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Generally favorable reviews- based on 252 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 16 out of 252

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  1. JeffH
    Oct 7, 2008
    Probably the 2nd best album of Slipknot's. This album is at times hard, at times creative, and all the time enjoyable. With some of the best choruses of all their songs and some pretty nice solos from a guitarist who I originally depicted as "not very talented." It's not as heavy as previous albums (IOWA, Slipknot) but Slipknot are managing to broaden their musical horizons Probably the 2nd best album of Slipknot's. This album is at times hard, at times creative, and all the time enjoyable. With some of the best choruses of all their songs and some pretty nice solos from a guitarist who I originally depicted as "not very talented." It's not as heavy as previous albums (IOWA, Slipknot) but Slipknot are managing to broaden their musical horizons while still remaining true to their original sound. All Hope Is Gone is overall one of Slipknot's finest and is IMO should be regarded with just as much praise as the album "Slipknot" Expand
  2. DeanG.
    Sep 11, 2008
    This album was very close to a 10, not give it a 10 because its not a classic, its a modern great for metal though and i recommend it for anyone that likes this kind of music.
  3. JF.
    Sep 12, 2008
    amazing! every song is great and different...they improve musically every album and try new things! i love the fact that they can change and try new things and still rock!
  4. BrianB.
    Jan 12, 2009
    One of Slipknot's best albums.But the change from genre in many songs,might tone down many loyal fans.But they hit the needle on the head with Psychosocial,which is without a doubt their best ``metal'' song in the album.I loved the song ``Snuff'' for its strong blend of lyrics and acoustic guitar.And my favorite song was ``Dead Memories'' for basically One of Slipknot's best albums.But the change from genre in many songs,might tone down many loyal fans.But they hit the needle on the head with Psychosocial,which is without a doubt their best ``metal'' song in the album.I loved the song ``Snuff'' for its strong blend of lyrics and acoustic guitar.And my favorite song was ``Dead Memories'' for basically everything.The album was great but not their best.I still believe Iowa and Vol.3:The Subliminal Verses was their best album.I also don't like Xx5h34xX telling everything that they're morons if they give the album a nine or a ten.Hello Xx5h34xX its everybody's opinion,they've the right to say whatever they want,ok!? Expand
  5. JoeyW.
    Nov 18, 2008
    Their best album to date and an instant favorite, this time Slipknot delivers from the best of 2 worlds, from their old nu metal heavyness to their melodic, well-written work from the previous record, mighty worthy a praise.
  6. KyleM
    Dec 17, 2008
    It's got good lyrics. It's got anger. It's got nice twists. But it just doesn't have the slipknot twist. I'm giving it 8 just because it's slipknot.
  7. Kirby
    Sep 18, 2008
    Nothing Slipknot will ever do can top their first two albums. But here's a shout out to "DPB": Slipknot's St. Anger? Kiss my ass! While Vol. 3 was a vast departure from the first two amazing albums, All Hope Is Gone simply went one step beyond Vol. 3 (which in my opinion is a musical masterpiece). Sure, it lacks the cathartic fury and sheer rage that the first two had, but All Nothing Slipknot will ever do can top their first two albums. But here's a shout out to "DPB": Slipknot's St. Anger? Kiss my ass! While Vol. 3 was a vast departure from the first two amazing albums, All Hope Is Gone simply went one step beyond Vol. 3 (which in my opinion is a musical masterpiece). Sure, it lacks the cathartic fury and sheer rage that the first two had, but All Hope Is Gone is a FANTASTIC album. It proves that you can be unrelentlessly heavy, and extremely melodic at the same time. That's the best kind of music; an eclectic mix of the personalities of nine members. You know, anyone who thinks a band can stay true to the initial ideals they had established should look at the BEatles, perhaps the greatest rock band of all time. When girlfriends, outside distractions, and other rock n roll excesses started coming in, it changed the band. The same has happened with Slipknot's new release. AC/DC is THE ONLY band who can rehash the same material, and its still relavent to the current rock scene. Slipknot has proved that they can still stay true to their aggressive music, but now they're expanding their horizons, setting the new music in a much more melodic spectrum. I'm giving it an 8/10, because as good as it is, it still doesn't hold up with self titled or Iowa. But it is the perfect followup to Vol. 3 P.S. "DPB", you really need to get off your pedestal. Don't insult our intelligence with your little history lesson. Everyone who has posted here is obviously a maggot, and most of us pry know a lot more about them than you supposedly do. Expand
  8. AlexA
    Mar 14, 2009
    This is my favorite album of all time. It's surprisingly heavier than Iowa. It has my favorite song of all time Snuff, which is one of the heaviest and powerful songs of Slipknot. Remember heavy doesn't mean yelling. The whole album is a masterpiece bringing elements Slipknot's previous albums. It has so much variation and everything has improved! I love Corey's This is my favorite album of all time. It's surprisingly heavier than Iowa. It has my favorite song of all time Snuff, which is one of the heaviest and powerful songs of Slipknot. Remember heavy doesn't mean yelling. The whole album is a masterpiece bringing elements Slipknot's previous albums. It has so much variation and everything has improved! I love Corey's political views and once again he put's down the media. I love it, it's 100% Slipknot, no it's not Stone Sour, sorry. Anyways I wish I could give this album 11/10, but obviously I couldn't. Buy this album now. Expand
  9. Aug 18, 2010
    I love every single Slipknot album but this one is my favorite. There are many different styles on this album; ranging from erie melody to explosive thrash. The thing that unifies all of the songs is that they are all equally heavy. You can't go wrong here.
  10. Dec 11, 2010
    Slipknot, at their finest. There's nothing to say here, but, AWESOME. One of my all-time favorite albums, easily my favorite Slipknot one, Just an incredible album.
  11. Mar 18, 2011
    Excellent. It´s the real combination of Iowa heaviness with the Vol.3:Subliminal Verses quality. Really Masterpiece. Listen to it to feel completely energized.
  12. Apr 7, 2011
    My 2nd favorite album along with they're other album Subliminal verses.
    This album was perfection ,corey taylor really brought out some great lyrics in the songs ,this is they're latest album.
    The lyrics corey makes are inspirational and always were with the other albums they created. I really like their drummer "Joey Jordison" he would be my altime favorite drummer along with Lars
    My 2nd favorite album along with they're other album Subliminal verses.
    This album was perfection ,corey taylor really brought out some great lyrics in the songs ,this is they're latest album.
    The lyrics corey makes are inspirational and always were with the other albums they created.
    I really like their drummer "Joey Jordison" he would be my altime favorite drummer along with Lars ulrich from Metallica.
  13. Jul 17, 2011
    What can I say? This album is what got me into Slipknot in the first place. I personally love it all the same as their other albums. This is good music all around.
  14. Apr 8, 2014
    The album is good but it did have that energy.My favourite is All hope is gone , gehenna and vendetta. But still, they can't beat the previous album: Vol 3: The Subliminal Verses.
  15. Oct 5, 2019
    It's a good album with good music, and Psychosocial is good and it's just a very good album, with amazing masks, and good head banging music
  16. Nov 7, 2011
    This album is certainly more accessible than previous efforts, but I can't hold that against them as it actually works straight through the entire album. Where as their first 2 albums were excellent exercises in single dimension rage, All Hope Is Gone (as well as on Vol. 3) is the sound of a band working effectively to take it's roots and into new, multi-dimensional (commercial) territory.This album is certainly more accessible than previous efforts, but I can't hold that against them as it actually works straight through the entire album. Where as their first 2 albums were excellent exercises in single dimension rage, All Hope Is Gone (as well as on Vol. 3) is the sound of a band working effectively to take it's roots and into new, multi-dimensional (commercial) territory. I think they do it pretty well. A usual the musicianship is killer. Expand
  17. Mar 6, 2011
    A lot of fans were disappointed with this album calling it "there weakest yet" but I found it awesome with the heavy deep voice of Corey Taylor, backed by the sick musical talents of the rest, this has to be there most brutal sounding album yet, while some songs such as Snuff and Dead Memories are weaker, they are no less enjoyable, but I feel they would have been better for Corey's otherA lot of fans were disappointed with this album calling it "there weakest yet" but I found it awesome with the heavy deep voice of Corey Taylor, backed by the sick musical talents of the rest, this has to be there most brutal sounding album yet, while some songs such as Snuff and Dead Memories are weaker, they are no less enjoyable, but I feel they would have been better for Corey's other band Stone Sour, but if you like Slipknot or Metal in general this is an album you must pick up. Expand
  18. TimT
    Sep 25, 2008
    good, but not their best... Their anger is far more controlled rather than let loose on experimental guitar riffs, which is interesting but not complete. They seem to be chilling out more and more, sounding like hard rock, with a little bit of groove and anger (psychosocial). the screaming is still there, but Taylor wants to prove he can sing as well, and he can, very well, I think a good, but not their best... Their anger is far more controlled rather than let loose on experimental guitar riffs, which is interesting but not complete. They seem to be chilling out more and more, sounding like hard rock, with a little bit of groove and anger (psychosocial). the screaming is still there, but Taylor wants to prove he can sing as well, and he can, very well, I think a different fan base will arise from this type of album. It is not teetering on the edge, it is a far more controlled album than were used to. it's still good though, definitely worth a listen. Metallica's St. Anger? maybe, but far better, maybe more like Deftones' 'Saturday night wrist'. Expand
  19. Blake
    Sep 9, 2008
    Mr. D P B. how exactly is being about 10 times heavier being more mainstream? Take Butcher's Hook For instance... it's so chaotic you feel like your getting hit by a truck. It sound just like Rational Gaze by Meshuggah with it's random cymbal crashes and off-beat tempo. People don't like the album because they're not used to the sound, they're not used to Mr. D P B. how exactly is being about 10 times heavier being more mainstream? Take Butcher's Hook For instance... it's so chaotic you feel like your getting hit by a truck. It sound just like Rational Gaze by Meshuggah with it's random cymbal crashes and off-beat tempo. People don't like the album because they're not used to the sound, they're not used to heavy metal and they're not used to getting their asses kicked by an album. This album brings Iowa's brutality and Vol. 3's melody into one amazing album. Standout tracks include: Gematria, Sulfur, Butcher's Hook, Snuff (an amazingly catchy slower song) and All Hope is Gone. Expand
  20. ChrisE.
    Aug 26, 2008
    Slipknot has always progressed, each album evolving on the last, this isn't the first, nor iowa, nor subliminal verses. standing by itself, it is very good.
  21. DylanD.
    Aug 26, 2008
    An excellent, excellent album that shows the maturity of the group as a whole. Excellent turn to what sounds more thrash metal than Nu-Metal. For me, this album will only be beaten by Metallica's Death Magnetic.
  22. TylerG.
    Aug 28, 2008
    Culmination of their career. Freaking awesome in lamens terms. Hate with intelligence is presented here perfectly.
  23. victorb.
    Sep 3, 2008
    It was not what i expected at all, the songs are good but the tone of them is weird, i mean if your gonna do alternative with metal you have to put some distance between both... so i give it a thumbs up, but the band did not surpass the challenge of making a better album than the last.
  24. ShaunT
    Aug 26, 2008
    Slipknot has not gone soft or hard - they maintained the ferocity that fans have grown to love while progressively pushing their own evelope as to what they can and can't do. To hear the drumming alone is worth the disc price. I passed on the 3rd album as a departure to what i loved about "Iowa". I also considered Vol. 3's vocals a bit weaker and strained than it was on "Iowa". Slipknot has not gone soft or hard - they maintained the ferocity that fans have grown to love while progressively pushing their own evelope as to what they can and can't do. To hear the drumming alone is worth the disc price. I passed on the 3rd album as a departure to what i loved about "Iowa". I also considered Vol. 3's vocals a bit weaker and strained than it was on "Iowa". Corey delivers the same blood-curdling power that fans may have missed. If you are a fan of "Iowa," this album is an amazing counterpart to what made that album so great - and a chance to experience what I would consider the new standard in metal. Expand
  25. ALH.
    Aug 26, 2008
    Slipknots career has culminated to this album: it is the best summary of their music in one unbelievably impressive whole. the best metal release of the last 5 or so years...beat this Metallica.
  26. JaneC
    Aug 26, 2008
    The sound of this album is outstanding. So bone crunchingly perfect to listen to. Their best album yet!
  27. EdC.
    Sep 10, 2008
    This is a strong return for Slipknot. The songs are not that memorable. The musicanship is exciting and Cory's vocals are at there best when they are full blast. On each of the past albums there has always been two or three songs that you are screaming along with driving down the road. Here, those catchy metal anthems are few and far between. On the slow tracks, the eleven piece This is a strong return for Slipknot. The songs are not that memorable. The musicanship is exciting and Cory's vocals are at there best when they are full blast. On each of the past albums there has always been two or three songs that you are screaming along with driving down the road. Here, those catchy metal anthems are few and far between. On the slow tracks, the eleven piece monster looses a lot of steam. Another nice addition to the body of work, but nothing revolutionary. Expand
  28. JayV.
    Aug 26, 2008
    Totally amazing, unexpected in some aspects but none the less awe inspiring. A some how bleak yet vibrant expression of opinions and feeling about the world today and personal events.
  29. [Anonymous]
    Aug 26, 2008
    I love every single track on this cd. I don't really agree with the track order, but rearranged....and it is absolutely perfect.
  30. JeffM.
    Aug 26, 2008
    This CD is awesome! i can't stop listening to it!
  31. T.Saskwatch
    Aug 28, 2008
    This is a great album. It is quite a culmination of SlipKnot's entire musical career, it gives you a new sound but keeps it uniquely SlipKnot. There is a great contrast between the heavy and the uber deep... that's great but I think that some of the more "Metalhead" SlipKnot fans might no enjoy this as much as, say, SlipKnot or Iowa because it is overall less 'brutal' This is a great album. It is quite a culmination of SlipKnot's entire musical career, it gives you a new sound but keeps it uniquely SlipKnot. There is a great contrast between the heavy and the uber deep... that's great but I think that some of the more "Metalhead" SlipKnot fans might no enjoy this as much as, say, SlipKnot or Iowa because it is overall less 'brutal' but still an awesome musical masterpiece! Congrats to SlipKnot for making yet another truly unique album experience! Expand
  32. Jul 2, 2012
    SlipKnot are without much of a doubt, one of the most distinguished metal bands of all time. Their music are unique in their own rights, I purely posted on this album because it's my favourite one. SlipKnot (In general) are brilliant anyway, to any heavy-metal loving person.
  33. Jun 30, 2012
    It is hard to better Volume 3, and this was proven by All Hope Is Gone. It in itself is a great album with punishing sounds from Psychosocial and melodic efforts emphasizing Taylor's vocal abilities such as Child of a Burning Time. Great album, but not quite as good as previous.
  34. Mar 15, 2013
    This work has everything that characterizes slipknot:
    Hardness, melody, strong percussion, good lyrics, good DJ sound, etc.
    Definitely one of the best works of Slipknot and one of the best albums of 2008, is a complete disappointment that many do not hear this great work.
    This album definitely deserves a throne in the world of music of the decade 2000.
    They must listen before dying
  35. Oct 27, 2014
    Their worst album to DATE!!! the only good songs on here are Psychosocial and Sulfur the rest are watered down with acoustic guitars or they just are not as good as the others.
  36. Jul 27, 2016
    All Hope Is Gone is pretty much a tale of two halves: six of the album's 12 songs are more of the same complete world-beaters, while the other five (not counting the opener) are actually pretty mediocre... for Slipknot.

    That's the thing, they set such a high bar with Slipknot, Iowa and Vol. 3 that there was no way they could top it. Although that is the way it should be, I think. Either
    All Hope Is Gone is pretty much a tale of two halves: six of the album's 12 songs are more of the same complete world-beaters, while the other five (not counting the opener) are actually pretty mediocre... for Slipknot.

    That's the thing, they set such a high bar with Slipknot, Iowa and Vol. 3 that there was no way they could top it. Although that is the way it should be, I think. Either way, Gematria, Sulfur, Psychosocial, Dead Memories, Snuff and the title track are all absolutely incredible singles. The rest are pretty forgettable, but have some good moments.

    Elephant in the room: if you liked Corey and Jim's side project Stone Sour, you will love this... the choruses are huge, but the Slipknot charm is lacking in some places. It is hanging on by a thread, but I still play this very regularly.
  37. Sep 16, 2015
    "All Hope Is Gone" isn't bad, but it isn't as good as Slipknots previous albums. The music has its good moments and...less memorable. The albums starts with one of their worst intros ever, ".execute.". After that it's get good (for a little while). "Gematria (The Killing Name)", "Sulfur", "Psychosocial" and"Dead Memories" are four of the albums strongest tracks. After that you get five"All Hope Is Gone" isn't bad, but it isn't as good as Slipknots previous albums. The music has its good moments and...less memorable. The albums starts with one of their worst intros ever, ".execute.". After that it's get good (for a little while). "Gematria (The Killing Name)", "Sulfur", "Psychosocial" and"Dead Memories" are four of the albums strongest tracks. After that you get five songs that are decent, but not really good. The last two songs "Snuff" and "All Hope is Gone" is two of Slipknots best songs ("All Hope Is Gone" is also the best song by the band according to me). I would recommend this album, but get it cheap.

    Best song - "All Hope is Gone"
    Worst song - "Vendetta"
  38. May 21, 2020
    Favorite Slipknot album. The difference of sounding from a strong drive like "Gematria" to "Snuff" and "Till we die". Between them perfectly wedged "Dead Memories", "Psychosocial" - hit.
    I'd add a title track to the list of the best album tracks. I want to listen to this gloomy semi-drive again and again. The other tracks are also good, just look into the details to make sure that it's
    Favorite Slipknot album. The difference of sounding from a strong drive like "Gematria" to "Snuff" and "Till we die". Between them perfectly wedged "Dead Memories", "Psychosocial" - hit.
    I'd add a title track to the list of the best album tracks. I want to listen to this gloomy semi-drive again and again. The other tracks are also good, just look into the details to make sure that it's unique and not monotonous, as it seems at first glance.
  39. Jul 18, 2020
    I know that psychosocial is the most liked song, i don't know. But i really like That song called "Sulfur" its like one of the best metal songs ever made. And the Art of this album... It's so damn epic, but that's my opinion.
  40. May 8, 2021
    Amazing album, every song is amazing especially Sulfur, Psychosocial, Dead Memories, and Snuff, which all can be considered as masterpieces.
  41. Jun 21, 2022
    My favorite slipknot album.
    This album have it all, melodic songs, death metal stuff, 2 incredibles ballads
    It's perfect, slipknot made an excelent job with this album, this is why reached the top 1 on the billboard 200, this album have everything i want, it makes me sad how this album is the most hated by the band & in general is the album with the worst ratings, but i can't really found
    My favorite slipknot album.
    This album have it all, melodic songs, death metal stuff, 2 incredibles ballads
    It's perfect, slipknot made an excelent job with this album, this is why reached the top 1 on the billboard 200, this album have everything i want, it makes me sad how this album is the most hated by the band & in general is the album with the worst ratings, but i can't really found something wrong in this album, it's an absolute masterpiece.
    The best songs:
    Gematria (The Killing Name)
    Psychosocial Sulfur
    Dead memories
    This cold black All hope is gone 'Til We Die.

    If you like metal, please give it an oportunity to this masterpiece.
    Thank you Slipknot.
  42. Jan 29, 2023
    the best era of Slipknot this is good between metal and acoustic they combine it

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. All Hope Is Gone as a whole winds up being as bleak and unforgiving as its title.
  2. The set is at once Slipknot's most ambitious and accessible outing to date, with a broad palette of sounds and textures that shift faster than Michael Phelps off the starting block.
  3. Happily, Slipknot can pull in these directions and still maintain a new standard of bone-crunching intensity . There are louder metal bands in the world, for sure, but the Iowan nine-piece continue to make the most noise.