lets me down a little bit in terms of lyrics. I'm In It is a slap and I love Assassin's verse. Overall the album feels a little bit too thin lasting only 41 minutes. There also isn't a real radio hit track that Kanye seems to be able to produce at will. I know Kanye is very much into being innovative and original but if he had just put 2 potential hit radio songs on Yeezus it would have been a great album. As it stands Yeezus is confusing, vulgar, narcissistic, deep, confusing, a few steps below great, inconsistent, and confusing. Yeezy's rapping feels a little bit too lazy like he wasn't really trying to go all out lyrically. Half of Yeezus is great and the other half is seriously WTF did I just listen too. Expand
  6. Jun 29, 2013
    I give this a 9 only because it is not his very best album, but we are talking about Kanye. There are incredibly high expectations that come with him. He is a jack-of-all-trades. He has mastered everything from Soul in College Dropout, to Strings in Late Registration, to Pop in Graduation, to Autotune in 808s & Heartbreak, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, and heI give this a 9 only because it is not his very best album, but we are talking about Kanye. There are incredibly high expectations that come with him. He is a jack-of-all-trades. He has mastered everything from Soul in College Dropout, to Strings in Late Registration, to Pop in Graduation, to Autotune in 808s & Heartbreak, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, and he has now moved to the new "trap" genre on Yeezus. Kanye is a truly transcendent artist and will go down as one of the greatest hip hop artists, if not one of the greatest musical minds to ever live. Yeezus is a just a microcosm of what Kanye can do. Expand
  7. Jun 18, 2013
    Wow As much as I love Kanye since the Roc a fella days, and reading some of these critic reviews, I cannot help but get the feeling that this album is the audio equivalent of watching a model at a fashion show with a steaming turd on her head and having the critics tell me its "high brow" and "innovative" fashion.

    Mr West has officially "jumped the shark"
  8. Jun 23, 2013
    The experimental production makes this a positive in all for his career, but as an album it is extremely lacking. Unfortunately, it has an enjoyable feel to it, that combined with Kanye's excellent musicianship, makes it easy to overlook the massive flaws. I can still listen to this album in the background of anything and enjoy the experience, but any kind of critical look leads to anThe experimental production makes this a positive in all for his career, but as an album it is extremely lacking. Unfortunately, it has an enjoyable feel to it, that combined with Kanye's excellent musicianship, makes it easy to overlook the massive flaws. I can still listen to this album in the background of anything and enjoy the experience, but any kind of critical look leads to an extremely painful feeling.

    The lyricism in this album is by far the worst Ye has ever put out. I find it extremely annoying when people praise his lyricism in this album, citing his focus on the racism of others or the racism of blacks towards blacks or any other such thing. Sure, he has a few conscious lines, but not a single one of them brings any new message from anything he's said before, and every time he's said it before, it was done better. Not a single line in this album strikes me as even somewhat stellar, and it's coupled with the extremely painful lines such as "I'd rather be a dick than a swallower". That line specifically also shows a weakness in Ye's lyricism in this album, where he is too lazy to think up lines that follow one another and just decides to repeat the same ones multiple times.

    His egoism is something I will never look at negatively, as I think it is an incredible asset to his persona, and I normally love how he always proves himself right in so many ways. But for an album that contains a song titled 'I Am a God' (featuring God), he does not provide the backing.

    I will however say that the production on this album is quite interesting, impressive at parts, surprising at others, and for that reason is why I say that this album is a good step for his career. As long as he decides to actually put some effort into his writing, and possibly take more time putting some of his storytelling talent into his next album, I think his next album could be legendary if he takes some of the experimental sounds on Yeezus and puts them to a better use.

    Lyricism: 1/10
    Production 7.5/10
    Content: 2/10
    General Cohesion: 3.5/10
  9. Jun 29, 2013
    This is total rubbish... it's not music, it's just some moron rapping stupidity over boring repetitive drum beats. it's not even music, it just sounds like when you accidentally play a few youtube videos at once.
  10. Jul 10, 2013
    It starts off with a raw electronic sound, that sonically is different to Kanye’s Work, and this sound has been created with the help of Daft Punk. I have never been a fan of rap, or Kanye West other than “Runaways” from My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. So the fact that I can listen to this from beginning to end is a feat in itself, but it is still poor. I like the raw electronic soundIt starts off with a raw electronic sound, that sonically is different to Kanye’s Work, and this sound has been created with the help of Daft Punk. I have never been a fan of rap, or Kanye West other than “Runaways” from My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. So the fact that I can listen to this from beginning to end is a feat in itself, but it is still poor. I like the raw electronic sound on the beginning of the album, the industrial feel, and the good use of samples to break up and add to the songs, but the lyrics are poor. They are boring and predictable, Saying that the first two songs are better than the rest of the album until the end. “On Site” and “Blackhead” are good, I can listen to them and they don’t have any of the incessant auto-tune that features later on in the album.

    “New Slaves” maybe could be the most dance floor friendly seeing as it is bass heavy, and it’s one of the few songs where the lyrics mean something, even if Kanye goes about it in a brash way, not exactly using the most sophisticated language.

    From there on, the album becomes a mess, until “Bound 2″ with the seductive sample of Brenda Lee going “Uh huh Honey”, along with a bridge featuring Charlie Wilson that really breaks the song up, and I like that it came as a surprise, it was refreshing. Sure the lyrics may again be poor, “I want to you hard in the sink”, but it’s enjoyable, and for one song, I can look past the flaws.

    Overall, musically the album is decent, I like it here and there, Kanye has some good ideas that he ruins with his rap and the autotune, I really have no strong likes or dislikes to this album, just disappointment with what could have been, and the score is maybe just out of kindness.
  11. Jun 20, 2013
    After originally only getting to the forth track before I had to quit, I gave it a second chance which ultimately lead to a third listen through. After being annoyed by it at first, and realizing that it isn't the instant classic as his previous albums, it grew on me. I found myself vibing to a lot of it. This is definitely not Kanye's best work, but it's worthy of looking past the loudAfter originally only getting to the forth track before I had to quit, I gave it a second chance which ultimately lead to a third listen through. After being annoyed by it at first, and realizing that it isn't the instant classic as his previous albums, it grew on me. I found myself vibing to a lot of it. This is definitely not Kanye's best work, but it's worthy of looking past the loud frantic beats and trying to see what he was going for. I think Cole got the best of him on June 18th, but Yeezus will, of course, outsell Born Sinner. Expand
  12. Jun 22, 2013
    This album has little to offer and I am very disappointed in Kanye. With only 10 tracks on the album, it is a rip-off to even purchase. Not only are there just 10 tracks, it sounds like he recorded the entire album in an echoing gymnasium 3 hours before the album was due to his label. Kanye said he didn't want it to be radio-style music, but you can still make good songs without soundingThis album has little to offer and I am very disappointed in Kanye. With only 10 tracks on the album, it is a rip-off to even purchase. Not only are there just 10 tracks, it sounds like he recorded the entire album in an echoing gymnasium 3 hours before the album was due to his label. Kanye said he didn't want it to be radio-style music, but you can still make good songs without sounding radio-friendly. In "Blood On the Leaves", he sounds like a bad version of T-Pain, sounding even more generic than T-Pain himself. Overall the album leaves much to be desired from the rapper who previously never failed to impress me. In my opinion the worst thing he ever could have done for his career was get married and have a child. Expand
  13. Jul 24, 2013
    Following his highly successful collaboration album with Jay-Z ('Watch the Throne'), rapper Kanye West is back with what will most likely be the most polarizing album of 2013. The original reception for this album ranged wildly from hailing it as the greatest rap album of all time, to dismissing it as the worst record Kanye has ever put out. Unfortunately, I find it hard to stray away fromFollowing his highly successful collaboration album with Jay-Z ('Watch the Throne'), rapper Kanye West is back with what will most likely be the most polarizing album of 2013. The original reception for this album ranged wildly from hailing it as the greatest rap album of all time, to dismissing it as the worst record Kanye has ever put out. Unfortunately, I find it hard to stray away from the latter.

    The overly noisy and cacophonous production is just one of the things that hurts 'Yeezus'. On the majority of these tracks, it sounds like Kanye is just being different and loud for the sake of being different and loud, and not to reach a deeper musical meaning or theme. Sporadic outbursts of crazy randomness are all over the production of this LP, which in the end to me seem pretty damn uninspired. With the exception of a few tracks (see "Black Skinhead" and "New Slaves"), a no point is Kanye able to generate any of kind of groove rhythm, melody, or really any real musical substance whatsoever. Perhaps the highlight of the album production-wise is the closer "Bound 2", which really sounds like a bonus track from Kanye's previous solo album, 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy'.

    Although I've never been a huge fan of Kanye's lyrics and flow, this album even perhaps reaches a new low. With again the exception of a few tracks, almost practically every song on 'Yeezus' is composed of cheap, egotistical, and overall pretty stupid lyricism. If after 'Watch the Throne' you thought it was impossible for Kanye to be even more eccentric, you thought wrong (see 'I Am a God' lol). 'New Slaves' is one of the few songs on this album that contains a relevant lyrics and themes.

    Overall, the only reason why this album is rated as a 5/10 is thanks to the presence of a few golden tracks, that don't feature annoyingly noisy production or stupid lyrics. And don't get me started on the auto tune.

    'New Slaves'
    'Black Skinhead'
    'Bound 2'
  14. Jun 18, 2013
    Overly produced. Lyrics were outright pathetic. Couple decent songs. No replay value for me. I understand he wants to go outside the boundaries of hip-hop, but I can't even give this a pass.
  15. Jun 18, 2013
    Maybe the best album form kanye, i mean his wordplay is amazing, his screaming is on another level, genius cause he has a penius, see that wordplay, masterpiece
  16. Oct 15, 2013
    Yet another example as to how West is the absolute epitome of talentless douchebag...but thankfully, the world smartened up and also made this album a commercial failure. The man needs to give up...he has yet to record anything worthwhile...how critics continue to misdirect praise to this joke of an "artist" is beyond me. The man is all ego, ZERO substance. This album is, like all hisYet another example as to how West is the absolute epitome of talentless douchebag...but thankfully, the world smartened up and also made this album a commercial failure. The man needs to give up...he has yet to record anything worthwhile...how critics continue to misdirect praise to this joke of an "artist" is beyond me. The man is all ego, ZERO substance. This album is, like all his albums, horrifyingly terrible. Expand
  17. Jun 19, 2013
    This is a weed plate...Something I'd use to break buds on...The only people who would find this album "revolutionary" are people who aren't familiar with anything outside of top 40...He's biting styles left and right, but his take on other genres is sub-par to put it nicely...and the lyrics...bwahaha!...Kanye is the type of guy that would have a baby with Kim Kardashian...enough said
  18. Jul 11, 2013
    How in the universe of music does this album have a more positive score than that of J. cole's Born Sinner? This album is trash and it should not be bought by anyone who listens to Hip-Hop music. I don't have a problem if a person wants to do something different with their music just make sure it's good. This is a lyrical failure he is capable of sooooo much better but he did not put isHow in the universe of music does this album have a more positive score than that of J. cole's Born Sinner? This album is trash and it should not be bought by anyone who listens to Hip-Hop music. I don't have a problem if a person wants to do something different with their music just make sure it's good. This is a lyrical failure he is capable of sooooo much better but he did not put is all in this album at all. I am not a Kayne hater I loved every album that he has done before this one even 808's and heartbrakes that was actually a good album but this....This is trash do not buy and Rate J Cole's Born Sinner higher because it is a much better album than this one. Expand
  19. Jan 5, 2014
    I don't recall listening to a worst album than this one. It is unbelievable how most critics can't tell a rubbish record from revolutionary one. So disappointing. There is no highlight in this album. The lyrics are terrible, so is the production and the music in general. I cannot believe RS ranked it on the second position of 2013's best albums. This magazine and these new audiences areI don't recall listening to a worst album than this one. It is unbelievable how most critics can't tell a rubbish record from revolutionary one. So disappointing. There is no highlight in this album. The lyrics are terrible, so is the production and the music in general. I cannot believe RS ranked it on the second position of 2013's best albums. This magazine and these new audiences are destroying what once we knew as great, enjoyable music. Expand
  20. CPB
    Jun 18, 2013
    This album is nothing special. I don't why people are praising this album, the only two good songs are 'New Slaves' and 'Black skinhead'. Those are actually the only two songs with something to say, also. Everything else is just Kanye riding his own dick thinking he's a "genius" (even though Death Grips did a more grittier version of this album before with the 'Money Store'). Now thisThis album is nothing special. I don't why people are praising this album, the only two good songs are 'New Slaves' and 'Black skinhead'. Those are actually the only two songs with something to say, also. Everything else is just Kanye riding his own dick thinking he's a "genius" (even though Death Grips did a more grittier version of this album before with the 'Money Store'). Now this isn't a horrible album, but no where near great (like College Dropout, Graduation and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy; all of which were great albums). Expand
  21. Feb 14, 2016
    Très ambitieux et "novateur", cet album est à l'image de son chanteur: un mégalo prétentieux.
    Beaucoup de bruit pour pas grand chose, Yeezus est loin de révolutionner la musique, bien au contraire.
  22. Sep 5, 2013
    This album is Grade-A trash. The lyrics are absolutely terrible and the production is so so. This is coming from a Kanye fan btw. I love all of his other albums but this is a disgrace and the only reason people think this is good is because Kanye made it. If B.o.B or Kid Cudi had made this these same people would be trashing it.
  23. Mar 3, 2015
    Just trash period. Listen to the actual album its really trash, it only has two hit songs which include bound 2 and blood on the leaves. It has a really annoying buzzing sound and just terrible.
  24. Jan 29, 2016
    Dull, boring and pathetic and that's just Kanye. This is quite possibly one of the worst excuses for an album though to be fair none of his albums are awful so this is no surprise.
  25. Jan 5, 2014
    If I had it my way, Kanye West would not be allowed to talk in public. Ever. When it comes to his albums I would say the reverse. Kanye typically has a good ear and great taste in big production rap albums that churn out anthems and original content alike. On Yeezus, Kanye is starting to push the good and bad elements of his music more radically. The results end up being much more rawIf I had it my way, Kanye West would not be allowed to talk in public. Ever. When it comes to his albums I would say the reverse. Kanye typically has a good ear and great taste in big production rap albums that churn out anthems and original content alike. On Yeezus, Kanye is starting to push the good and bad elements of his music more radically. The results end up being much more raw and chaotic. On tracks like "Black Skinhead", "I Am A God", and "Send It Up", there's enough hook and form to keep the music and rhymes on track amidst some wobbly production and pitchy sound effects. But with cuts like "On Sight" and "Bound 2" the chaos and switheroos are too much and make it tough to endure a listen for more than a moment. "Bound 2" is especially annoying perhaps one of Kanye's worst to date, which is unfortunate given that the chorus is actually fine. It's the transitions marked with the "uh huh honey" that make my ears bleed a bit. By the time I got through the record I realized that Kanye's massive and annoying ego is beginning to affect his work. That is a travesty, because Kanye has some killer tracks and albums leading up to Yeezus an album that I'd rather only occasionally pick from on Spotify rather than spend even .99 on a track to contribute toward. Expand
  26. Jul 15, 2014
    Yeezus sees Kanye West push himself like never before and he once again brings something new to the hip-hop party. The man is hard to like as a person but there is no doubt that he is an exceptional talent. He could have easily recycled what he's been doing for the last decade, released it and sold shedloads but instead he's launched a sonic attack on the music world. Musically, Yeezus isYeezus sees Kanye West push himself like never before and he once again brings something new to the hip-hop party. The man is hard to like as a person but there is no doubt that he is an exceptional talent. He could have easily recycled what he's been doing for the last decade, released it and sold shedloads but instead he's launched a sonic attack on the music world. Musically, Yeezus is astonishing with West bringing all of his producer skills and musical talent to produce something truly creative. Unfortunately and perhaps surprisingly, the album is let down by West's lyrics, an area in which he often excels. Yeezus doesn't seem to have anything new to say and outside of "New Slaves", West could be freestyling about anything and too often the material tries to shock but ends up just being plain distasteful. Expand
  27. Oct 1, 2013
    I'll admit that I've only recently gotten into this guy's work around the time this album came out & I was pretty much blown away. However there seems to be an inverse pattern of Kanye's production getting better & more experimental while the lyrical content gets increasingly worse. And with Yeezus that pattern continues.

    Admittedly about 90% of the good thing I have to say are in the
    I'll admit that I've only recently gotten into this guy's work around the time this album came out & I was pretty much blown away. However there seems to be an inverse pattern of Kanye's production getting better & more experimental while the lyrical content gets increasingly worse. And with Yeezus that pattern continues.

    Admittedly about 90% of the good thing I have to say are in the production & instrumentation. If you're reading this, chances are you've already heard about the bizarre change in direction here to something less accessible & more raw, and that'd be a great way of describing it in a nutshell. It's dark, minimalist, straightforward & aggressive in the best ways possible. The lush, drawn-out & practically orchestrated sound of MBDTF was great to hear but this is an extremely rewarding change of pace. That's not to say this album is without its subtle catchiness, since even in his earliest albums Kanye's had a talent for creating great hooks, not just in some pop chorus but in the instrumentals too. The synths might be buzzing & droning but there's still a keen sense of melody in how they're arranged that makes them stick out in a unique way. Same can be said for the samples, which are generally well-incorporated. The 2 tracks that stand out musically for me the most though are lead single “Black Skinhead” & closing track “Bound 2”. The former is just awesome, combining pulsating tribal drum beats, primal screams in the background & quiet synths in the chorus that builds expertly with the drums back into the verse. The latter is my, and what I imagine a lot of people's, favorite song on this album. This is mainly due to the soul sample-looping back-to-basics approach that was all over Kanye's first few albums, aka the “college trilogy”, helped by the comparatively more genuine lyrics. There's also “New Slaves”, probably the strongest track lyrically, which gives some insightful jabs at the materialism that brainwashes the upper class, as well as overly intrusive “journalists” that constantly hassle him & other celebrities for no good reason.

    However, no matter how great this album may be musically & occasionally lyrically, those lyrical moments are few & far between. For the most part in this department, Yeezus is obnoxious, egomaniacal, hypocritical & at times outright cringeworthy. I think the main problem isn't so much that he's not self-aware about the public's perception about him, but for that he's not self-aware about how poorly he expresses his self-awareness about the public's perception about him. He's so hot-headed & over-the-top about the topic that it can only add to his already bad media persona. Say what you want about the braggadocios tracks on MBDTF or the 2011 Jay-Z collab album Watch the Throne, but at least there he sounded like he was having some level of fun with it in a way that was at times pretty enjoyable in its ridiculousness. But here the way he brushes off detractors & brags about how much sex he has is just forced & uncomfortable. And sometimes this can ruin an otherwise good track, particularly “I'm in It”, which pairs a nice slow groove & a soulful chorus from Bon Iver's Justin Vernon with poetry like “Eatin' Asian all I need is sweet & sour sauce”. And even one of my favorites “Black Skinhead” has its bad lyrical traits, but in a different way. The main thing is that in a song where he's talking about racially inequality & stereotypes, he acts angry and irrational, brags about his possessions & says lines like “300 where the Trojans”. There's a clever line here & there but I find it hard to get past that. Surprisingly one of the more positively notable tracks is “I Am A God”, which despite its obvious pretentious delusions is more of an exaggerated declaration of confidence than anything else, and brings back the enjoyable ego-projecting of the last couple albums.

    With even that big ol rant out of the way, I still can't recommend checking this album out enough. Yes, it's as a whole Kanye's weakest effort to date lyrically & very front-loaded, but it's just so interesting & engaging musically that it's worth a listen even despite its big flaws. I still like his older stuff more though.

    Top 5 tracks: Bound 2, New Slaves, Black Skinhead, I Am a God, Hold My Liquor
    Score: 66/100
  28. Jun 21, 2013
    2nd worst album from Kanye IMO. Not sure wat else to say about this polarizing album that only Kanye could pull off. I hope he rebounds with a much better effort next time bc this ain't the one.
  29. Jun 19, 2013
    To me this record has split personality disorder, possibly like Ye himself.

    The first 6 songs seem pseudo-angry and pretentious. He talks about how rich he is, "stacking millions", being able to buy someones life he is so wealthy, comparing picking his own shirt to "picking cotton" in the fields. The anger and frustration seems so put on and acted especially coming from someone who is
    To me this record has split personality disorder, possibly like Ye himself.

    The first 6 songs seem pseudo-angry and pretentious. He talks about how rich he is, "stacking millions", being able to buy someones life he is so wealthy, comparing picking his own shirt to "picking cotton" in the fields.
    The anger and frustration seems so put on and acted especially coming from someone who is with a Kardashian and buys Ferraris as birthday presents.

    The last 4 songs seem more real and are actually really good songs. But on those Ye complains about the downsides of being a celebrity and showing some true emotions.

    I've been a Kanye fan since the beginning but his underdog complex just doesn't hold true anymore and he needs to keep about it. Especially lyrically this is one of his worst efforts. His rhymes are not only weak but full of pretentious pseudo-anger.

    808s was so raw and real and full of powerful emotions and to me this record is the exact opposite. It seems Kanye has no real inspiration anymore other than feeding on all the rumors and from the tabloids so he just goes with that. If that's your gig ...ENJOY!!
  30. Jun 21, 2013
    When compared with the dedication and vision of 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy', 'Yeezus' feels rushed and underdeveloped. Kanye West is not a subtle producer, nor is he a brilliant lyricist. He is a fantastic surveyor of pop culture and virtuosically distills it into bombastically produced and arranged albums that combine much of what is current and relevant into something that feelsWhen compared with the dedication and vision of 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy', 'Yeezus' feels rushed and underdeveloped. Kanye West is not a subtle producer, nor is he a brilliant lyricist. He is a fantastic surveyor of pop culture and virtuosically distills it into bombastically produced and arranged albums that combine much of what is current and relevant into something that feels new. In similar ways that Quentin Tarantino approaches film making, Kayne is able to capture the evolution of producing and challenge others in the field to pay more attention to their own efforts. For these reasons I hold him to a higher standard and 'Yeezus' in its entirety feels lacklustre. Perhaps with more time it could have developed into something spectacular but unfortunately as it stands one is left with the feeling that they are hearing a rough draft. I have no doubt we'll hear more from Kanye and look forward to him taking the time as he did with MBDTF, however, this is a mediocre stepping stone by his own standards. Expand
  31. Feb 9, 2014
    Honestly, this album works better as an instrumental. There are some songs that DP worked on, which pisses me off since R.A.M. was poorly executed and the instrumentals are amazing here. Otherwise, this album is just rubbish put together that ends up just being all over the place. No structure, just an inflated ego. I don't care for it.
  32. Aug 31, 2013
    This album is really an album that you need to let sit. When I first played this, I didn't know what to think, their was definite disappointment but I knew I was missing something with this project. It wasn't till I had played this album, probably a good 10 times that it really all sank in. As a person that loves music, I always tell people to judge music based on what it's suppose to beThis album is really an album that you need to let sit. When I first played this, I didn't know what to think, their was definite disappointment but I knew I was missing something with this project. It wasn't till I had played this album, probably a good 10 times that it really all sank in. As a person that loves music, I always tell people to judge music based on what it's suppose to be NOT what you want it to be, with that being said this is not an awful project. Kanye brought "Industrial Hip-Hop" to a new limelight with this album. I want to start off by saying NOTHING Kanye did on this album, hasn't be done before and that's really the biggest misconception with this album. Artists like El-P and groups like Death Grips have all been making music like this for some time now so Kanye is not the first person to make music like this. Now that, that's cleared let me get into the album.

    The production is well done for the most part. If the majority of music you listen to is strictly Hip-Hop I advise you to not let this type of production throw you off on your first or even 2nd or 3rd listen. The sounds are abstract and even weird but they work in perspective of what Kanye is attempting to do (or at least for the most part). Songs like I'm In It, Send It Up or even Blood On The Leaves which have very hard hitting bases with abstract horns and sirens, it's really a lot to soak in at first put like I said in my opening paragraph, you have to let this album sit. Now while Kanye's production did work in a lot of ways, it also failed in some ways as well. Songs like I Am God where I feel like I'm hearing this hard hitting bass with some toned down horns that really don't go together at all. Or a song like Hold My Liquor which unlike the rest of the album has a very clam and soothing beat, that's until the annoying horn that comes in every other bar in the verses. Overall I understand the direction sound wise Kanye was going with this and while some aspects of it could of been done better for the most part it's solid.

    Now on to the weakest link of the whole album, the writing. Let me start off by saying while everyone praises Kanye for being an incredible writer/poet the writing on Yeezus is far from great. It's very questionable at some points especially in songs like I'm In It where he has quotable like "eating Asian all I need is sweet and sour sauce" or "Black girl sippin white whine, I put my fist in her like the civil rights sign". Bars like these are kind of tossed throughout the album and does raise awareness when I do generally believe Kanye is a good writer and is very capable of writing better than this. The lyrics don't derail the album to much but it does go to show that this album is far from perfect.

    Overall, I praise Kanye for going in this direction, for bringing this type of hip hop to the mainstream level. It was a risk and I'm sure he was aware of the mixed reviews he would receive for doing so. This project was a decent attempt for going for a Industrial Hip-Hop sounding album, point being that their are artists out there that have made music like this but of much higher quality. I feel like critics pay attention to much to how the album was made rather than the music itself. On the other hand I feel like Hip-Hop listeners are so caught up in the fact that it sounds different that they don't even give it a chance. Like I said decent effort from Kanye, They're artists out there that have done this much better before, giving this a 6/10.
  33. Jun 19, 2013
    "I just talked to Jesus, he said what up Yeezus"."I said, s**t I'm chilling". This line of the third track "I Am God" gives you an idea what to expect for the rest of the album. This is probably Kanye's most intense album represented in tracks like "Black Skinhead" and "New Slaves" which are some of the records better songs. It feels like he sampled a little bit of his past works and"I just talked to Jesus, he said what up Yeezus"."I said, s**t I'm chilling". This line of the third track "I Am God" gives you an idea what to expect for the rest of the album. This is probably Kanye's most intense album represented in tracks like "Black Skinhead" and "New Slaves" which are some of the records better songs. It feels like he sampled a little bit of his past works and sprinkled it all over something different. On "Blood On The Leaves" and more so "Guilt Trip"it could have been strait off 808 and Heatbreak. But in strange way it still felt original and stayed true to the tone of the album. The last track "Bound 2" had the production of something similar to of what you would have seen on The College Dropout. It's the albums best song in my opinion because has its "old school" beat just to be changed to a synthesized sound in the middle of the track. As a whole project it felt a little incoherent, like he didn't know how he wanted his album to sound as a whole. It's also it's possible that was done on purpose just too have that distinctive sound that the album achieves. Theirs not any songs that I don't like, that's not to say that there aren't weaker songs. Tracks like "On Sight" and "Guilt Trip" come up a little short in comparison to the other ones. This is a nice addition to Kanye's discography, not as good as say MBDTF but its still a solid project. I find it strange that he only kept it to 10 tracks, reasons aside go ahead and buy the album. If you didn't like 808 and heartbreak you'll probably find some songs hard to listen to. Regardless Kanye did a good job on this one.

  34. Jun 18, 2013
    This album is very different and this adds to the fact that Kanye West has brilliant originality. The beats were absolutely brilliant but the lyrics were below par. This is an exciting project but is definitely not Kanye's best album. I thought he was too experimental and just over thought on this album.
  35. Jun 19, 2013
    I am tempted to rate this album higher, but it does tail off towards the end. The first few songs are simply magnificent. If Kanye had kept the quality of the first few songs for the entire ten, this would be a hip-hop masterpiece. Is it MDBTF? No, but it is something different and enjoyable.

    For anyone pining for the eighteen track albums of old, keep in mind you're getting about
    I am tempted to rate this album higher, but it does tail off towards the end. The first few songs are simply magnificent. If Kanye had kept the quality of the first few songs for the entire ten, this would be a hip-hop masterpiece. Is it MDBTF? No, but it is something different and enjoyable.

    For anyone pining for the eighteen track albums of old, keep in mind you're getting about four lower quality tracks and about four interludes as part of that eighteen. Ten is about right, IMO. See Nas' Illmatic for examples of this.
  36. Jun 19, 2013
    It is hard to follow up what is arguably one of the greatest hip-hop albums of all time. Kayne gave it is best go with Yeezus. A lot of variation in ratings shows the high expectation of Yeezus, and it probably fell short of what I expected, but was still a very high quality album.
  37. Jun 24, 2013
    Feels rushed & very raw Underwhelming to say the least. I can respect him going in new directions but I feel that has far overreached here. Kanye is an amazing producer but an average lyricist & below average singer.
  38. Jul 29, 2013
    Yeezus is a perfect example of trying out new sounds and succeeding at them. The album has futuristic, electronic vibes, great samples and overall production, and the experimentation is a breath of fresh air for the rap music genre. Not much negativity about Yeezus, it's a great 40 minute listen.
  39. Aug 6, 2013
    Overrated. Kanye went down a totally new path that doesn't represent his good albums such as "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" or "Late Registration". This album did have some fantastic songs such as "New Slaves" and "Bound 2" but there were some terrible songs such as "I Am A God" and "On Sight". 'Ye should return to his original flow.
  40. Aug 18, 2013
    An incredibly mediocre review after releasing one of the best hip hop albums of all time. Yeezus is a poor attempt at making a noise hop, industrial hip hop, or experimental rap album, and comes up incredibly short.
  41. Sep 1, 2013
    I dont think it deserves as much praise that it has been given.... Love Kanye, but he could have done a lot better... i don't know if its possible to be too creative... but he found a way..... its mind blowing.. and not in the best possible way.... wow....
  42. Sep 8, 2013
    Superstar Kanye West's newest album features instant hits in "Black Skinhead" among others, but the album lacks strength throughout it's entirety by attempting to use over-powerful beats and backgrounds alongside his rapping. Despite this, it is clear why he is one of the biggest stars in the world.
  43. Sep 17, 2013
    This is a messy album that I tried so hard to like. I really, really did. But I find most of the album to be rather unlistenable.

    The positive 6 score is for three reasons:
    1. "Bound 2"
    2. "Black Skinhead"
    3. "New Slaves"

    These are three of the greatest tracks I heard this summer. Unfortunately, Yeezus isn't a three-song EP, and the rest of the album falls flat in comparison.
  44. Sep 12, 2013
    Listening to this album kind of seems like he is demonic. Great beats but some of the lyrics is concerning. Some examples are like 'I'm A God' and 'Blood on the Leaves'.
  45. Oct 10, 2013
    Self-Labeled "genius" does not live up to his self earned title. With the overuse of samples, outdated industrial beats that I've heard many times before, and terrible lyrics with no thought or emotion. Kanye Wests ego doesn't affect his music, but his talent does.
  46. Jun 12, 2014
    This is worst album. First I would like to say that there really isn't any thought provoking lyrics at all in his album, which is hilarious in the fact that he tried to sell it as his deep meaningful anti establishment piece while only really saying "YOU DON'T OWN ME" and "I'M A GOD" over and over again. I would say that any of his previous albums, literally any of them had more time andThis is worst album. First I would like to say that there really isn't any thought provoking lyrics at all in his album, which is hilarious in the fact that he tried to sell it as his deep meaningful anti establishment piece while only really saying "YOU DON'T OWN ME" and "I'M A GOD" over and over again. I would say that any of his previous albums, literally any of them had more time and thought in their words.

    Not trying to say that Kanye never sang about how cool he is, but the rapid amount of self praise starts sounding like nothing but denial and also most of his previous albums at the very least had a moment where he praised someone else for helping him out. College Dropout had "Jesus Walks", Late Resignation had "Mama", the closest thing we have here is "Bound 2", which doesn't succeed to lowering himself a bit and instead takes a song about how he is so in love and makes it more about him having sex a lot. Kayne, please stop, you've made good songs about girls you would in love with before.

    The good side of this album, the same thing that just makes me frustrated at Kanye's subpar lyrics is the wonderful and I mean amazing instrumental. I bought the album just for the background music and listen to it for the same reason. I hope to hell there is some good mix tapes using this stuff cause then I can replace Kanye's words with those that have a bit more meaning.

    Kanye, please try a bit harder next time.
  47. Dec 12, 2013
    If 808 and Heartbreaks2.0 with no soul.... Daft Punk production and Bound 2 are the only things 2 worth writing home about. No lyrical depth. No story. No connection between the music. The edits and song order makes little to no sense. It sounds like listening to a man self gratify for 40 minutes. If he is a voice of a generation then you must have a heavy investment in plastic cultureIf 808 and Heartbreaks2.0 with no soul.... Daft Punk production and Bound 2 are the only things 2 worth writing home about. No lyrical depth. No story. No connection between the music. The edits and song order makes little to no sense. It sounds like listening to a man self gratify for 40 minutes. If he is a voice of a generation then you must have a heavy investment in plastic culture with no substance or depth only concerned with the surface with things. You helped create the megalomaniac by reinforcing that he is an icon or a god (Kanye to Yeezy to Yeezus), note the lowercase g because true icons do no tell you they are an icon. I will not let Yeezus kill your discography you still produced four tracks on the Blueprint and My Twisted Dark Fantasy will be your Thriller in a few generations. Expand
  48. Dec 26, 2013
    So after reading all about this critical darling making the number one album of the year in various respected publications, I finally listened to Kanye's Yeezus album.

    Admittedly, synthetic is not my usual stomping ground, however I did find his music what I would consider somewhere within the realm of compelling, although not quite genius. I could delve into my praises more
    So after reading all about this critical darling making the number one album of the year in various respected publications, I finally listened to Kanye's Yeezus album.

    Admittedly, synthetic is not my usual stomping ground, however I did find his music what I would consider somewhere within the realm of compelling, although not quite genius. I could delve into my praises more specifically, but I'm not. In fact, my praises are going to come to an abrupt, deliberately dismissive stop right now.

    This dude's lyrical message is trash in the most absolute sense. I find it so detestable, the only way I'd ever purchase this album would be if this crybaby "genius" invented a machine to go back in time to his studio, and re-used these beats to make cover versions of twinkle twinkle little star and mary had a little lamb. I'm not going to waste my money or time to hear some self righteous, ego maniacal, man-infant-supremacist perform a racist rant. Quite frankly, it's defamatory to me as a human being.

    The universal acclaim for this album among indie music critics has revealed a highly accomplished field of predominantly white male jackasses who's primary skill in life seems to be outsmarting themselves. All you awesome artsy fartsy indie hipsters in love with this pile of excrement have revealed so much I wish I never knew about your socially depraved mindset. The desperation to be accepted by black people must be incredibly overwhelming to appropriate such wretchedness. I'd ask God to have mercy on your nerdy little beta male souls but why bother? Most of you are atheists anyway.

    Your Baby "Yeezus" belongs in a barbed wire playpen, with a digital rattle so it can best express his musical genius. Gently toss in a bottle of baby formula hopefully spiked with arsenic for this rat to suckle on, and I think we may have finally taken an appropriate step toward cleaning house in the music world. To see this dude's career riding first class on a one horse open sleigh to hell would be the best Christmas present the world could ask for. I'm flushing this God-Turd like a half eaten, partially decomposed dead feeder goldfish.

    Turn out the lights on this one. This album is a shameful waste of time for any human being with a half-shred of dignity.

    Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night.
  49. Jan 1, 2014
    The long awaited album was for the most part to me a disaster. Besides the two big hits (Black Skinheads & New Slaves) & the songs that reminded me of old Kanye (Blood On The Leaves, Bound 2) This album was just awful. Save yourself the money and do not pick this one up, even if you are a die hard Kanye fan.
  50. Mar 3, 2014
    Painful to listen to. It's been out for a while but i still struggle to see why it even exists. I've never been a big fan of Kanye West and this album does nothing that even makes me consider caring about what he does. Everything about this album, from the promotion to the production was awful. Horrible album. One okay song but that's about it.
  51. May 14, 2014
    wow where do i start.. i felt like kanye rushed this album the lyrics are meaning less on most tracks he's going over the same **** song after song the only song that is decent on this thing is bound 2, and new slaves which has some good verses in it while all the other songs felt dry and the production has a (death grips) feel to it. all up this album isn't that bad some songs are catchywow where do i start.. i felt like kanye rushed this album the lyrics are meaning less on most tracks he's going over the same **** song after song the only song that is decent on this thing is bound 2, and new slaves which has some good verses in it while all the other songs felt dry and the production has a (death grips) feel to it. all up this album isn't that bad some songs are catchy but with a second listen you can't take him seriously dont waste your money on this thing if anything pirate it.. I'm giving it a 4/10 thanks if you read this :) Expand
  52. Jun 4, 2014
    Worst kanye album ever. Worst hip hop album for the last decade. In my opinion if 2pac, biggie, eazy e, big pun, big l and eazy e heard this, they would be turning in there grave if they heard this music. There nothing wrong in experimenting in music and being creative but this is ridiculous. Weird instrumental and ignorant and incoherent lyrics. Plus theres only 10 songs on the album. ItWorst kanye album ever. Worst hip hop album for the last decade. In my opinion if 2pac, biggie, eazy e, big pun, big l and eazy e heard this, they would be turning in there grave if they heard this music. There nothing wrong in experimenting in music and being creative but this is ridiculous. Weird instrumental and ignorant and incoherent lyrics. Plus theres only 10 songs on the album. It seems like rappers a selling out to get rich and get famous. Sadly I was a big kanye fan until I heard this album. Expand
  53. Jul 3, 2014
    I love industrial noise rap, but Kanye didn't get it right here. Easily his worst album. From lazy wordplay to lackluster production to an overall lack of inspiration in the album, it's weak. There are a few great tracks, namely Black Skinhead, New Slaves, and Blood on the Leaves, but even those aren't up to par for Kanye.
    It also does seem to be a borderline shameless ripoff of what
    I love industrial noise rap, but Kanye didn't get it right here. Easily his worst album. From lazy wordplay to lackluster production to an overall lack of inspiration in the album, it's weak. There are a few great tracks, namely Black Skinhead, New Slaves, and Blood on the Leaves, but even those aren't up to par for Kanye.
    It also does seem to be a borderline shameless ripoff of what Death Grips is doing, so there's that too.
  54. Mar 22, 2015
  55. Sep 18, 2014
    I'm a huge fan of Kanye West's music but for me this album just was blah compared to his other albums. Black Skinhead and Blood on the Leaves are the only songs that are compelling and different but other then that the album suffers. Bound 2 is still one of the worst hip hop songs I've listened to.
  56. Sep 10, 2014
    Kanye's first two albums were decent hip hop albums with actual effort put into the lyrics. Since Graduation, Kanye has gotten lazy and most of his lyrics sound like a bad freestyle. He needs to sit down actually spend time writing lyrics and polishing them like the great rappers of the 90s (Nas, Tupac, Ice T KRS-One, etc.) Yeezus is without a doubt, Kanye's worst album to date. Dating KimKanye's first two albums were decent hip hop albums with actual effort put into the lyrics. Since Graduation, Kanye has gotten lazy and most of his lyrics sound like a bad freestyle. He needs to sit down actually spend time writing lyrics and polishing them like the great rappers of the 90s (Nas, Tupac, Ice T KRS-One, etc.) Yeezus is without a doubt, Kanye's worst album to date. Dating Kim Kardashian has lowered Kanye's IQ to a few points above retarded. Kanye has been drinking some of Kim K's stupid juice. Kanye sounds incredibly trashy on this album. Bound 2 is by far the worst song Kanye has ever written. Bound 2 belongs in the top 5 worst hip hop songs ever written. Yeezus is a disgrace to hip hop and music in general. Kanye you should be ashamed of yourself. Expand
  57. Nov 23, 2014
    As someone who has always loved Kanye's beats, but almost never his lyrics, this album was a nightmare. There are redeemable moments, or brief glimpses of thoughtfulness, but the LP as a whole is a mess. Where MBDTF was epic and musically stunning, this album feels confused and muddled. The album went for a more industrial, heavily electronic taste. Where there is some merit to thatAs someone who has always loved Kanye's beats, but almost never his lyrics, this album was a nightmare. There are redeemable moments, or brief glimpses of thoughtfulness, but the LP as a whole is a mess. Where MBDTF was epic and musically stunning, this album feels confused and muddled. The album went for a more industrial, heavily electronic taste. Where there is some merit to that idea, it comes across sour. The opening track, though only two and a half minutes, feels like 5. This isn't to touch upon his lyrics, which are at an all time low. Not only are they even more self absorbed, they're almost completely useless. Except for moments on "New Slaves", I have a hard time calling any of these lines inspired or even quality. They're even worse than the music he puts them over. Okay, so what is good? After all I gave this a three, which means at least something was worthwhile. I'd have to give that to "Blood on The Leaves", "New Slaves" and "Black Skinhead." All of these beats are memorable, refined, and unique. Plus these are probably the closest we get to Kanye West actually rapping even remotely "Well". Those three songs, though not my favorite of his, I may put on at some point. For the other seven songs, I could care less. You compare the pro's to the cons and you easily can see the problem. I won't be as arrogant to say that this IS how the album is. A lot of people adore this album, and if you do too, great. I wish I could like it, but I am personally very sick of Kanye's arrogance, which is no longer an aspect of his personal life, but a key player in all of his songs. Plus some pretty bad, unfocused electronic beats, and awful lyrics, it's no wonder this album divided a lot of people. And I'm pretty safely on the dislike side. Expand
  58. Feb 16, 2016
    Complete and utter autonued garbage that sounds like an angry child throwing a tantrum. Stop making music Kanye, produce and leave rapping up to real MCs
  59. May 31, 2016
    This album leaves me speechless everytime I listen it. It is a "masterpiece" from start to end. This is the most unique album I've ever listened. The attitude of the song "I'm A God" and "New Slaves" nails it. Kanye West has himself said that "New Slaves" is the best rap song of all time, and even it is. No doubt! In the song "I'm A God" he slays and conveys that he's "the only rapperThis album leaves me speechless everytime I listen it. It is a "masterpiece" from start to end. This is the most unique album I've ever listened. The attitude of the song "I'm A God" and "New Slaves" nails it. Kanye West has himself said that "New Slaves" is the best rap song of all time, and even it is. No doubt! In the song "I'm A God" he slays and conveys that he's "the only rapper compared to Michael". Indeed, it's all true. "Ain't no way (he's) giving up. (he's) a god"
    Favourite tracks - "New Slaves" and "I'm A God"
    Jewel of the album - "New Slaves"
  60. Mar 24, 2017
    This project is very weird and un-settling. It offers poor lyricism and can only be described as what sounds like Kanye rapping and yelling over sounds that many producers would instantly skip if they were to come across them. The only thing saving this project are songs such as "Bound 2" and "Blood On the Leaves".
  61. Jun 6, 2019
    A harsh emotional catharsis of the psyche of Kanye West. You travel through the highs and lows of Kanye's brain in the many tracks in this album. The two that stand out to me the most are Hold my Liquor and Blood on the Leaves.
  62. Sep 6, 2021
    This is the moment when an Artist Go to Olympus
    and bring us the Best of The Best
  63. Jul 28, 2020
    An abundance of narcissism dominates Kanye's music, as usual. No originality and definitely nothing to back all his claims of being a genius. There's a reason he turned to selling clothes.
  64. Oct 2, 2020
    Unoriginal work, it feels like Kanye was trying to hard but the results did not pay out.
  65. Oct 23, 2020
    The album brings nothing special, just another attempt to say something original without the power to follow through with it.
  66. Nov 19, 2020
    Generic music, nothing special, typical Kanye egomania top to bottom, not worth the time.
  67. Sep 24, 2021
    I just talked to Jesus, he said "what up Yeezus" I said shi im chilling, tryna stack these millions
    Amazing album, Kanye at his best.
  68. Apr 3, 2020
    I have been listening to rap/hip hop since 1980 when it had a small slot on pirate radio stations late at night. Make no mistake, this is an absolutely fantastic album. The use of “Strange Fruit” is highly questionable and I feel guilty for liking that track.
  69. Jun 23, 2013
    Kanye West's 6th solo album is something of an initial 'Kid A' reception inspired industrial mess. As an artist West moves back and forth from the early 00's hip-hop that put him on the household map, but unlike its incredible predecessor Yeezus doesn't move far enough in a particular direction to warrant overwhelming acclaim nor deserve condemnation (a 0? Who are you kidding?) for itsKanye West's 6th solo album is something of an initial 'Kid A' reception inspired industrial mess. As an artist West moves back and forth from the early 00's hip-hop that put him on the household map, but unlike its incredible predecessor Yeezus doesn't move far enough in a particular direction to warrant overwhelming acclaim nor deserve condemnation (a 0? Who are you kidding?) for its failings. Instead Yeezus is a fairly competent album that attempts to stitch together all of Kanye's styles up to this point and it doesn't always work. Blood on The Leaves samples Nina Simone's soulful 'Strange Fruit' in an off-shoot that could have been a B-Side on Late Registration whilst closer Bound 2 has more in common with The College Dropout than any of West's more recent material. These contrasts in quality are often found in style, and the albums first half is by far its strongest, yielding schizophrenic beats and idiosyncratic lyrics. Although I agree the production of Daft Punk (considering their potential) is perhaps wasted, tracks like 'Black Skinhead' and opener 'On Sight' are far and away the most interesting works here though far from entirely original. Other all Yeezus is still a succinct and more consistent listen than '808's' or 'Graduation', but the lyrical depth and egotistical ravings although perhaps designed to contrast the juvenile substances with the poetic are misjudged in crucial moments and apart from Frank Ocean his guest line-up squandered. Still, even if it does not match up to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy in scale or scope, it is far from unlistenable as others have stated, and fits in with the Kanye discography for now. Expand
  70. Oct 25, 2019
    The most unique and groundbreaking album of all times. Words can not describe how awesome I think this album is. After Kanye showed us he is the best in the game with the ageless masterpiece "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" I though- what's next? For a lot of time there was nothing known (except Watch the Throne that came out, which is great but not completely a Yeezy album), and thenThe most unique and groundbreaking album of all times. Words can not describe how awesome I think this album is. After Kanye showed us he is the best in the game with the ageless masterpiece "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" I though- what's next? For a lot of time there was nothing known (except Watch the Throne that came out, which is great but not completely a Yeezy album), and then when Kanye preformed New Slaves and Black Skinhead on SNL I though "Wow, once Yeezus drops it's over for everybody".

    I really waited for the album, and when it came out- boy, it didn't disappoint. If I had to choose my top 5 albums of all times, Yeezus would be there. perhaps on the top 2. A lot of people underestimate this album because it's in the shadow of MBDTF, but while I agree that the first one is better, but this album is ultimately something else entirely- so unique, something I've never heard before. Kanye's new style from MBDTF became extreme here and it was a bit controversial but I absolutely loved it. I mean it's not really 'rap', it exceeds beyond that. In this album Kanye makes music like no one else I've heard, something really special.

    Top notch production by the master Kanye West with help of legends like Daft Punk and a lot of interesting collaborations. Six years later, I keep listening to this album non stop yet I still didn't get used to it, it still sounds so fresh and intriguing. It may be a short album, but Kanye nails it in every single song- everything is high quality with maybe 2-3 exceptionally brilliant tracks. This album will be remembered in history forever. One of the greatest works of art ever put on this earth.
  71. Aug 30, 2013
    Talk about a year Kanye's had, performing at the VMA's (Video Music Awards), having a baby with an odd name (North West? Sounds like an insurance company) and even banging his head on a sign then fighting with the cameraman. Even with all that, we still have to remember that Kanye still does music, and he changes things up with his new album "Yeezus" (which sounds like Jesus sneezing) NowTalk about a year Kanye's had, performing at the VMA's (Video Music Awards), having a baby with an odd name (North West? Sounds like an insurance company) and even banging his head on a sign then fighting with the cameraman. Even with all that, we still have to remember that Kanye still does music, and he changes things up with his new album "Yeezus" (which sounds like Jesus sneezing) Now Yeezus has divided up people, critics obviously love, but listeners don't know whether to love it or hate it. For me I liked it. Yeezus isn't Kanye's most memorable album and no everyone will like it, but it doesn't know what it's trying to say, and I recommend it to any Kanye West fans. The opening song "On sight" sounds like something made in a garage (actually this whole album feels like it was made in a garage) but I like that Kanye changed up his style but managed to keep things fresh. The best song on this album is "Black Skinhead", which has a great beat, some amazing sounds, and an interesting take on Kanye West's view of life. Another standout includes "Blood on Leaves" which again shows everyone that West's songs have social commentary and will make you think. Some problems with this album is there's less to think about on the songs, which I blame the pacing at less than 50 minutes it's one of West's more shorter albums. Also no of the songs really stick out expect for "Black Skinhead" and "Blood on Leaves" everything else is more filler than fun. But still Kanye West still manages to impress with his latest release, as I did listen to the album on repeat a few times, and at some points, "Yeezus" is kinda brilliant. If you're a fan of Kanye West, Yeezus is definitely worth listening to. Expand
  72. Jun 20, 2013
    Kanye has succeeded in creating a sonically engaging album that stands out from all his previous efforts. The lyrics could have been better in some spots, for sure, but I think in terms of production this is excellent. It's totally different from anything he's ever done, but still feels very much like Kanye. Got a slight Death Grips vibe from it, but that might just be me. Paranoia andKanye has succeeded in creating a sonically engaging album that stands out from all his previous efforts. The lyrics could have been better in some spots, for sure, but I think in terms of production this is excellent. It's totally different from anything he's ever done, but still feels very much like Kanye. Got a slight Death Grips vibe from it, but that might just be me. Paranoia and darkness are some of the more obvious themes. Not as good overall as MBDTF, for sure, but it's pretty damn good. Can't wait to see what comes next from the self-proclaimed god of hip-hop, Yeezus.

    FAVE TRACKS: Black Skinhead, New Slaves, Blood On the Leaves
    LEAST FAVE: Guilt Trip
  73. Jan 18, 2015
    This album is so underrated by the internet, so its great to see critics give it a decent rating. Yeezus is produced to intentionally be dirty and sound unproduced. I love it because it really represents how crazy Kanye West has become as an artist, and how little he cares about his audience. As usual, he has some great metaphors and sick rhymes that emphasize the points he makes about racism.
  74. Apr 1, 2016
    Yes this album is a big curveball from Kanye West. It was probably the last thing his fans were expecting, but seeing his progression from Graduation to 808's and then to MBDTF, it really shouldn't be too surprising that he will produce such a leftist record. While not his best album, it certainly ranks among the best. The sounds he used, though grungy, serve as a musical means for him toYes this album is a big curveball from Kanye West. It was probably the last thing his fans were expecting, but seeing his progression from Graduation to 808's and then to MBDTF, it really shouldn't be too surprising that he will produce such a leftist record. While not his best album, it certainly ranks among the best. The sounds he used, though grungy, serve as a musical means for him to convey the overall message of the album. This album truly took me for a ride, and while I didn't instantly like some tracks, the ones I liked, I really liked. And, as always, it's such a refreshing pleasure to have Bon Iver on borad. Hope they work together some more.
    BEST- On Sight, Black Skinhead, I Am a God, Hold My Liquor
    WORST- Guilt Trip, Blood on the Leaves
  75. Mar 29, 2015
    I don't blame the man for trying to put a breath of fresh air to the table, but, I wonder how he could think this was a good idea, the production is great on some tracks (Bound 2, Blood On The Leaves) and some other tracks just sound like R2D2's ballsack, the subject matter, is LAZY. Maybe aside from New Slaves, but the way it is executed is poor.
  76. Sep 5, 2013
    Good production really dark and entertaining, a new standard of poor lyrics for Kanye. (In a french ass restaurant, hurry up with my damn croissants!).
  77. Feb 6, 2020
    Through eletronic appeal and abstract beats, it's notable Death Grips' influence here, but Yeezus hasn't a less impressive production for that reason, each texture is very well selected.
  78. Dec 28, 2013
    Honestly, I wanted so badly to hate this album, I could hardly stand it. With Kanye West's massive ego brought out to its fullest on several aspects of this album (really, Kanye, "I Am God (feat. God)?") I wanted to hate it even more after I listened to it, but the music is just too epic and just plain good to hate. Tracks like "Black Skinhead", "Bound 2", "New Slaves", and "Blood On theHonestly, I wanted so badly to hate this album, I could hardly stand it. With Kanye West's massive ego brought out to its fullest on several aspects of this album (really, Kanye, "I Am God (feat. God)?") I wanted to hate it even more after I listened to it, but the music is just too epic and just plain good to hate. Tracks like "Black Skinhead", "Bound 2", "New Slaves", and "Blood On the Leaves" are smart, if not somewhat dark and disturbing at points, and melodically perfect. The only reasons I could not give this album the ten that a majority of the album's tracks deserve are 1) the massive amounts of self-glorification in multiple songs (as mentioned before, he literally calls himself God in one of the songs, and on several others basically says that his greatness means he do whatever he wants) and 2) track 6 "I'm In It" (an awful and shallow song that is unforgivable on an album that is otherwise amazing). One warning though: if you are offended by violent and profanity ridden lyrics, avoid this album like the plague. Just trust me on that one. Expand
  79. Feb 1, 2014
    What is this? No seriously, what is this? I love the production, and I love four or five tracks. But this album was so confused. Following in the footsteps of 808s and Heartbreaks, Kanye hit one into left field and this time, I could vibe with it, but I think either Kanye was trying too hard to be meaningful and new, or this album is too experimental for me. I can appreciate it for what itWhat is this? No seriously, what is this? I love the production, and I love four or five tracks. But this album was so confused. Following in the footsteps of 808s and Heartbreaks, Kanye hit one into left field and this time, I could vibe with it, but I think either Kanye was trying too hard to be meaningful and new, or this album is too experimental for me. I can appreciate it for what it is but tracks like I Am a God and Hold My Liquor just aren't for me. The best tracks were, Black Skinhead which was awesome, and Bound 2 which seemed like it was a leftover from My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Expand
  80. Jul 11, 2014
    Got some real great Material this album, different and very interesting. Besides the minimalistic and ridiculous Album Cover which is still kinda great but also **** up
  81. Jul 15, 2014
    Is this album Yeezy’s best? Not quite. But is it unlike anything he has ever produced? Definitely. It’s eccentric, unnatural, and about as far away from the Kanye we all know and sometimes love, but Kanye proclaims himself as the Jesus of the game today, and if he keeps diving into new frontiers, then that shouldn’t change.
  82. Sep 28, 2018
    Kanye shows his versatility by successfully experimenting with new sounds. Much credit to Rick Rubin for helping him refine the sound, to deliver yet another hip-hop classic.
  83. Jan 2, 2015
    Amazing experimental hip-hop album by Kanye West. He is always showing us some new.

    The beats are amazing.. the lyrics.. well.. sometimes it works.


    - On Sight
    - New Slaves
    - Hold My Liquor
    - Blood on the Leaves
    - Guilt Trip


    - Send It Up
  84. Jan 15, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Favourite Songs: On Sight, Black Skinhead, New Slaves, Blood on the Leaves
    Least Favourite Songs: Bound 2, Guilt Trip, Hold My Liquor
    Yeezus is not an unenjoyable album but I have a fair few issues with the content on it, as well as the way it's been glorified as some envelope pushing masterpiece. It's just not that. Yeezus may have introduced a lot more people to noise hop as a genre but I don't think taking a sound over a decade old and giving it a more mainstream appeal is at all envelope pushing. It's like Death Grips who seem to get all the praise for this exciting new kind of music, which is why noise hop fans, like Moodie Black, get annoyed when people just assume Death Grips are the first noise hop band ever and everyone else is just copying them. It's exactly the same thing with Kanye's Yeezus and at times it makes want to hate the album. Its bad enough hundreds of thousands of people, possibly millions, think that this is groundbreaking; it's made worse by the fact that it's a half assed effort. I dare anyone to argue he put his all into this. I guess I'm happy that Kanye experimented with this sound but I would be a lot happier if he introduced it to people well because after hearing the Lil Wayne level lyrics to songs like 'I'm In It' it would just seem like the new horror core with lyrics that try too hard to be shocking. Kanye West could have actually created a very dark album with this but he completely ruins the mood created by the beats with dumb lyrics. On the final song the production takes a very unexpected turn towards a College Dropout era sound but sadly Kanye doesn't take that same trip back with his lyrics. Despite all of that there is, like I said, some very dark production on here and a great mixture of raw drums and dark synths on a few songs. Most of my favourite songs were produced with the help of Daft Punk- most notably the messy futuristic sounding opener 'On Sight'- which has for 3 years left me dreaming of some kind of full length collaboration between the two artists that'll almost definitely never happen. But still, I can dream can't I?
    Better Than Previous Project?: No
    Try This If You Like: The Money Store by Death Grips
  85. Mar 11, 2015
    Que vous reste-t-il à faire lorsque le sommet n’est plus assez élevé pour contenir votre personne debout ? Vous le défoncez, le sommet. C’est dans cet esprit que Kanye West œuvre depuis My Beautiful Twisted Fantasy. Toujours très créatif, l’américain n’avait probablement pas évalué l’onde de choc que produirait Yeezus. L’album est complètement à l’opposé de ce qu’il fait normalement enQue vous reste-t-il à faire lorsque le sommet n’est plus assez élevé pour contenir votre personne debout ? Vous le défoncez, le sommet. C’est dans cet esprit que Kanye West œuvre depuis My Beautiful Twisted Fantasy. Toujours très créatif, l’américain n’avait probablement pas évalué l’onde de choc que produirait Yeezus. L’album est complètement à l’opposé de ce qu’il fait normalement en studio. Mise à part 808 and HeartBreaks, le producteur-compositeur-architecte-provocateur-interprète et papa à temps partiel, a toujours été très méticuleux mais assez conventionnel dans ses créations musicales. Yeezus est l’interprétation du bon côté de l’égocentrisme de Kanye West. «I Am God», répète-t-il sur la troisième piste de l’album. Son niveau d’arrogance est allé tellement loin qu’il a repoussé les limites que ses fans purs et durs étaient prêt à lui accorder. Cet album a probablement plus satisfait les détracteurs de Kanye West. Dans le sens ou l’artiste dépasse les conventions accordées par l’industrie (incluant largement la base de fan), l’initiative se doit d’être soulignée. Je l’accorde, ce n’est pas le meilleur album de Kanye West. Mais de repousser les contraintes qui lui sont inévitablement liées et de continuer à réussir, c’est du Génie avec un grand G. Les procédés utilisés sur Yeezus sont difficilement interprétables. C’est un diamant brut, un bijou. Comparer la conversion de Bob Dylan à la guitare électrique me parait maintenant pertinent pour décrire et définir Yeezus. C’est un album complètement à contre-courant du West habituel. Compte tenu des circonstances, c’était presque à prévoir puisque la tête de Kanye West peut facilement intégrer le monde au grand complet, deux fois au moins. Expand
  86. Mar 2, 2015
    This album whether you like it or not has changed modern rap forever. I consider this to be the best album of my lifetime. Each song delivers a power packed/lyrically jaw-dropping experience. Kanye has moved in a bold new direction and he has done it in full force and achieved a classic. I hope he continues down this path for "So help me god"
  87. Apr 28, 2015
    It starts out with some good ideas, but suffers from very poor execution. This is especially true with "Bound 2", which can be used as a metaphor for the entire album, starting of with a good beat and melody, but then drowning in unnecessary sound effects and "noise", in an attempt to sound artistic and fresh. Kanye can do much better...
  88. Jul 1, 2015
    Great album, although it did make me cringe the first couple of times i listened to it, but the more i started listening to it, the better it got, which (in my opinion) makes this album worth listening to, more than once.
  89. Jun 15, 2015
    Certainly not as good as his previous one, but still highly enjoyable, Yeezus is another great album by Kanye. It's an interesting and original blend of sounds, styles and influences from around the music industry with Kanye's unique touch. As a pure hip-hop fan, I was a little bit disappointed by the album, because it's more an alternative electronic experience than a rap album, but forCertainly not as good as his previous one, but still highly enjoyable, Yeezus is another great album by Kanye. It's an interesting and original blend of sounds, styles and influences from around the music industry with Kanye's unique touch. As a pure hip-hop fan, I was a little bit disappointed by the album, because it's more an alternative electronic experience than a rap album, but for any fan of West, the album is worth the purchase. Expand
  90. Apr 26, 2015
    Yeezus sounds like Kanye heard Death Grips, and said, "These guys are getting a lot of critical acclaim, I should probably try to do something like this”. However, he failed to do all the things Death Grips does right.
  91. Jan 30, 2016
    "Look at the song title "I Am a God" and it seems like easy blasphemy-- Kanye West's update of John Lennon's "more popular than Jesus" shocker from 1966. But just as the Beatle's proclamation was fuller and wiser in context-- "I believe that what people call God is something in all of us," Lennon would later explain-- "I Am a God" is not simply the latest self-important blast from one of"Look at the song title "I Am a God" and it seems like easy blasphemy-- Kanye West's update of John Lennon's "more popular than Jesus" shocker from 1966. But just as the Beatle's proclamation was fuller and wiser in context-- "I believe that what people call God is something in all of us," Lennon would later explain-- "I Am a God" is not simply the latest self-important blast from one of pop culture's pre-eminent egoists. For starters, the track sounds less triumphant than breathtakingly vexed, crashing in with a gnarled dancehall vocal sample and paranoid sawtooth synths that aim to destroy. Here, Kanye raps about loyalty, respect, threesomes, and, yes, croissants with the urgency of someone being chased by a 30-ton steamroller. The song is pierced by a series of primal screams, pixelated outbursts that are only briefly able to halt the beat's heaving evil. In Kanye's hands, being a god sounds stressful as hell, something we can all relate to, and the song's apparent inspiration is a passage from the book of Psalms: "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."
    These are the immeasurably lofty stakes Kanye deals in on Yeezus, his sixth solo album. His intensity here has a heightened desperation as he howls into the void, but the Chicago native has always been beguiled by the view from above. Take "Jesus Walks", where he references another Psalm while gasping from on high: "I walk through the valley of the Chi where death is/ Top floor, the view alone will leave you breathless." Then, on "POWER", he contemplates leaping out of the penthouse, "letting everything go." In a way, Yeezus is the panicked sound of that ensuing free-fall, a rush of angst and despair with absolutely nothing left to lose.
    The album is something of a razor-sharpened take on 2008's distressed 808s & Heartbreak and marks a blunt break with the filigreed maximalism Kanye so thoroughly nailed on My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. In hindsight, the latter record-- with its ingratiating GOOD Fridays buildup, endless guest list, and uncharacteristically apologetic interview sessions-- was his attempt at recapturing a superstar-sized American audience after a slew of entertaining-yet-questionable PR incidents. Except it didn't exactly work: While Twisted Fantasy was universally lauded and went platinum, it still stands as Kanye's worst-selling album to date, failing to produce a top 10 single. But even if it wasn't a chart smash, the intricacy and durability of Twisted Fantasy incubated the Cult of Kanye to an extreme level. "I’d rather piss a bunch of people off and make myself happy than make everyone else happy and be pissed off inside," he told VIBE around the release of 808s. Yeezus doubles-down on this exclusionary philosophy: "Soon as they like you, make 'em unlike you/ 'Cause kissing people ass is so unlike you."
    For Kanye, there's purpose in repulsion. And on Yeezus, he trades out smooth soul and anthemic choruses for jarring electro, acid house, and industrial grind while delivering some of his most lewd and heart-crushing tales yet. This is willful provocation that Ice Cube, Madonna, and Trent Reznor could all be proud of. Some of the record has him tackling the same issues he's been rapping about since The College Dropout, albeit with a fire-eyed stare. On his debut's "Family Business", he poignantly lamented a jailed cousin's absence at the Thanksgiving dinner table in a manner "so sweet, like a photo of your granny's picture." On Yeezus, he's still addressing the plight of incarcerated black men, but now he's incensed. With "New Slaves", he confronts us with vulgar stereotypes while exposing the prison-industrial complex for the deeply systemic racist sham that it is.
    Meanwhile, XXX creeper "I'm In It" sounds like a dancehall orgasm mired in quicksand and makes previous come-ons like "Slow Jamz" come off like Disney theme songs. "The kids and the wife life, but can't wake up from the nightlife," says the new father on that track's knowingly button-pushing final verse. "I'm so scared of my demons/ I go to sleep with a nightlight." Kanye told The New York Times he's recently reached a new level of Zen, but this is the opposite of beach-chair music. Perhaps the album's most explicit lines are the blurry fantasies of a confessed porn addict who's described his daughter's mother as a "superstar all from a home movie." Without much room for levity, Kanye's complicated and distrustful view of women is unrelenting on Yeezus. And while there's no real excuse for flat oafishness like "eatin' Asian **** all I need was sweet and sour sauce," many of the album's most powerful moments have him broken down, insecure, and bloody, railing against an ineptitude with the opposite sex.
    Album pinnacle "Blood on the Leaves" tells a nightmarish story of divorce and betrayal, all while samples of Nina Simone's pitched-up "Strange Fruit" and TNGHT's demonic "R U Ready" horns play yin and yang" -Pitchfork
  92. Jun 6, 2015
    there are great ideas on this album and it could have been done good. But knowing well that Kanye is an egotistical maniac, I'm getting the feeling that he is only doing this to say ''look at me, look at me, look at me''. This album is in no sense a good album. Black Skinhead is the only song that does it, which is strange, because I want to like the other tracks more because they are morethere are great ideas on this album and it could have been done good. But knowing well that Kanye is an egotistical maniac, I'm getting the feeling that he is only doing this to say ''look at me, look at me, look at me''. This album is in no sense a good album. Black Skinhead is the only song that does it, which is strange, because I want to like the other tracks more because they are more experimental. There is more to experimental music than this, it isn't just slap up a couple of beats and then deliver lines with extremely basic lyricism and just Lil Wayne-esque metaphors and punchlines that are only funny because they are drenched in melt cheese and deepfried. It's ridicolous. There are good ideas here and there, I am a God for instance has an extremely intense beat, but it's destroyed by Kanye's strugglebars and the syntriffs and screaming thatis just nails on a chalkboard. Hold My Liquor has a beautiful set of harmonies, but having Chief Keef slobber on the mic over autotune just makes it terrible.

    Kanye is by no means a bad lyricist, but if this was his breakout project, I would think it was a bad parody on Death Grips. Some parts of the album are good, but they are just overshadowed by the vast incompetent crap that is the rest of the album. There are no deeper meanings to the lyrics, hurry up with my damn croissant! I'm eating asian **** all I need is sweet and sour SAUCE is also terrible ( did I mention that the beat on this track sounds absolutely dreadful? ). I'm giving him a 3 on this one. Some good ideas, so it may deserve a 5, but there is no chance in hell I will increase the score on this album.
  93. Jun 7, 2015
    If he weren't seen as a celebrity, Kanye would be hailed as a true artist for this album. This is a giant middle finger to the music industry, not unlike Kid A was for Radiohead. Kanye proves that despite his obnoxious arrogance, he really may, in fact, be a genius 10/10—"New Slaves", "Black Skinhead", "Bound 2".
  94. Jul 5, 2015
    Not the best Kanye's put out there (MBDTF is still my favorite), but this album is still fantastic. When I first heard "On Sight", I was turned away from this album. Later, I gave it a try, and I was surprised that I passed on it on the first place. Beside for "On Sight", which isn't TOO terrible, the album is great all the way trough. It is very different from all his other albumsNot the best Kanye's put out there (MBDTF is still my favorite), but this album is still fantastic. When I first heard "On Sight", I was turned away from this album. Later, I gave it a try, and I was surprised that I passed on it on the first place. Beside for "On Sight", which isn't TOO terrible, the album is great all the way trough. It is very different from all his other albums (Very experimental, mabey the reason for the public backlash) and it takes chances. If there is anything remotley close to "Art" in pop music today, it's this album.

    - On Sight
    - Blood On the Leaves
    - Black Skinhead
  95. Sep 22, 2015
    will never be able to listen to this in public because the message is too serious to be taken lightly. i get hype listening to songs on this

    kanye continues to speak of his mind
  96. Nov 20, 2015
    I'm an italian fan of Kanye west and I think that this album will be remembered as an album that broke many barriers and a classic in the next ten years. Sounds are incredible but the only flaw is that the verses are a bit without sense. Ye talks about racism but in the next verse he talks about his leather pants?! But this is Kanye. This is one of the few , perhaps the only , reasons whyI'm an italian fan of Kanye west and I think that this album will be remembered as an album that broke many barriers and a classic in the next ten years. Sounds are incredible but the only flaw is that the verses are a bit without sense. Ye talks about racism but in the next verse he talks about his leather pants?! But this is Kanye. This is one of the few , perhaps the only , reasons why my vote is 9 and not 10. Expand
  97. Dec 22, 2015
    I don't know where Kanye's head is at with this one. It seems like he tried to do industrial type production, which is cool and all, but this man's bars are some of the worst I've heard in a while. Then the ever so cringy sex themed lyrics make it hard for me to take this man seriously. Definitely not the worst thing I've ever heard, but I expect MUCH more from Kanye West.
  98. May 1, 2016
    Simultaneously the best and most hated album of 2013. This polarizing, meticulous and grand follow up to his masterpiece, "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy", is relentlessly challenging to listeners and will instantly turn you off from the first track. However it is something you need to stick with and embrace its view and it pays off hugely.
  99. Apr 26, 2016
    Probably my favorite album of all time. Kanye will never fail to impress me with this album. everytime i listen to it, it gets better and better and when Daft Punk and Kanye get together it is something amazing my favorite part of the whole album is that its something different and more darker than the previous album before Yeezus (MBDTF). And i like darker type of albums like Yeezus. iProbably my favorite album of all time. Kanye will never fail to impress me with this album. everytime i listen to it, it gets better and better and when Daft Punk and Kanye get together it is something amazing my favorite part of the whole album is that its something different and more darker than the previous album before Yeezus (MBDTF). And i like darker type of albums like Yeezus. i can not get enough of it, i listen to it atleast everyday and it never gets old it is truly a classic masterpiece of all album. My favorite songs from this album is On Sight, Send it up, Black Skinhead and Guilt Trip. Expand
  100. Feb 15, 2016
    Yeezus is like a fine wine. After the first listen, someone may wonder what the heck Kanye was thinking pushing out a minimalist, ten song album. Upon further listenings, however, one can see the genius behind the album and the intricacies behind each song. This album follows with Kanye's trend to stray away from the crowd and create unique masterpieces.

Universal acclaim - based on 46 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 46
  2. Negative: 1 out of 46
  1. The Wire
    Dec 10, 2013
    His concerns are serious--consumerism, race, fame, relationships--but he rarely addresses them with the craft or focus they deserve. [Sep 2013, p.66]
  2. Q Magazine
    Aug 20, 2013
    Contradiction incarnate, Yeezus is Kanye's most Kanyeish LP yet. [Sep 2013, p.103]
  3. Mojo
    Aug 13, 2013
    Nasty, brutish, short, and wholly compelling, Yeezus begs only one question: where next? [Sep 2013, p.89]